fix articles 9954, station Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : station



la cia a roma durante i 55 : hugh montgomery


Hard evidence for the umpteenth NATO-scripted ww3-consensus-building psyop.


umpteenth bbc ww3-mongering fakery exposed

US Aggression Against Iran-The San Diego Connection (tags)

The role of the San Diego military in US aggression against Iran.

DIARY OF A CON MAN . 29 (tags)

anne frank ´s diary is the work of ghostwriters

Get The Internationalist No. 51! (tags)

Get The Internationalist No. 51! A journal of revolutionary Marxism. Send US (includes postage) to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA. Subscriptions .

Get The Internationalist No. 50! (tags)

Special expanded Winter 2017 edition: 80 pages of revolutionary Marxist propaganda. Send US$2 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA. Subscriptions $10.


In secret meetings on Sept. 28 and Oct. 5, the Pacifica Foundation National Board, which governs the 5-station nonprofit progressive radio network, voted over strong opposition to authorize its executives to file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and initiate an effort to make a lucrative deal to swap the frequency of iconic New York station WBAI with another station holding a less desirable signal position.

KPFK may also be up on Chopping Block ? We need to get facts now ! (tags)

KPFA in Berkley is rumored to be For Sale= that means KPFK in Los Angeles goes out in same manner as Pacifica cannot survive without these 2 main radio stations. We, members, need to investigate and reveal what is KNOWN as facts, corroborated, or what sounds like ‘rumor’ but verifiable. Soon !

Is KPFK up for sale? already? really? (tags)

A Google search produced amazing results, with a few ads showing KPFK as [if] for sale ! See Google search for full descriptions given on each of these ad sources. Who knew ? Discovery comes to those who search for realities, of any kind.

KPFK struggles without re-solutions (tags)

KPFK continues hiding what donors/stakeholders should be informed that happens with their funding this radio station. Here are tid bits to help members and stakeholders understand some of the chaos therein. The Pacifica Archives. Membership decline. Arbitration costs......

KPFK :must VOTE by 9/30 to local board. (tags)

Below is a REPOST from a dedicated volunteer of KPFK who wants everyone to Vote, while providing his preferences for those not already decided. ACT NOW. Call the radio station for ballot if one was not rec'd but you qualify : 1-818-985-2711 x1 Deadline for returning the ballots is Sept 30! dont delay. If not enough voters act, the 'losers' who did not qualify in prior elections will now take their un-won positions instead ! No Fair ! A quorum must be met to have LSB members change and improve and have new voices run KPFK and 4 will also be nominated to be on Pacifica's board from all on LSB.

KPFK radio elections for LSB coming Quick ! (tags)

KPFK radio station is having an election and deadline for nominations is soon !!! JUNE 30, 2016 So anyone interested to join the Local Station Board can call station for further information/ requirements and procedures at: 1-818- 985-2711 NOW ! delays mean others will usurp positions where someone like YOU can help improve the morass and mess that is encumbering Your Radio Station [membership owned, non-profit corporation, always needing money...etc. ]

KPFK Local Station Board Elections In-Progress (tags)

KPFK has begun the election process for its 2016 Local Station Board. The nomination process began on June 1, 2016 at 9:00 am PST and will close on June 30, 2016 at 9:00 pm PST. There are currently three Staff and nine Listener-Sponsor positions up for election.

KPFK and Pacifica, more doings, reposted here (tags)

Vital and Need-to-Know information is being reposted from here to inform all KPFK donors, sponsors, stakeholders, listeners and those who care about this Pacifica Radio Station's doing.

Tomorrow (3.4.): International Live Anarchist Radio Broadcast (2-6pm CET) (tags)

On Sunday, the 3rd of April 2016, the 17 projects of the International Gathering of Anarchist and Anti-authoritarian Radios that is taking place in Berlin, Germany, will do a 4 hour live radio broadcast that can be listen to through an online stream (links below!).

KPFK and Pacifica are runniing aground...more, again.... (tags)

KPFK and Pacifica are in a dangerous places, again. Careful. Here is a summary below reposted from the original writer's site. Visit there for more news stories also. And comment there as well.

KPFK as Pacifica may be in legal jeopardy, again... (tags)

A notice was directed to California Attorney General’s Office Department of Justice about some illegal or unethical actions that have been taken at various Pacifica radio stations, including KPFK. Excerpts are provided below, FYI. And for anyone concerned to act accordingly as an activist wanting to maintain integrity of the corporations to which we contribute $$$.

KPFK votes in local board. Join them in meeting. (tags)

After lots of conflict and infighting, the elections reveal the new LSB members and delegates to Pacifica board. At the Jan 24 @ 1pm meeting , the rest of us, public-members of KPFK, can see and maybe meet, the board -  those who can maybe influence how the radio station runs or continues to fail it's sponsors.   At an easy to find location. see for details under 'events' on home page. 

KPFK has passed elections and results are in now. (tags)

KPFK had elections for their local board {LSB} and the results listed. The next LSB meeting on Jan 24 in WLA will put these new members into office. All sponsors hope improvements will soon occur....

KPFK'S under Pacifica's Board- LAST CHANCE TO VOTE JAN 4 (tags)

Now or never is the TIME TO VOTE for Pacifica's National Board, the Pacifica umbrella that reigns over KPFK, plus 4 other radio stations nationwide. Jan 4th - MONDAY is deadline.... Act now or watch any chance of having input diminished or maybe even removed...... owch !

More troubles? KPFK's got 'em. (tags)

OUR radio station must become more functional to have donors pay up maintain the station. However, some signs of deterioration and neglect keep appearing. Sad. Scary. Can it die away ?

KPFK Website in error, difficult to search and find? Is it still functional ? (tags)

KPFK WEBSITE has many strange omissions and confusing double entries and seems to be neglected. Updates or correct information seems difficult to find. And wrong results appear, more than a few times.

KPFK needs your VOTE ! or lose it. (tags)

KPFK and Pacifica Elections must meet a very minimum quorum/ amount of voters who Vote and participate, or the expenses [about $25,000?] are wasted and same-old Board members happily stay stuck in place, out of legitimate time but clinging to power-positions. so VOTE if you qualify for their minimum contribution made this [fiscal] year. Call to inquire for more info at 818-985-2711 day hrs. or see for minimum info there.

KPFK is losing and reducing it's main programmers, so can Fresh ones emerge there instead? (tags)

KPFK's "Global Village" music programmers left behind an audience- to which they claimed such loyalty, but no one ever asked nor admitted what all KPFK programmers GET from their carefully-held on-air spot. Do we know ?

Update on WHAT IS HAPPENING AT KPFK and what can be done & elections (tags)

This is a repost of a message to a list, then forwarded to the LAAMN list, and now here.

KPFK programmer writes subscribers & updates info: (tags)

A long-term KPFK programmer sent out this msg with the weekly schedule, which was not the usual. Concerns about on-going programs continuity are noted.

KPFK Work Reductions ....signs of an ending now, so soon ? (tags)

- KPFK has been on air radio 'plugging' begging pleading irritating and repeating for a whole month, to not enough avail. Results are maybe 1/2 of their [pre-set] goal. And who wants to listen to same-old infomercials repeated endlessly....instead of any 'regular programming'.    Why pay forr this onslaught? Then notice of staffs being reduced hours,  as program-staff work-times are also being  reduced when some New-fangled ' gen'l mgr' decides she liles extreme  & factually unsubstantiated views better.... and... more to come 

KPFK of long ago had different views.... (tags)

A KPFK FOLIO of 1967 has editorial that shows how closer to it's origins there was open discussion and sharing with listeners ideas, questions, and even the monthly mailing of a filmy printed schedule with original artworks, poetry and even an editorial. This is one found that seems to talk about 'those long ago' days and times but that also reveals a different attitude that was then Available and Allowed at Our Radio Station. KPFK 90.7 FM radio.

KPFK in MeltDown.NOW. (tags)

KPFK seems to be sliding down....hill...into financial say the paid-staff-programmers, now, finally admitting what has not been on-air told before. Or changing owners maybe ? Wont know till After it all Fallllls away ?

KPFK in Pacifica's meeting - more descriptions (tags)

These are excerpts REPOSTED for local LA listeners of KPFK - as to what else happens [not on-air-only presentations that are the slick surface of it all ] - written by a long-time prior dedicated PNB member.

KPFK hosted PACIFICA's board in LA. Missed it? here's some for ya (tags)

More on PACIFICA FORUM in LA june 2015 - as observed and noted. Many KPFK public members - and staff - and programmers came for their brief 2-min comment to the 'parent' company- Pacifica PNB members present, The PNB spoke for hours disputing, conflicting, discussing and also shouting to each other - while the larger-size audience sat way in back behind their circle.

KPFK & PAPCIFICA forum in LA (tags)

June 12 - 15 2015 - Fri-Sat-Sun, here in LA are 3 full days of meetings by Pacifica PNB & KPFK's LSB...with brief public-comment times barely included. See website for agenda.

KPFK difficulties continue (tags)

repost info from other sources that are not available to KPFK donors in LA - why no transparency ever ? still.....

KPFK buys premiums to re-sell them for donations -so (tags)

so donations are paid for twice by radio station supporters? The donations are not just for station essential maintanence? But to buy-and-sell their donors bribes - called "gifts"? The 'premiums'-gifts sometimes sent in return for $$$ to pay for Pacifica radio stations' maintenance are paid for by station donors too - while merchandisers are also gettiing so much Free Promotion, advertising, lauding by programmers and on-air-web exposure. Never ending chaos continues therein.

The Internationalist No. 39 is out! (tags)

To get your copy, send US$0.50 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008.

KPFK and Pacifica- woes unrelenting... (tags)

We in LA all wish  to report or hear or write better news of improvements, less begging for more and more monies on air, less internal confusion and conflicts, and financial stability and ethics.....but ... not yet, or if ever possible is unknown...

United Families For Justice Carry 617 Coffins to Downtown L.A. #DeathByCop Rally (tags)

The 617 coffins memorialize Los Angeles victims of police murder since the year 2000. #RememberMe #DeathByCop #BlackLivesMatter #BrownLivesMatter

The impending eviction of San Francisco's Station 40 (tags)

As ye sow, so shall ye weep...

KPFK and Pacifica still in morras, chaos, financial turmoil....why ? (tags)

KPFK is still losing money, begging daily and irritating all who have pledged $$$$ and are stakeholders who turn away from what seems endless fractionalized disorder. Some info from available sources aboyt how the problems also emanate from 'the above' organziation's sludging on without any honest improvements or doing real elections to show the way....or stop requiring payments to this nat'l office that is killing off any local gains or attempts to reduce, never stop, the infighting.

Ohio Kasich Adm. Teaches Children To Drown And Kill Animals (tags)

The tax money of 96% of Ohio citizens is being used to forcefeed propaganda through PBS and other tv stations, encouraging parents to train their children in the drowning and trapping of defenseless animals. Hunting licenses are sold to only 4% of Ohioans

Family and Supporters of #Justice4Fords Protest LAPD Execution of Ezell Ford in South L.A. (tags)

Following the fatal shooting of 24-year-old Ezell Ford by LAPD officers, the victim’s family and a coalition demanding #Justice4Fords protested outside the 77th Street precinct on Friday, August 15, 2014. Citizen journalist @PMBeers livestreamed and published this video segment from the #EzellFord police murder protest:

PACIFICA is shify-ing more (tags)

Pacifca.that small group of PNB board members are voting on changing the bylaws -- rules to go by that all 5 current stations should abide by. Votes on July 17 made a few changes and avoided other ones.

Updating chaotic crumblings at Pacifica - affects KPFK too. (tags)

Events continue in the higher levels of a mixed-up Pacifica Fdtn with who is in charge and who is not and who has authority and who claims what. With most in Los Angeles not extending to keep up with details as others derail and destroy what was before a ‘radical’ variety of programming at KPFK, along with it’s sponsors, here are reposted excerpts to both advise, inform, and urge activism in any form an Indy reader will dare to help the mess from spilling over and out into KPFK and so into our lives here. Fuller information is available at the links provided here. Note that excerpts are for *Relevant Clarification * and those that may be pertinent how KPFK in LA is affected by what else is currently being disputed, declared and not questioned. The many detracting claims and counterclaims affect the operations and functionings of Pacifica Fdtn and it’s 5 stations, More specific detailed info can be read in the entire articles/ reports written by Tracy Rosenberg at the links included at facebook: “United for Community Radio KPFA “. Though the stories appear to emphasize the sibling station in Berkeley KPFA, the results affect our Local KPFK radio station 90.7 FM in LA equally, even when our station's ID is ignored in their stories. It was our own KPFK prior GM who was laddered Up into Pacifica's interim Exe Director position, but by Berkeley's group and it was not even discussed at the local KPFK LSB in April. Why ?

Van Nuys Nuys Neighborhood Council Continues to Support Residents (tags)


Summer Reese is the Pacifica Foundation’s Abe Lincoln (tags)

Is the Pacifica Foundation Board Trying to Dissolve the Foundation’s Five Station Union, Place Each Station’s Broadcast License under Local Ownership, Sell WBAI into the Commercial Marketplace and Distribute the Proceeds as "Endowments" to the Remaining 4 Stations?

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella leader Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some of questionable authority and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK or most other sites on line. Mostly the usual malicious attacking anyone else blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho we may not chose to pay for all pgrms presented there, if given any free choices ] . We, outside the sacred halls of radio station know NOTHING from our local sources of KPFK or Pacifica 'news' and information Finally 1 site just went up, see below. Just recently a new site went up that allows no comments but is intended to take a side in the national malicious arguments on line about who runs the Pacifica PNB [nat’l board] and petitions are included therein. see and also maybe tour thru facebook to learn a bit more about what is dramatically occurring in Pacifica’s Berkley offices. To search out what may be factual or actual from what are marketing-promotional or negative-attack-ads blurbs takes hours of time and reading and is uncompensated ‘work’ just to know where even our KPFK dollars are being spent or set up to be wasted. And other than a midnight interview that was not heard by the great majority of KPFK listeners gave a hint of what is happening to Pacific, about it’s Executive Director, and the future of the whole set of radio stations affiliated and dependent on some structure that is stable and honest…if possible.

Why is KPFK still failing to thrive ? (tags)

KPFK is more than intimately tied to it's umbrella Pacifica, whose latest Executive Director has been 'fired' by some and who refuses to accept the factionalization that predominates these radio stations operations. But no actual factual information is ever available, not locally from KPFK and only malicious attacking blurbs are found online. Why do we who pay dearly to subscribe, to be members, to sponsor KPFK programs [tho not all pgrms would we chose to pay for given any free choices ] know NOTHING from our local source of 'news' and information? ?

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Supports Hundreds of Residents (tags)


"COINTELPRO" U.K.: Exposing the integral role of British human rights "lawyers" (tags)

The purpose of this article is to show (beyond the obvious of why), who & -how- the biggest “Human Rights”...lawyers in the U.K, not only, work hand in hand with, but are integral -to- COINTELPRO style, state operations, in the U.K.


KPFK is apparently again experiencing changes with inside-hidden-competitions. turmoil, factionalizing conflicts and has denied it’s stakeholders and paying Public Members and Sponsors any participation or even being informed of “what is going on there ?” The most recent LSB board meeting was very unusually filled with KPFK programmers, some staff, and many public members present, speaking to problems that most members did not have any information about and could not obtain. Twice during that long 5 hr meeting, public comment time was used to directly ASK all in the room to clarify, state, explain to ‘the rest of us’ what was occurring and yet there was NO DIRECT HONEST INFORMATION given openly by anyone in the room to those ‘not in the know’. Five hours of maneuvering, conflicts, discussions and yet not one honest response to the question “what is happening inside KPFK ?” that brought out so many people to speak in behalf of staff or complain about staff or promote their own personal issues and causes. The Problem was never revealed nor stated. How could this be ? at Our Radio Station ?

The Internationalist No. 36 is out! (tags)

To get your copy, send US$0.50 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008 USA Subscriptions: US$10. Or contact an Internationalist supporter.

KPFK: self-destructing? or is it again the usual dysfunctioning? (tags)

Recent comments have been heard : that the Pacifica National Board may want to replace current management/ staff without Informing, or Getting Input from the Shareholders who ‘own’ + pay + sustain the station. What details are kept secret, and the usual silence on-air gags all conversation, or any sharing of what is actually happening ? Contrary to claims of ‘open communications’ it is still only a 1-way communication coming from inside KPFK to us out here - and nothing allowed to exit from the hallowed station-office halls to the Paying Public - the one that keeps the station afloat. Why ? What maneuvers could be happening ? When will the Shareholders find out [oh, is it already too late ?] to participate in this upheaval or learn of the intentions to make major personnel changes at KPFK ? huh ?

Remembrance Day 2013: Celebrating 12th anniversary of Britain’s endless warfare (tags)

For the past 12 years, the British public has been constantly subjected to an intense war propaganda justifying Britain’s genocidal wars across Asia and Africa. Despite the absence of any real anti-war movement, the public exasparation with endless warfare became apparent in September with the Government's failure to obtain the necessary support to launch war on Syria. Held two months later, this year’s Remembrance Day events were by far the most elaborate. Apart from the habitual propaganda and fundraising for the Army, overt efforts to pressurise British Muslims into manifesting support for British imperialism and militarism were particularly sinister.

Residents Unite To Protect Homeowners & Firemen (tags)

“The safety and health of residents and our first responders are our greatest concern,” said resident Jeffrey Lynn

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station to close permanently (tags)

The San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station will close permanently, Southern California Edison announced today. The Center for Biological Diversity, Friends of the Earth and other environmental groups have opposed restarting the leaking plant.

California’s vigilante police justice: Trial by machine gun (tags)

In California, there is a new kind of justice. Forget the Sixth Amendment's right to trial. It no longer applies. Instead of an attorney, get a bullet-proof vest, Today's cops are armed with machine guns and innocence no longer matters.

WPFW needs a home, not scare tactics about a corporate takeover (tags)

Some WPFW programmers are making an underhanded power play by framing a new lease as a corporate takeover

Speculators trade in two weeks what the world makes in a year (tags)

The gargantuan size of the financial industry gives its largest players the power to dictate to the world’s governments.

United Voices of Pomona Demands Mayor's Resignation (tags)

Monday, October 15, 2012
POMONA - The community organization United Voices of Pomona continued its protest against the approved waste transfer station, and added to its demands the mayor's resignation. The Los Angeles district attorney filed charges filed against one of Mayor Rothman's donors, alleging that Alfredo Solis, the owner of Western Recycling, had laundered $15,000 in contributions to Rothman's 2008 mayoral campaign through acquaintances.1 This latest scandal propelled the United Voices to demand Rothman's resignation, declaring, "we don't want trash money running our city."

America's Right-Wing Reinterprets the Crisis (tags)

A state is not a hardware store. It must contract debts in crisis times. Four years after the collapse of the US economy, the republicans send a former investment banker into the race who stands for a policy that got us into the real messThe right-wing was very successful in changing the discourse.

Mesa, Arizona Police beat up jaywalker (tags)

Mesa, Arizona Police beat up jaywalker at light rail station

Anaheim Police Protest Bring the Camouflage Out (tags)

July 29th 2012 was a sunny Sunday in Anaheim that brought over 250 protesters from all over California to demand justice for the series of recent officer involved shootings in Anaheim, during the last week and a half alone, two of which were fatal

Pomona City Council Chooses Trash Over Residents (tags)

Monday, July 16, 2012

POMONA, California - A city council meeting to decide the fate of a proposed waste transfer station in the city's impoverished east end became contentious as various factions interacted at a pre-meeting rally. After a long corporate presentation and an even longer public comment period, the council voted against the vast majority of the community to approve the project. Protest, including some shoving involving police, ensued.

YES !! it's us = ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Repeat as prior Pubishing did not provide paragraph spacing for proper reading !!! was "Indy system failure " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

ROSE PARADE 99% (tags)

Occupiers are active in this Rose Parade, with a float, with occupiers, with BIG B&W signs, with notable speakers, with OUR PRESENCE telling those who glorify corporate-sponsored-paid-for floats that there is MORE than just commercials in a city parade ...'for the people"....not to just passively watch on TV but to become actually Present and Involved !

Israel Steps Up Police State Crackdowns (tags)


KPFK TOWN HALL meeting for all Sept 18 (tags)

KPFK?s Local Station Board is organizing a Town Hall Meeting for Sunday, September 18, 2011. 3pm ? 6pm Location: Forshay Lodge 9635 Venice Blvd., Los Angeles, California 90232

Media Arts Center Hosts "Radio Summer" August 29 (tags)

The Prometheus Radio Project, a nationwide organization working to broaden the range of community voices available on America's audio airwaves, scored a major victory in July when the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) finally set up a licensing rule for thousands of new low-power FM (LPFM) radio stations, including some in urban areas previously ineligible for these grass-roots local stations. Now Prometheus is promoting a series of events called "Radio Summer" to organize people to obtain these licenses and get their stations on the air. The Media Arts Center of San Diego is hosting a "Radio Summer" event Monday, August 29, 6 to 8 p.m. at their office, 2921 El Cajon Boulevard (near 30th St.) in North Park, with a wide variety of other organizations in coalition. So if you're tired of the San Diego airwaves seeming to be the private preserve of the extreme Right, that's where you need to be next Monday!

KPFK opportunity to talk to staff finally (tags)

Videotaping KPFK's LSB meetings (tags)

KPFK's Local Station Board June 2011 meeting was very well conducted and chaired. At least two video-graphers were there and never shared why they were documenting the event nor how anyone could access their videos. This disturbs some of us who are "public members" supporters of the radio station and not content to stay "quiet" and docile either.

KPFA's GOP Activist (tags)

A Republican activist at KPFA? She is chair of the GOP in San Francisco and a rising star in her party. Her husband is a former KPFA board member who contributed $250 to the GOP last year.

J'accuse! The Betrayal of WBAI (PACIFICA RADIO) (tags)

After more than 20 years, WBAI has cancelled the Moorish Orthodox Radio Crusade. Producer Bill Weinberg examines the politics of this move, and demonstrates how it is an illegitimate act of political retribution. (Tony Bates-former KPFK volunteer coordinator has been for over 2 years interim program director at WBAI).

Who knows about KPFK's GM selections ? (tags)

who knows more of KPFK's selecting a Gen'l Mgr ??? Wanna share with the rest of us out here ?

The Grover Norquist Project at Pacifica Radio (tags)

Whistleblowers as far back as 2005 warned that KPFA's budgets were not sustainable. Why were the warnings repeatedly disregarded?


KPFK is one of the left’s few major assets in Southern California, and now that asset may be under serious threat.

ARCO GAS Selling Crack Pipes in Watts (tags)

This was mailed to It's worth reposting, so here it is. An ARCO gas station is caught selling crack pipes near Samuel Gompers Middle School.

The Largest Food Not Bombs Ever! Discussion & Thoughts. (tags)

The 2010 Hempstead Food Share Bonanza was the largest Food Not Bombs ever and the largest vegan Thanksgiving ever! On that day over 30,000 pounds of food was shared with thousands of people, and Long Island Food Not Bombs followed this with nearly a dozen consecutive Thanksgiving events throughout the rest of the week, sharing a total of nearly 55,000 pounds of groceries in 5 days!


Capital’s most severe crisis in seventy years ought to be a moment of significant opportunity for the left. But as the right mobilizes disgruntled Americans via its vast radio, television, web, and print empires, the one mass medium available to the left is driving out its best and brightest.



Voting for GrassrootsKPFK: It Matters (tags)

Another repost from (a letter they received from a board member), this time on who to vote for and why. The website admits it's partisan, but there is some insight into what's at stake in these elections.

Mexico Bleeds: Free Media Against the Invisible Tyranny (tags)

We write to on behalf of the Ke Huelga, a free radio project in Mexico City which started in 1999 during a student strike. After 11 years of existence, we face a difficult situation because of interferences and government threats. This is why we have launched a campaign to inform and denounce about the actions against us. As a first step, we produced the text "Mexico bleeds". We invite you to read it and diffuse it.

KPFK starting "new" Program Advisory Committe..wanna be in it ? (tags)

We just heard Alan Minsky, iPD announce on radio that they are forming a NEW committee called "Program Advisory"....all can apply by August 8 by emailing him [see for address] or calling station 818 985 2711 x 0 and leaving your name there.


Alan Minsky, Interim Program Director at KPFK Radio is planning more unilateral programming changes.

Ringside @KPFK (tags)

The fix is in for the 2010 KPFK elections. The only question is, who's it in for?

Another KPFK Local Station Board election is fast approaching and your vote COUNTS!! (tags)

Make sure your membership is up-to-date prior to the deadline of June 30, 2010.

KPFA Workers & Community Speak Up, Manager "Resigns": Politics of Latest Management Change (tags)

The departure of KPFA General Manager Lemlem Rijio was an open secret debated prior to the public announcement and a News commentary on her "resignation." A group of staff and supporters had campaigned to reverse the Local Station Board's supposed termination vote in a confidential executive session. Their talking points are summarized and addressed here. Other KPFA workers and community members stated that removing the GM was necessary to correct the station's deteriorating finances and declining listener support, to restore democratic process and respect for Pacifica's bylaws and mission. Under the Rijio-Lilley regime the gains of the Free Pacifica movement and democratic institutions at KPFA were obstructed, subverted or shut down.

KPFA Manager "Resigns" (tags)

KPFA's General Manager was forced to resign by the LSB amd PNB, but the anti-democratic faction she represented protested, putting out much misinformation about the termination and her performance as GM, even compromising the integrity of the KPFA news to present their one sided spin.


Cameron, go home! Please.

World Bank/International Monetary Fund Days of Dissent (tags)

Convergence Space: The Electric Maid, 268 Carroll St. Northwest, Washington D.C. 20012-2006. Directions: Take the metro red line to the Takoma station. As you exit the station, go east on Cedar Street. That road turns into Carroll Street.


Pacifica has made public an announcement of it's decision and agreement to prevent violence on it's premises or at Local Station Boards, et al. But who and how will this, can this be enforced ?


Dan Siegel is being sued along with Bambi and 99 other as-yet-unnamed co-defendants for conspiring to quit his paid position as Pacifica Radio's Legal Counsel in order to serve as an unpaid member of the KPFA Berkeley Local Station Board. The lawsuit is widely seen as a political witch hunt as Pacifica drifts to the right in pursuit of monied white middle class donors.

Injunction Hearing Set in WBAI Election Suit (tags)

A court injunction was requested as part of a suit brought by a group of listeners, staff and local station board candidates challenging the integrity of the election process which has been stopped and rescheduled numerous times since last summer. Among the listed plaintiffs is someone who has already been in the news in the past week - civil rights lawyer Lynne Stewart, a local station board candidate heading the Justice and Unity ticket.

KPFK's LSB meeting to attend and be part of the vocal community too (tags)

KPFK members may think CHANGES are not needed so should not occur...??? (tags)

Why are so many objecting to any changes attempted at Our Radio Station funded by listeners at KPFK ?

Open Letter to KPFK Management and Local Station Board on New Programming Schedule (tags)

Open Letter to KPFK Management and Local Station Board on New Programming Schedule Carta Abierta a la Gerencia y Mesa Directiva de la radio KPFK sobre su nueva programacion.

KPFK's elections for LSB have few voters, so who represents us ? (tags)

Election Supervisor wrote on KPFK website: "Over 17, 000 ballots were mailed out to our eligible KPFK Listener-Membership. LESS THAN 1,200 BALLOTS HAVE BEEN RETURNED" So what does this mean about representation and who cares ? anyone ?

Toward an Understanding of the Causes of KPFK's Conflict: A Voters' Guide (tags)

Looking for the truth at KPFK? Check this out, by a long-time insider. Read this, and get your ballot in by Thursday.


An unholy alliance of truthists, sectarians, and voting system fanatics, led by an unwilling reject of the Church of Scientology, have used the new governance structure to take control of the commanding heights of Pacifica’s management.

KPFA/Pacifica: Conn Hallinan misinforms Doug Henwood (tags)

an intriguing email exchange


I believe that KPFK is in real danger of losing its political soul.

The Hidden Theft at KPFK and the Ongoing Firings, Purges and Bannings: You're Next???? (tags)

An analysis of why KPFK sounds different, and why it's losing listeners (and money).

Coup regime in Honduras seeks to close media that report it’s activities (tags)

"This morning’s televised threat by coup General Romeo Vásquez Velásquez to “go after them” – the leaders of the civil resistance to the coup – also included broadcasters and journalists. Radio Globo, after its first shutdown at the hands of military soldiers, won a court order to reopen and has broadcasted constantly since June 29. If not for its news team and conductors and the thousands of calls they have received live on the air from Honduran citizens, the nationwide public would not know the real facts about what has been happening to their country."

Good news from WBAI, Pacifica in NY (tags)

WBAI is KPFA's Pacifica sister station in New York. Unfortunately, for several years WBAI was dominated and mismanaged by a group which called itself the "Justice & Unity Coalition" (JUC). The rule of the JUC ended this spring, when Grace Aaron became Pacifica's PNB chair and acting Executive Director; she intervened and made changes. Below is a report from WBAI by Doug Henwood.

Pacifica's NY - WBAI stewards exposed misinformation that needs corrections...see here ..l (tags)

this is a repost from a blog article and information intended to reveal corrections to other Pacifica-WBAI writers claiming & blaming, as usual, for their own mistakes and lack of efficiency....see original as well as corrections below

New Leadership in Pacifica Radio (tags)

Pacifica radio has new leadership--people who are attempting to deal with a serious financial crisis which was building for years.

Jerry Quickley fired from KPFK (tags)

Jerry Quickley fired from KPFK (tags)

Poet, Musician and Artist Jerry Quickley was FIRED FROM KPFK FOR SPEAKING OUT.

Justice for Oscar Grant: Killer cop has hearing! (tags)

Thousands of people have seen videos of the cold-blooded police murder of Oscar Grant in Oakland, CA. On New Year’s morning BART police officer Johannes Mehserle fired his gun at point blank range into Oscar Grant’s back, killing him as he lay on the train platform, hands behind him. A preliminary hearing is now underway to determine whether Mehserle will be charged with murder or whether the charges against him will be lowered.

Pacifica Network(CA) Fires Program Director of WBAI FM(NY)! VIDEO ft.Rosa Clemente (tags)

Video of Bernard White speaking about his firing as Program Director from Pacifica station WBAI. Bernard White contextualizes his firing as Program Director of WBAI in the larger struggle for the direction of the Pacifica Network. Details financial interests in the station and divisive tactics used against him. Other members of the WBAI community make comments denouncing the firing and supporting the station.

Dean Station Live Performance (tags)

Americana-folk-rock band Dean Station, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, has officially announced plans for their 2009 spring tour. The tour will kick off on April 30th in Albuquerque, NM, and head westward for one month. Tour date(s) in your area are as follows: Mon May 4 4pm – 9pm Venice Bistro 323 Ocean Front Walk Venice, California 90291 310.392.3997 Wed May 6 10pm – 11pm Cafe Cordiale 14015 Ventura Boulevard Sherman Oaks, California 91423 818.789.1985

Pacifica is the basis of KPFK, and there are concerns about WBAI...more (tags)

Actions and decisions made within Pacifica affect all the KPFK people here too, even if it is New York's WBAI's main issue. We too must be concerned and informed and give input to what happens...anywhere our money goes too...

KPFK's Mission is reviewed here and noted to not being full-filled (tags)

Reviewing the KPFK lauded Mission statements, tho it is brief, there are lapses, lacks in implementing it , and differing interpretations of what is meant in it's intention and the spirit of the [holy] message.

KPFA's manager attends a board meeting (tags)

KPFA is the Pacifica sister station in the Bay Area of Northern California

Pacifica Radio Coup Redux Part II (tags)

New York: An Examination of the Current Coup Attempt at WBAI With Reference to the KPFA Takeover in 2000

Pacifica Radio Coup Redux (tags)

New York News Flash: Coup at WBAI Radio (99.5 FM) Pacifica National Orders Locks Changed on WBAI Transmitter

The Truth: Will Pacifica ever be free? (tags)

The new Pacifica National Board promotes the policies of the Pacifica Hijackers and initiates the next round of the Pacifica struggle.

What's happening to Pacifica's NY station - WBAI ? (tags)

Alert !!! Find out about a proposal soon to put WBAI into “internal receivership”...Please share this information widely and confirm it as necessary. No false rumors necessary. Let's see what is happening so close to our own KPFK radio station. Does this affect KPFK's financial standing too? Tell us what you know too.

Hello, this is KPFK....oh, there is NO ANSWER ever ! (tags)

KPFK continues the same old way. No response to any communications or concerns of it's listener sponsors. And the new manager has a new email address, that was changed when ? or to confuse whom ?

March on Riverside Border Patrol Office: No more quotas, no more raids, no more deportatio (tags)

Saturday, February 7, 2009 RIVERSIDE, California--In urgent response to the rash of Border Patrol raids across the Inland Empire, community members convened at Riverside City Hall to express frustration with the agency's family-devastating policies.

No press freedom in Israel or Egypt (tags)

Israel is not a democratic state.

Between the Minutes: Scenes from a KPFA board meeting (tags)

There's an authoritarian left, and there's a democratic left. KPFA's Local Station Board is where the twain meet, but not always in good faith.

Russia Backs Away from Kaliningrad Missile Plans (tags)

Russia's de-escalation should prompt the offloading of US Cold Warriors who have had their day.

Families of Police Murder Victims March to Rampart (tags)

Families and concerned citizens demonstrate against police abuse.



22 Year Old Executed By Police (tags)

We all know of what has been occurring in Greece for the last month, but Now a cop in OUR country has murdered someone once again. What are we waiting for? Our time is now; In Solidarity with the Greeks, and all victims of the state.

KPFK is losing it, fast.... (tags)

do a 'search' here for LSB 's Leslie info on what is going on and how decisions are being made or allowed to 'happen' by outside KPFK forces...get scared why dont cha ?


12/20 march on lennox sheriffs station to demand an all-elected, all-civilian police control board

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece (tags)

Monday 12/15: reports from Greece

How To Lose Pacifica, and How To Save It (tags)

As a member of KPFK's Local Station Board, I've been asked repeatedly to explain what's happening at the community radio station. This is my letter to the Pacifica National Board, KPFK's parent organization. I paint the PNB members with a broad brush here, and some individual members were as forthcoming as they could be under the hammer of "breaching confidentiality.". What we never got were official explanations. The Pacifica National Board can be reached at

Saturday reports from Greece (tags)

It's been one week today, since the murder of the 16year old Alexandros Grigoropoulos by the two cops in Athens and the protests are still going!

Open Letter to KPFK's LSB =local station board (tags)

KPFK's local board members are voted in by some other listener-sponsors. But are any of those who send money regularly to support and maintain the radio station have a say about anything ? huh ?

Anti-war veterans deploy 4,171 toy soldiers at gas station (tags)

Anti-war veterans deploy 4,171 toy soldiers at gas station In a daring guerrilla raid earlier this fall, members of the Los Angeles chapter of Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) infiltrated a local gas station to deploy a battalion of 4171 toy soldiers, together with a sign reading, "Price of Gas: 4171 U.S. Soldiers."

What is happening at KPFK ? want to share your info ? (tags)

More concern about OUR airwaves in our local station, KPFK. OUR radio station, paid for by our money, time, work, love, and efforts.... to reduce the secrecy within. OUR source of educational & political information...the same KPFK org that denies us active participation in it's survival or demise. Just what is going on there ?

S.O.S. - KPFK rumor or true? (tags)

Is Jerry Quickly leaving.....already ? You - this reader - please confirm what you know here.

KPFK slipping slippling into the past, not the "future"..a sad song (tags)

KPFK is being maneuvered into some dangerous areas where it's building may be sold to save some other station's problems? huh ?

HELP ! Is KPFK keeping 'mum' secretly quiet & breaking up? what is GOING going gone now ? (tags)

Rumors are slipping around, slippery like, not confirmable about KPFK staff dis-appearing, not being at work site, maybe being ....let go ? fired ? dis-missed ? OMG !!! Can the end be near ?

Racism in Italy. On the day of Barack Obama’s triumph... (tags)


For KPFK/Pacifica Fans: Feedback Wanted (tags)

At its meeting on Tuesday, November 11, the Local Station Board Delegates will be voting on changes to the Pacifica Bylaws. The Bylaws took more than a year of contention and lawsuits to assemble, and changes should be carefully considered. Overall, the changes, included below with comments for and against, increase the amount of business the Pacifica National Board can do and increase its efficiency in doing that business. The downside is reduced member and listener participation in the process. As an LSB member, I would like to hear your thoughts on these important revisions before voting. You can comment here or email me privately, or you can voice your opinion at the LSB meeting, at 7:00 at Palms Westminster Presbyterian Church, 2908 Robertson Place, Los Angeles. The Church is located 3 blocks north of National Blvd. and the I-10, to the east of S. Robertson Blvd. LA buses 220 and 534 and Big Blue Bus 12 are within walking distance.

KPFK is suppose to have a Community Advisory Board, but does it ? (tags)

Open Letter to KPFK's Community Advisory Committee [CAB] -and to the station's staff about lack of station's oversight of it's duties to inform all interested KPFK members about this required committee:

Trail of Responsibility for KPFA Beating Incident Leads to KPFK Gang of Three (tags)

Controversial KPFK talk show host Lila Garrett called the Pacifica National Director involved in the beating incident, "a really good executive director of Pacifica."

KPFK next Community Advisory Board meeting Thurs July 31 7pm (tags)

KPFK needs to update and keep website relevant & current (tags)

KPFK website is outdated, except for what the promotions the station wants to profit from. But information about it's doing is vacant and ancient .

a KPFK survey here....try it...truthfully (tags)

Let's find out which programs are our favorites on KPFK radio 90.7 FM... Since we receive no feedback from the station about which programs are selected or why or why some stay for so long while others are denied....

KPFK next Community Advisory Board meeting (tags)

meeting on July 31 at 7 pm [see Indymedia calendar also] at radio station KPFK for those who want to improve station

KPFK - not coming clean yet... but we keep hoping.... (tags)

KPFK is too secretive and becomes frightened when one person reveals what is 'going on'....hypocrisy doesn't do it at KPFK...come clean finally please !

Ian Masters on a Rampage (tags)

With the station disintegrating, Ian Master takes time out to answer a listener's concern by disrespecting the station's programming, fellow staff members, and station volunteers.


The communist New People’s Army (NPA) has apparently intensified its rebellious campaign as it has launched attacks on government stablishments and a private-owned business for allegedly not paying its demanded “revolutionary tax.”

Update Bio for Don White (tags)

Contributors to this biography include: Jan Goodman; Blase and Theresa Bonpane; Dennis White; Lydia Brazon and Margaret Prescod.

KPFK Talk Show Host Lila Garrett Used Air Time to Propagandize Slate Mailer Faction (tags)

Controversial KPFK Talk Show Host Lila Garrett praised and claimed major KPFK progress by the slate mailer Local Station Board faction. Faction opponents disagree and dispute the propriety of her using air time to promote faction candidates.

KPFK having a new Board, Join In ya all (tags)

COMMUNITY [that mean you and us all folks] ADVISORY BOARD, Representing various diverse parts of our community [ not just being a person from that group - that is not REPRESENTING but being and experiencing -not same thing] JOIN IN !!! Check out next meeting Thurs 6/26/08 @ 7 pm at KPFK radio station: 3729 Cahuenga West, No Hollywood....go there !!! be useful !!!

KPFK Pacifica Cause Crisis at Free Speech Radio News with Funding Cuts (tags)

The Pacifica Foundation, owner of Los Angeles radio station KPFK, cut Free Speech Radio News funding by $13,500 a month, effective immediately. FSRN faces possible closure.

GAS CRISIS! Interviews w/Gas Station Patrons, Orange, CA USA (tags)

Saturday, June 7, 2008. With my Flip video camera and my Nikon d80 in tow, I interviewed patrons at 10 gas stations in Orange, California. It wasn't until the last gas station that I was approached by an employee...sent by his angry boss because I was filming on private property. I hope you find the comments made by each interviewee food for thought.................... Thank you.................................... Respectfully, mom4education (df) Orange, California USA

KPFK blogspot now open for UNITING to improve Our Station. (tags)

A new SPACE to share our concerns, our suggestions, our input about KPFK and it's workings, it's dysfunctionings, it's help make improvements. Be Helpful. Share your thoughts there, but only if you want to do more than complain. No Maligning. Only Uniting & Sharing please.

Is It Time To Connect KPFK with Your Community? (tags)

There's a way to do it, and it's to join KPFK's Community Advisory Board.  The KPFK Community Advisory Board is forming TONIGHT!

Mexican Indigena Free Radio Station Under attack by PRISTAS: Communique directo (tags)

Long Standing Indigenous Radio Station, Radio Ñomndaa la Palabra del Agua, under attack by PRISTAS

While Suppresing Voices from UCLA ISSE Students, Jim Lafferty States Their Message Well (tags)

Suppressing Voices from UCLA International Students for Social Equality (ISSE) Students on the Station Listener Web Forum, KPFK General Manager Jim Lafferty Nonetheless Articulates Their Message Well.

Grace Aaron Committee to Strengthen KPFK Run Station Board Shuts Down Web User Forums (tags)

The new Grace Aaron/Ian Masters Local Station Board slate candidates have moved to strengthen their control over the station by eliminating a source of listener criticism.

50 Shots Equals Murder! (tags)

Sean Bell Supporters Take It to the Streets on Friday

KPFK: Minutemen in the House (tags)

KPFK's General Manager Search Committee turned into a farce when 2 staff members, later to join the search committee, put the station at risk of a lawsuit to spread the word that they wouldn't have another Black woman and one who supports immigrants for their general manager.

D.C. Union Station "FREEZE-In"!! (tags)

March 18, 2008: A 'Freeze-In' at Union Station, Washington, D.C. USA

Dan Siegel & Pacifica Radio (tags)

Dan Siegel is now both interim Executive Director and General Counsel for Pacifica. He intervened in last fall's KPFA board election to help insure a victory for the Sherry Gendelman slate. Meanwhile, the board election at WBAI, the Pacifica sister station in New York, was even more blatantly corrupt than the one at KPFA, and it became the subject of a court case. In this letter, counsel for the plaintiffs tells the Pacifica National Board (PNB) that Dan Siegel is "an unreliable source of legal advice and facts about this lawsuit."

Last KPFK Latina Fights To Keep Board Seat (tags)

Yolanda Anguiano calls on community to save her seat on the KPFK Local Station Board.

FCC Proposes Greater Media Consolidation (tags)

FCC proposal will harm independent journalism

KPFK Disenfranchised? (tags)

If you didn't get a KPFK ballot, here's how to tell the powers-that-be.

Donna Warren and John Wenger are not recommended by Independents and Grassroots Greens (tags)

An Open Letter from a group of long-time Green Party members and other independent community activists who are running for KPFK's Local Station Board Election exposing anomalies about the candidacies of Donna Warren and John Wenger.

KPFK is biased, still, while pretending to be "fair" (tags)

KPFK is not as claimed repeatedly, but mostly prefers OPPOSITIONAL views and programmers want to be "rescuers" to be Heroes and superior. Sorry. Bad game plan.

Response to Lila Garrett (tags)

My response to Lila Garret's "HAIL to the Jews"


This is Eben Rey, Committee to Strengthen KPFK staff candidate for the local station board.

Blackwater aims high with unmanned aircraft (tags)

For nearly two years, Blackwater has been developing an airship to tap a growing government demand for aerial surveillance and security - from patrolling U.S. borders and coastal waters to guarding military bases in hostile lands.

KPFK and Pacifica Need Good Governance (tags)

Can a "Clean Slate" of candidates for the KPFK Local Station Board rescue the station and the Pacifica Network from internal turmoil, legal challenges and financial collapse?

A Letter from the Interim GM of KPFK (tags)

The current state of KPFK and our commitment to continue providing programming of benefit to the progressive movements in and around Los Angeles

KPFK: Welcome to the Madhouse (tags)

Battle of the Board at KPFA in Northern CA (tags)

from KPFA in Northern California. Two letters on the election for the Local Station Board at KPFA

(another, smaller) Stolen Election (tags)

After a struggle for democratic elections that nearly destroyed a progressive radio network, local elections at KPFK are besmirched by unchecked money, influence, and confusion.

Bomb explodes near Santiago TV station (tags)

We denounce the communications media for their complicity with the rich and powerful. Their work transforms them into one more instrument of capitalist domination.

The 5:32 AM Train to Washington, D.C. (tags)

A lot has changed since 9/11, mostly all for the worse. When I took the commuter train from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., on the morning of Aug. 7, 2007, “Big Brother” knew I was on it, since an ID is needed to buy a ticket. When I got to D.C., “Big Brother’s’” cameras watched me get on and off the Metrorail. When I tried to videotape a demonstration at the DOE, a security guard threatened to confiscate my camcorder and to put me “in handcuffs!”

Astronauts chuck fridge off space station (tags)

NASA thinks the meteoric fridge-frag volley will land in the ocean, but says there is a 1 in 5000 chance that people could be injured or killed.

Are you ready for Whole Foods radio? (tags)

As much as we all like parts of KPFK, it really is time to start a green-themed radio station, advertisor-supported by strictly green business. Additional funding by fund drives is also possible. Whole Foods and Co-op America are named as likely principals.

KPFK Mgt Suspends Lila Garrett's Connect the Dots - Put Lila Back on the Air! (tags)

Inner political problems should not get in the way of our free speech radio, KPFK. Please support Lila Garrett of Connect the Dots and write to KFPK or Call and tell them to not let go of her just because she sees no reason to use KPFK funds to pay for a lawyer for someone who works there.

Chavez strikes deal with Goebbels Murdoch (tags)

Goebbels to run Venezuela's media.

The Proposed L.A. to Palmdale High-Speed Train (tags)

“In Tokyo they had the bullet train back in 1964--this is 2007. We’re way behind, and we have to catch up.“ – L.A. City Councilmember Tom LaBonge

Minutemen: Push comes to shove (tags)

Both sides escalate protest by screaming profanities This story appeared in the Antelope Valley Press on Sunday, January 21, 2007. By TITUS GEE Valley Press Staff Writer


Dear friends and family, After about a week of traveling around Mexico, on the run after our arrest, we returned to Oaxaca for a few days before leaving the country. It was a beguiling, heart-wrenching and stressful time.

13th Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

Today was a Mega March for APPO and the people of the state of Oaxaca. Just days ago the state governor, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO) stated that the problems in Oaxaca had been solved, and that there was no further violence or conflict. Well, he can't say that anymore.

9th & 10th Days in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

started Nov 21, finished Nov 22, 2006 As I write this I sit outside the first aid station at Radio Universidad. For the first time since I arrived in Oaxaca I am a little frightened. I don't know what is going to happen tonight, but there are some rumors of police gathering nearby the university. But maybe all will be fine. Vamos a ver (We'll see)

Dispatch from Oaxaca via X (tags)

November 25, 2006 Greetings friends, Today was a Mega March for APPO and the people of the state of Oaxaca. Just days ago the state governor, Ulises Ruiz Ortiz (URO) stated that the problems in Oaxaca had been solved, and that there was no further violence or conflict. Well, he can't say that anymore.

UCLA Students March on Campus Police Station (tags)

Students outraged march to campus police station and demand to see the chief of police.

Al-Jazeera launches service in English (tags)

Al-Jazeera on Wednesday launched an English-language news channel available in more than 80 million homes but lacking major U.S. distribution.

LSB: the listener's voice at KPFA (Pacifica Radio) (tags)

Descent into the gnarly tangle: the epidemiology of advanced parliamentarianism at KPFA--a yearlong empirical study in causes and possible treatments

Why Getting the Homeless Off the Streets Is Never Easy (tags)

Fatima Davis sat on the corner of Fourth and Los Angeles streets for more than a year, surrounded by her collection of suitcases. This was her sidewalk, she said, and that's where she wants to be.

Radio Universidad Under Attack AT THIS MOMENT (tags)

12:00 - Dispatch from an IMC reporter in Oaxaca

Pacifica Radio--the old regime's legacy at KPFA (tags)

The slow motion takeover of KPFA began in 1992 and reached its climax in 1999. During those years, the highjackers recruited assistants, trained proteges and created a culture which permeates the station to this day. It's the background of today's ongoing struggle at KPFA's Local Station Board (LSB).

Hotel Workers Arrestees Information (tags)

LAPD media relations states the following:

Nuclear energy IS NOT CARBON NEUTRAL (tags)

by Simon Johnson

500 Women Take Over TV Station in Bloodless Coup Against State/Corporate Media (tags)

author: The women of Oaxaca Rock!

NPAs attack Sorsogon police station; 5 killed (tags)

coastguardsman and four communist guerrillas were killed when the rebels raided the police station in Matnog, Sorsogon, before dawn Saturday.

KPFK off the air, tech problems (tags)

At 2:25 pm 7/7/06 KPFK has been of the air since about 6:30 AM

Community Radio station set aflame in the Philippines: staff injured, military blamed (tags)

In the latest attack over free media in the Philippines, Radyo Cagavano, a community radio station run by farmers and supported by the left-wing Bayan Muna party, was burned down and its staff member injured and robbed at gun-point. The radio station employees suspect the Philippine Army. Since Gloria Macapagal became President in Feburary 2001, 42 journalists have been murdered. AMARC, the World Association of Community Radio Stations, is organizing a campaign to demand justice for the people of Radyo Cagayano. (includes pictures provided by Kodao Productions from Quezon City, Philippines. Kodao Productions, another AMARC member, is spearheading the national campaign in the Philippines.)

Radio station in Cagayan torched (tags)

Pesante-USA vehemently condemn the latest fascist attack against progressive party list organization BAYAN MUNA in Cagayan Valley, Northern Luzon. The latest is the burning of the radio station in Baggao, Cagayan.Eight armed men set a community radio station identified with the left-wing Bayan Muna party list in Baggao, Cagayan on fire Sunday morning, reports from the provincial police said.

Making Waves 'pirate' radio documentary (tags)

Interview with Making Waves 'pirate' radio documentary director Michael Lahey.

DC RALLY This Sunday In Support For The Al-Jazeera Network: (tags)

Rally in support of Al-Jazeera's planned English language station. Rally this Sunday at 12:00 Noon at 1627 K St. NW in DC. America needs unbiased reporting to counter the pro-Apartheid popular media that is the soundboard for this current Administration. Please forward information on the rally to anyone you know on the East Coast who may be interested.

Vandals or Terrorist? (tags)

Knocked off the air was KMIA-AM (710), a Spanish station in Phoenix. It broadcasts ESPN Deportes, a sports-talk format that launched last month.

Pirate Radio Station Broadcast to Two Cities (tags)

Press Release

Under Concrete (tags)

Perhaps the FOX40 case is a sign that the system of media self-censorship will not function to the end of time.. The truth grows under the opinion concrete of mainstream media. One seedling after another finds its way to the surface.

Bush Wanted to Bomb the Al Jazeera Broadcasting Center (tags)

According to the memo, Blair dissuaded Bush from the plan that would make the position of the US and Great Britian completely incredible and provoke a worldwide storm of protest.


Roger Ailes, the architect behind the right-wing tilt of cable news, is now remaking 35 local television stations -- broadcasting to nearly 40 percent of America’s homes -- in Fox News Channel’s image.

Car bomb injures Lebanese journalist May Chidiac (tags)

A prominent journalist for an anti-Syrian television station was severely injured yesterday after a bomb rigged to her car exploded, the latest in a string of targeted blasts in Lebanon's capital

100's dead troops brought to Eureka Coast Guard station (tags)

Secret entry port for dead marines in Eureka


Well, it looks like our friends in the Minuteklan Project wanted to come out and see if they can bring their crap to the East Coast, so they held another meeting, this time in Babylon, Long Island in New York. About 100 people came out to see him, but they were all of us, and that made for an interesting afternoon on the Island. Chris Simcox, the co-founder of the Minuteklan Project, was the featured speaker at this meeting, and that was what prompted so many people to come out. We have at this link a slew of pics from the day, and as always, if you recognize anyone in the pics, hit us up and give us the story.

Corrupt Canadian Elections (tags)

This is how the NWO Globalists have been able to put their people into key government positions

Race and National Origin at Pacifica Why You Should Care (tags)

Turn on your radio. Spin the dial. Companies like clear channel and Cox own well in excess of 3000 broadcast outlets. That's how most of us get our information. Pacifica exists to counter that. It has only 5 stations, but in major cities, With $400,000,000 in assests and 16 million in yearly budget the foundation is the single most valuable asset of the left. Under one vision it would move to the right, under another it would recruit activists to actually create media.

A Network At War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against Pacifica Station KPFA (tags)

Sex Discrimination Suit Filed Against KPFA > > Community radio station KPFA was served on Monday with a lawsuit filed by Noelle Hanrahan, former producer and co-host of Flashpoints, the station’s drive-time public affairs broadcast. Also named in the complaint are Pacifica Foundation, Flashpoints executive producer Dennis Bernstein, and ex-general manager, Jim Bennett. > > Among the charges in the complaint are sexual harassment and sex discrimination, retaliation, wrongful termination, and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

A Network at War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

USA beams "Baghdad Betty" into Iraq (tags)

A German news mag "Der Speigel" reveals that the Bush regime is providing US$120 Million funding for a TV station, Al-Hurra("the free one in Arabic"), that airs embedded American versions of "news"--from its plushy offices, fully equipped with designer furniture, flat-screen monitors in Virginia--back into Iraq. How's that for high-tech informational warfare?

Protest Nativists Coming to Baldwin Park (tags), a group affiliated with the Minutemen border project, is opposing an artwork in Baldwin Park. Opposition in the area is calling for a counter protest.

Mickel tells jury he shot officer (tags)

Good old Andy is in the news again. Looks like the trial is on and old Andy-boy is gonna get the chair. I wonder whatt nessie, Sheepdog, and the indymedia leftists have to say about this? Old Andy is the posterchild for leftist thought. So much for that...

Jew Boy Johnny and the anti-Semites - or - "The Zionist Conspiracy" (tags)

I wrote this letter the day a single complaint arrived to the station, With the threat that the ADL would soon be contacted. This following letter was provided in advance of the next day, of the time scheduled for the complainant to return for a recording of the questionable broadcast.

Report: Tallying Ballots for the 2nd KPFK Local Station Board Election. 12/4/2004 (tags)

An on-location video report on the process of tallying ballots and other election issues for Pacifica's Los Angeles radio station KPFK's second Local Station Board (LSB) elections. Includes an interviews with Pacifica National Election Supervisor Kenny Mostern. (23:40)


~~~ The national election supervisor just announced the official KPFK Local Station Board results: the elected listener-sponsor candidates, in the order of highest votes, are:

OCAR- Orange County Anarchist Radio NOW ONLINE! (tags)

Check out the premiere OC Anarchist Radio Show on the weekdays at

One Hundred New Pirate Radio Stations… (tags)

I interviewed several micro-radio activists about the recent raids on Free Radio Santa Cruz and how it affects them. We dicussed what makes pirate radio fun, what makes it hard, why it is such a threat to the government, etc.


I guess compared to their nemesis Haliburton, KPFT are just small time crooks. This is how the scheme works. KPFT radio and Pacifica radio network use deceptive advertising and a confidential donor list to create symbiotic business relationships, like Jay Lee, his employer, and Microsoft. They do and do not accept contributions from for-profit entities.

Anti-Occupation Protest in Hollywood - Part 1 of 2 (tags)

About 1,500 people met at Hollywood and Highland and marched to the recruiting station at Sunset and LaBrea to protest the occupation of Iraq and the stolen election.

protestors brutalized while protesting police brutality in santa ana (tags)


Longest-Standing Pirate Radio Station Shut Down by FCC (tags)

Pirate radio station Free Radio Santa Cruz which had been operating without a license for nearly 10 years, was raided yesterday for the first time and shut down. We go to Santa Cruz to speak with two of the station's longtime programmers.

Radio Communication Utilizing the Base of a Striated Barium Plasma (tags)


A Personal Farewell to Ronald Reagan (tags)

Kirby Krackle reports on his experience at the Lying in State of Ronald Wilson Reagan

Border Blaster Continues to Interfere with kpfK Signal (tags)

Yesterday afternoon power failed on Mount Wilson and Pacifica's kpfK ceased transmission for over one hour. Most LA listeners tuned to 90.7 FM could clearly hear classical musical being broadcast from Tijuana station XLNC.

Police Beating Caught on Tape in LA (tags)

(Los Angeles-KABC, June 23, 2004) — Police in Los Angeles chased a man suspected of driving a stolen car. The arrest, caught on tape, shows an officer hitting the man repeatedly with a flashlight after he appeared to surrender.

Come to Oregon! Save the Siskiyous at the Forest Rescue Station (tags)

Greenpeace's First United States Forest Rescue Station Located in Southern Oregon. This month marks the creation of our first "Forest Rescue Station" in the United States. This rescue station, in the heart of the Siskiyou Wild Rivers area of Southern Oregon, is a hub for our efforts to protect and restore not only the forests of the Klamath-Siskiyou ecoregion, but all of our public lands. We are calling for an immediate moratorium on commercial logging.

Yo, gringo! This ad was paid for by the Republicans (tags)

"I think there might be a debate about 'paid for' (being understood), but 'Robinson for Congreso' is clear"

Slaughter in the Streets - US troops kill with indiscriminate fire (tags)

Seventeen year-old Amir is crying during much of the interview. “We were coming home from work, and were shot so many times,” he says with deep anguish and frustration, “Walid told me to leave the car because he was hurt and needed help.”

Santa Ana May Day Activities (tags)

Photos from the day; occupation does not equal liberation!

Radio Summer Camp (tags)

A four day workshop session sponsored by Free Radio Berkeley to teach you how to build FM broadcast transmitters (and other related items such as antennas) and set up a low power (15-100 watt) community radio station capable of covering a broadcast radius between 5 and 15 miles depending on power, terrain and antenna height.

"TAX us? Then MARRY us!" 33 Cities Join Tax Day Protests for Equal Marriage Righ (tags)

33 cities will be demonstrating for equal marriage rights at post offices around the country on Tax Day, Thursday, April 15th. The protests will highlight the fact that marriage is a civil contract issued by the government which should be available to all consenting adults.

Police tactics keep the bloc nonviolent (tags)

i think we're suspecting the wrong people of being involved with the police.

Corrected KPFK LSB PNB results (tags)

Listener Delegates Julie Rodriguez, David Adelson, and Donna Warren, and Staff Delegate Sonali Kolhatkar elected on Wed, 2/18/2004 by KPFK Local Station Board to Pacifica National Board. Correction of vote totals.

KPFK LSB PNB vote results (tags)

Listener Delegates Julie Rodriguez, David Adelson, and Donna Warren, and Staff Delegate Sonali Kolhatkar elected on Wed, 2/18/2004 by KPFK Local Station Board to Pacifica National Board

The Danger of Space Junk (tags)

by steve olson few are considering the environmental hazards that space travel has begun to create in the biggest ocean of all

Insider's secrets of the mass media (tags)

These memo's show how the mass media really works, how badly the war is really going and how the public is lied to and manipulated by what's not reported

Racism, the Left, and Pacifica Radio (tags)

The writer ,a staff candidate for DC's WPFW's listener station board and a member of the DC Justice and Unity Caucus, gives a summary of the recent history of conflict within Pacifa radio network and some of the issues in its ongoing elections.

Sonali Kolhatkar on Media Democracy and KPFK elections (tags)

Sonali Kolhatkar talks on "Media Democracy, and the Growing Media Reform Movement", with Potluck & "Meet and Greet" PIRCR Candidates for KPFK's Local Station Board

Police in Crete shot a 22-year-old Greek for not stopping at road block. (tags)


US Military subverts fredom of press: All the news that fits we print (tags)

Iraqis Raid Offices of Television Network from UK Guardian 11.24.3

USAF Linked To Electronic Warfare Attack In Tennessee (tags)

The close resemblance of the Hartsville attack to other U.S. Air Force electronic warfare led to speculation that radio station WJKM may have been chosen as a test target for a clandestine electronic warfare unit located within the power facility, or to which the power facility serves as electronic relay point. The likelihood that the electronic attack was accidental, rather than an intentional military test, is low, given that the targets were media outlets.

Jethro Tull singer blasts false patriotism (tags)

When Ian Anderson made statements against the miserable war mongers and their rape of Iraq... the troglodyte right-wing attempts to shout him down.

Anarchism and the trash can.... (tags)

Nice banner, nice trashcan.....

Pacifica's New Bylaws: A Victory for All of Us (tags)

The third (of five) radio station advisory boards voted Saturday for an historic set of bylaws for the Pacifica radio network. This was the last hurdle required under a Settlement Agreement to get the anti-war network back on track, and ends a period of vicious acrimony within the Pacifica community, which has important reprecussions for all Independent media in the United States.

Rallies to be held in Riverside County to protest shooting death of Richard Burrola (tags)

Rallies are scheduled to be held to protest the shooting death of Richard Burrola by a deputy from the Riv. County Sheriff's Department

Radio Under Fire Over Free-Speech Clampdown (tags)

WASHINGTON (Billboard) - Natalie Maines' controversial comments about President Bush are echoing ever louder in Congress and starting to rattle windows in the radio industry.

Debasing Democracy? (tags)

A Tampa pirate radio activist says an FCC proposal favoring media conglomerates can be detrimental to us

KPFK airs homophobic, anti-semitic material (tags)

Program allegedly aimed at "liberating" African Americans perpetuates anti-semitic and homophobic myths.

KPFK Expand Web Streaming Petition (tags)

a petition ... go to the site at the URL below

West Valley Needs You (tags)

Sundays weekly vigil in Woodland Hills met with super white conservative pro bushies.

Wall Street Journal Report (tags)

A Major Balks at Directive And Gets Relieved of Duty



Bombing of Iraqi news station might be a crime (tags)

Questions arise about the legality of bombing an Iraqi news station

reclaim.......TV (tags)

some words from the NarcoNews journalist Al Giordano that could inspire us today to reclaim the Media and specially the TVs:

Hollywood Demo (tags)

These are pictures of the Hollywood demo, including pictures of the arrested, which included me, in the demo.

Al Jazeera back on the job in Iraq (tags)

"About 50 Iraqi civilians were killed in coalition bombing of the southerncity of Basra, the independent Arab-language satellite station Al-Jazeera claimed last night. In footage seen across the Arab world, the station aired grisly and explicit images of the dead and wounded, including a child with the back of its skull blown off and blood-stained people being treated on the floor of a hospital." In an unrelated story, an American soldier has 'fragged' three of his officers in Kuwait (using a grenade).

Corporate Boycott (tags)

Let's hit them where it hurts - their pocketbooks. Non-violent protests that don't require thousands to take the streets are going to be more effective with this president. Go a weekend without buying things.

Help a Class War Vet buy a used 10speed in LA (tags)

want used bike, help a disabled class war vet (you will get major activist points for this) :^)

What Racism? / What Truth? (tags)

* * * a commentary by Maria Gilardin regarding the ongoing power/passion play at Pacifica Radio's kpfK * * *

Sunday 12/8 *6-10AM LIVE Broadcast of Pacifica National Board (tags)

Tune in to 90.7 FM, kpfK Sunday, Dec 8th from 6 - 10 AM for a live broadcast of an interim Pacifica National Board meeting.

first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. sunday, 1 pm (tags)

first meeting of anarchist radio collective - l.a. 1pm - 4pm sunday, november 24th '02 1405 Scott Ave., Echo Park.

Up Against the Cops in Cabrini Green (tags)



Greenpeace Delivers Message: “Don’t Buy ExxonMobil”


Greenpeace Delivers Message: “Don’t Buy ExxonMobil”

Greenpeace shuts down Exxon at Beverly and La Cienega (tags)

Greenpeace shuts down an Exxon gas station

Anti-War Activists Burn Recruiting Office in San Jose (tags)

A "pre-emptive strike" on a San Jose military recruitment center

"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)

Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened

"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)

Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened

"A Liar...A Cheater...Physically Abusive" (tags)

Many tried to warn Pacifica about KPFK's new General Manager, Eva Georgia, but nobody listened. The Pacifica Radio Network, with five stations and numerous affiliates, has seen enough trouble over the last three years. It was left with a $4.8 million debt and in a state of organizational chaos by a corrupt board of directors that was mercifully removed last December by a determined army of reformers and four lawsuits.

Outwardly Progressive, Internally Corporate: Pacifica's Next Challenge (tags)

Internal problems at Pacifica stations still plague the network. While the major battle at Pacifica was won early this year, the war against a corporate style hierarchy is not over. It was this very hierarchy which enabled the General Managers to abuse their power within the stations in the first place. In order for meaningful change to occur, this structure should change, not just the personalities. Please see attached open letter by KPFK staff, highlighting problems and suggesting some solutions. (To add your name in solidarity, see directions below.)

Program Director Needed at KPFK in Los Angeles (tags)

Request to the Indy Media community to spread the word: KPFK radio in Los Angeles is looking for a Program Director

Donovan Jackson-Chavis Justice Committee on Sat 7/13 (tags)

The Donovan Jackson-Chavis Justice Committee will hold a meeting and rally Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 5:00 pm at Faith United Methodist Church | 1713 W. 108th Street near Western in Los Angeles This meeting will dispel rumors, educate the public to the truth of the matter, and build support for Donovan Jackson-Chavis, a victim of police brutality.

Video shows white LAPD officer beating black teenager (tags)

A white Los Angeles police officer was suspended after being shown on a videotape slamming a handcuffed black teenager on to the back of a patrol car and punching him in the face as he was being arrested.

Cuban socialism is democratic afterall, critics furious being proved wrong (tags)

HAVANA -- (NA) Red, white and blue national flags and slogans in favor of Fidel Castro dominated street corners in Havana Saturday as the move for a consitutional amendment got under way in support of Cuban socialism.

Vigil June 14 @ 5pm Anaheim Police Station (tags)



KPFK hires Eva Georgia, Capetown community radio pioneer to guide station rebuilding.

Urgent Action!! Let Pacifica Radio, KPFK-Los Angeles know we don't need new (tags)

KPFK Radio-is the most important left, progressive, antiwar/pro-peace national radio station, establish end of the world war II in United States, currently we have 5 sister stations (Berkeley, LA, NYC, DC and Houston) and dozen affliates. I had been a proud Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles volunteer/unpaid reporter/programmer for ten years, but if people know the decade-long Pacifica struggle then you know the station had many internal struggles had derailed our origional mission statements.

KPFK seeks Artists, Curators, web editors (tags)

Los Angeles - KPFK 90.7 FM Pacifica Radio in Los Angeles is extending its commitment to community outreach by launching a virtual art gallery on the station website. The KPFK Art Gallery will showcase emerging Los Angeles area artists of all visual disciplines, races, ages, and genders. Original art will also be on public display at the radio station.


Veteran KPFK 90.7 FM Producer and Technical Director Roy Hurst was named interim general manager of the Los Angeles Pacifica affiliate station, following the departure of Steven Starr, whose 60-day commitment to the post has ended.

Bari v. FBI - Bombed Car Will Be Displayed for Jury and Media Wednesday (tags)

Oakland, CA—Judi Bari’s station wagon with a blast hole under the driver’s seat is scheduled to be displayed to the jury tomorrow, Wednesday April 17, and to members of the media after court, at 2:00 pm. Also on display, for comparison, will be an intact model of the 1981 Subaru four-wheel drive GL station wagon. The cars will be displayed in the Ampco parking lot at 15th and Jefferson.

Bird Street Media Takes To The Airwaves! (tags)

Low Power FM Community Radio conference coming up April 13th and 14th in Oroville, CA. Part of the growing media democracy movement.


Rascism at KPFK can and must end for the station to survive as an effective instrument of truth in news media!

Open Letter to Pacifica Community (tags)

Open Letter to the Pacifica community of listeners from the Interim General Manager, Steven Starr.

Steven Starr Heads KPFK as Interim General Manager (tags)

IndyMedia activist and filmmaker Steven Starr has joined KPFK, the Los Angeles station in the five-station Pacifica Network, to lead an interim team designed to build and restore the station to its original mission.


Young Hip Hop fans protest KPFK's pulling of the "Seditious Beats" radio program.


CO-FOUNDER OF UNITED FARM WORKERS JOINS KPFK PROTEST Dolores Huerta, who along with Cesar Chavez, founded the United Farm Workers (UFW), came out to protest KPFK's pulling of the "Seditious Beats" radio program.

Police Intimidation and Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Long Beach (tags)

frist hand account of protest held in long beach, december 22

Police Intimadation and Arrests at Peaceful Protest in Long Beach (tags)

First hand account of events occuring at an anit-war demonstration in Long Beach.


Bob Farrel cans Bessie Wash

KPFK Listeners' Internet Forum (tags)

Five weeks ago the KPFK Listeners' Forum appeared on the internet at: The KPFK forum is one of five forums provided for listeners to all of the Pacifica stations: KPFK in Los Angeles; KPFA in Berkeley; WBAI in New York; WPFW in Washington and KPFT in Houston.

KPFK Manager Censors Democrcy Now! (in exile) (tags)

Demonstation called at KPFK Wed. Sept. 19 7 - 10 am


The anti-Arab backlash is in full swing. In Arizona, an innocent Man dies when a "Patriot" shoots him dead.

Salute to John McDonagh ~ NY Firefighter and WBAI Show Host (tags)

Recently, I gained access to internet audio. One of the first shows that I heard on New York's WBAI by way of the net was Radio Free Eireann, a weekly show on Ireland, hosted by John McDonagh.

KPFK-"Lift the Gag Rule!" Demo. (tags)

An emergency demonstration was held on August 15th to protest PACIFICA Radio's canceling live broadcasts of the "Democracy Now!" show.

KPFK-"Censorship Radio!" Demo. (tags)

An emergency demonstration was held on August 15th to protest PACIFICA Radio's canceling live broadcasts of the "Democracy Now!" show.

KPFK-"Democracy Now!" Demo. (tags)

An emergency demonstration was held on August 15th to protest PACIFICA Radio's canceling live broadcasts of the "Democracy Now!" show.

Gregory Preece arbitration hearing: the shooting (tags)

Arbitrator John D. Perone said, in his decision that former Riverside Police Department officer Gregory Preece should never have been fired for his role as supervisor of the officers who killed Tyisha Miller. Here is more information based on his 42 page finding...


David Barsamian's wonderful award-winning program, "Alternative Radio (AR)"-a program offered for free to KPFK-has been taken off the air. DON'T STAND FOR IT!

NYC IMC reporter alleges assault by WBAI/Pacifica staffer at protest (tags)

NYC IMC reporter, Kevin Prichard was hospitalized yesterday for an injury sustained at a protest at WBAI/Pacifica in NYC. Prichard claims he was assaulted by WBAI staffer, Paul DiRienzo.

Irate Listenners of WBAI Radio March Into Station (tags)

Outraged Listeners of WBAI Radio (99.5 FM) March Into Studio Protest Targets Rightward Political Turn in Programming and Attacks on Workers' Rights

SAVE KPFK! (tags)

Protestors outside the North Hollywood studios of KPFK

Mark Cooper's Bombast (tags)

Re: Marc Cooper attacks Pacifica Campaign with smear and innuendo (May 22, 2001)




Excellent Pacifica Station KPFA report on the current legal and now legislative struggle to reclaim the Foundation and local stations from the renegade Board.

PACIFICA UPDATE: Forcible Seizure of WBAI (tags)

Very late last night (D22), while most people with lives were partying, the Pacifica National Board siezed WBAI in New York. A program in progress was stopped by an on-air diatribe by the "new" boss. It appears the Pacifica crisis has escalated once again.

Police Attack Protesters at Parker Center (tags)

A short personal report from the demonstrations.



A little irony at Rampart station. (tags)

Police in front of Rampart Station.

PRESS CONFERENCE about arrests at the Rampart District Police Station (tags)

Press Conference with Commander Kalish of the LAPD that was held while prostesters were being arrested across the street for blocking a public building.

IMC resoloution regarding KPFK (tags)

The IMC resoloution re: censorship and more at the los angeles Pacifica station: KPFK

Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

Protest coverage: issues and context on internet radio station (tags)

Information on context and issues of the Los Angeles protests - Internet radio station

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