fix articles 98882, biblical
The peace teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is thrown to the wind (tags)
Jesus, the Christ, taught love of God and neighbor, nothing else, but this has to be learned. But if not even the clear teaching of peace of Jesus of Nazareth in the biblical Gospels is taken seriously and followed by Bible believers, then we can conclude that the Bible mix has caused enough mischief for long enough.
Toledot: Jewish Genealogy (tags)
Indigenous Rights, Genealogy, Jewish History, Israel, "Palestine"
Biblical Sabbath Economy (tags)
Franz Segbers insists the Biblical Sabbath economy cares for the oikos, not speculation and accumulation When the right of speculation trumps the right of housing, we end up protecting the sharks from the sardines (cf "Housing as a Human Right")
Saying NO to the Hunters of Goliath (tags)
The Israelis tend to personalise conflicts. Yet, by doing this, they are neither original nor innovative. They in fact follow a Biblical lesson. Within the Judaic worldview, history and ethics are often reduced into a banal single binary opposition principle. For instance, the deadly battle between the ‘righteous’ David and the ‘evil’ Goliath personalises the struggle between the ‘good’ Israelites and the ‘bad’ Philistines. Though the Biblical specific tale could be understood in a mere literary terms, the similarities to the Israelite of our time are rather concerning. In Israel, there is a direct express path that leads from the ‘role of the assassin’ to the Government seat. Time after time our contemporary Israelite supplicate their highly decorated assassins to become their kings, to lead their army and then to integrate into the cabinet. This obviously happened to Sharon, Barak, Mofaz, Halutz, Dichter and many more.
America has turned into a "Tower of Babel!" (tags)
In the biblical story of Babel the system of a rational society devolved into a broken,tangled catastrophe.
"The New Life Before Death" (tags)
"Second Life" is a new platform. The first platform of humanity's history was the biblical ark of Noah.. Now we can enter a parallel universe during life.. Peter Weibel is a media theoretician in Karlsruhe, Germany.
Christian Morality and Economic Reason (tags)
Finance capital circling anonymously around the globe seeking only short-term profit must expect the resistance of the affected and of the church that turns to the affected. The question is who profits from globalization.
Exporting Values: On the Religious Aspect of the US War (tags)
When the institutions fail, a superhero arises out of the American people who can wage the just battle without regard for laws or institutions. Does George W Bush under-stand himself as the incarnation of this American myth?
This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...
On the Theological Foundations of Religious Socialism (tags)
Under today's conditions, the option for a life in abundance for all people necessitates preserving the natural foundations of life.. God's reign has a transcendental dimension that Jesus compares with a treasure in a field.
The Way of the Hero and the Loss of the Center (tags)
The demystification of the world through science is both a gain in enlightenment and a loss..Natural phenomena have lost their symbolic content..We no longer experience ourselves as part of a world to which every-thing is significant.
A Bush/Rove plan to OUTLAW homosexuality (& dissent)? (tags)
In the wake of an election riddled with irregularities, before most states have certified their election results, with recounts being called for in several states, and long before the Electoral College has cast the only deciding "vote" for President, the Bush Gang is reportedly cooking up plans to continue marching toward religious dictatorship while shredding what's left of the Constitution. Read up, spread the word--and PLEASE DONATE NOW to the recount effort!
Blogger Challenges Jerry Falwell on Christian Family Values (tags)
"Whenever We Read the Obscene Stories, the Voluptuous Debaucheries, the Cruel and Torturous Executions, the Unrelenting Vindictiveness, with which more than Half the Bible is filled, it Would be More Consistent that we called it the Word of a Demon, than the Word of God. It is a History of Wickedness, that has Served to Corrupt and Brutalize Mankind." Thomas Paine (1737-1809; Original Founding Father
Opening Doors for Closed Minds (tags)
Patrick Henry College requires its students to sign a Statement of Faith and share the beliefs set forth in the school's Statement of Biblical Worldview -- and this tiny institution currently provides 7 of the 100 interns in the White House.