fix articles 96547, terror attack
Global Satanic Government (The CIA) Stages AL CIADA Terror Attack in Pakistan (tags)
The Global Apostates of Hell (The CIA) have, in an attempt to give credibility to their FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING, Killed at least 80 People in Pakistan via a Post FAKE BIN LADEN KILLING Staged AL CIADA (The CIA Duh) Terrorist Attack in Pakistan.
URGENT UPDATES: Houston/Chicago False Flags (tags)
HOUSTON, 10/11/10 -- Several stories reported by the mainstream media today demand an update to my 10/9/10 warning: OBAMA-RAHMA! Windy and Bayou cities await false flag,
Ghost Troop: USA 666 WMD (3/11/09 - 9/9/09) -- An American Advisory to Police and Militar (tags)
Captain Eric H. May's Ghost Troop cyber-intelligence unit has included a US ambassador, a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy and seasoned military veterans from all services. Their advisory is full of words for the wise.
US "Warned" of Glasgow Attack 2 weeks ago.. (tags)
Was it a leak by the planners, lucky guess or good ole psychic precognition? Predictably, Iran & Syria being blamed by MSM. Setting up that casus belli..
Bush says he is to be tortured in gitmo
Operation Expose the Government Terrorists 2 (tags)
A warning of a possible false-flag operation
Facts of NYC Terror Attack
Breaking: U.S and U.K. secretly preparing to withdraw most of their troops from Iraq! (tags)
Mr Reid's memo, prepared for Mr Blair in the past few weeks, shows that in reality, plans to get them out - 'military drawdown,' as he puts it - are well advanced.
If there Is another big Terror Attack, Round Up the Indy Media Traitors first (tags)
If the US gets hit again it will be time to stop pretending that seditious speech in favor of the terrorists does not promote terrorism. Isn't it interesting that our enemies would not tolerate such behviour in their ranks and would immediately execute such traitors , and detain their families. Perhaps we will be compelled to adopt the same measures. Terrorists swim in a sea of fellow travellers. This is how they maintain their covers. If the sea is drained, the terrorists have no place to hide.
...Protest Against U.S. Army's School of the Americas Will Proceed in November. (tags)
Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with SOA Watch founder Father Roy Bourgeois about the group's decision to go forward with their November demonstration, given the changed climate after Sept. 11th and the status of Congressional legislation to close the school.