by Anonymous Tuesday, Aug. 15, 2000 at 6:37 PM

Corporate Media journalists stood onstage at the Rage Against the Machine concert with IMC journalists as the police ordered dispersal on a lively but still peaceful crowd. When the crowd refused to disperse, teargas and rubber bullets were fired. Riot Geared officers on horseback panicked the crowd who rushed the fence.

Corporate Media journalists stood onstage at the Rage Against the Machine concert with IMC journalists as the police ordered dispersal on a lively but still peaceful crowd. When the crowd refused to disperse, teargas and rubber bullets were fired. Riot Geared officers on horseback panicked the crowd who rushed the fence.

As the police charged their horses over several small bon fires that had been lit with trash, officers on horseback stampeded the remaining 400 protestors. It is a unanimous report that police instigated violence and a brutal clampdown. The network news, in the meantime, continues its regular programming, ignoring the police brutality and demonizing protestors as vandals and troublemakers.

The streets of LA are plagued with sounds of hundreds of sirens and unrest. Reports are flooding the IMC of police brutality of protestors and young people at Pershing Square and around Downtown Los Angeles.