fix articles 99072, budget cuts Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : budget cuts

budget cuts

Budget Cuts and Happy Times (tags)

For around three decades, a Troika from Wall Street, the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve pushed global (capital) investments with a mixture of tax cuts, cheap credits and overrated securities.

Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)

The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.

Israeli Social Justice Protests Continue (tags)

class war

State of Emergency Declared for Public School Funding (tags)

California community members, parents, and students joined teachers statewide declaring a State of Emergency caused by years of merciless budget cuts gutting public schools and social services.

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services (tags)

Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services and Push The CA Dream Act"

March for Education and Against Budget Cuts (tags)

Come out for this one -- support teachers scapegoated by the union-bashing Los Angeles Times, and immigrants scapegoated by racists!

Cal State Fullerton Students Protest for Budget Cuts and Furloughs (tags)

Live video from 9/29/09, from the Cal State Fullerton quad on Tuesday. Many students are walking around campus to protest tuition fees. Almost al the UC and CSU schools united today to show the state that education should not be cut.

08-11-09 HIV Budget Cuts protest (tags)

around 800 people showed up to protest the state's virtual elimination of funding for HIV services in CA.

Protest of Schwarzeneggar's Budget Cuts (tags)

July 31, 2009 LOS ANGELES -- About 25 people gathered in front of Governor Schwarzeneggar's downtown office to voice their opposition to the budget cuts.

MESA Program for Math and Science Kids To Close With Schwarzenegger's Budget Cuts (tags)

Highly Successful Program That Develops Math Skills in K- 12 is On The Block. Teacher David Meyerhof Gives a Video Testemonial.


"No to Budget Cuts! Cuts Hurts Kids!" Downtown Los Angeles became a sea of red and multi-colored banners,t-shirts and caps in the afternoon of January 29.. Led by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA),more than 5,0000 militant teachers and their allies in red t-shirts marched thorugh downtown LA and filled the Pershing Square to protest budget cuts by the California state Governor and the legislature as well as the excessive and lavish spending spree of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)at the expense of teachers as well as the public.


"No to Budget Cuts! Cuts Hurts Kids!" Downtown Los Angeles became a sea of red and multi-colored banners,t-shirts and caps in the afternoon of January 29.. Led by the United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA),more than 5,0000 militant teachers and their allies in red t-shirts marched thorugh downtown LA and filled the Pershing Square to protest budget cuts by the California state Governor and the legislature as well as the excessive and lavish spending spree of Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)at the expense of teachers as well as the public.

L. A. Teachers Fight Cuts in Education Budget (tags)

A UTLA Member Reports from the Picket Line Over 40,000 teachers, United Teachers Los Angeles, (UTLA), sacrificed an hour of their pay to protest the proposed state budget cuts on Friday, June 6, 2008. LA, CA

6/6 Los Angeles Teachers Strike; General Strike Needed (tags)

Los Angeles teachers are finally striking for the first hour of today's school day against the budget cuts to education; the rest of labor needs to join them in a statewide general strike not only against budget cuts but also against the refusal of the state legislature to raise the income taxes on the rich, the 5% that makes over $200,000 a year, including the millionaires and billionaires who live in California.

Hey, Arnold! No Budget Cuts 4 CA Education: Segerstrom Hi Students & Teachers Speak Out (tags)

Santa Ana, CA: At a rally to save California Public Education, Segerstrom High School students and RIF'ed teachers speak out against Arnold Schwarzenegger's proposed budget cuts. To voice your concerns, contact: Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger: State Capitol Building, Sacramento, CA 95814............................... E-mail: Phone: 916-445-2841.......................... Fax: 916-445-4633

Cal state LA students protest budget cuts with sit in (tags)

cal state las students marched out of class early thursday morning. They are now encamped in the hallway outside of the president's office. They are protesting the budget cuts that are taking away their class options and cutting down on counselors .

ALERT - Stop the Budget Cuts! (tags)

A vote is possible February 1. Call your representatives toll free and oppose the budget reconciliation bill - 1-800-393-1082

Call In Days to Stop the Budget Cuts (tags)

Use the toll free numbers to reach your Representatives 1-800-818-6641 or 1-800-828-0498 No tax cuts for the rich! Tell your Representatives that all Housing Programs must be fully funded and that you oppose budget cuts to SSI, Foster Care, Food Stamps

Community Colleges Unite: budget cuts challenged by those who need them most (tags)

Students Demonstrate against budget cuts proposed by Governor Gray Davis cutting community college fundng.

Community College Students Fight Back (tags)

3,000 community college students on March 28 had a rally and march in downtown LA to stop cutbacks in their colleges

Children's Defense Fund Decries Bush Proposed Budget Cuts for Programs... (tags)

Children's Defense Fund Decries Bush Proposed Budget Cuts for Programs that Assist Poor Children. Melinda Tuhus spoke with Helen Blank, child care director for the Children's Defense Fund. She explains how these proposed cuts will affect children and their families, and what her organization is doing to actively oppose the Bush budget.

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