fix articles 97352, documentary films
Beit Shalom Ministries is leading the walk form Denver, Colorado to Washington D.C. Currently, they are in Manhattan, Kansas and have been sharing information at Kansas State University. Watch their video updates on Google video and witness the police state in America. They have produced two powerful new documentary films on the war in Iraq and 9/11 truth available for FREE.
NANCY PELOSI VS. CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: Issues of War & Peace – Iraq, 9-11, Israel (tags)
McKinney, from Atlanta, Georgia, is an African-American warrior for justice and peace and an enemy of government hypocrisy. The other, Nancy Pelosi, is the white, privileged congresswoman from San Francisco, a consummate politician who, because of her prodigious fundraising abilities, was promoted by the party to run for the seat of the late Sala Burton in 1986 and is now the House Minority leader in Congress, thanks to her loyal service to the party and to the party line. ... Meanwhile, McKinney made her film debut this week in “American Blackout,” an independent film that premiered at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah, and which explores the historic and disempowerment of the Black vote through her eyes and political career. [This article also reviews the role of the pro-Israel-First Lobby in McKinney's initial ouster – issues that staunch Zionist Jewish-American journalist Greg Palast PURPOSELY omitted in his 'expose' (indecorously entitled), "The Screwing of Cynthia McKinney", but nonetheless Greg Palast's damage control article excluding the inter/national invovlement of the Israel lobby.]