Andy Rooney Is Down, Mostly Down

by Scoop Jackson Saturday, Aug. 19, 2000 at 12:13 AM

CBS' Andy Rooney can hardley see though the piles of cash at the Dem. Convo.

CBS' Rooney, on the demonstrations: "Unfortunately, most of the demonstrations at both conventions have been as uninteresting as the speeches. A peaceful demonstrations is no demonstration at all. ... The demonstrators apparently feel that our presidential election has been taken out of the hands of average Americans and turned over to the people with the most money. Well, you won't find me out there holding up a dumb sign. You won't find me being hog-tied by the police and thrown into the back of a paddy wagon. But, if money is what they are demonstrating about, I agree with them. Our presidential election has been taken over by the people with the most money. Unfortunately, no street demonstration is going to change that" ("Evening News," 8/17).

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Original: Andy Rooney Is Down, Mostly Down