Censored by IMC/Free Speech TV

by Miki Seifert & Willie Franco Thursday, Aug. 17, 2000 at 2:25 AM

On Monday, August, 14, during the IMC/Free Speech TV satellite meeting, my husband, Willie Franco, and I were told that Silencing Dissent, a segment that we put together for the Monday night show, was deemed too controversial to be aired.

On Monday, August, 14, at 2pm, during the IMC/Free Speech TV satellite meeting, my husband, Willie Franco, and I were told that Silencing Dissent, a segment that we put together for the Monday night show, was deemed too controversial to be aired. The focus of this controversy was that one of the issues to be discussed was the questions that are being raised about the validity of the hypothesis that HIV causes AIDS.

This segment had been on the Monday Night Grid from the beginning and had been discussed at several meetings. There had been a few questions about the focus of the panel, and privately, one person, who is very much involved in the current medical model, expressed concern about this issue, but nothing else was said. We had expected more questions and were prepared to educate people on this issue and provide the scientific research that I used to write the script, but no one asked.

Below is a summary of the segment and the text of the script that was too controversial for even the alternate media.

Silencing Dissent was to consist of a 5-minute video package, followed by a 10-minute panel discussion. As our goal was to open people

Original: Censored by IMC/Free Speech TV