fix articles 96834, world economic outlook
What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)
Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.
World Leaders Meet for Spring IMF, World Bank and G20 Meetings (tags)
World leaders, finance ministers, business groups, academics and development organizations attend the Spring IMF, World Bank and G20 meetings.
Global Economic Losses Since Dawn of Pandemic Hit $3.3 Trillion (tags)
Since 2020, the global economy lost $3.3 trillion. The loss affected the most vulnerable countries hardest noted International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva.
Global Economic Losses Since Dawn of Pandemic Hit $3.3 Trillion (tags)
Since 2020, the global economy lost $3.3 trillion. The loss affected the most vulnerable countries hardest noted International Monetary Fund chief Kristalina Georgieva.
Memorandum 2022 and Memorandum 2023 (tags)
The Bremen study group on Alternative Economic Policy has been publishing analyses since 1975. Sustainable infrastructure Investments, de-carbonization, environmental safeguards, work protections and welfare regulations are primary as well as resisting profit maximization and environmental destruction.
Morocco G20 Finance Meetings Make Few Decisions on Crisis Response (tags)
G20 finance ministers met on global economic growth, debt, inflation, expanding development bank aid, the pandemic and other crises.
African Catholic Bishops: Marrakesh Meetings Should Act on “True Jubilee of Hope in Africa (tags)
World leaders attending the annual IMF, G20 and World Bank meetings should promote urgent debt relief, aid and lending policies to address the interlinked crises African countries face, noted a body that represents African Catholic Bishops.
IMF and World Bank Meetings Wrestle with Low Growth, High Interest Rates, Debt Crises and (tags)
As world leaders arrive for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF forecasts the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for the two decades before the pandemic.
Jubilee USA Statement on IMF Global Financial Stability Report (tags)
The IMF releases the Global Financial Stability Report and raises global concerns over continued inflation, the banking system and climate investments.
Jubilee USA Statement on IMF World Economic Outlook Report (tags)
As world leaders arrive in Marrakesh for the Annual IMF and World Bank Meetings, the IMF releases its flagship World Economic Outlook report. The IMF projects the global economy to grow 3% this year, which remains below the average of growth for two decades before the pandemic.
IMF Forecasts Lowest Growth in Decades as World Leaders Descend on Washington for Meetings (tags)
Debt Roundtable Meetings Attempt to Break Impasse on Debt Relief From China and Private Sector
IMF Issues Debt and Financial Crisis Warnings (tags)
As the Spring World Bank and IMF meetings begin, the IMF issued concerns over unsustainable debt and a possible financial crisis in two reports. African and Latin American debt experts are releasing new analysis of growing debt at the meetings.
Dark Clouds Gather on Horizon for Financial System, Warns International Monetary Fund (tags)
Bali, Indonesia -The International Monetary Fund releases its "Global Financial Stability Report" ahead of its Annual Meetings held this year in Southeast Asia.
IMF and World Bank Meetings Begin With Growth Forecasts and Crisis Risk Warnings (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank begin their annual meetings which run between October 13th and 15th.
IMF Reports Global Growth and Releases New Ways to Predict Economic Crisis (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) releases its biannual report on global economic stability and presents new indicators it says can help predict financial crisis.
Global Economic Risks Ahead Warns International Monetary Fund (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its bi-annual report on global economic stability, warning that the financial system could face serious risks in the year ahead.
IMF Warns of "Protectionism" and Risky Investing (tags)
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) released its bi-annual report on the state of the global economy, predicting that global growth will continue steadily but slowly.
Crowning the Dragon: World's Top Economy (tags)
IMF World Economic Outlook: Economy Improves for Some as Inequality Persists (tags)
Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20
Austerity Policy Leads to Low Economic Growth, 43pp (tags)
This IMF Working Paper published on January 31, 2013 was co-authored by the chief IMF economist Olivier Blanchard. The IMF erred in its fiscal multiplier in estimating the effects of state spending cuts in deficit countries. The paper was greeted by silence in Germany and the US.
Never mind! IMF now says austerity mistakes don’t matter (tags)
IMF paper says damage wrought by austerity much greater than expected, but it should continue anyway.
Quietly, the IMF confesses that austerity does not work (tags)
Not that those who reap rewards from austerity will admit it, but the IMF’s own calculations show that austerity accelerates economic decline.
Washington's Greater Middle East Agenda: War (tags)
America's Terminal Decline (tags)
IMF it is sabotaging the Brazilian economy.