fix articles 9511, chemicals
Nuke Plants Cause Excess CancerDeaths When Running, Rates Decline When They Shut Down (tags)
A recent study showed that nuclear power plants cause excess cancer caused by their routine radioactive releases when operating. The rates decline after they shut down.
California Safe Schools Honors 11 Year Old Daniel Randall (tags)
5th Grade Student Named 2016 Environmental Health Hero
Toxic Contamination on US Military Bases (tags)
Successfully Embracing the Precautionary Principle & Right to Know (tags)
Children spend nearly one-third of their lives at school—what should be a safe space for learning and growing. However, with the best intentions, many school districts use large amounts of chemicals with serious health concerns, instead of opting for lower-risk alternative methods.
Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)
Boycott Grupo Pellas: There is no evidence linking Nicaragua Sugar to CKD (tags)
The study commissioned to this prestigious university in November 2008 was the result of an agreement between Nicaragua Sugar (NSEL) and the Chichigalpa Association for Life (ASOCHIVIDA), the most important association of CRI patients in Nicaragua
Mustang Conspiracy; BLM Rush to Move Horses (tags)
Recent coverage by Las Vegas reporter George Knapp details the sudden rush by the BLM to forcibly remove large numbers of Nevada's wild mustangs could be to clear the way for the Ruby Pipeline as proposed by El Paso Corporation.
International Women's Day in the Philippines (tags)
In the Philippines poor children die at three times the rate of the children of the rich, according to latest UN data.
Embracing the Precautionary Principle by Robina Suwol (tags)
Comments by Founder & Executive Director of California Safe Schools
The LemonFast & Fresh Organic Foods (tags)
Only eat plant foods that are centered around fresh vegetables, fruit, whole grains, beans, nuts, legumes, and all organically grown
All Doctors Eliminated At Ca-OSHA (tags)
California has eliminated all medical doctors at Ca-OSHA for the 17 million workers in the state. The last doctor of Ca-OSHA has written a statement about the state of Ca-OSHA.
Have You Ever Seen Someone Near a Utility Pole? EPA Hasn't! (tags)
Help EPA See the Reality of Wood Preservative Exposure in Your Community
UFW Tells EPA to Stop Use of Deadly Organophosphate Pesticides! (tags)
Help support the UFW campaign to tell the EPA to stop allowing use of organophosphate pesticides that cause neurological damage in farm worker children and nearby rural residents.
Wisconsin Death Trip becomes Hitler's Health Care (tags)
Sensing an abnormally strong Bush Nazi presence in the northern Midwest, I believe that the Nazis are trying to conceal that has been a stronghold of Nazism since the Second Reich, preying on anyone who challenges their stupidity.
Tear Gas & Chronic Health Problems - Physicians For Social Repsonsibility (tags)
Tear gas contains chemicals that cause birth defects, infertility, brain damamge, and cancer. Infants and children are particularly sensitive to these chemical hazards. Here's much more info from our friends at Physicians For Social Responsibility - LA ("Tear Gas Clouds and Chronic Health Problems")
Virginia Tech killer sought Bush's solution to problems! (tags)
Also Cho Seung-Hui's violent rampage didn't destroy whole towns and villages and pollute the environment with toxic chemicals and depleted uraniun bombs the Bush Govt's continuing decimation in Iraq.
Homeland Security Goons now want to screw up the railroads (tags)
Great after screwing up the airlines, now the homeland security goons are going to screw up the railroads!!!!
A kinder, gentler way for the state to murder people - lethal chemical injections! (tags)
Attorneys, death-penalty foes outraged by 34-minute execution
FOWL! Bird flu—What it’s really all about (tags)
In this enlightening interview, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will forever change the way you view environmental policy, the pharmaceutical industry and the government’s role in the dissemination of public health information. Dr. Tenpenny looks beyond the hysteria and exposes the vested interests poised to exploit the fear being generated about bird flu.
low level chemical sprays to begin shortly in the west (tags)
Sign A Bill Banning The Use Of Experimental Pesticides In Schools Or Cave In To Chemical Industry Lobbyists
A Mom's FYI: Opposites Detract (tags)
Behavior Specialist, Teacher, Rehabilitation Services Coordinator (tags)
Crisis of the Mind Alzheimer’s, Dementia, Mild Cognitive Impairment and More Memory and the ability to think effectively can be lost, and the individual that has lost them may not know that they are gone. At this time in your life, you are the way you are, mentally and physically, because of your accumulated life experiences and your genetic make-up. Every drug, chemical, thought, environmental experience, what you have eaten, every minute of exercise, and everything that has been done to your body, etc., have made you the way you are now. Is it possible to be driving, working or cooking dinner and without warning, lose your memory and not be able to think effectively? I received a request from a hospital to evaluate one of their patients for possible referral to our traumatic brain injury rehabilitation program. The police had arrested this patient for driving under the influence and had brought her to the hospital emergency room because of her obvious serious medical condition. Her condition was stabilized, she was tested for drug and alcohol use and she was chemical free. She was definitely not under the influence. The hospital could not find a cause for her condition.
Cheers for christian family values (tags)
The eye of big brother in your "medicine" cabinet.
The EPA and Industry Team Up to Protect Profits in Florida Study, Leaving Children Behind (tags)
Warns Officials To Look for People Wearing Bulky Jackets on Warm Days; Smell of Chemicals; Trailing Wires from Jackets Bombers May Disguise Selves As Pregnant Women
The curious lack of curiosity about WMD (tags)
Stay Healthy So You Can Stay in the Streets (tags)
Some suggestions from the Street Medics on what you can do to stay healthy before, during and after the demonstrations against the FTAA.
Keep kids away from dangerous Disney products (tags)
Greenpeace Report: Hidden hazards revealed in Disney products Children face toxic chemical cocktail
CHEMTRAILS: Global Aerial Spraying of Chemicals Becoming Severe (tags)
Worldwide, aerial spraying of chemicals by planes is becoming severe and health problems and fatalities are rapidly increasing. ACTION is needed by all people to stop this abuse.
Gen. Wesley Clark, War Criminal for President? (tags)
Gen. Wesley Clark is no anti-war candidate, despite what Michael Moore and other misinformed individuals would like to believe.
Clear And Irrefutable Proof The US Government Planed And Executed Genocidal Acts Against The Iraqi People.
Dow Chemical's lack of responsibility in Bhopal the Press Release issued by the company (tags)
Dow Chemical's excuse for not being able to acknowledge their reprehensive actions in Bhopal. In short, the company fears creating precedence for other major companies and their refusal to jeopardize their stockholders.
10,000 times cancer risks from natural chemicals in our foods. (tags)
From the book "Saving the Planet With Pesticides and Plastic: The Environmental Triumpth of High Yield Farming" by Dennis T. Avery 2000.
It's their own game turned against them.
Wlimington residents protests against the use of Hydrofluoric Acid at Refinerys (tags)
Monsanto and Environmental Justice (tags)