fix articles 9848, moveon Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : moveon


Resistance Recess (tags)

I wanted to share this MoveOn email. Resistance must be our response to the one-hour press conference and the "fine-tuned machine" where 3 billion live on $2 a day and 6 million children die before their fifth birthday!

Silver "Lake" Protests Invasion of Syria (tags)

Pictures/report: MoveOn vigil in Silver “Lake.”

Why Won't MoveOn Move Forward? (tags)

What may seem like clever politics, therefore, produces horrible policy. When politicians and advocacy groups like MoveOn play anti-war games of political theater while effectively collaborating with the war's continuation, they merely add one more deception to the layers of lies in which this war has been wrapped. Like Bush and his supporters, they are sacrificing human lives simply for the sake of perpetuating an illusion.

Tell MoveOn to help raise funds for the South Central Farm (tags)

If enough people vote for the proposal for MoveOn to help the farm, it could expadite the fundraising.

Katrina Housing Drive (tags)

MoveOn has organized a housing drive:

Time to Crash the Party (tags)

Instead of bemoaning the Bush election victory and calling Canadian Immigration, progressives should be busy organizing and planning to take over the Democratic Party, so this kind of debacle will not happen yet again.

benefit for MOVEON.ORG (tags)

benefit for at the salvation theater with art, music & poetry

MoveOn Attacks Fox (tags)

I got forwarded this letter from MoveOn. They're leading a media charge against Fox, for its bias.

MoveOn Finally Targets Cheney/Halliburton (tags)

F-ing Finally!

BTL:CBS Censorship of Political Ad During Super Bowl Sparks Debate on... (tags)

... Media Access Interview with Zack Exley, organizing director of's Voter Fund conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Sex, Lies and the Angry Left (tags)

It was OK for Clinton hit on young women recently, and to lie because that was 'only about sex.' But it's terrible for Arnold to have hit on young women 30 years ago, and to have been truthful about it.


MoveOn Bulletin Friday, May 9, 2003

The war at home It's time to defend our liberties before protest becomes a crime (tags)

The War On Freedom launched by the Bush Junta continues. If you value your freedom, the right to speak freely your mind speak now or it will become a crime.

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