Opportunity lost

by AIM Wednesday, Aug. 16, 2000 at 12:45 PM

With millions of eyes on the protest area prior to Rage where were the speakers?

as i arrived at the protest area, i saw several thousand eyes glued to stage in front of them anticipating one of the strongest political forces in music. with the eyes of the world upon that stage why weren't speakers scheduled to promote the cause...which cause? there were almost as many causes present as there were media people: human needs, pro-choice, education not bombs, three strikes, legalize marijuana, green party, socialist party, anti-sweatshop, ballona creek, mumia. there needs to be a unified representation of voice in order for the revolution to move forward. it needs to speak and be heard. i know it was heard i'm just not sure everyone there knew what it was talkin' about...opportunity lost.

i'm out...more later.

Original: Opportunity lost