fix articles 96658, insurgent
The recent 'Insurgent Notes' conference in New York City (tags)
The people behind the ostensibly ultra-left Marxist web site 'Insurgent Notes' recently hosted a conference in New York City. The following was originally written in response to an account of this conference by a Trotskyist group on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic seaboard.
Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters (tags)
One-Sided Anti-Syrian Human Rights Council Resolution (tags)
Radical Theatre: Ulysses' Crewmen w/ Peter J Woods (tags)
Insurgent Theatre and noise musician Peter J Woods bring their two radical and complementary projects to Echo Curio on Thursday, July 15th.
Sergeant calls Iraqi slayings appropriate (tags)
A sergeant who examined the scene hours after Marines killed two dozen Iraqis in Haditha last year said the shootings appeared to be an appropriate.
Why the government ruler don't like sniper rifles (tags)
Iraqi insurgents are teaching recruits sophisticated sniper techniques for targeting U.S. troops that include singling out engineers, medics and chaplains, according to training material obtained by U.S. military intelligence. The insurgent sniper training manual was posted on the Internet. Among its tips: "Killing doctors and chaplains is suggested as a means of psychological warfare."
Using drones to kill people (tags)
Drones can also be used by the people against the government!