fix articles 999, line Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : line


The machine is broken (tags)

The presumption of mainstream economists and business journalists (as well as political and economic elites) is that the capitalist machine is the only possible one, and that it will work. Except it’s not: corporate profits have been growing (the red line in the chart above) but investment has been falling.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 25 (tags)

le journal d´anne frank n´est pas authentique

DIARY OF A CON MAN .2 (tags)

this looks like an album - a photo album/friendship album, not a proper diary at all.

Hormel Slaughterhouse Blood Mist Paralyzing Workers (tags)

The USDA founded in 1906 in response to Upton Sinclair's description of the agony of pigs at a Hormel plant in MN. is In 2011 once again in the news, because its workers are being paralyzed by inhaling blood mist

Standing Rock Solidarity Action (tags)

Community groups picket Safariland- a manufacturer of police weapons in Ontario, CA.

Problems with Measure M (tags)

I'm probably voting for M, but there are some problems.

France, Germany and Russia Back Ceasefire in Donbass: Hold the Cheers (tags)


kPFK under threatening duress - even to it's long-established staff by new Gen'l Mgr (tags)

A staff member, Ian Masters, who hosts a regular newsworthy program 6 days/week [and also has a public forum at the Hammer musem too which promotes KPFK by ] , has written a clear letter indicating his concerns . He wrote a truthful explanation of what is happening to programming and what he said about this also on-air, and has been duly threatened. Anyone concerned over such unreasonable acts at Our Radio Stattion should write to the current new GM at and state your views, concerns, and or willingness to continue pledging $$$.... or not. His emailed letter is below:

Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass (tags)


Ukraine Threatens Total Blockade on Donbass (tags)


Propaganda Accompanies Kiev's Buildup for Escalated Aggression (tags)

Ukraine is now on line. (tags) is now on line and will be featuring the sleazy scumbags at Public Storage who are scamming innocent people all over America.

Kiev's Poroshenko Vows Continued War (tags)


Donbas Conflict Resolution in Minsk? (tags)


Lavrov and Kerry in Beijing (tags)


Turkey is training ISIS / Islamic State (tags)

US ally Turkey hosts an ISIS training base, human rights groups demand its closure.

Unprecedented Settlement Construction Exposes Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Pacifica IS also KPFK, so let's not ignore what going on (tags)

Pacifica is struggling with who is it's new Executive Director with much dramatic flurries, acting outs, resistances, alliances, and stories barely coming out, even on internet. A few reports of happenings is being sent out to the 'rest of us' by Tracy Rosenberg, a former termed out PNB member. We here in LA are playing dumb and treated as if we were even dumber...muted actually. see her site for other stories and commentators too.

Walking the New Broadway (tags), the journal of the carfree movement, generously allows downloading 40 past issues.

Want to end poverty? Brazil's answer: Give people money (tags)

Though controversial, the government a decade ago decided that any family under the poverty line would be given enough money to put them over it. The transfers, which now go to 14 million people, has helped decrease income inequality in the country – incomes for the poorest are growing

Al-Assad with Charlie Rose interview on PBS, just missed it (tags)

A fascinating interview was just on and TV and it can be re-seen on internet. Sadly, all indications from the answers that were sly and slippery to Charlie's direct questions leads to another WAR COMING...made more obvious by seeing this.

Hezbollah's Nasrallah: Syria's the "Linchpin of Resistance" (tags)


Creating a Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Obama Heads Closer to War on Syria (tags)


Who watches the watchers? (tags)

Out of Order: When Prosecutors Cross the Line

Deconstructing the reality behind The Reality of the "Lesser Evil" (tags)

Which is why core policies of the state do not change by changing the front faces in the White House. Often minor domestic policy changes are put on the table and “then, vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy” just to maintain the facade of democracy and elections being the harbingers of the much needed change.

Netanyahu at It Again (tags)


Obama v. Netanyahu (tags)


Sucking Up Shamelessly to Israel (tags)


Republican owned corporation, Wilson, Pitruzzelli Investments, Harasses Artist Neighbor (tags)

The Republican owned corporation, Wilson, Pitruzzelli Investments, harasses their artist neighbor out of LA Arts District and now attempts to sue him in order to quash his personal blogs about what they did. Los Angeles Artist David Goldner vows to keep blogs on line and says the self serving owners of Wurstkuche Restaurant, Joseph Pitruzzelli and Tyler Wilson are trying to violate his first amendments rights and insists they have violated his rights since they arrived in the Los Angeles Arts District since 2009.

Wurstkuche Restaurant Desperately Tries to Quash Artist Blogs with Frivolous Law Suit (tags)

Artist vows to keep blogs on line and says every word about Wurstkuche owners, Tyler Wilson and Joseph Pitruzzelli is absolutely true and he won’t take one word back. Artist vows to keep his blogs on line forever.

Art Walkers Occupy Free Speech (tags)

When people at the downtown Art Walk joined with Occupy Los Angeles to assert their right to speak, LAPD answered with guns.

Please Oh LA Times Get A San Diego Section—Please! (tags)

The U-T has never been, over the time I have lived in southern California, a terribly great paper—despite all the awards the news industry gives onto itself. Yet it is really the opinion pages at the U-T that suck (even with less news and staff). OK, given that the front page is now celebrity central as Hollywood Variety Magazine—that is a tabloid sensation for a cult of personality is questionable too.

Venice Boardwalk Bathrooms yuk !! (tags)

Boardwalk Bathrooms -a shame for any city called Venice Having gone to Boardwalk this weekend, we were confronted with just how disgusting the bathrooms and their lack of availability actually is and has been for a while. It's Very UNSANITARY !

Leaflets and Truncheons at Riverside May Day rally (tags)

Report from Riverside, California, by Kevin Akin, Riverside County Chair of the Peace and Freedom Party.

#F29 Sheriff loses gun after a swing and a miss at peaceful protesters (tags)

#F29 noon OCCUPY protest at Walmart distribution center in Loma Linda, CAL. About 80 police from area form up a picket line with snatch teams to challenge protesters blocking Hamner St. At: 1:24--Pepper guns are drawn at aimed at the peaceful protesters 2:35--Protester accused of challenging "line authority" 3:15--Command calls a 1015 on the trashcan 3:19--Snatch squad dives in to make arrest 3:25--A baton swing and a miss 3:26--Police face plant 3:28--Gun out 3:34--Gun holstered 3:47--Bandana girl takes a hard one 3:52--Down female assisted to her feet by cop 3:55--Whack-a-protester with now vertical female 4:02--Halt called to line advance

F29 Walmart Warehouse Shutdown: Victory at Dawn (tags)

Wednesday, February 29, 2011
EASTVALE, California - Nearly 300 people arrived at six in the morning in this desolate inland city with the intent to shut down the world's largest distribution center for Walmart goods. Activists from Occupy Riverside, Occupy LA, other Southern California occupys, community activists, and student groups arrived at the Schneider warehouse only to find that the management had closed the facility of its own accord. Having tasted victory at dawn, the group soon set its sights much higher.

YES !! it's us = ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Repeat as prior Pubishing did not provide paragraph spacing for proper reading !!! was "Indy system failure " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

Occupy the Ports - A Day without Goldman Sachs (tags)

December 12, 2011
LONG BEACH, California - Heeding the call of Occupy Oakland, who called for a shutdown of west coast ports in response to the brutal eviction of occupy encampments nationwide, and in solidarity with expolited port workers and truckers, about 500 militant occupiers and their friends shut down Terminal J of the Port of Long Beach, the home of SSA Marine, an investment of the criminal enterprise Goldman Sachs and the main stakeholder of the US government.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

police reports filed for on line harassment (tags)

See criminal complaints filed by geral sosbee against cyberstalker/thugs.

Anti-revisionist struggle and cultural revolution: Consequence to the CPP (tags)

I wish to speak on the significance and relevance of the Marxist-Leninist struggle against modern revisionism since 1956 and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) since 1966. And I wish to deal with this large subject by examining the impact and consequences of the aforesaid historic events to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Threats and Bans Globally For Posting My Reports (tags)

Free speech is often undermined when government operatives control some Indy Media groups and public message boards. See a few examples in this report.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent and ongoing provocations being made by the US and the South Korean puppet government against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We are one with International ANSWER Coalition in calling for mass action in the nation’s capital, Washington DC on November 27, 2010 to stop the war and end the tension in the two nation peninsula.We add our voice in a call to stop imperialist provocations for a new war in Korea. We reserve another strongest condemnation to the puppet Philippine government of Noynoy Aquino III for jumping hook line and sinker in condemning the DPRK as the aggressor party in toeing the US Imperialist line.

BTL:As U.S. Poverty Rises, GOP and Tea Party Work to Undermine Social Safety Net (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

New NSA replacing Jones supports harder line against Iran (for AIPAC/Israel of course!) (tags)

New NSA replacing Jones supports harder line against Iran (for AIPAC/Israel of course!)

Obama's Hard Line Neo-Con Agenda (tags)

police state America

Israel Denies Gazans Access to Their Own Land and Waters (tags)

Ruthless Israeli repression

Oprah, Me and Reality TV (tags)

My escapades auditioning for on Oprah Winfrey’s new reality program, "Your Own Show." Ten contestants will compete to host their own television show on Oprah’s new network, OWN.

Open Letter from the Internationalist Group to the Spartacist League and ICL (tags)

The Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League it leads are in deep political trouble. On April 27, the International Executive Committee of the ICL issued a statement “Repudiating Our Position on Haiti Earthquake,” headlined “A Capitulation to U.S. Imperialism.” After three months of “zealous apologies for the U.S. imperialist military intervention” in the name of humanitarian aid, the ICL suddenly declared that this was a fundamental “betrayal” and the Internationalist Group had been right all along in demanding U.S./U.N. troops out. While agreeing with the IG’s characterization of the ICL’s policy as “social-imperialist”and calling for a “savage indictment” of its own line, the ICL’s explanation for this betrayal – failure to have a formal discussion – doesn’t answer how an entire organization which proclaims itself revolutionary Marxist and Trotskyist could swallow this support for imperialism for months. Its origins can be found in years of capitulation to U.S. imperialism, notably by abandoning the call for its defeat in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Open Letter by the Internationalist Group urges those in the ICL who do not wish to continue gyrating in centrist confusion to examine the real record of their organization’s adaptations and capitulations to “its own” bourgeoisie over the past years.

Nazis Hold Rally At Los Angeles City Hall (tags)

Out of Shape National Socialists Enrage and Unify Los Angeles Anti Racist Factions / photo Set 1 of 1

Take Public Transit to the Anti-Nazi Rally (tags)

Don't even bother trying to park down there.

"Skilled, Professional Management" Grace Aaron Style: No KPFK: Transmitter Down (tags)

Item 5 of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK's slick slate mailer in 2008 promised, "Skilled, Professional Management." Since their victory, they have repeatedly told us they brought it to us. Now we see the result: KPFK Off the Air.

Global Warming (tags)

A Weakening Magnetic Field is the REAL Cause of Global Warming and the REAL threat


LAPD is awarding its highest honor- the Medal of Valor- to 10 SWAT troops who killed 18 month old baby Susie Pena in Watts.

On Developments in Nepal and the Stakes for the Communist Movement (tags)

"Does the current trajectory in Nepal and the course taken by the CPN(M) represent an historic new thing, a victory and breakthrough in advancing the communist revolution in the 21st century, as some have claimed; or—as many others fear—does this represent a setback and betrayal of the goals of the revolution and of the heroic struggle waged to achieve them, and a serious departure from the communist cause that the CPN(M) claims to be fighting for?"

NV; Proposed Natural Gas Pipeline Near Fault (tags)

The proposed natural gas pipeline from Wyoming through Utah and Nevada to end at the CA/OR border town Malin and would pass very near a site of a recent 6.0 earthquake, in addition to many other ecologically sensitive or seismically active sites..

VIDEO Israelis open fire at international activists & palestinian farmers (tags)

24th February 2009 Khoza'a, Khan Younis , Gaza Strip: Palestinian farmers, accompanied by international human rights workers, were fired upon by Israeli forces in the village of Khozaa, near Khan Younis, this morning. The farmers and human rights workers were attempting to work on land around 300m from the Green Line.

Next the Venice NIMBYs Vote to Exterminate Homeless People? (tags)

Big Election in Venice is Biggest Fiasco!

A thanks day in Venice, a happy story (tags)

Did you miss the” Feed the Venice Beach” on Thanksgiving day? The "home-lesser" and all who walk the boardwalk ate ravenously and venice residents gave generously. A happy newly-formed-families story.

LAPD suppresses radical art space (tags)

Imagine a place where people can come together to exchange ideas, create art, play music, and otherwise invest in a better world, starting here and now in Los Angeles. Some LA heads went beyond imagining and created it. After many hours of hard work and planning, they finally opened it up to the community to host a hip hop show, a benefit for next month's anarchist bookfair. The crowd was mostly young people from a variety of backgrounds and different parts of the city. Some of us were painting and organizing for the first Los Angeles Really Really Free Market, but mostly people were just bobbing their heads to the beats. We were obviously a threat to the system and the American way of life.

Record Turn Out and Long Lines at Polls (tags)

LOS ANGELES, November 4, 2008 – Local voting precincts are seeing an unprecedented voter turn out today. Long lines are reported polling places throughout the city at many locations. Waits of up to two hours reported at some polling places.

Angry Protests at S.F. Mortgage Bankers Conference (tags)

The annual national conference of the Mortgage Bankers Association was greeted by angry protests outside the Moscone West convention center in San Francisco on October 19-20. The demonstrations initiated by the ANSWER Coalition received extensive coverage from nearly all mainstream Bay Area media.

Free Speech Radio News Credibility Takes Dive (tags)

Free Speech News' Plans to reform itself with content paralleling mainstream Public Radio and commercial news, shown by its July 30, 2008 "Taliban War Propaganda Tools in Pakistan," mystifies listeners

Fix the Expo Line (tags)

The Expo Line will kill the poor but not the rich.

Quake win a defensive battle royale 5-0 (tags)

The California Quake women's tackle football team is on a roll this 2008 season. After winning 5-0 against the SoCal Breakers they are seeking for another victory against the New Mexico Menace.

STAR WARS PROTEST: Vandenberg Air Force Base (tags)

VANDENBERG AIR FORCE BASE, CA: On the 25th anniversary of the ICBM program at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California, activists gathered to march and rally in support of nuclear disarmament in outer space.

US Patents for HIV AIDS and Patent for CURE (tags)

Here it is the proof... along with this there is thirty years of documentation of the developement and distribution of AIDS as will as who worked on the project..just google the patents...

Villaraigosa and Huizar Renege on Promises to Protect the Southwest Museum (tags)

"Obviously, the Mayor and Council Member Huizar are together with the Autry. My personal opinion is that politics; money; and lobbying, that Autry pays very highly for, have trumped the will of the people of Highland Park and Northeast L.A." -- Nicole Possert, co-chair, Friends of the Southwest Museum Coalition

David J. Hart, a Local Soldier Killed in Iraq, Returns Home (tags)

David J. Hart, of Lake View Terrace, died in Balad of wounds suffered in a firefight with insurgents Jan. 8 in Samarra, north of Baghdad. He was 22.

"Solidarity Works!" Purple and Red Join Forces in Writers' Guild March (tags)

On Tuesday, November 20, the Writers Guild of America held a march on Hollywood Boulevard in which they invited their brothers and sisters in the labor movement to come out in support of their strike, now in its third week.

Report from a WGA Picket Line (tags)

CULVER CITY, November 7, 2007 - About 45 WGA members formed a picket line outside Culver Studios today in Culver City.

Video from the WGA strike picket lines (tags)

CULVER CITY, November 7, 2007 - About 45 WGA members formed a picket line outside Culver Studios today in Culver City.

On the Line in the Port of Oakland (tags)

Dockworkers honored a community picket line in the Port of Oakland on May 19, 2007, and the shipping operations of a war profiteer were shut down for two shifts. Cargo did not move at the SSA terminal that day. It takes only two lines to sum this up, but it took two months to prepare. daily market movers digest midday report for July 23rd HTRE, CMKT, CBMC, CNLG (tags)

Giuen Media

Candidate Alexander: Labor, War and Education Connects (tags)

Stewart A. Alexander, a presidential hopeful with the Peace and Freedom Party, applaud the actions of the ILWU Local 10 and Local 34 for lending their strong support to anti-war protesters at the SSA shipping terminals in Oakland, California. On May 19 the Port Action Committee, the Oakland Education Association, along with teacher, students and community activist demanded that the U.S. get out of Iraq and called on other unionists throughout the United States to mobilize in action to stop the war.

A Chorus Line Returns To Hollywood High (tags)

The "Line" returns to Hollywood, CA at the World Famous Hollywood High Auditorium located at 1521 Highland Avenue at Selma. On June 8, 15, 16, 2007 at 8 PM and June 17, 2007 at 2 PM, A Chorus Line will hit the stage with stellar performances by the students from the Hollywood High Performing Arts Center, Tickets on sale now at Need more info? Contact 323-461-7139 or email

Police Terror in the Park (tags)

The police shoot and tear gas families celebrating immigrants and May Day

Police Terror in the Park (tags)

The police shoot and tear gas families celebrating immigrants and May Day

Bush, cheney and Boehner for front line (tags)

They were cowards in the last war but they are brave now.

Pentagon Focus of a Spirited Peace Demonstration (tags)

The Pentagon was the focus of a spirited Peace demonstration on March 17, 2007. The crowd in the tens of thousands heard from over 30 riveting speakers. Activist Cindy Sheehan said: “Let’s stop this b... s...These b... s.... wars. It’s for the make them rich and line the pockets of the...war criminals.” She added: “We’re the deciders. And we have decided that we want Bush and Cheney impeached...indicted...and imprisoned.”

The Triple Bottom Line (tags)

A talk with Alyson Slator on the Global Reporting Initiative.. Not only the financial bottom line counts, but also the social and environmental ones.. Obviously it is very embarrassing if a company has been cooking its environmental books.

Downtown Long Beach Protest Gets Attacked by Police, CWLA Member Arrested (tags)

First Hand Accounts from Demonstration in Downtown Long Beach Against Military Recruiters in our Communities Friday December 8th

Dec. 8th Long Beach Protest Followup (tags)

After-protest meeting notes about the Dec. 8th Anti-Recruitment and GI Resistance demonstration

2 officers accused of skipping line to buy PlayStation 3 consoles (tags)

Bad piggies used their guns and badges to get out of waiting in line.

A Strange March Up Broadway (tags)

The Minutemen marched through the heart of the downtown Los Angeles shopping district and the heart of a vital, bustling immigrant community on Saturday.

MinuteKlan Update from Campo (tags)

Report from a minuteklan member in Campo, Ca.

New for Valentines: Love and Peace E-Greeting Cards (tags)

Greetings "give peace a chance" to be remembered at major holidays. PeaceWish.Com now soliciting artwork for Spring Holiday greetings.

Plan to Restore Streetcars in Angelino Heights (tags)

"More than 27 other cities across our country have installed similar trolley lines. It's about time that Los Angeles catches up." -- Bruce Lash, president Angelino Heights Trolley Line, Inc.

from slave patrol to border patrol (tags)

Screening of Rights on the Line and Panel Discussion with Arnoldo Garcia, Monica Hernandez, and Chris Newman SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2 P.M

Lessons from a Criminal Complaint (tags)

Observation on the criminal complaint against ERIC McDAVID, LAUREN WEINER, and ZACHARY JENSON.

Party at the Farm (tags)

The farmers and the community get down so they don't get plowed under.

Interview: Filmmaker Barbara Kopple (tags)

SEIU employee and filmmaker interviews two-time Oscar winning director Barbara Kopple on her film about striking coal miners, "Harlan County, U.S.A." The film comes out on DVD this month.

KFI Protest (tags)

Circle the wagons; there are non-white people exercising their right to assemble and free speech.

Video from Protest at Gov Fundraiser (tags)

About 150 people protested the current governor at a fundraiser in Beverly Hills today.


The IBU members who work for Marine Spill Response Corp. walked off the job in an unfair labor practice strike at 6:30a.m. today, June 23. Please join them on their picket line: 190 South Pico Ave., across from the CUT terminal in the Port of Long Beach.

What side are you on? (tags)

We seem to be on the edge of a precipice. Maybe we have already been pushed into the abyss. It really depends on who is in control.

Garden Grove: From Where I Stood (tags)

A report on Garden Grove, from the street.

Minutemen Car Hits 4 Protestors - 8 Felony Charges (tags)

Chican@ protestors + allies show fierce determination in the face of attempted murder by Minutemen and brutal suppression by police.

Baldwin Park: Who's Land? Our Land! (tags)

Report on Baldwin Park counter-action against Save Our State.

Baldwin Park (tags)

El PUEBLO unido

New Software, Bad Geography Catch Houston Voters in a Pinch (tags)

After delivering names to prosecutors and partisan attorneys that contributed to 150 depositions taken from Houston voters, experts now explain how historical circumstances played an important role in the high number of voters pursued in the attempt to unseat Hubert Vo.

Guatemalan ex-dictator Rios Montts' Gospel Outreach church based in Eureka Ca. (tags)

Rios Montt is under house arrest thes days

Killing a Story, Helping to Elect a Corrupt, Lying President (tags)

Finally revealed in Extra! magazine: The inside story of how the New York Times and Washington Post both killed the story of Bush’s cheating use of a secret hearing device in the presidential debates, possibly influencing the outcome of the presidential race.

Flu Shot Shortage? NO LINES AT KAISER! (tags)

)o: ???

PeaceJam comes to LA (tags)

PeaceJam to begin programs in LA and throughout California with upcoming fundraiser

Hotel Workers Picket Lines in SF (tags)

Cops step up harrasment of picketers at Palace Hotel. Now passing drivers can't honk in support.

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

Report from RNC protests in NYC (tags)

plainclothes police rush protesters with motocylces

The Democratic Party, Unions, and Israel (tags)

Is there a line of attack that can potentially unite leftists interested in a campaign to divest from the Israeli occupation, a rank-and-file campaign to promote union democracy, and a campaign to create a political party of the working class and our allies? Misuse of pension funds.

Public Extermination Project (tags)

Following 911, a specific public works project became "classified." This project has lethal capabilities, on a scale that has devastating possibilities, for innocent civilians in the U.S.

Vote Bush Out (tags)

Email all your friends, and family. With the above subject line.

The Lady of Liberty (tags)

Liberty Bound's Christine Rose shares her experience with police brutality at a protest.

Need Housing During The DNC? (tags)

The Bl(a)ck Tea Society will coordinate housing for people who were unable to find housing on our forums or whose plans have fallen through or changed.

A Personal Farewell to Ronald Reagan (tags)

Kirby Krackle reports on his experience at the Lying in State of Ronald Wilson Reagan

Will the Fence calm the region or exacerbate the conflict? (tags)



California workers hold the line on health care (tags)

Somehow surviving on $20 per day strike pay, the United Food and Commercial Workers continue to maintain a picket line outside Vons and Albertsons grocery stores in Southern California. Seventy thousand workers are on strike against Safeway/Vons in Southern California -- and locked out by Albertsons and Kroger/Ralphs. Despite a 91% profit growth over the last five years, the grocery chain owners are demanding wholesale cuts in employee health care benefits. Workers from seven locals voted over 90% to reject the offer by three of the largest supermarket operators in the country, Vons (Safeway-owned), Ralphs (Kroger-owned) and Albertsons and set up picket lines October 11, 2003. See

Words and images from the picket line (tags)

Words and images from the picket line

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (tags)

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line (tags)

Attorney James Demaegt not Intimidated by Police at Picket Line

Vons Strike Continues -- Pacific Coast Highway (tags)

On January 16, employees on strike from Vons and Ralphs were picketing in front of the Vons on Pacific Coast Highway in Pacific Palisades.

Be sure to check out all the photos from this story! They are posted on

Von's hq. Civil disobedience arrests (tags)

Von's headquarters in Arcadia.800-1,000 on the picket line. Civil disobedience arrests.

Picket Line - Albertsons (tags)

Crenshaw and MLK after the parade

(1) NLG, LASSO Firing up the Picket Line (tags)

Sunday at 9 AM Jim DeMaegt from the National Lawyers Guild came to the Vons supermarket in Hermosa Beach to speak about the strikers civil rights—free speech. He asked the strikers not to be intimidated by the police and the manager of the store.

Trolls Sabotaging IMC Site? (tags)

Messages flattened, ridiculous red fields taking up space.

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line (tags)

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line ANSWER LASSO Photo's

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line (tags)

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line ANSWER LASSO Photo's

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line (tags)

12/30 6AM El Monte Picket Line ANSWER LASSO Photo's

A production line of death at the mass graveyard (tags)

Angus McDowall describes the aftermath of the killer 6.3 earthquake in the city of Bam in Kerman province of Iran early on Friday, killing at least 20,000 people and injuring ten of thousands of others.

Dec 30, 6 AM. Support grocery strikers. Possible civil disobedience in blocking trucks (tags)

Join ANSWER, LASSO, and others on Tuesday Dec 30, 6 AM in an action supporting grocery strikers Some may engage in civil disobedience to block the trucks. (Vons trucks generally load up at 6 AM hence the early time)

Help Grocery Workers and Their Families (tags)

Good links for info and aid to grocery strikers

‘Shut down Safeway’s profits’ (tags)

Workers hold the line for health care LOS ANGELES – “Empty Safeway’s stores and cash drawers” by taking action to cut them off from the source of their money – consumers and communities, United Food and Commercial Workers President Doug Dority told a massive rally and march here Dec. 16.

Internet outflanks zionists' Maginot Line (tags)

"In New York, Hassidic Jews openly equate Zionism with Nazism, and consider the state of Israel to be a blasphemy. Are these people anti-Semitic?"

Scabs Attack in Long Beach (tags)

When Scabs attack workers.

Mar Vista NPJ Joins the Food Fight! (tags)

Direct action taken 11/15/03 at Vons in Mar Vista in support of the striking Food Workers.

challenging European/American male patriarchy (tags)

Oppression is perpetuated by wealthy European/American white male patriarchs; from Columbus slaughtering First People of North America to U.S. Dictators GW Bush and Cheney. The oppressed people were/are Iraqi, Dineh, African, Irish and any other race/nationality that did not suit the dominator's patriarchal culture.

UN Accuses Israel Of Annexation By Stealth (tags)

A hard-hitting United Nations report has warned that Israel will effectively annex large tracts of Palestinian territory by ordering thousands of Arabs living near the new security wall to apply for a permit to stay in their homes.

Bush blames Saddam Hussein for solar storm (tags)

Health care costs spark Calif. strikes (tags)

VAN NUYS, Calif. – Daniel Lucra, 19, just wants to keep his health care in case he gets sick or hurt on his job behind the deli counter at Albertson’s, where slippery floors and sharp blades can cause injuries.

Delivery Semi Crosses Picket Line (tags)

A semi, driven by a non-Teamster crosses the picket line at a Ralph's supermarket in Hollywood, CA 0m 34s

Focus On Jerusalem ~ (Michael Tarazi's Bad Fences Part IV) (tags)

International And Humanitarian Law IS Non-Negotiable. US tax dollars should NOT be funding any kind of terrorism, including this!

Practicing Protest (tags)

This article reviews basic street protest tactics and techniques. Practice them at your next party so you are ready to go at the next protest!

Saving face, losing a war (tags)

"Bring 'em on," the man said. He is not a brave man, but he plays one on television. When it came his turn to fight in a war, he hid behind Daddy. Then he had another drink and hid from the National Guard. Then he had another drink.

Bad News! If You're Not Part of the Top %10 Corporations, GW's Policies Will Not Help You (tags)

This is a short rebuttal to the biased Reuter's article that claims that George W. Bush's so-called "free market" economics are working. Cut through all the financial broker's jargon in the piece and you'll see that it doesn't say anything about job losses in the service sector, or that the so-called upsurge is based on profits made by primarily defense-related corporations that benefited from bush's tax cut for the rich.

Fools Gold: New Light Rail System Not Worth the Price (tags)

In comparison to the MTA’s notoriously overcrowded buses that creep along through the Los Angeles metro area, stopping every 2 or 3 blocks for passengers and red lights, there’s no doubt the Gold Line represents a new era for car-free residents in the adjacent neighborhoods. Yet there is an even better alternative for people wanting to make long distance commutes.



GOP slammed for ‘police state tactics’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – An angry melee July 17 in which Ways and Means Chair Bill Thomas (R-Calif.) called out the Capitol police to evict Democratic House members from a congressional meeting room is part of a ruthless Republican “power grab,” warn lawmakers, labor, and other grassroots advocates.

Pasadena-Los Angeles light-rail line to open Saturday - against Bus Riders Union's wishes (tags)




The Problem (tags)

A brief summary of the issues.

Ha, ha SUCKERS. (tags)

"It's all over but the shouting. And the screaming. And the endless years of U.S. occupation in the Middle East, the quiet building of U.S. military bases in Iraq so we can keep those uppity bitches Syria and Egypt and Lebanon in line, forge ahead with the long-standing plan to strong-arm those damn Islamic nuts into brutal compliance with Bushco's bleak blueprint for World Inc. What, too bitter? Hardly. "

Raising Victor Vargas (tags)

Finally, an independent film with realism



Enough Bush bullsh-t already... (tags)

The land of the SATOMASICHIST and the home of the MENTAL SLAVE!!!

EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq



3/19/03 Westwood Demonstration Pictures (tags)

Account with Pictures of Antiwar Demonstration at Westwood Federal Building March 19, 2003.

RW: An Unjust and Illegitimate War (tags)


Mass Transition: The Gold Line's Challenge to N.E. Los Angeles (tags)

The new Gold Line light-rail project and gentrification in Northeast Los Angeles From the Arroyo Arts Collective Newsletter vol14, no2 March/April 2003


On Wed. March 5… You could call in sick. (sick of war, sick of militarism…)

Shut Down Your City March 5 National Moratorium (tags)

endorse and mobilize for March 5th national moratorium and student strike

Laura Bush afraid of Poets (tags)

The First Lady (wasn't that Eve?) was afraid to continue with a Whitehouse poetry reading when it turned out that most of the poets don't like murdering children. The URL tells part of the story. Sam Hamill's poem here tells it all.

UCLA Student Arrested at Scchool of Americas For Non-Violent Civil Disobedience (tags)

Description of arrest at Fort Benning

peace rally at federal building oct. 6, 2002 (tags)

thousands gather in front of the federal building in westwood to protest war in iraq.

Violent repression of political dissent commences in Portland (tags)

Rubber bullets and pepper spray were used against members of the media, elderly persons and families with small children. Photographer Troy Pickard (pictured) was among the first shot.

Short list of ILWU Solidarity (tags)

Short List of ILWU Solidarity

Long Beach City Council (tags)

This is a report back from the LB CC meeting, where the city prosecutor made a presentation about the trial of anarchists.

APARTHEID - Israeli style (tags)

This map from Reuters News Agency shows the area around the Palestinian West Bank where Israel is now building a "security fence."

April 20 SF Peace March: Buses from Los Angeles Available (tags)

April 20, 2002 Peace March in San Francisco: Information on Buses from Los Angeles and location of San Francisco march. From:

Anarchists clash with police during an attempted counter protest against Racists (tags)

A account of the clash between the SKAA shield line, and federal law enforcefment

FBI pulls Raisethefist Yahoo Discussion List (tags)

FBI Pulls Yahoo Discussion List. update. Friends looking for him. (tags)

Update on the situation. Chantel G posted this to a local mailing list.

The last line of defense of American Civil Liberties is under attack. (tags)

As one might expect from the supreme court installed dictator in the White House and his pals in the congress, it now looks as though the last line of defense of American civil liberties is under attack.

Only Poetry Can Address Grief: Moving Forward after 911 (tags)

In the middle of the Anti-Capitalist Convergence march in Washington DC last month, I found myself nose to nose with a line of police attempting to push the crowd back. I was facing an angry but very short policewoman so in my case it was actually nightstick to bosom. "Get back, get back!" she was shouting, but our line was not giving ground. I explained to her, calmly and I thought, quite reasonably, that we were not going to get back, because there was nowhere for us to go.

Blockade Over/Italian Ship Unloads at Long Beach (tags)

After successful blockades in Portland and Oakland, the Cielo De San Francisco unloaded suprisingly early for the 5 activists who showed up to picket. The ship was blockaded in memory of the ship's links to the brutality of Genoa's G-8 streets.

The Cielo di San Francisco and Who IS Affected By These Actions (tags)

One of the organizers of the Portland picket of the Italian cargo ship the Cielo di San Francisco explains who was affected by that action and why they chose that target.

Police Line Up for Congratulations at San Diego City Council (tags)

On Monday, July 23 the San Diego City Council voted unanimously to commend the San Diego Police Department, County Sheriff's Department, Highway Patrol, Harbor Police and FBI for a job well done in creating a police-state atmosphere in San Diego during the biotech convention June 24-27, keeping down the number of protesters and profiling people based on their clothing choices and anti-corporate T-shirts. Picture shows a line of some of the police officers who attended the meeting to receive this honor.

Front Line of March, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1 (tags)

Front Line of March, Hidden Graphic For Strawman_1

Hollander Workers on Picket Line (tags)

Hollander Home Fashion workers videotaped by security as they walk the picket line.

Germany: nuclear protest as shipment leaves France (tags)

Protesters have massed in northern Germany to try to block a controversial shipment of nuclear waste on its way from a reprocessing plant in France.

Netstrike against trading on line ! (tags)

Netstrike against trading on line !

Police Overly Agressive -- March for U'wa Land Rights -- Police Charge (tags)

As police moved forcibly to clear the streets of a peaceful and legally permitted march, calm gave way to chaos. The slow moving police-with-bully-club line suddenly parted and 10 or 15 police officers came running and swinging at the crowd. People who fell were trampled or hit by the advancing police line.

Police Overly Agressive -- Monday's March for U'wa Land Rights -- Police Line (tags)

Police became enraged and pushed this peaceful and legally permitted march many blocks back into Pershing Square. Screaming in unison like militarized football players, an advancing police line jabbed and swung at anyone trying to reason with police or assert a right to continue the march.

Response to DJK and the call for active defense (tags)

For those who think that non-violence is not working and are claiming that they want to step-up to the baiting of violent agencies and bodies, the question is are you going to be the one to take charge of a situation and be on the front line, the buffer to take the hits?

Then why... (tags)

Human Need Protest march 8-14-00 (tags)

Photos: Police line up at intersection during march Rage concert crowd shot official protest zone Crowd dispersion after 1st rubber bullet/tear gas encounter Front line of human need march


Storm trooper clad Los Angeles Police officers arrested a group of bicyclers protesting the oil industry, and blockaded the Metro Blue line stranding rush hour commuters for about forty minutes at Flower and 18th Street Tuesday afternoon.

delegates bordering blue line pico & figueroa (tags)

delegates bordering blue line pico & figueroa going into hollywood

Subway Turned Back in Downtown L.A. (tags)

The LAPD turn back a subway car headed into downtown L.A.

Police Form a Line (tags)

L.A.P.D. forms a line to keep the anti-VCT demonstrators on the north side of Wilshire at the July 4th protest in front of the Federal Building in L.A.

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