fix articles 9773, two u.
PLM Statement on increased US military presence in the Philippines (tags)
PLM Calls for an Independent Foreign Policy and a Non-Aligned ASEAN
Mexican Drug Cartels Out of Control in the U.S. and Mexico (tags)
In many areas of the United States the cartels have entered into partnerships with local gangs, in others they have directly assumed control of local drug distribution
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria: (tags)
Egypt leaks information about an American military action against Syria:
Iraq's Laboratory of Repression (tags)
The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents. The harsh repression surrounding the “surge” has drawn far less U.S. press attention. The grim reality, however, is that an increasingly desperate American military has stepped up its indiscriminate killing and jailing of Iraqis, especially “military-age males” or MAMS.
Bush Orders Military To Begin Jailing All Civilian Protestors To War (tags)
In yet another shocking prelude towards becoming a Total Police State, Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the American War Leaders have issued orders to the United States Military Northern Command authorizing the jailing, and military tribunals, for any American citizen critical of the ‘war effort’.
2 border agents get decade in prison for shooting smuggler (tags)
This is really unusuall. Two cops actually get punished for shooting a Mexican in the back. Usually the cops involved in these crimes get a pat on the back along with a raise. But the racist Minutemen think the piggies got a bum rap.
London Airplane bomb plot bigger then 9/11 (tags)
OK so why are we supposed to beleive this terrorist attack would have been bigger then 9/11. The cops did not give any dates, times, flight number or even seize any explosives. How do we know this isn't a bunch of BS to scare us into wanting more cops????
the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet (tags)
the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet red or maybe sandstone orange???? and remember the government has banned toothpaste, makeup, suntan lotion, and all other liquids and gels from carry on luggage for your protection!!!
PROSTITUTION " Military personnel are prostituting Mexican women in Chiapas. Soldiers pay 100 pesos for virgins, 50 pesos for other girls, the prettiest are sold to high-ranking officers. Girls, 11-13 year olds, are sold by their fathers into prostitution. The girls are dishonored, while their fathers are not.
How long can this go on? (tags)
100,000 Iraqis march for elections (tags)
Iraqis block traffic on a Baghdad street while carrying an Iraqi flag and portraits of Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Husseini al-Sistani and other Shiite clerics this Monday, Jan. 19, 2004. Up to 100,000 marched peacefully to demand an elected government and an end to U.S. occupation. The second photo shows an Iraqi Christian... also in the march, holding a carpet with an image of Jesus Christ. So... where is the democracy promised to Iraq by bu$hco? (AP Photo/Muhammed Muheisen)
American Liberators save Iraqi Women! (tags)
Two U.S. occupation soldiers from 1-8, 3rd Brigade, of the 4th Wank Division relax in the back of their Bradley fighting vehicle before going on a mission into Samarra, Iraq, on Wednesday, Dec. 17, 2003. A major operation named "Iraqi Ho's Gone Wild" began early Wednesday morning which targeted a large number of Iraqi women. The liberators... taking their cue from spiritual leaders Hugh Heffner and Larry Flynt, have been handing out bikinis to all Iraqi women and girls. (AP Photo/Stefan Zaklin, Pool)
Excellent News - More dead scumbags (tags)
U.S. Forces Kill 46 Iraqis Attempting Ambush
U.S. occupation soldiers secure the area after two US soldiers were killed in the Iraqi town of Mosul, November 23, 2003. Attackers killed two U.S. soldiers on Sunday as their car stood in traffic in the city of Mosul, and a roadside bomb killed another soldier north of Baghdad. Hey George... where are those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction you launched the war over? (Photo REUTERS/str)
U.S. Troops die in Iraqi Ambush (tags)
Six U.S. occupation troops killed in two days... hey george, where are those Iraqi weapons of mass destruction you launched this war over?
Occupation is NOT Liberation! (tags)
Two U.S occupation soldiers kick a man outside the Palestine Hotel in central Baghdad, Saturday, Sept. 20, 2003 after they opened fire on his car near a military checkpoint. It must be wonderful to be so "liberated." Hey George... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war to find and destroy?
Two U.S. occupation soldiers were killed and another seven wounded during a pre-dawn U.S. raid in Ramadi Iraq, September 12, 2003. The U.S. occupiers were looking for Iraqi guerillas.... since the U.S. is NO LONGER LOOKING FOR NON-EXISTANT WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION. While on the search for resisters the troops came under fierce attack... two were killed and seven wounded. Hey George... were are those weapons of mass destruction you launched this war to destroy? (Graphic by Reuters)
U.K. occupation soldier killed in Iraq (tags)
As L.A. Indymedia continues to fawn over Sherman Austin and has little else to report on... the war in Iraq grinds on. A large Iraqi crowd holds a piece of a U.S. occupation trooper's clothing in a cheer after a U.S. military convoy was attacked by an Improvised Explosive Device Thursday, Aug. 28, 2003, in Fallujah. U.S. occupation military reports that four soldiers were injured in the attack. (AP Photo/Samir Mezban)
It's even not easy to die for lying assholes far away from the frontline
Wed. Two more U.S. troops killed in Iraq (tags)
While L.A. Indymedia talks about nothing else except SHERMAN AUSTIN... the war in Iraq grinds on.
Diesel Fuel & Blood. Two more G.I.s killed in Iraq (tags)
A U.S. soldier stands guard near an army Humvee leaking a pool of diesel fuel and blood at the scene of a grenade attack in Iraqi capital Baghdad on July 28, 2003. A grenade attack in downtown Baghdad Monday killed two U.S. soldiers in broad daylight, the latest in an increasingly bold and deadly guerrilla campaign. George... where are the weapons of mass destruction? (photo by Oleg Popov/Reuters)
Another G.I. Killed in Iraq (tags)
If you haven't seen the classic film, "Battle of Algiers"... then go rent it. It's about the Algerian struggle to free themselves of French colonial rule. In the film there's a scene that is remarkably like the following report from Baghdad. Every day occupation troops are being shot and killed in Iraq.... welcome to Algeria... welcome to Vietnam.
In bombed neighborhoods, everyone 'wants to kill Americans' (tags)
"There was no military here to put the bombs on us. So, I imagine, they wanted to kill us," said Abdel Majid, 43, who is afraid to let his children play in the yard.
3/24 Westwood Protest for Colombia (tags)
March to protest U.S. military aid to Colombia/oil wars.
U.S. Bombs Red Cross Food Warehouse in Kabul (tags)
Tuesday October 16, 2001 Red Cross Condemns U.S. Strike on Kabul Warehouse