Zogby Poll Shows Support for R2K/D2K Protesters

by Reuters Thursday, Aug. 24, 2000 at 5:12 AM

A national poll shows widespread sympathy for R2K/D2K protesters.

[Note -- these are surprisingly good numbers and they give proof our movement has an enormous base to draw on. Let's get to work on our100 million supporters!]

Monday August 21 4:45 PM ET

Convention Protests Bring Mixed Reactions

UTICA, N.Y. (Reuters/Zogby) - Protests outside the recent Republican and Democratic national conventions drew mixed reactions from the public, a recent nationwide poll shows.

In a Zogby America survey of 1,004 adults, 32.9% said they were proud of the protesters, while another 31.2% said they were wary.

Another 13.2% were sympathetic and 15.7% irritated while 6.9% said they were not sure.

More Democrats reported feeling pride (38.2%) compared with 36.3% of independents and 24.3% of Republicans. Another 21.2% of Republicans were irritated compared with 13.9% of Democrats and 11.5% of independents.

Younger Americans felt more pride than older respondents did, with 41.1% of 18-29 year-olds and 42.5% of 30-49 year olds compared with 32.9% of 50-64 year olds and 18.8% of those ages 65 and older.

Those with more education also were more supportive, with 35.8% of those with some college education and 35% with at least a college degree expressed pride compared with 26.4% of high school graduates and 22.6% of those who never finished high school.

What we asked:

``When you see news accounts of protests outside of the Republican and Democrat conventions, are you sympathetic, wary, irritated or proud?''


Original: Zogby Poll Shows Support for R2K/D2K Protesters