fix articles 96738, death star
The Conformity Forge and The Alchemy of Evil (tags)
One possible answer may be that governments, the media, the legal system, and the vast majority of the population are firmly embedded in a sociopolitical system that not only does not want anything about it to be questioned, but also actively prevents an awareness from arising.
Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire (tags)
Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire 10 comparisons and 11 reasons to consider A review/commentary
Zenger's Newsmagazine Election Endorsements (tags)
Full endorsements for San Diego voters in the June 5 primary election. As in 2010, in virtually every race Zenger's is recommending every Democrat over every Republican, not because the Democrats (with a few exceptions) are that progressive but because the Republicans are so reactionary they want to abolish the social safety net, virtually eliminate civil rights, workers', consumers' and environmental protections, and transform the radically as the Nazis transformed Germany in 1933.
Waging Total War on Islam (tags)
Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.
Cheney Spoke of Need to Establish US Presece in Mid-East (tags)
By D. Burbeck Mike Malloy of Air America Radio said a few nights ago that in the '90s Cheney used to speak of the need to establish a U.S. presence in the Middle-East. I had never heard this before, but it came as no surprise.
Leuren Moret Describes Vicious Attacks on Whistleblowers (tags)
June 15, 2006 by Leuren Moret To the Berkeley City Council and City Manager:
Arab League - Death Star - Amazing Video (tags)
A Must Watch
Happy Birthday to Queen of Uranium Poisening (tags)
"....the British Royal family privately owns investments in uranium holdings worth over $6 billion through Rio Tinto Mines." "The Queen's favorite American buccaneers, Cheney, Halliburton, and the Bush family, are tied to her through uranium mining and the shared use of illegal depleted uranium munitions in the Middle East, Central Asia and Kosovo/Bosnia." "God Save The Queen from the guilt of her complicity in turning Planet Earth into a "Death Star.""
Depleted Uranium Contaminates Europe - Evidence Was Hidden By Halliburton (tags)
....estimated that the atomicity equivalent of at least 400,000 Nagasaki bombs has been released into the global atmosphere since 1991, from the use of depleted uranium munitions.
Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)
An analysis of capitalism illustrating that not only are there periodic examples of large, conspicuous thefts by capitalists, but there also exists an everyday, subtle, disguised theft of the value created by the working class.
It's Not Easy Confronting King Coal (tags)
The CONVERGENCE of environmental, social and economic justice elements in mountaintop removal provided common ground among the forest protection and coal activist communities.
Only the Americans have the sovereign right, drunk with power and arrogance, to threaten to try the invaded in US courts for "war crimes."
War - The Final Solution (tags)
The continuing escalation of the never-ending Israeli war against the entire non-Jewish population of mandated Palestine has become the model for the Bush administration's never-ending war against all those who stand in the way of U.S. economic and military hegemony around the world.
Capitalism is Legalized Robbery (tags)
Conspicuous and inconspicuous examples of theft by the capitalist system.
Ballots across the West promise Power to the people (tags)
Public ownership of electric power is an idea whose time has come – at least in San Francisco, Las Vegas and in the Big Sky state of Montana. Voters in these western locales have a chance to vote Nov. 5 for ballot questions that open the way for city or state takeover or buyout of private utility companies.
Proof the CA Energy Crisis was Corporate Manipulation/Theft (tags)
Probably no one reading the LA-IMC newswire will be surprised by this -- but here's (some of) the proof that last year's California Energy Crisis was thoroughly manipulated by the unregulated, parasitic energy corporations. A similar story was on the front page of today's (5-7-02) LA Times and the New York Times also had a lead article on the matter. Sorry for re-posting corporate media here, but I think it's important for this to be accessible on the LA-IMC newswire for posterity's sake. BTW, Pacifica Radio's Democracy NOW! had an excellent segment this morning about this as well.