fix articles 99709, los angeles daily news
Attorney Richard I. Fine Released (tags)
Bogusly charged attorney released
Hold the MSG: It’s Not Risk-Free (tags)
MSG is a secret saboteur of health; the food industry tricks consumers into buying products with free glutamic acid (or MSG) by listing it under any one of 43 innocent-sounding names, such as natural flavoring, seasonings, yeast extract, spices, pectin or citric acid.
Gnomes, Smiley Faces and the LA Gay Debate (tags)
I attended the televised Democratic debate in Los Angeles, which focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) issues. The evening’s theme was about moving towards a necessary equality
LA City Council flushs First Amendment down the toilet (tags)
Ratcheting up restraints on public comment, the Los Angeles City Council on Tuesday unanimously approved new rules of ''decorum'' designed to squelch offensive and disruptive behavior at council meetings, ranging from foul language and racial slurs to singing, whistling, foot-stamping and other boisterous conduct.
Press Conference June 22 10:00 (tags)
Press Conference to protest the Iraqi war will be held at Rep. Berman's district office on Thurs, June 22, 10:30am at 14546 Hamlin Street, Van Nuys, CA. 91411. Contacts: Rebecca Gonzalez-Tobias (310) 916-8888, Michael Jay (818) 783-6684
My Adventure Presenting Animal Rights Philosophy to the FBI (tags)
The FBI paid me to fly to the Washington D.C. area to lecture law enforcement executives and managers from around the world about animal rights philosophy.
Going Undercover to Become Donald Trump’s Apprentice (tags)
Casting for next season's "The Apprentice" is underway in New York, Tampa, Denver, Memphis, Sacramento, Chicago, Hartford, Honolulu, San Diego, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Phoenix. I went undercover at the Los Angeles auditions to bring you details about how the process works.
RW: Secret Police Round-Ups in L.A. (tags)