e'mail Lynne Abraham

by seamus twomey Friday, Aug. 11, 2000 at 5:15 PM

work from within

In a city such as Philadelphia, the machine is run on by clerks and secretaries, the only way to stop the machine is to jam the gears. If anyone knows the direct web address to Lynne Abraham please post it. Here is the web address that will let you send a letter from off the city's site. http://newweb.phila.gov/ . Work from within the system and find a weakness, pressure through correspondence the district attorney to redefine her position on the jailed protestors. Drive home the image of 40 female protestors wasting away in the frightening death of dehydration. If you don't think it is serious, that these 40 will falter in their convictions, consider the fact that they have already be jailed for their beliefs and that they have upped their ante from hunger strike to the exponentially more serious and dangerous water strike. The time is running out.

Original: e'mail Lynne Abraham