fix articles 962, location Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : location


Phone Privacy? (tags)

I'm guessing the big-dogs probably have a way to make private phone calls; so I'm wondering what kind of person I should ask about the successful methods. I mean, I could ask a PI, get to know a phone company technician and offer an honorarium for good info, etc. I'll bet some people still have privacy. How can I approach such people and ask the right questions?

Fbi destroys America (tags)

See evidence that, among other corrupt agencies, the fbi leads in the moral and legal destruction of the USA.

Evidence of fbi cyber crimes (tags)

More fbi pranks are shown in this report.

NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally (tags)


REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate reade (tags)

REPORT: ACLU releases comprehensive report on law enforcement’s use of license plate readers

3rd Radical Mycology Convergence Callout! (tags)

The Radical Mycology Convergence is a unique gathering of mycologists, mushroom enthusiasts, and Earth stewards coming together to share skills and information on the numerous benefits of the fungal kingdom for humans and the planet. The RMC is a multiple-day long event consisting of workshops, presentations, and various projects using fungi and other organisms to remediate & restore damaged environments.

WPFW needs a home, not scare tactics about a corporate takeover (tags)

Some WPFW programmers are making an underhanded power play by framing a new lease as a corporate takeover

Retenes del fin de semana / Weekend checkpoints (7-8/dec/2012) (tags)

Vienen las navidades, y por consecuente, viene más patrullaje y más retenes. También quisieramos advertir que la presencia de agentes de migración suele aumentarse durante el mes de diciembre aprovechándose de que la gente de la comunidad va de viajes. Urgimos mucha precaución en las vías de tránsito, al igual que en los servicios de transporte público, como el Greyhound. Conozca y ejerza sus derechos y manténgase alerta a toda hora, pero no olvide de disfrutar la temporada lo más posible.

The holidays are coming, and as a result, we'll be seeing more patrols and checkpoints. We would also like to warn that the presence of immigration agents tends to increase during the month of December in light of the increase in travel/ We urge utmost caution on the roadways and even on public transportation systems such as the Greyhound. Know and exercise your rights and remain alert at all times, but don't forget to enjoy this season as much as possible!

KPFK'S LSB lax, cant get meeting location announced ? huh ? (tags)

why cant KPFK folks do it like everyone else ? set a meeting time and place in advance and post it ?

Retenes este fin de semana / This weekends' checkpoints (23-26/ago/2012) (tags)

Continúa el ataque en nuestra contra. Pongáse lista, raza, protéjase lo más posible. Si ve retenes en su área, alerte a sus compañeras y compañeros de lucha y organícense para la defensa propia.

The attack against us continues. Be wise, people, protect yourselves as much as you can. If you see checkpoints in your area, alert your comrades in the struggle and organize yourselves in self-defense.

Retenes este fin de semana / This weekend's checkpoints (16-18/ago/2012) (tags)

La Oficina estatal de Seguridad de Tránsito acaba de anunciar las agencias becadas para este año. ¿Recibió una beca la localidad donde usted vive? Véase la página web para informarse:

Nosotrxs en Checkpoint response nos hemos percatado de que no todas las agencias de orden público están cumpliendo con la ley AB353 como se debe. (La ley permite que a un conductor detenido en un retén cuyo único delito es manejar sin licencia llame a alguien con licencia para recoger el auto.) Si cae en un retén, tiene que reclamar su derecho de llamar a alguien más porque no le van a informar. Y si no le permiten ejercer ese derecho, favor de informarnos a nosotros o a tu organización local. Manda un correo electrónico a

The California Office of Traffic Safety just announced the agencies that will be receiving grants this year. Did your local agency or university receive a grant? Check the list on the website to find out:

We at Checkpoint response have found out that not all the law enforcement agencies are following the AB 353 law like they should. (That is the law that permits drivers who get caught going through checkpoints without licenses to call a licensed driver to get the car.) If you go through a checkpoint, you must speak up in order to exercise your right, because the police are not informing people of their options. And if they do not allow you to call a licensed driver, please inform us or your local organization. Send an email to

Retenes del fin de semana /Weekend checkpoints 10-11 de agosto, 2012 (tags)

Son varios los retenes de este fin de semana. Manejen con cuidado, y no olviden de avisar a sus compañerxs de sus comunidades.

There are several checkpoints out there this weekend. Drive carefully, and don't forget to alert your comrades from your communities.

Retenes hoy y mañana / Checkpoints today and tomorrow (15-16/jun/2012) (tags)

Retenes hoy y mañana en distintas partes de California. Checkpoints today and tomorrow in different parts of California.

Retenes del fin de semana del Día Memorial / Memorial Day weekend checkpoints (25-28/may/2 (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza! Este fin de semana memorial va a haber un montón de retenes. A la gran cantidad de retenes también se suman varias patrullas de saturación, las cuales no constan esta lista. Cuidado también que la policía siempre realiza más retenes de los que se anuncian por la prensa. Si Ud. Mira algún retén en su área, favor de alertar a su comunidad al igual que la línea de retenes al 909-992-0440. Otra cosita: muchas de las agencias, al parecer, no están respetando la ley AB 353, la cual permite que un conductor cuyo único delito es manejar sin licencia (a excepción de que la licencia sea suspendida o revocada) llame a un conductor con licencia para recoger el carro antes del fin del retén. Este es su derecho, ¡pero lo hay que reclamar! Si no respetan este derecho suyo, les pedimos que marquen al mentado número para reportar el abuso. Con cuidado, ¡y que siga la resistencia!

Get wise, people! This Memorial Day weekend there will be numerous police checkpoints. In addition, there will be many saturation patrols, which are not listed here. Please be aware that the police always conduct more checkpoints than they announce through the media. If you see a checkpoint in your area, please alert your community as well as the checkpoint hotline at 909-992-0440. One more thing: it appears that many agencies are not respecting the law AB 353, which permits a driver whose only infraction is driving without a license (with the exception of suspended or revoked licenses) to call a licensed driver to retrieve the car prior to the conclusion of the checkpoint. This is your right, might you must demand that it be respected! If they do not honor your rights, we ask that you call the aforementioned number to report the abuse. Be careful, and keep up the resistance!

Retenes Fin de Semana San Patricio / St. Patrick’sm Day Weekend Checkpoints (16-17/mar) (tags)

Lista incompleta de retenes para el fin de semana de San Patricio.

Incomplete list of St. Patrick's Day weekend checkpoints.

Report of the eviction and dispersal of the tents and belonging at Occupy Riverside (tags)

The Riverside Police Dept. removed on Wed. Nov. 30, 2011 all Riverside Occupy tents from Location A established on Main St Promenade between 9th St. and University Ave.

Your cell phone company is helping the police spy on you (tags)

Uncle Sam is listening to your cell phone?

Is that OnStar or OnSnitch (tags)

Will OnStar keep the police informed of your every move?

Retenes fin de semana del "D?a del Trabajo" / "Labor Day" checkpoints (1-4/sep/2011) (tags)

Lxs voluntarixs de Checkpoint response te traen esta ?ltima noticia sobre los retenes en tu ?rea. No va ser una lista completa, porque siempre hay los que no se anuncian. Para informaci?n m?s actualizada, favor de fijarse en la p?gina de facebook de RETEN, p?gina con la cual tenemos rato colaborando. Conoce y defiende tus derechos y sigue luchando por los que a?n no te garantizan.

The volunteers of Checkpoint response bring you this lates news about police roadblocks in your area. This is not an exhaustive list. There are always unannounced checkpoints, so beware, and let your community know--you are the front line of resistance against probable cause-free stops. Know your rights, stand up for them, and keep on fighting for those rights that you are still not able to exercise.

Police use your cell phone to spy on you (tags)

Please be paranoid about your cell phone!!!! Remember anytime your cell phone is turned on the police know where you are.


National Cop Watching Network via text messaging. REPORT POLICE ACTIVITY FROM YOUR CELL PHONE

Retenes del fin de semana del Día del Trabajo / May Day Weekend Checkpoints 2011 (tags)

¿No se te hace curioso que siempre cuando hay grandes mobilizaciones, las fuerzas de la represión también programan un sinfín de puntos de control de tránsito? No dejemos que nos paralicen con sus tácticas de intimidación. Es importantísimo que nos armemos con información, primeramente de nuestros derechos como seres humanos y como residentes de este país, y segundamente de los lugares donde planean realizar retenes, y más importantemente, de nuestro poder como pueblo organizado para control nuestro propio destino. ¡Todxs a las calles!

Isn't it strange how whenever there are large workers' mobilizations, the forces of repression happen to schedule an innumerable quantity of traffic control stations? Let's not let them paralyze us with their intimidatory tactics. It is of utmost importance that we arm ourselves with information: First of our rights as humans and as residents of this country, secondly of where the checkpoints are scheduled to take place, and most importantly, of our own power as an organized community to control our destiny! Everyone to the streets!

Retenes este fin de semana/Weekend checkpoint warning (18-19/feb/2011) (tags)

¡Maneje con cautela! Si nota su ciudad en esta lista, mande la información a sus contactos. Corran la voz porque el único apoyo que tenemos somos nosotros. ¡Que viva la resistencia!

Drive safely! If you see your city on this list, please send the information to your contacts. Spread the word because the only support we have is each other. Long live the resistance!

Retenes/Checkpoints for Superbowl weekend (4-6/feb/2011) (tags)

Como siempre raza, el estado policial utiliza cualquier pretexto (en esta ocasión, la famosa "Superbowl") para interceder en nuestras vidas y tratar de limitar nuestro derecho a la mobilidad e imponer su autoridad absoluta. Por lo tanto, como siempre, la resistencia se está organizando no solamente para la liberación del pueblo sino también para informarse, detener la represión, y combatir las fuerzas del mal. Para este esfuerzo, también necesitamos tu participación.

As always, the police state uses any pretext (in this case, the so-called "Superbowl") to intervene in our lives and to attempt to limit our right to mobility and to impose its absolute authority. Likewise, as always, the resistance is organizing not only for popular liberation, but also tu inform the public, stop the repression, and fight back against the forces of evil. In this effort your participation is needed.

Retenes este fin de semana / This weekend's checkpoints (22-26/jul/2010) (tags)

Hasta la fecha, se han anunciado los siguientes retenes policiales a través de la prensa corporativa. Mande esta lista a sus amigos, cópiala a tu sitio local de indymedia o craigslist, o el sitio que sea popular en su área, tome la información y envía mensajes de texto a sus amistades y a todos y todas de su iglesia. Pero seguro que habrá más de los mencionados. Si usted ve un retén, favor de comunicárselo a su organización comunitaria local o reportarlo a la red de Checkpoint response. Mande correo electrónico a con preguntas, comentarios, o para prestarse como voluntario/a. Si usted quiere reportar un retén anunciado en su prensa local o que haya visto en su comunidad, o si quiere recibir alertas por texto o correo eletrónico, favor de enviar un email a

These are the checkpoints that have been announced in the corporate press so far. Take this list and send it to your friends, post it on your local indymedia site, craigslist, or whatever site is popular in your area, post it to your facebook, take the information and send out text messages to all your friends and all the people in your church. There are sure to be more than the ones listed here. If you see one, please report it to your local community organization or to Checkpoint response. If you would like to report a checkpoint announced in your local press or that you've seen in your community, or if you would like to receive text or e-mail alerts, please email You can also e-mail with questions, comments, or to volunteer.

Retenes este weekend checkpoint (9-10/jul/2010) (tags)

Sigue la lista de retenes anunciados por la prensa corporativa de este fin de semana.

The list of this weekend's checkpoints announced in the corporate press follows.

May Day Checkpoints / Retenes del Día de Trabajo (30/apr-1/may/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay mobilizaciones de obreros y obreras, las fuerzas represivas del estado salen a suprimirlas. Les urgimos mucha precaución en lo que salen manejando, y aunque es necesario manifestar nuestro descontento, lo hay que hacer con cautela, siempre echando un ojo a las agencias del llamado "orden público."

As always when there are workers' mobilizations, the repressive forces of the state come out to supress them. We urge you caution as you drive, and although it is necessary to manifest our discontent, we must do it very carefully and always with an eye on so-called "law enforcement" agencies.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (15-17/apr/2010) (tags)

¡Póngase abusado raza!

Beware people!

Superbowl checkpoints / Retenes este fin de semana (4-7/feb/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay un gran evento o día festivo, agencias de orden público usan el pretexto para aumentar la aplicación de leyes racistas, clasistas, y antimigrantes. Habrá varios retenes, y muchas agencias reportan que van a monitorear con mayor vigilancia las vías públicas. Checkpoint response les avisa de los retenes previstos, no sólo en California, sino en el resto del país también, y les pedimos que tengan mucho cuidado.

As with other holidays and large events, law enforcement agencies use the pretext to heighten enforcement of classist, racist, and anti-immigrant laws. This weekend will see numerous checkpoints, as well as non-checkpoint traffic enforcement. Checkpoint response brings you this warning of the foreseeable checkpoints, and urges the utmost caution on the road.

Anarchists to Hold Bookfair, Disseminate Radical Literature (tags)

Public is invited for workshops, performances, experiments in non-oppressive relations.

Retenes navideños / Christmas checkpoints (25/dec-2/ene) UPDATED/ACTUALIZADA (tags)

Law enforcement agencies have declared they will hold 300 "DUI" checkpoints during the holiday season statewide. Furthermore, they have declared 2010 "the year of the checkpoint."
Las agencias de orden público han declarado que van a realizar un total de 300 retenes policiacos en esta temporada navideña. Es más, han denominado este año entrante del 2010 "El año del retén."

More checkpoints / Más retenes (tags)

En esta lista sólo constan los retenes que se harán en el estado de California, y sólamente los que se han anunciado a través de los medios corporativos de comunicación. Si usted mira un retén que no ha sido incluído aquí, favor de agregarlo como comentario y avisar a tu organización comunitaria local.

Checkpoints this weekend / Retenes este fin de semana (3-4/dec/2009) (tags)

En esta lista sólo constan los retenes que se harán en el estado de California, y sólamente los que se han anunciado a través de los medios corporativos de comunicación. Si usted mira un retén que no ha sido incluído aquí, favor de agregarlo como comentario y avisar a tu organización comunitaria local.

" DUI checkpoint" Monterery Park Fri 8/21/09 (tags)

" DUI checkpoint" Monterery Park Fri 8/21/09. stay tuned for exact location (pending)

Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair (tags)

Official Schedule of 2009 Anarchist Conference & Cultural Fair


The 2008 Farce of July celebration at Self Help Graphics was a great event in spite of various set-backs. First of all, the event was forced to move at the last minute from its originally scheduled location at 1221 Hope St., when the owner of the venue informed the organizers that he had received word that there would be a police raid.

Commander Adama's Update Regarding Elections (tags)

Hello and Greetings once again. Today, a message of significant importance needs to be addressed. Not only to the people in the United States of America, but to the people throughout the world as well,

Caltrans says NO to hate (tags)

If anyone wants confirmative email headers on the email that I received and posted below, send me a request using a REAL email address and I'll forward a copy.

Musical Nukes (tags)



Blackwater Mercenaries on the USA-Mexico Border (tags)

very scary

Illegal Surveillance of Americans (tags)

Description of technologies used to illegally surveill and manipulate

UAC Racists Plan To Rally Against Arabs/Islam/Immigrants (tags)

United American Committee is planning racist rallies on March 31. It's time to once again confront these racists


Skip work, school, etc. Call in sick- sick of the Bush regime!!

A Week in the Life of Globalization (tags)

Wages are under pressure and cost advantages need not be passed on to consumers.. Under the pressure of location competition, Germany has lmassively lowered the profit tax and the top ncome tax.

Abril 10 - Protesta HR4437 (tags)

Two places to go:

It's Time To Stop the War--on Immigrants! (tags)

The Senate is torn between welcoming undocumented families and turning them into criminals. Immigrant and immigrant-descent communities, the now-awakened giant, forced the Senate to blink. Actions over the next two weeks will determine what the Senate finally does. And in the interim, the progressive Left needs to stand up in massive numbers.

SOS in Burbank (tags)

The xenophobic media darlings, Save Our State made their scheduled appearance in Burbank to protest the opening of a Day Labor/Temporary Worker Center adjacent to the new Home Depot.

ALL OUT! Sat. A.M.--Stop Minutemen Attacks on Day Laborers (tags)

Anti-minutemen counterprotestors needed at all locations.

ALL OUT! Shut Down the Minuteklan National Day of Action (tags)

LA's Downtown Indie-Movie Production Studio Opens to Outside Vendors (tags)

LA' s downtown downtown budget production studios is now seeking outside vendors to locate within the facility to make one-stop shopping for filmmakers a reality.

PACHANGA meeting (tags)

thursday evening, 7/7:30, central location

John Digweed and team up for Tsunami Relief (tags)

Please join us to kick off the new year in the spirit of humanity...

How About A Treasure Hunt? We Got A Doozy (tags)

Lost ancient artifacts in eastern Europe, War hero fighting for his life finds location of buried ancient artifacts in 1944.Lost to the world till 2001.Location found.



Wireless World: Troubling gaps in 'e-911' (tags)

This is an expose of the problems of 911 on mobile phones.

LA County E-Votes at Risk of Crack (tags)

Be warned, there's an INSANELY STUPID security hole in Diebold's GEM system. This is in use for early voting in Los Angeles County.


THOMAS KEENE leaked to stall for time and their off, and Bush has an attorney and she changed her story ever since 911 and they showed Cheney's face as she started talking faster and he is criminaly insane and has the right to remain silent all on MEET THE PRESS on CNBC and the time here is 9:34.


This is a financial report, not a personal attack. VOLATILITY in TERRORISM INSURANCE markets is expected to consume profits and put pressure on the dollar based on the number of tickets sold to AMERICANS and ISRAELIS and the number of atheletes that do compete, or flip flop, none of which are really welcome to travel anywhere, except back to the house. please read on for master plan details.

Banner Drop, 405 (tags)

Banner Drop on an unknowned location in Los Angeles. The time was 8:05 AM.

Long Beach All ages Venue under threat by LBPD (tags)

Long Beach Police AT IT AGAIN!!! (tags)


Anti-Vivisection Vigil 12/16/03 (tags)

What: Anti-Vivisection Vigil ~~Rain Does NOT Cancel!~~

Turnament - a festival of turntablism in Los Angeles, November 7. (tags)

Turnament: part skratch DJs, part modern art, part hip and / or hop - the common thread? Visionary musicians using turntables and records as instruments in ways you'd never dream possible. We won't sell you the whole seat - you'll only need…the edge!

Dennis Kucinich in LA today and tomorrow (tags)

Dennis Kucinich was interviewed by Larry Bensky in the KPFA studios for the "Sunday Salon" program, broadcast to all three California Pacifica stations. The interview runs for about 50 minutes and includes call-ins. These files are from the KFCF 24-hour archive. Each file is about 8.5 megs, 40kbit audio; calls were taken from both the LA and SF Bay Area

no border camp in puglia italy (tags)

Border Camping in Puglia

Transphobia (tags)

I can't believe the amount of transphobia I read on this site.

Indymedia's Parade of Stars! (tags)

In our ongoing effort to present to you the latest buzz from below the Beltway in Twaddle Town we bring you reader requests:

CIA's Golden Victory - US Bribed Iraqi Military Leaders (tags)

General Maher Sufyan, the head of the Republican Guard, was allegedly spirited away from the Al Rasheed airstrip, in south-east Baghdad, to an unknown location, according to the French newspaper Le Monde and the leading Arab news channel Al Jazeera.

Public Readings of Lysistrata World-wide Condemn War (tags)

- On March 3, 2003, the Lysistrata Project will present worldwide readings of Aristophanes’ bawdy ancient Greek antiwar comedy Lysistrata. To date, 817 play readings are scheduled in 49 countries and in all 50 U.S. states to voice opposition to the war on Iraq

Iranian Students Human Rights Report (tags)

Three Students have been transferred to unknown location, UN Human Rights inspectors still investigate

Location for protest of KKK white power music show in Southern CA 11-16 (tags)

Saturday November 16, at a Fairgrounds in Perris, CA in Riverside County. The address is 18700 Lake Perris Dr. Here are directions from LA.

Protest KKK white power music show in Southern CA 11-16 (tags)

Anti-Racist Action LA (People Against Racist Terror/PART) is organizing a counter-demonstration. The location will be made known at noon on Sat. 11/16. We will email out the location

Tree Sitter Dies In Santa Cruz (tags)

A first time tree-sitter died Tuesday in Santa Cruz County

(RESUBMITTED) Finally a Little Truth in Advertisement! (tags)

Kudos to the Garment Worker Center and for providing that great billboard right across the street from Forever 21’s Beverly Center location. Billboard location: La Cienega and Beverly Blvd. Northeast corner.

Finally a Little Truth in Advertisement! (tags)

Kudos to the Garment Worker Center and for providing that great billboard right across the street from Forever 21’s Beverly Center location. Billboard location: La Cienega and Beverly Blvd. Northeast corner.

More BS to evoke a public response? (tags)

Now we are told that electronic communication intercepts reflect "increased traffic" between "al Qaida" cells, indicating these cells may be planning a new wave of attacks. The intercepts, it is said, are comparable to intelligence that was being acquired in the weeks leading up to 9-11.





International day of protest against the war, December 22! (tags)

There's less than a month until the international day of protest against the war on ALL FRONTS, and the campaign has been successful! The following cities are holding protests on December 22:

All the news that . . . shhhhush! (tags)

'New war' to be fought with unprecedented secrecy. Why? Becasue terrorist organizations lack the intelligence-gathering capacity that nations possess, relying instead on news organizations to find out what their enemies are doing. Could this be why the CIA subscribes to so many newspapers?

Scab News Replaces Democracy Now (tags)

What follows is from the Democracy Now! staff -- reporting that Pacifica has contacted with an off-site, non-union news agency (Feature Story News) to replace the first segment of Democracy Now!

Important: DC RAAB Update, Assembly Point Change (tags)

Franklin Square between I and K on 14th Street

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