fix articles 95676, bush govt
How will a Bush Govt "Attack" on Iran effect the 2008 Presidential Candidates? (tags)
Opinions:Obamma,Hilliary and McCain on Bush's Iran Invasion?
Warning: Presidential Candidates Not Offering to Repair and Reinstate the US Constitution! (tags)
In reality the American public is being conned and coerced into voting for nothing at all except the same old Washington corruption,a corruption made many times worse by the blatantly fascist actions of the Bush White House. .........................................................................
Bush Regime made $18 Billion (so far) from Iraq Oil! (tags)
The Bush Regime,with its unfettered authority and leverage in the "Puppet" Iraqi Govt. are the only ones who are responsible (guilty) and enabled all that money to go missing...into their own pockets!
Bush "predicts" Bigger,Worse Terrorist Attacks! (tags)
Why would the Bush Govt.want to engineer and carry out another,more devestating 911 attack on America
CNN does Damage Control for Gen.Musharaff! (tags)
Obviously the Bush Govt.does not want to lose a valuable and obedient puppet like Gen.Musharaff in their ongoing "Oil War" that now stretches from Iraq to Turkminestan.
The Hidden Scheme behind Bush's Guantanamo Bay? (tags)
The next phase in this coup d'etat of America is perhaps Bush's present promotion of a nuclear war on Iran and his threats of an escalation into a war!
Virginia Tech killer sought Bush's solution to problems! (tags)
Also Cho Seung-Hui's violent rampage didn't destroy whole towns and villages and pollute the environment with toxic chemicals and depleted uraniun bombs the Bush Govt's continuing decimation in Iraq.
Rosie O'Donnell & 911 "Vs" Fox TV? (tags)
Simple Solution! If Rosie O'Donnell and all the 911 Truth folks are completely and even ridiculously wrong then the unfettered public presentation of all the 911 "evidence" will undoubtably and quickly prove that!
CNN does hours on Anna Nicole & 60 secs on Anti-War Protests! (tags)
Obviously CNN believes,by the allotment of its broadcast resources,that the demise of Anna Nicole Smith is the more important and newsworthy story!
U.S.Marines are "Valiant & Courageous"! (except answering for their dirty deeds! (tags)
TIKRIT, Iraq - Four U.S. soldiers accused of murdering Iraqi detainees refused to testify Thursday at a military hearing, where witnesses described how one of the victims spat blood as he lay dying and another was covered in brain matter.
Iran War is Bush's "Salvation"! (tags)
Zionist "War Mongers" like CNN and the New York times etc.are desperately trying to use every opportunity to brainwash the American public on the dire need for the U.S. to immediately attack and obliterate Iran!
U.S.Govt's "Instigation" of wider Middle East War will be Iran War is Bush's &qu (tags)
Zionist "War Mongers" like CNN and the New York times etc.are desperately trying to use every opportunity to brainwash the American public on the dire need for the U.S. to immediately attack and obliterate Iran!
Why not Pay Bush+Cheney 100 Million to Resign? (tags)
Maybe Bush and Cheney would resign if offered enough money?