fix articles 9696, subject
Mind Control is intentional harm, violence. It is the influencing of someones thinking through manipulation and adversity. Secrecy is the main ingredient in successful mind control.
The Viral Death of School (tags)
A real improvement in the school system could only come from a change in the underlying conception of man. Children must be treated as human beings with their own dignity and rights - not as stuffed geese that can be filled with knowledge of the state at will.
The virus as enemy and subject A very conspicuous phenomenon for rhetorically evading any political responsibility is, on the one hand, to shift it to the population by dutifully supporting and participating in all measures and, on the other hand, to speak of the virus as an acting subject bearing responsibility.
How the economic doctrine of salvation is changing education (tags)
Economy always takes place in social contexts - even more: It is itself a result of social contexts. In this respect, a discussion in the context of sociology, culture or politics is essential. However, this insight is already missing in academic economics.
Atlanta: metro Pillage, Poison Gas, Pricks (tags)
We have been subject to many arsons during daylight conditions, behind heavy steel protection screen fenccing these have been going on near abandoneed apartments while the homeless individuals are not to blame little attention is.Part old units have been subject too.
Narcissism as a Subject Form of Capitalism (tags)
The narcissist knows only two states: the absolute sense of powerlessness and omnipotence fantasies. Socialization cannot be left to an unconscious process since society's values are increasingly dysfunctional.
Capitalism as a Secularized Religion (tags)
It is never too early or too late to challenge the dominant narrative. Capitalism is a fetish social formation, a demolishing of being not a reform of being. Capitalism may be the first case of an indebted cult, not an atoning cult, possibly the most bloodthirsty cult of humanity's history.
Tingout: the new news stream social media for citizen journalism (tags)
Tingout is an internet platform created to givecreated to give more visibility to independent information
Ice Skating For Human Rights. (tags)
Youth for Human Rights Florida held an event called Ice Skating for Human Rights at an indoor ice skating rink in Clearwater.
Education of the Homo Oeconomicus (tags)
The school system should not only produce students with a narrowed economic view. Society consists of more than the sum of benefit-maximizing individuals.An economic system with fewer income differences, regulated financial markets and welfare state brings greater stability.
Chatting with the US Marshals… "Fool me once... etc." (tags)
Mutual interest, but some basic difficulties in communication…
Notable WikiLeaks cables worth reading... (tags)
Join the world in reading some of the notable WikiLeaks cables that are freely available for your reading pleasure. No matter how much the right-wing war mongers cry out in anguish against the release of these documents, step right up, and read them while you still can...
In His Own Words: [KPFK] Candidate Chris Bayard Condon (tags)
the new Pacifica??? Copied this from
Torture Research and Experimentation: Official Policy under Bush and Obama (tags)
Torture is official US policy
Dealing with PSL and ANSWER #1 (tags)
Harassing messages from PSL/ANSWER people
USA x North Korea: the war of the broken against the torn.
Synthetic Telepathy - The Hidden Truth (tags)
The following article is an entry that appeared on Wikipedia. Within the last 24 hours a major "edit war" broke out and it appeared, at least to me, that the information was being suppressed. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic telepathy". If you're interested in high tech espionage, this makes for a very good read.
Elite democracy leads to corruption of wealth distribution, language and community. "We must be wounded to be healed" (Dorothee Soelle).
Which will the changes be in States in reason of the Internet?
The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)
The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.
How Dependent Are Police On “Asset Forfeiture” To Pay Police Salaries? (tags)
Any fresh denial to the government when questioned about committing a crime “even when you did not do it” can “involuntarily waive” your right to assert in your defense—the “Criminal Statute of Limitations” has passed for prosecution.
"The Market is not a Safe Bank" by Helmut Schmidt (tags)
This crisis was avoidable. The fact that American investment banks are not subject to any normal bank supervision is scandalous. Financial transactions must be subject to rules and security standards. The heavier the traffic, the more rules and regulations are needed.
Book Review: The Subject and the Law (tags)
The church since the second century began distorting the original message without changing the words. If Jesus' proclamation was unconditionally "You shall not kill," it was soon said: "If you do this, we will kill you."
The Cry of the Subject: Franz Hinkelammert (tags)
The Sabbath exists for people. The "fatal law" is a synonym for "the world." According to Hinkelammert, obedience to the law is "sin." Those who wanted to stone the woman-the law abiding-committed sin. Abraham was commanded to decide for the life of his child.
celebrate & build on leimert park victory! (tags)
ted hayes has return permit behind reparations activist john peoples to reassemble the forces of obfuscation. drive the nail in the coffin!
The exclusivity of snitchin’ (tags)
Recent attention to urban attitudes has painted a picture of a wild urban frontier. The idea of snitching isn’t limited by geography, income level, or time period. For some people, the ‘Stop snitchin’ idea is another fantasy of how the other half lives.
> From: > To: > Subject: RE: TED HAYES EVENT
What is good for the economy and what is good for people diverge more and more! Nevertheless the opposite is drummed into people..Capitalism only knows the irrational end-in-itself, making more money out of money until the end of time. Capitalism strikes its own limits.
ok to reproduce in entirety not-for-profit with credits to author
Interview with Gregory Elich about his new book, 'Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit'
A current US program of involuntary human experimentation (tags)
A current US program of involuntary human experimentation (tags)
Oil policies running on empty (tags)
"People here seem to have an inexplicably difficult time coming to terms with the idea that they don't have infinite access to a finite resource. Well, now it's wake-up time. Again."
Leaked GOP Campaign Memo re: A12 SMO Appearance (tags)
The Republican rally machine tried to put one over on us. Presumably, they'll still be there today starting at **3** PM. This should be good.
Help Sought to Identify Possible "Vigilante" Group (tags)
Persons with knowledge of extra-legal, vigilante-style groups operating in Southern California (cults, corporate espionage, etc.) are being sought in an attempt to expose their activity.
Email all your friends, and family. With the above subject line.
When is Political Violence Justified? (tags)
Today I am writing about a very sensitive subject. Indeed, at this point in time it is a very dangerous subject to write about. The subject is political violence: when is it justified and when is it not justified. There are many positions on this topic and like most topics there are extreme positions. One extreme position is that political violence is never justified. This is the belief held by pacifists and followers of Gandhi. At the other extreme we find believers in political violence ranging from Stalinists, some Anarchists, Fascists, to Imperialists, among others. These political ideologies generally support the use of violence to achieve their ends.
Girl With A Pearl Earring: Mini Review (tags)
A mini review of the Peter Webber film adapted from Tracy Chevalier's best selling novel.
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, and Cuba.
Sherman (fwd)Sherman Austin Legal Battle Not Over (tags)
Regarding earlier posts and the need for proof.
KOBE has a Murder PLOT on Web-Page. (tags)
KOBE Maggot Plots to KILL Children Next Door. See Web-Page
Bush Et Al Officailly War Criminals: Arrest Them Now (tags)
There is no diplomatic immunity from war crimes. It's time for the people to enforce the law everywhere it needs enforcing. WW2 taught a hard lesson; it must not be allowed to be repeated. Please pass this along. Those who can traslate please do and post at the relevent indymedia site. More info at
Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities (tags)
Proudhon and the Subject of Nationalities
Call For Seal Beach Counter Demo (tags)
Seal Beach Call Issued for Help Sat 2/1 with Counter Demonstration to planned "Patriot" Demo
"Race" and "Mixed Race" Workshop and Art Show (tags)
Do you ever think about race? Have you ever thought about the various forces throughout history that have prevented races from mixing? Why are "mixed" people in this country a people without a history? Must race be tied to culture? Can we ever abolish the concept of "race"? Should we?
POSTER: Petroleum Geologist predicted U.S. Oil War (tags)
If you watch this lecture video, you will get a chill down your spine when you realize that the current economic and military situation was appreciated and predicted more than two years ago by a petroleum geologist!
She was young. She was beautiful. She prayed for peace and she dreamt of freedom. And now she is dead. Her name was Fatima and she was the ninth person to die from the cruelty of detention.
To Michael: An apology of sorts (tags)
Correcting a mistated fact from a previous article.
[PFMPE] Promising Prosperity, and Delivering Perpetually Multiplied Indebtedness (tags)
Since banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth paved the way to pretend central banking was a solution for banking-imposed instability and maldistribution of wealth, we have a century of the Democrat and Republican parties, tied to the purse strings of the instrument of multiplying indebtedness they ostensibly founded on our behalf.
Religion and Revolution (tags)
Issues surrounding religion have generated much debate on -- in the discussion over the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA. Here are some excerpts from some of the themes under discussion: the role of religion in holding back liberation, how to criticize religion without seeming to attack the believers themselves, and whether some forms of religion can play a positive role in the revolution and in socialism.
On Open Source Code, Computers and the Revolution (tags)
The following are excerpts from the debate on – the website dedicated to a discussion of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA’s Draft Programme and issues of revolutionary strategy.
Subject: That Lovable Zizek Guy (tags)
>The catch was that it was prohibited to state clearly that he was the boss.
e-mail access curtailed? (tags)
la local's hotmail access curtailed under questionable grounds. hotmail nor he clarify what exactly was the nature of the "objectionable material " was
everything and nothing video screening
Below is a description of the film screening event of a film by Jayce Salloum that took place at Gallery 825/LAA on La Cienaga.
Two More Pacifica Board Resignations -- Acosta & Van Putten Quit! (tags)
Pacifica Board Chair David Acosta (Houston) and reactionary Board member Karolyn Van Putten (Berkeley) -- both the subjects of pickets last week -- submitted their resignations from the Board Wednesday night.
Cruise,Travota analyse this. (tags)
Some explaining to
Free DC: A Tax Day call to action (tags)
A Tax Day Call to Action: Free DC! No Taxtation Without Representation! We are citizens of Washington DC. We have no vote. Every decision our city council makes is subject to congressional "review". We invite you to join us this tax day as we declare "No Taxtation Without Representation" and take action for DC: your Capital Colony. Please post this call to action on every listserv and share it with every friend.