fix articles 9492, islamic Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : islamic


The US, the Dollar, IS and Saudi Arabia (tags)

The US treats IS and the Saudi royal house differently. For decades, Saudi Arabia has been the US' closest ally in the Middle East and therefore enjoys Washington's unrestricted solidarity despite all its crimes.

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

California terrorism suspect arrested (tags)

“He wanted to plan to start a huge fire in an area near where he lived and he specifically mentioned the Berkeley Hills as a potential target,” Hasib told the court in December. “That was our first indication that we were dealing with someone in the Bay Area.”

Incoming Thai King Advised On Silicon Valley Transition (tags)

It has been swarmed by rumours busying special media top dogs over the last weeks, but is in fact the compass of the scared Buddhist country‘s clergy after the military coup there: Leading religious figures above Bangkok’s corruption-ridden administration have concurred to the conclusion of an earlier Islamic State verdict on the future of the hotbed of monopoly online corporations near the North American half-continent‘s Eastern coast which is also being claimed by the Unitedstates‘ military-industrial complex. It says as to preempt them from obtaining a more dangerous position in world heritage handling than was the Catholic church’s pre-industrial scripture monopoly in central Europe which in the seventh century split the Abrahamic faith, legacy cartels from the global war economy are to be handled according to a twentieth century template taken from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki ultimatum.

United Ummah is the answer to global Imperialism (tags)

The only answer to global Imperialism is a United Ummah

Necessary Medicine about Muslim Brotherhood: Gaza Strip and West Bank from Dict.of MidEas (tags)

The muslim Brotherhood is a religious group started in Palestine by visits between 1942 and 1945 by Hassan Banna who set up branches in towns.

The Carrot with the Stick Islamic 3rd World Grab Bag Excavations (tags)

Saddam Husein's involvement with the Iraqi Baath Socialist Party in 1955. Baathists were reported to have chapters in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria and Yemen. Baathists are described in the history text "Dictionary of the Middle East" by Dilip Hiro St> Martins Press. Baathists believe in a Pan Arab future.

Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)

The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.

Turkey's Downing of a Russian Fighter Jet Moves the Doomsday Clock Very Close to Midnight (tags)

To NOT Have the World "Go Into the Dark" (Per LBJ's Daisy Commercial Warning) the Mainstream Media & Administration Should Discard President Obama's "Look Forward Not Back" Iraq War Policy & Investigate & Report On Its Real Origins, Goals & Relationship to the Present Crisis -- the Solution to Which Is U.S.-Russian Partnership.

NATO is harboring the Islamic State (tags)

Who funds ISIS? Is the Bush-Cheney policy of "regime change" related to the flood of refugees?

The Shortwave Report 11/20/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Paris Attacks - Bourgeois Terrorism (tags)

statement on Paris attacks from Internationalist Communist Perspective

Anti-Russian Propaganda War Rages (tags)


Irresponsible Putin Bashing Following His UN Address (tags)


US Cooperation with Russia on Syria? (tags)


Russia's Real Involvement in Syria (tags)


ISIS made world forget Palestinians (tags)

As the world focuses its attention on millions of refugees uprooted from Syria and Iraq in part because of the rise of Islamic State (ISIS), no other cause has suffered as much as that of the Palestinians.

America Created and Supports the Islamic State (tags)


Netanyahu Escalates War on Palestine (tags)


US Drones Attack Syria's Military (tags)


Obama's Covert Drone War on Syria (tags)


Fabricated Pentagon Reports on ISIS (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria During Large-Scale War Games (tags)


Israel Falsely Claims Hamas Supports ISIS in Sinai (tags)


ISIS: US Proxy Foot Soldiers (tags)


Irresponsible US Iran Bashing (tags)


Washington's Phony War on ISIS (tags)


Washington Created the Islamic State (ISIS) (tags)


US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Defrocked US General Blames Iran for US Crimes in Iraq (tags)


ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdad (tags)

Soon thereafter it was reported al-Baghdadi helped establish the terrorist group Jamaat Jaish Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jamaa. Sometime around 2004-2005 al-Baghdadi was captured in Fallujah by U.S. forces

Obama's Demagoguery on Counteering Viiolent Extremism (tags)


Do Not Submit! Republish the Mohammed Cartoons Everywhere. Here’s How. (tags)

Strike a chord for freedom

Know the consequence of insulting ISlam (tags)

People know the consequences. Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Escalated US Wars Ahead? (tags)


Knee-Jerk Reaction to Sydney Hostage Siege (tags)


US and Israel: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Netanyahu Vows Zero Tolerance (tags)


"We will build an Islamic state in Palestine, all of Palestine" (tags)

Hamas leader Al-Zahar: If Hamas were to transfer "what it has [in Gaza] or just a small part of it to the West Bank" it would destroy Israel "with a speed that no one can imagine."

Propaganda War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


MSM Support Brazen Lawlessness (tags)


ISIS is a CIA Inspired 'Frankenstein' Monster Designed to Villify Islam (tags)

The group called ISIS/ISIL is a CIA project that recruits emotionally and/or mentally disturbed individuals and enables them to become full blown psychotics with a mission to kill. The goal of this CIA operation is to (once again) bring destruction and war to the Middle East and give our troops and the military-industrial complex another job.

Reactiions to Obama's UN Address (tags)


Arab countries in anti Isis coalition (tags)

Five Arab countries have joined the coalition against ISIS

Israel Part of US Anti-Syrian Coalition (tags)


ISIS Destroys Memorial & Church of Armenian Genocide in Der Zor, Syria (tags)

ISIS has destroyed the on-site monument to the Armenian people who perished in the deserts of Der Zor in the Genocide of 1915. The church and memorial contained irreplaceable bones of the martyred dead.

Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Did Obama really save the Yezidis? (tags)

Did Obama really save the Yezidis? YPG (anarchist-inspired Syrian Kurdish forces) fought back the Islamic State (ISIS) starting on August 3rd, 2014

Obama Declares War on Syria (tags)


Obama Heading for War on Syria? (tags)


The risse of political extremism (tags)

When Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone:

interest free cooperative society on the anvil (tags)

interest free cooperative society

Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians (tags)

Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again, like its Ottoman forbear, targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Iran's 35th Islamic Revolution Anniversary (tags)


Hassan Rohani: Iran's President-Elect (tags)


How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

America's War on Islam 2.0 (tags)


Targeting Younas Abdullah Muhammad (tags)


CAIR as new thought Police (tags)

Is the Council on American Islamic relations attempting to censor libraries?

100 Thousand Poets for Change - Islamic Republic of Iran (tags)

Kermanshah (Iran), September 28, 2012. Islamic Republic of Iran, some poets remember Makwan Moloudzadeh a young victim of homophobia, for the “100 thousand poets for change”.

Recognition of UAE divorce in the United States (tags)

In 2005, the UAE enacted Federal Law No. 28 to govern matrimonial issues. The provisions of the Law apply to all emirates and cover rules over marriage, divorce, guardianship, maintenance and inheritance. This article addresses recognition by U.S Court of divorce decrees obtained in the UAE.

Israel Claims Syria/Hamas-Connected Terror Cells Uncovered (tags)


Islamic Yemeni Divorce in USA (tags)

Many Yemeni Muslim men with U.S. citizenship travel to Yemen in order to obtain a fast track ?triple talaq? divorce according to the Personal Status Law of Yemen. They then return to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Islamic Yemeni divorce in the U.S. But can such an ex parte divorce be recognized and enforced?

Islamic Jordanian Divorce in USA (tags)

Muslim men from Jordanian background may choose to go to their homeland in order to obtain Islamic divorce decree from the religious courts in that country. Can such a decree be recognized in the United States?

Islamic Lebanese Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

American men with Lebanese ancestry may travel to Lebanon in order to obtain quick divorces. In such a situation, the man leaves most of his property, children, and wife in the United States. But could the divorce obtained in such a way be entitled to recognition and enforcement in the United States?

Vilifying Muslims in America (tags)


Muslim Iranian Divorce in USA (tags)

Muslim men with Iranian passports may choose to go back to Iran and obtain a fast track divorce in that country by stating three times, “I divorce my wife” in the presence of two male witnesses, show proof of the “mahr” payment, record the divorce in Iran, authenticate the documents, return back to the U.S. and seek recognition and enforcement of the Iranian divorce in a state court.

Pakistani Islamic Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)

Pakistani men residing in the U.S. travel to their homeland to get divorce decrees from Pakistan. They return back to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Pakistani Islamic divorce decree in a state court. This article deals with the issues related to Pakistani Islamic divorce in U.S. courts.

Muslim Brotherhood & the Middle East Upheaval (tags)

As the United States and its allies struggle to get to grips with its new challenges in the Middle East and North Africa, pundits, scholars and journalists have combed every inch of the Muslim Brotherhood’s history for clues to what might happen in the event the movement takes control over the region.

Abrogation in Islam and the Persecution of Christians (tags)

In the last few months, Muslim extremists attacked Christian worshippers in their churches: one in Iraq, the other in Egypt. These massacred resulted in killing innocent men, women and children while praying. Abrogation in Islam is one major cause for the atrocities that Muslim fundamentalists have against non-Muslims in general, and the Christian communities in the Islamic world, in particular. This article addresses the persecution of Christians under Islam within the doctrine of abrogation.

Internet ShutDown comming (tags)

Internet ShutDown comming

BTL:Muslim Mother of 9/11 Victim Asserts Islamic Center a Matter of Religious Freedom (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

BTL:Media Amplifies Voices of Hate in Ground Zero Mosque Debate (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.

Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Banking and Finance (tags)

Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.


With religious intolerance a thing is only gotten: to turn the unviable politics.

March in Support of Women Warriors in Streets of Tehran (tags)

Celebrate International Women’s Day 2010 in solidarity with Iranian women who in the last 8 months have been braving street battles with the Police force and militia thugs of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). These women who dare death need nothing less than the complete overthrow of the IRI – and this is a growing sentiment. And in doing this they need the internationalist support and love of their sisters - and their brothers– around the world.

The Michael Slate Show (tags)

Larry Everest on Iran, Douglas Fischer on climate change, Jennifer Pizer on Prop 8, statement from Revolution newspaper on Haiti.


After 11 years of peace negotiations between the Philippine government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front, the two sides were close to a deal known as the Memorandum of Agreement on Ancestral Domain. This was essentially an agreement that would have granted points of autonomy to the Moro people in Mindanao and the Southern Philippines. Just before the signing, the government stopped the negotiations on Sept. 3 and plunged into attack mode. They launched joint police-military offensives against the MILF and civilians. Since then, more than 500,000 people, mostly women and children, have been forced to abandon homes and thrown into refugee camps. Now, one-third of the Philippines is on the verge of erupting into open warfare. I'm not talking about your garden variety guerilla skirmishes here and there. The Moro Islamic Liberation Front and their allies have proven capable of launching conventional maneuvers into the theater in the past. Add to that milieu the very vibrant Communist led New People's Army Southern Command and of course the reactionary group Abu Sayyaf - then you have a situation that could explode into a conflict that could rival the Balkans in the 90's.

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Major Hasan Of Fort Hood – A Patsy In A Drill Gone Live? (tags)

In the wake of the massacre at Fort Hood Texas , two principal theories have emerged to explain the conduct of the accused shooter, identified by the U.S. Army as Major Nidal Malik Hasan, an Army psychiatrist of Jordanian-Palestinian ancestry.

Behind the "debate" over Afghanistan (tags)

October 7 marked the eighth year of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, making it one of the longest wars in U.S. history, and the end is nowhere in sight. Instead, today the imperialists are facing mounting difficulties and staring into the abyss of possible defeat.

The Dowry in Islamic marriages (tags)

In the Islamic marriage, the bride may bring “jihaz” (dowry) to the house. Contrary to the popular view that Islamic mahr is a dowry; it is not. Because the mahr is mandated by the Quran and is part or the Islamic Shari’a; the dowry is optional. This article deals with the jihaz.

The Mahr Provision in Islamic Marriage Contracts (tags)

In recent years, many Islamic divorce cases were litigated in the United States family courts. The issue of mahr in the Islamic marriage contracts became subject of debate among lawyers and scholars. This article sheds lights on the Islamic mahr in USA.

BTL:Though Suppressed, Iran Election Protesters Not Defeated (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Mass Protests Rock Iran: No to All Wings of the Mullah Regime! (tags)

For more than a week, Iran has been convulsed by mass demonstrations denouncing election fraud. Hundreds of thousands have repeatedly taken to the streets to denounce the government, which is now threatening, and beginning to carry out, a bloody crackdown. This time around, imperialist intervention is veiled: the White House feigns neutrality, the Western media go all out for the opposition, while in the background various agencies provide vital technical aid. In reality, all candidates in the presidential vote swear allegiance to the Islamic Republic, and the supposed moderate reformers are no less butchers and enemies of poor and working people than the conservative "populist" government. The situation cries out for revolutionary leadership independent of all factions of the theocracy, to wage a struggle for workers revolution against imperialism and clerical reaction.

Welcome an Interfaith Peace and Human Rights Leader to Sonoma County (tags)

Welcome an Interfaith Peace and Human Rights Leader, Imam Ali Siddiqui to Sonoma County. Imam Ali Siddiqui is the newly appointed Imam of The Islamic Center of Petaluma, CA

Benefit Concert for International Women's Day 2009 (tags)

Benefit Concert for International Women's Day

Celebrate International Women's Day with the Women of Iran and Afghanistan! (tags)

Join women of Iran & Afghanistan in their struggle against the women-hating Islamic Republic of Iran and the imperialist U.S. empire. We will march and rally in solidarity with them in the streets of Los Angeles!

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Friday condemned the recent Iligan twin blasts as evil acts and vehemently denied to being the perpetrator of the atrocity that claimed the lives of not only the Christian residents of Iligan City but even the Muslims as well. Eid Kabalu, MILF spokesman and civil-military affairs chief, told The Manila Times that the MILF as an organization has nothing to do with the bombing that killed three persons and injuring 47 others.

Noam Chomsky (tags)

Religious fundamentalism

Interfaith Dinner: Celebrating the Day of the Patriarch (tags)

Islamic Society of Corona-Norco invites you, your family and friends, and members of your church, Synagogue, temple, and organization to celebrate the Day of the Patriarch – a common bond between the People of the Book.

Seyed Mousavi - Guilty of Being Muslim in Police State America (tags)

viciously persecuting innocent Muslims.

US-Arroyo Regime Policy of "All Out Peace" Means "All Out War". (tags)

With profound sadness and most serious concern, the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP through its West Coast Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expresses dismay over the fate of the peace process with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Philippine Government. The AJLPP views President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo recent orders of a "thorough review" of all government peace initiatives after dissolving the panel negotiating with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), as bad faith, lacking in political will and a traditional display of political opportunism The AJLPP is alarmed by the growing number of people affected by the conflict. AJLPP sources have confirmed that more than 487,000 people have been dislocated by the ongoing military offensives in Northern and Central Mindanao. More than 200 soldiers and MILF fighters as well as civilians have been killed in the month old conflict.

A cataclysmic financial storm is about to bring down U.S. economy (tags)

"This phenomenon is a growing threat to the national security and sovereignty of the US. The hundreds of billions of dollars caught up as windfall profit for Arab Islamic oil barons is soon to be used to buy distressed and foreclosed property from the very Americans that the run up in oil has exploited."

Candidate Alexander Rejecting U.S. Threats Against Iran (tags)

The Socialist Party opposes the use of military force or economic sanctions to deal with the problems involving Iran.

The Annual Open Mosque Day 2008 (tags)


Sami Al-Arian: From Exoneration to Criminal Indictment (tags)

His long ordeal continues

Application of Islamic Shari'a in US Courts (tags)

In 2004 a crash of Blackwater Flight 61 occurred in the rugged mountains of central Afghanistan, killing three soldiers and three-man crew. The widows of the soldiers sued Presidential Airways, Blackwater’s sister company, which was under contract with the U.S. military to fly cargo and personnel around Afghanistan. Lawyers for the company has asked a federal court to decide the case using provisions from the Islamic Shari’a, not the U.S. laws. They argue that the Shari’a “does not hold a company responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their work.”

Mexican drug cartels and terrorist are recruiting for more fighters to train as soldiers (tags)

Iran is believed providing at least some of the money for this recruiting and training program. The training camps are teaching hit and run gorilla technique's. Cells of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) have sent their seasoned veterans to oversee the training of the new troops and to direct the war against the Mexican government on behalf of the Mexican Cartels.

Nuclear Threat From Mexico (tags)

Of growing concern to some U.S. officials is the way the terrorists south of the border are taking advantage of the lack of sophistication on the Mexicans part for their inability and unwillingness to protect their own borders from terrorist infiltration and are using the low Mexican immigration standards and the U.S. open border to slip into Mexico or the U.S. with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb.

UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force (tags)

The US Government is the #1 sponsor of these War Crimes. Taking no action to stop them using your tax dollars to fund this Ethnic Cleansing enables these Extremists.

International Womens Day - Sat. March 8th - Westwood (tags)

International Women's Day has been taking place on March 8th annually since 1911. This year, as the U.S. wages war on Iraq and Afghanistan and threatens Iran, women in Iran and Afghanistan are calling on people in the U.S. to stand with them in their struggle against both the woman-hating Islamic Republic of Iran and the imperialist U.S. empire. The International Women’s Day Coalition of Los Angeles was formed to answer this call. March with us on Saturday March 8, 2008. As our sisters in Iran and Afghanistan have said, “Let Us Celebrate Our Fighting Unity on International Women’s Day!

On the Stalled MILF-GRP Peace Talks (tags)

The Alliance for Just and lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) through its National Coordinator Mario Santos expressed dismay over the break-off of peace talks between the Moro Islamic Front (MILF) and the Government of the Philippines (GRP ) last December 16,2007. The AJLPP’s Santos saidthat the news is bad for the cause of peace, learned through media sources that the scheduled exploratory talks between the government and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on Saturday did not push through after the MILF backed out of the meeting due to a dispute over a draft agreement on territorial boundaries. The MILF rejected the inclusion by government negotiators of the phrase “constitutional process” in the proposed draft Memorandum of Agreement on ancestral domain as the mode for implementation of the agreement.

The young Iranian Makwan Moloudzadeh sentenced to death. Urgent Campaign (tags)


The young Iranian Makvan Moloudzadeh must live! (tags)

Sign the petition for Life in Iran: Send fresh flowers: one white, one red to say yes to a respect for human rights, no to the death sentence. Choose a company that guarantees deliveries to Teheran (Iran), Interflora, for example. Send the two flowers to: - President Mahmud Ahmadinejad - Pasteur Ave - 13168-43311 Tehran - Iran. We suggest you also sign the petition and send an email to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran: - Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi - Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square - Tehran - Iran. Email:

Iran granted a pardon to the yung homosexual Makvan (tags)

The petition for the life of Makvan and the “Flowers for Life in Iran Campaign” – promoted by Gruppo EveryOne and backed by Irqo, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International – have obtained a memorable result. “A sensational victory for human rights”, say Malini Pegoraro, Picciau (Gruppo EveryOne) and Paula Ettelbrick of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. The Iranian judge who annulled the death sentence defined the previous sentence “a violation of Islamic precepts and human ethics”.

Ten Things You Didn't Know About Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (tags)

1. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad (pronounced mah-MOOD ah-mah-dih-nee-ZHAD) was born Oct. 28, 1956, three years after the CIA-sponsored coup that installed the pro-Western leader Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi as Iran's leader. A Shiite Muslim, he and his wife, a professor, have two sons and a daughter.

You Can't Defeat Fascism By Ignoring It (tags)

David Horowitz' Reactionary Road Show Must be Confronted and Exposed

1.9 billion Muslims of the world will celebrate Ramadan starting Sept. 13, 2007 (tags)

1.9 billion Muslims of the world will celebrate their blessed month of Ramadan starting Thursday, Sept. 13, 2007.

War Against the Phantom (tags)

The Cheney formula of the terrorist world threat with its home in Iraq turns a blind eye to what the American government habitually ignroes: Iraqi nationalism..The Islamic state of Iraq, however phantom-like, is well suited for propagating the war in Iraq as part of the greater war.

Talks with MILF to resume after elections (tags)

Stalled peace talks between the government and Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) are to resume after the May 14 elections. Both sides have agreed to work toward a resumption of the talks, Presidential Spokesman Ignacio Bunye said in a statement Thursday. ---BACKED by howitzer and mortar fire, elite Army troops on Thursday seized a makeshift camp of the Moro National Liberation Front in Sulu where nearly 100 Abu Sayyaf extremists were believed to be hiding.

Gay Arab activists in Israel forge ahead with plans for a rare public conference (tags)

A rare gathering of openly gay Arab activists is slated to be held in Israel this month, drawing the ire of religious conservatives. Headlined "Home and Exile," the March 28 meeting is meant to spark discussion of homosexuality among Israel's 1 million Arab citizens, said Roula Deeb, a prominent Arab feminist and one of the scheduled speakers.

Tehran to be nuked (tags)

After a corwardly attack on US plane

A Fear of Danger (tags)

Magic City Morning Star's William Calhoun put it succinctly in his article of Jan 26/07 when he wrote, "I think you get the idea. We are under attack."

Top al-Qaida suspect killed in U.S. airstrike, Somali official says (tags)

How long before the U.S. Government starts attacking citizens in the US with missles like they just did in Somalia????

Bush joins Al-Qaeda (tags)

He's fed up fighting and losing for Israel

Submission to Iraq Study Group (tags)

The new map of iran has been presented to the Iraq Study Group.

Islamic Fascisms? (tags)

President George W. Bush and the neoconservative handlers of his administration have added a new bogeyman to their long and evolving list of enemies: "Islamic fascism," also called "Islamofascism." This wonton flinging of the word "fascism" in reference to radical movements and leaders of the Muslim world, however, is not only inaccurate and oxymoronic, but it is, indeed, also ironic. Of course, it is also offensive and inflammatory and, therefore, detrimental to international understanding and stability.

Blair joins the attack on Britain’s Muslims (tags)

Prime Minister Tony Blair has placed himself at the head of an ongoing and sinister campaign against Britain’s Muslim minority. This week he used his monthly press conference to solidarise himself with former Foreign Secretary Jack Straw’s attack on the veil or niqab, telling reporters that it was “a mark of separation and that is why it makes other people from outside of the community feel uncomfortable.” He also backed the decision by Kirklees council to suspend the young teaching assistant Aishah Azmi for refusing to remove her veil in front of male staff.

The Death of Feminism (tags)

A speech for the 12/14/05 Senate hearing organized by the American Committee for Democracy in the Middle East.

Operation Cyclone & Terrorism (tags)

The CIA's "Operation Cyclone" - Stirring the Hornet's Nest of Islamic Unrest

Bush and Islam (tags)

The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.


The Philippine government (GRP) on Wednesday rejected demands by Muslim rebels for control over vast swaths of land as peace talks remained at a standstill. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita conceded that the talks with the Muslim separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) “are at a stalemate right now on the issue of territory.”

Five Long Years with 9/11 (tags)

Israel also did not intend to strengthen Hezbollah when it initiated the recent war with Lebanon. Robert Jungk warned that the possibility of terrorist misuse of nuclear energy could necessitate a police and surveillance state.

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina (tags)

Another Israeli false-flag "terror" plot is uncovered in Buenos Aires. This is the extreme zionists will go to to manipulate the world into supporting Israel. On a positive note, public awareness of their criminal insanity is growing geometrically

From War Against Terror to Anti-Fascist War (tags)

The government only wanted to divert from its failure in the anti-terror battle and cover up the war in a new way.. Fascists nowhere came to power without open support of at least some capital forces.


Moro Islamic Liberation Front chairman Murad Ebrahim has called on his fellow Muslims and members of the indigenous communities to stand up together and defend their "homeland." Murad issued the call following last week's stalemate in the peace negotiations

Islamic Fascism Yhe New Hysteria (tags)

THE CHIEFTAINS of the never-ending "war on terror" are peddling a newly updated enemy: "Islamic fascism." When the rulers of the American political establishment start denouncing fascism, don't be deceived--they're out to promote an agenda of imperial conquest. No one who opposes U.S. wars and occupations should concede an inch to this lie.

The Big Lie about `Islamic Fascism' (tags)

Now the neoconservatives are busy whipping up war against Syria and Iran to keep themselves in power and maintain the political dynamics of this 21st century revival of fascism.


Press release to announce the start of the Holy month of Ramadan 2006

Who Gained Most from the Fox Reporters' Kidnapping? The Gaza Maze (tags)

Two Fox News journalists, Steve Cantani and Olas Wing were released by their Palestinian kidnappers in the Gaza Strip on Sunday, August 27. Just one day earlier, two Reuters cameramen were seriously wounded in an apparently deliberate Israeli strike on their clearly marked vehicle, according to news reports. The names of the two wounded cameramen, as well as their story went largely unreported. Why was their fate deemed inconsequential, compared to that of the Fox News journalists.

Lebanon in Context: An Interview with Bilal El-Amine (tags)

The heart of why Israel is such a source of instability and wars in the region is because its very foundation was at the cost of hundreds of thousands of people - Israel was founded on stolen land and it is in continuous confrontation with all of the people around it. We have to find a way of removing that source of friction and aggression and the only way is to address the Palestinian question and all of the outlying problems that have developed from that, including Israel's occupation of Syrian and Lebanese land.

HOT, HOT BREAKING INTEL: New York State is Now a Federal Crime Scene (tags)

Former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani now under investigation by Dept. of Justice officials as well as the New York Port Authority in allowing thousands of illegal Islamic immigrants to enter the United States through New York City without paperwork or proper security clearance.

The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism' (tags)

he real modern fascists are not in the Muslim World, but Washington. The neocons screaming fascist the loudest, are the true fascists themselves. It’s a pity that communist and leftist propaganda so debased the term "neo-fascist" that it has become almost meaningless. Because that is what we should be calling the so-called neocons, for that is what they really are.

Putting Words in Ahmadinejad's Mouth (tags)

n this frightening mess in the Middle East, let's get one thing straight. Iran is not threatening Israel with destruction. Iran's president has not threatened any action against Israel. Over and over, we hear that Iran is clearly "committed to annihilating Israel" because the "mad" or "reckless" or "hard-line" President Ahmadinejad has repeatedly threatened to destroy Israel But every supposed quote, every supposed instance of his doing so, is wrong.

Faking Palestinian Resistance (tags)

In keeping with the idea that this particular Palestinan group does not actually exist, Hamas, Abbas and every other known Palestinan grouping denied any involvement and indeed condemned the kidnapping, with Haled Abu Hilal, Hamas interior ministry spokesman saying "this is not acceptable at all" and stating that Hamas security officials have put police across Gaza on alert and set up roadblocks to find the gunmen and free the reporters. Sadly, to no avail.

Radiant Future (tags)

"At the beginning of the 20th century, Germany was Europe's leading power but we made wrong decisions and experienced a total disaster.." (Joschka Fischer at the Teheran Center, August 2006)

'We are just hit-and-run guerrillas' (tags)

Israel has done absolutely nothing to diminish Hezbollah

A new face to Hezbollah's resistance (tags)

"This is not a question of Hamas, Islamic Jihad or Hezbollah. Neither is it a question of [Hamas leader] Khaled Mishal or Sheikh Osama [bin Laden] or [Hezbollah leader] Hassan Nasrallah. This is a question of do or die. And whoever leads the battle, we will be with them."

Hizballah: A Primer (tags)

Middle EastHizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community.

Iran warns that Israel is Playing with Fire (tags)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Thursday an Israeli strike on Syria would be considered an attack on the whole Islamic world that would bring a "fierce response", state television reported.



The Fear of the Islamic Bomb (tags)

Iran's president provokes in order to divert. the message seems directed outwards and yet primarily has a domestic political nature. A face-saving solution is crucial. Megaloma-nia, arrogance and invulnerability are sicknesses in the US and Iran.

Who Benefits from a New Division of the World? (tags)

We in the West should be more prepared than ever to respect the cultural identities of other people. We should strive to accept their ideas and demands on us..The problem of the West is understanding the mental consti-tution of the poor and humiliated.

Appeal to Kofi Annan (tags)

A moratorium and a UN mediation commis-sion are vital to prevent escalation in the Iran nuclear conflict.. Since 1968, the nuclear weapon states have refused negotiations on total nuclear disarmament.

The pope said: (tags)

Arbeit Mact Frei.

Bush: The Iraqi People As Enemy? (tags)

Fateful twists in Bush's logic

In the Commission of History and God (tags)

Somehow this does not add up, that there is now a fateful battle between the forces of good and evil in which there can only be one final victory. Bush's fear-mongering is a false unity threatening the planet with weapons firms profiting while the poor are abandoned. thepoor

Conference of the Middle East Policy Institute (tags)

The conduct of the western allies promotes what they wanted to prevent: the formation of a defensive worldwide Islamic front against the West. The three holiest places of Islam are now occupied by Americans or Israelis.

Stop Destroying the Mosques of Iraq (tags)

Worth reading.

Plot by Islamic fundamentalist to murder anti-capitalist revolutionaries in Iraq (tags)

This is from the Worker-communist Party of Iraq, an anti-capitalist and anti-Stalinist organization. They say they have uncovered a plot to murder members of their group by the Islamic fundis associated with Mouktada Al-Sadr

The Bondage of Terror (tags)

The change for building a common security lies in recognizing oneself in the other.. Security based on trust is a hundred times more valuable than the most expensive defensive system.

Iraq rebels in video taunt Chickenhawk with his own Rant (tags)

Iraq rebels in video taunt Bush

Donors Lead the Leaders (tags)

Bigshot assholes mug for the camera while people struggling for self-determination find themselves under the quiet heel of oppression, again. International sympathy might point to a hidden alliance between the common person in America, and the common person everywhere.



Women's Tragedy under Islam & Tribal Customs (tags)

Every year, in countries in the Arab world, Turkey, Iran and some south and central Asian countries, many hundreds of women who do not accept the tribal and Islamic traditions;

Preparing The Path of the al Mahdi: 911 X 100 (tags)

The young men returning to Allah realized that Islam is not just performing rituals but a complete system: Religion and government, worship and Jihad (holy war), ethics and dealing with people, and the Koran and sword.


Barghouti eats during a hunger strike. Arafat rips off the Palestinian treasury. Hamas leaders hide while they send off others to die. This article takes a look at these phenomena.

IFEF chair man in memorial of Zahra Kazemi:EU shares Islamic Republic's crimes! (tags)

This is Omid Habibinia's Speech in Zahara Kazemi's memorial in Switzerland June 24, 2004 Iranian/Canadian Journalist who was last year Killed under torture. Yesterday,the trial hearing an intelligence agent accused of her murder abruptly ended while the lawyers objected the proceedings. Omid Habibinia is journalist in exile and chair man of Iran Freedom of Expression frontiers.

Will the West Survive? (tags)

Survival of the West (tags)

P10K Founder Beaten in Israeli Jail (tags)

Irish Political Activist Ken O'Keefe suffered concussion and bruising at the hands of an Israeli prison guard Monday evening, five days into his hunger strike against detention and possible deportation. He was arrested last Thursday for attempting to enter Gaza to discuss the P10K plan with representatives from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

The media's double standard on Iraq prison abuse (tags)

Regarding Arab/Islamic Resistance and Western Leftists (tags)

How Many Gods in One Heaven? (tags)

Analysis of the Fourth World War in the Middle East

Why Do They Hate Us? (tags)

Perhaps the alternative is to hate themselves.

Sharia Permits Intercourse Female Captives (tags)

This discussion of Sharia from an eminent Islamic scholar explains why it is acceptable , within the Koran and within the hadiths, for a slave woman or slave girl to be used for purposes of intercourse.

KPFK and ISM supported by Donations from Muslim Extremists (tags)

KPFK and Pacifica, which were in the toilet 2 years ago at the time of the suit and the takeover by the Amy Goodman / Noam Chomsky faction, have been getting donations from many many Islamics and Arabs, including Saudi Arabian donations coming through various fronts and proxies.

Bush, Sharon should share same destiny (tags)

Iran's supreme leader: Bush, Sharon ought to suffer same destiny as Saddam

Patriotic Gore and Power Vacuums (tags)

"The capture of Saddam Hussein does not mean the end of violence in Iraq." George 'Psychopath' Bush 12.14.3

The Palestinian Issue (tags)

Some food for thought the fascists would rather you didn't read.

Does al-Qaeda exist? (tags)

Does Al-Qaeda even exist, or is it a PR invention along with much of the other Smoke and Mirrors the White House is trying to sell. Is it any more real than the "Fabled" Weapons of Mass Distortion?

On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US (tags)


Who Benefits (tags)

One by one, the world's terror attacks bear more of the hallmarks of US Intelligence, 'Black Ops,' than of Islamic terrorism. The signs are unmistakable, the CIA backed industrio-religious crusaders are staging terror campaigns throughout the world - absolutely - positively.

Escape From Islam (tags)

A Woman Born a Muslim Describes The Situation In the Middle East

"Existence of Israel contrary to Iranian interests" (tags)

TEHRAN, Nov 10, (AFP) -- The mere existence of Israel is contrary to Tehran's national interests, press reports said Monday, quoting former Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Velayati, now a top advisor to Iran's supreme leader.

Silence about Muslim Deaths (tags)

How many times have you heard Israel blamed for Muslim Deaths? Now How many times have you heard Muslims blamed for Muslim Deaths- the disparity in numbers will shock you. All in all, it makes Israel look like a kitten.

Iraqi public opinion (tags)

Iraqis start to act like they better than us, time enforce are views of how they should think on themselves.

What is going on in Iraq today? An Iraqi view (tags)

Raid Fahmi is a member of the Central Committee of the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP). He represented the ICP at the International Meeting of Communist and Workers’ Parties in Athens, Greece, June 19-20, 2003.

Country’s and Individual’s Involved with Saudi Arabia and Terrorism. (tags)

To all countries and individuals that are in a current religious trade journey with Saudi Arabia in an effort to expand extreme fundamentalism through the training and support of jihad terrorists, and to any officials taking “enticement” money, here is some pertinent information you need to consider:

Aid worker killed in West Bank (tags)

I thought they only hated Israelis?

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel (tags)

First published June 6th 2002 by UPI Terrorism Correspondent produced by your friend and ally for freedom Sy$teMF@iLuRe

What Part of the Word "JIHAD" Don't You Understand? (tags)

Substitute the word "activism" for "jihad", and the word "muslim" with "leftist", and you have essentially re-written this article to describe another dilemma faced by America. That being the one presented by our resident Fifth Columnist factions.

Want to Protest an Oppressive Government? Move to Iran! (tags)

Want to protest against an oppressive government. Then you should consider moving to Tehran. In contrast to the USA, they actually do have an oppressive government over there. Young Iranians Are Chafing Under Aging Clerics' Edicts

Hamas Ties To Israeli Government (tags)

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Hamas' Israeli Roots (tags)

Since coming to power, Sharon has done everything to ensure the collapse of Arafat and the Palestinian Authority. If successful, it would either bring Hamas to power or lead to political chaos within the terrorities.

Imam Khomeini and the Islamic Revolution in Iran (tags)

Ayatollah Khomeini and Iran: The Man and the Revolution

Misuse Of Islamic Values Indicates Crisis In Arab Thought (tags)

During the Iraq war we were bombard with fetwas, often contradicting one another -- most were associated with the positions of governments or expressed the interests of conflicting groups.

Palistinian Militants Are Actually Agents of Mosad (tags)

Isreali agents have taken over the Palistinian "resistance" groups and are perpetuating "war" against Isreal to derail any chance for a Palistinian state.

From Jordan to the sea (tags)

Islamic militants declare war on road map for peace

Iranian Culture minister calls for freedom of press (tags)

Speaking on the "World Day of Freedom of the Press," Iran's Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ahmad said that the war in Iraq proves the world has moved to a new phase of a free, multi-media press.

Clerics Call for Islamic State in Iraq, STORY & PHOTO (tags)

Clerics Call for Islamic State in Iraq, STORY & PHOTO

U.S. Planners Surprised by Strength of Iraqi Shiites (tags)

U.S. Planners Surprised by Strength of Iraqi Shiites

Iraq's new reality (tags)

What irony... all these neo-con's and flag wavers gloating over their quick military victory in Iraq. Bu$h and his corporate buddies have unleased a process that will bring about an Islamic Republic in Iraq. Pretty terrific "victory" I'd say.

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. (tags)

Major issue that is coming from war is hate feeling of young in Islamic and other countries for American. American administration and its policies should understand that it is one of the largest democracies and democracy has its value. In order to retain its democratic values.

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

Huge Protests Against War (USA/Bush) In Pakistan (tags)

While Bush is claiming this war is about American Security, huge anti-war protests are occurring in Pakistan, while the Pro Islamic party with close ties to the Taliban have swept recent elections. If, as a result of this war, Pakistan overthrows it's military leader (who supports the US) then this country and its nuclear arsenal will be run by a Taliban influenced Islamic government. Just one of multible senarios of Bush's (Sharon's?) war leading to World War III. Some Security!

Has Al Qaeda Infiltrated the White House? (tags)

It's painfully obvious that someone in the White House is lying. Are we really supposed to believe that there is a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq? Oh come on, I know I'm not that stupid, are you?

Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif (tags)

Hundreds of Iranian citizens were in southern California jails on Weds after coming forward to comply with a new rule to register with immigration only to wind up handcuffed and behind bars.

Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam (tags)

U.S. feminists should be protesting the brutal oppression of Middle Eastern women. But doing so would reveal how little they have to complain about at home.

Negationism in India (tags)

Negationism in India - Analysis

INS Detainees: Interview of Council on American Islamic Relations (tags)

Interview of reps of Muslim Public Affairs Council and Council on American Islamic Relations on Muslims Detained in Southern California; mp3 file, 64 kbps, 8.31 megs, 18:16 runtime.

Iran Student Movement (tags)

Student Movement Coordination Committee in Iran promotes Secularism and Democracy in Iran

Muslims Help Los Angeles Poor (tags)

While government is otherwise engaged, Muslim groups are attending to the needs of the poor of Los Angeles.

Stop calling Islam the enemy (tags)

PARIS A part of the neoconservative intelligentsia in Washington is trying to turn the Bush administration's "war against terrorism" into a war against Muslim civilization and the Islamic religion.

Marze Por Gohar and the Quest for Human Rights in Iran (tags)

Marze Por Gohar (The Glorious Frontiers Party) envisions an Iran free of the sins of Monarchy and the excesses of the theocratically oriented Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Only time will tell in regard to the realization of its dreams.

HEBRON : Palestinians ONLY Fire On Israeli Soldiers; NOT Jewish Worshippers! (tags)

"Gumen fired at security forces, not worshippers According to an initial investigation by the army, in contrast to a version of events given by the foreign ministry.." Haaretz

Media Muslim Makeovers (tags)

The New York Times shares what's really important.

Bali terrorist attack causes shock-waves in the pacific (tags)

Bali terrorist attack

Fereydoun Hoveyda Speaks His Heart and Mind on the Issues (tags)

From his secluded home in rural Virginia, former Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, Fereydoun Hoveyda, speaks to Global News Net for three hours on issues of both heart and mind.

Islam rejecting globalization - and Jews and Israel (tags)

[...] It bears mention that not just Islamic extremists, but also leftist movements' activities in the west against globalization rely on a strident anti-Israeli ideology which periodically lapses into outright demonstrations of anti-Semitism. For instance, Becker reports that in many anti-globalization rallies protesters carry placards that compare Israel to Nazi Germany [...]

A place for a terrorist to hide (tags)

General article on terrorism in our society.

RALLY AND MARCH in support of Palestine (April 6th) (tags)

Show your solidarity with the Palestinian People at the April 6th march and rally at the Westwood Federal Building

March 30th - Mass Demonstration to support Palestine! (tags)

A "Free Palestine" mass March and Rally is to take place Saturday, March 30th, at the Westwood Fed. Building (noon).

POWER meeting tonight!! (tags)

read on


read on

POWER! People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers meeting This coming Monday Jan 14 (tags)

read on

Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah offer truce, Sharon says ''No'' (tags)

The main Palestinian resistance groups have offered to suspend attacks inside Israel if the Israeli occupation army and paramilitary Jewish terrorists agree in return to stop assassinating Palestinian citizens and end tank and aerial bombardment of Palestinian population centers.

The New Islamic Empire (tags)

Unlike Christianity, Islam is concerned with seeking to regulate, not only man's relationship with God (through his conscience), but human relationships in society as well. Therefore, there can be not only an Islamic "church" but also Islamic law, and an Islamic state. The dual religious and social character of Islam sees itself as commissioned by God to bring its own value system to the world through the jihad.

Global Relief Foundation sues US propaganda outlets for US$750 million (tags)

An Islamic charity based in suburban Bridgeview filed suit Thursday alleging it was defamed in numerous news accounts that accused the organization of being a terrorist front under investigation by federal authorities.

Hezbollah: Israel Security to be Rocked, Support Palestinian Resistance (tags)

Sheikh Qassem said, " the continuation of the intifada worries Israelis and the security of 'Israel' must be rocked from within and outside Jerusalem, Palestine must be completely liberated." He also said Hezbollah "will place its gun alongside of the Palestinian resistance and it will act to liberate all Palestine though all human and material means".



Islamic Fundamentalist, Mirroring Falwell/Robertson, Blames Terrorism on Darwin (tags)

Conveniently ignoring thousands of years of religious conflict, murder and war, and Islamic fundamentalist tries to blame Darwinism for all the violence that religious true believers have perpetrated in the name of God.

Germans fear neo-Nazi link with Islamists (tags)

German investigators into terrorist 'sleepers' have switched their attention to right-wing extremists who could join forces with Islamic fundamentalists

facist Italian prime minister says Western civilization superior to Islamic (tags)

He told a news conference, "We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and -- in contrast with Islamic countries -- respect for religious and political rights, a system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance." hah! like he cares about human rights or freedom. dirty facist.

Sudanese People In War Fueled By China and It's National Petroleum Corporation (tags)

Read Paul Hays, Learn what Cable News Network Refuses to Even Consider Newsworthy. CNN brings you 1,000 hours about Montesinos, Quackery in Durban and Apologists for a declaration of war on the most important economic engine in the world: namely New York City.

Man Slams Car into Ohio Mosque (tags)

In an apparent "revenge" attack for the attacks in New York and Washington, a 29-year-old man rammed his car into a Parma, Ohio, mosque early Monday morning, causing $100,000 damage and sending himself to the hospital.

Report from Islamic Community (tags)

Very interesting reports from one journalists conversations with those in the Southland Islamic community.

The underground railroad for the WTC bombers. (tags)

Loren says “This is a domestic Infra Structure problem, as well as a failure of the Intelligence community here in the United States.I mentioned to them that we believed there was a Islamic Terrorist Drug Dealing Operation at the Islamic Center in Brooklyn, they (the Federal Authorities) blew us off. A failure of the Intelligence Community (Oxymorons) here in the U.S.

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