fix articles 98296, gerald posner
Tom Hanks- Tom Hanks: The CIA's Guy in Hollywood (tags)
Forest Gump brings "The Sixties" to life on CNN- NOT!
'Denied in Full': Federal Judges Grill CIA Lawyers on JFK Secrets (tags)
Joannides served as the chief of psychological warfare operations in the Agency's Miami station at the time of Kennedy's assassination. Using the alias "Howard," he was the case officer for a Cuban exile group whose members had repeated contact with accused assassin Lee Harvey Oswald in August 1963 -- rendering any records of Joannides' secret operations at that time potentially relevant to the JFK assassination story.
Why Is the CIA Suppressing JFK Files? (tags)
Editor’s Note: The CIA continues to resist the release of documents pertaining to a CIA officer who oversaw an anti-Castro Cuban group that had curious dealings with Lee Harvey Oswald in the run-up to the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Christian theologian debunks 9-11 Commission report, is interviewed by LA Times (tags)
Distinguished theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin is shedding light on the truth (and the many non-truths) surrounding 9-11. His writings and speeches present evidence and insights that demand our attention, whatever our spiritual perspectives may be. And this weekend, the LA Times Magazine features an interview with Dr. Griffin.
The Usual Spin on JFK Assassination Unspun (tags)
The Presstitutes and Media Whores of the "Mainstream" have a variety of tactics they use to support the party line and cut off rational exploration and conclusions from the available data. Here's one example of shooting holes in their crap.
Forty years of lies (Questions never answered on JFK) (tags)
"If, as we are told, Oswald was the lone assassin, where is the issue of national security?"—Bertrand Russell
Exposed: The June 2002 Plan to Market a New 9/11 Mastermind (tags)
In these series of selected excerpts from Chaim Kupferberg's landmark article, Kupferberg reveals the marketing plan to introduce Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to the public as the 9/11 mastermind in June 2002 - and the subsequent coincidences, contradictions, and anomalies which expose the Official Legend of 9/11 as a prefabricated set-up.
What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.