No more protests

by Adriene Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2000 at 7:32 AM

If activists everywhere would drop everything and think and do nothing else other than try to make sure Nader is in the debates, over the next 10 weeks, we might change the world.

Don't get me wrong--the protests have been great.

But there is a presidential election coming up, and we have five weeks to make sure that Ralph Nader is included in the debate.

I hear that folks are planning the NEXT protest: the debates. Well, nothing like announcing to the establishment that we all accept that Ralph Nader, who would easily win the election if he got the amount of media attention given to Gush and Bore, will not be in the debates. Nothing like preparing for resignation and subjugation, provided we get to stage yet another protest on the streets.

A peaceful demonstration, maybe with some clever ideas, maybe a little rock throwing, lots of tear gas, more arrests, and brief media coverage, so the corporate ruling class can assure the public, "See, they had their say, we still live in a democracy."

Don't plan for failure! If people put their rebellious energy into making sure that Ralph gets IN the debates, well, that will make all the change in the world, literally. Creativity, outrage, passion, organizing skills--we all need to use this now, not for more protests, but to mobilize people to demand that Ralph is included. If Ralph is included in the debates, that alone will have more impact on the politics of this country, and the world, than all our protests of the next five years. He would speak to over a hundred million people, and based on this, could win an upset. Jesse Ventura was elected as a result of being included in the debates. Before the debates, he was polling in the single digits.

No more protests! If activists everywhere would drop everything and think and do nothing else over the next 10 weeks, Ralph could stand a chance of becoming the next president of the United States, and that would change the world.



Original: No more protests