fix articles 9963, steven starr
The Unthinkable: Possible Nuclear War with Russia (tags)
Nuclear Meltdown in Japan (tags)
The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East (tags)
Iran and Israel: Ambiguous Nuclear Weapons At present, there is only one country in the Middle East with "secret" and ambiguous stockpiles of nuclear weapons. (full references and links at bottom)
Comments to the Federal Communications Commissioner Ownership Hearing - University of Southern California 4-28-03
first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. sunday, 1 pm (tags)
first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. 1pm - 4pm sunday, november 24th '02 1405 Scott Ave., Echo Park.
"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)
Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened
"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)
Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened
"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)
Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened. The Pacifica Radio Network, with five stations and numerous affiliates, has seen enough trouble over the last three years. It was left with a $4.8 million debt and in a state of organizational chaos by a corrupt board of directors that was mercifully removed last December by a determined army of reformers and four lawsuits.
7/15 8 PM: KPFK Asian Pacific Islander Radio Collective production meeting (tags)
**Next KPFK Asian Pacific Islander Radio Collective (API-LA) production meeting **Monday, July 15, 8:00 PM **Arts in Action-Los Angeles, 1919 W. 7th St. 4th floor (between westlake and Bonnie brae near MacAthur Park) **For more information, contact: Lee Siu Hin (626)695-3405
Veteran KPFK 90.7 FM Producer and Technical Director Roy Hurst was named interim general manager of the Los Angeles Pacifica affiliate station, following the departure of Steven Starr, whose 60-day commitment to the post has ended.
KPFK Announces the Departure of Host Marc Cooper (tags)
Some breaking news of interest to many LA activists...
Steven Starr, KPFK Interim General Manager (tags)
the iGM takes questions from listeners at an advisory board meeting.
Take Marc Cooper off the air (tags)
An open letter to Steven Starr
KPFK - Good Luck Steven Starr (tags)
Here are a few words from a member of the LAIMC collective for the new General Manager at KPFK.
Steven Starr, Interim General Manager of KPFK
Open Letter to Pacifica Community (tags)
Open Letter to the Pacifica community of listeners from the Interim General Manager, Steven Starr.
Steven Starr Heads KPFK as Interim General Manager (tags)
IndyMedia activist and filmmaker Steven Starr has joined KPFK, the Los Angeles station in the five-station Pacifica Network, to lead an interim team designed to build and restore the station to its original mission.