fix articles 9490, register
More problems at Shutdown San Onofre Nuke (tags)
Just when you thought there couldn't be more problems at the shutdown San Onofre nuclear plant, more arise
Nuclear Shutdown News May 2016 (tags)
Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry at home and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are fighting to create a nuclear free future. Here is our May issue:
Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating (tags)
Can spy cases be investigated objectively in Finland? (tags)
This follow-up article may explain how influential Russia is in Finland, how people in different bureau may support Russia by making blocking leaks to them, and how some people on government posts are breaking laws either accidentally or on purpose. On the other hand, has this been proofed or ran research on, as Finnish Police and The Guardian of The Law is in charge of such investigations instead of an independent bureau? When found facts are combined to other indicators like spying for Russia, carefully twisted political statements told in mass media for manipulating purposes and systematically made blocking, one may ask who is running the State?
President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register (tags)
President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register because of his 'connections' to Russia Hell Angels
President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register (tags)
President Vladimir Putin ended up into NBI's Suspected Person's Register because of his connections to Russia Hell Angels
Alleged mail thief shot and wounded by Anaheim Police. A look at the OC officer-involved shootings on the Orange Juice Blog. Featuring the stories of Caesar Cruz, Julian Collender, Andres Ramirez and Julian Alexander.
Register Attends Press Conference and Misses Story (tags)
O.C. Register blows Public Guardian Story
Tempe Cops want you to register your cell phone with them (tags)
Tempe cops want your cell phone number!!!! - "The information will be limited to the participant's neighborhood. The city will not share names, addresses or phone numbers, Enright said, nor will residents be bombarded with messages." - Believe that and I have some land in Florida I want to sell you!
Stupid USA: Federal Judge Attacks Teacher's Right to Criticize "Creationism" Gar (tags)
As this backward country declines at a snowballing pace, the decay spreads like wildfire. We now have allegedly educated people, federal judges, supporting fascist high school students' lawsuits against teachers who were secretly recorded correctly attacking "creationism," better known as contempt for evolution, under the stupid theory that it attacked religion, which should be attacked as it is superstition
Faith and Bonhoeffer's distinction of faith and religion can keep us from despair. The human handshake can be a metaphor of God's strong hand. God keeps us from falling, not from stumbling. Parallel, plural worlds exist beyond fault-finding and fear-mongering.
5/5-6/3 No on 98 to Save Rent Control (tags)
The June 3 ballot is a 10 alarm fire for the millions of workingclass tenants of California who are threatened with the repeal of rent control by Prop. 98 and the probable loss of our homes if this should pass as the excuses for eviction will abound. The deadline to register to vote for the June 3 election is May 19, 2008. RUN TO YOUR COUNTY REGISTRAR ANY WEEKDAY, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. to FIRST register to vote AND THEN IMMEDIATELY VOTE on an absentee (vote by mail) ballot as in California we can vote 30 days before June 3 on an absentee ballot
Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion (tags)
Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion
Local Soldier, Jang H. Kim, Killed in Iraq (tags)
Jang H. Kim – a member of the Army's 26th Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division – died Monday from injuries suffered when a homemade bomb exploded near his vehicle during a combat operation in Baghdad.
Let Spanish-speaking Voters Know the Truth. Take Action Now. (tags)
Distribute Spanish-language flyers to inform voters that naturalized citizens can vote, despite the lies distributed by the Republican party.
Latino Voters Lied to in Orange County (tags)
Spanish flyers distributed telling immigrants they cannot vote.
It's for that worn out line "to protect the children" (tags)
First it will be sex offenders that are required to register, next they will require all anyone arrested to be registered, and in 10 years or so they will be requiring all new born children to be registered – not because they are criminals, but just in case, and for that old line "to protect the children" – but the real reason is to expand the police state!
Vista City Council Votes to Regulate Day laborers (tags)
Vista votes to regulate day labor employers
OC Register fixes polls (tags)
OC Register misreports its own polling results.
Peace and Freedom Party Members in the 29th District Re-Connect (tags)
Register- Re-Register- Sign my Petition for Congress! See you there!
Speak Out at Cypress City Council Meeting-TONIGHT (tags)
see below
Garden Grove Police launch smear campaign against anti-Minutemen protesters (tags)
I wonder how Lt. Handfield would have tried to spin this story if Lafferty had been crushed to death? California state law doesn't give persons driving 3,000 lb. minivans the right to roll over pedestrians, does it?
Double Duty, Single Salary (tags)
A genius of time management in Oregon has shown America the future: two jobs for one paycheck. ----
Poll Results: Should AIPAC be asked to register as an agent of a foreign government (tags)
By a five-to-one margin, people are much more likely to agree than disagree that AIPAC should be asked to register as an agent of a foreign government and lose its tax-exempt status
Los Angeles Green Party recommendations on the MANY ballot propositions (tags)
Los Angeles Green Party recommendations for the NUMEROUS ballot propositions are up on our website:
10/4/04 Voting Starts in California (tags)
Vote by mail, also known as absentee voting, starts on October 4, 2004 in California. As always, the big issues on the ballot are the propositions and are the reason why every who can should vote in every election. Are you registered? Have you received your 2 voter handbooks? Have you signed up to be a permanent absentee voter so you vote in every election?
North American Anarchist Convergence (tags)
Join us in the beautiful foothills of Appalachia to network, brainstorm, and discuss social change through building a positive movement toward a free and responsible society. We will focus on practical alternatives to problems associated with power-based governments, institutions, and internalized systems of oppression.
Anyone wanna register voters outside of Farenheit 911? (tags)
Got the idea from Micheal Moores website.
Greens 4 Kucinich: today last day to register Democrat!! (tags)
Today, Tuesday, February 17th is the last day to change your party affiliation and/or register to vote!!
Arnold Schwarzenegger does fundraiser for Congressman with former ties to al-Qaeda (tags)
Governor Groper will be in Huntington Beach tommorrow night to do a fundraiser for a Congressman with former ties al-Qaeda. So much for patriotism.
An Executive Dictatorship? (tags)
The United States Is An Executive Dictatorship.
Prepare your Draft/CO Files NOW! (tags)
America is at war and I think they are going to need the Draft soon. Men who cannot buy alcohol are required by law to register for the Draft. You may have 9 days once called up for the Draft to prove you are a Conscientious Objector. Prepare your file NOW!
Represent What? Libertarian newspaper sheding ideals for marketshare (tags)
"In order to boost minority readership, the paper recently hired a writer to cover Latino entertainment and culture, and contracts minority reporters fresh out of college to cover prominent beats despite little experience. The editorial page of old would have called that bald tokenism,"
Family fued at libertarian Media Giant (tags)
Freedom has long advocated a libertarian point of view on the editorial pages of its 28 daily papers and 8 tv stations. Today the company is one of the nation's largest newspaper publishers estimated to be worth about $2 billion.
An adult attitude towards Enforcement Act (tags)
What makes it so different and interesting to other Laws? How can it be used and how it is being used, and what are the possible consequences of abusing it.
change your address and change the world!
OC Register report on F15 (tags)
Excerpt from the Orange County Register report on protests Feb. 15th
Hundreds of Muslim Immigrants Rounded Up in Calif (tags)
Hundreds of Iranian citizens were in southern California jails on Weds after coming forward to comply with a new rule to register with immigration only to wind up handcuffed and behind bars.
Jan. 10th Registration Demonstration (tags)
These are some photos from the January 10th protest against INS detainment of registrants.
Stand With Our Immigrant Brothers on January 10 (tags)
Protest at the downtown INS offices, Friday, January 10th, starting at noon. Say "No! to registration and detention."
Register Your Dissent-PROTEST Muslim Roundups JAN.10 (tags)
Statement from Arab community and list of events occuring nationwide on the next registration date.
Saturday rally at the INS - protest against mass detentions (tags)
Highlights from the rally at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in downtown LA last Saturday, Jan 4, 2003.
Come protest the mass detentions performed by the INS this saturday! No more internment camps!
Conscientious Objection (tags)
Information on Conscientious Objection. As the war rhetoric increases, and newspaper editorials appear calling for reinstating the draft, its time to review how to stand in Conscientious Objection.
Do you know if you must Register with the INS??? As per the INS new program of Alien registration
Legal aid groups offer to help Muslims - they need YOUR help (tags)
The article below refers to a questionnaire for those who endured last weeks INS outrage. On Sunday, the American Immigration Lawyers Association issued a questionnaire for the immigrants to fill out. The American Immigration Law Foundation, the National Immigration Forum and the American Anti-Defamation Committee also have appealed to the immigrants to fill out the forms. Insha'Allah the questionnaire is available at:
Next INS deadline Jan 10, 2003--- (tags)
January 10, 2003 is the next deadline imposed by the INS for registration, fingerprinting and interviews for so-called "visitors" from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, or Yemen.
Michelle Taheripour, an immigration lawyer working to secure the release of a dozen of her clients, said INS officials had agreed late Thursday to waive bail for detainees whose bonds had been set below $5,000. As many as 300 detainees were expected to be released by nightfall, she said. Those detainees will be asked to return to immigration offices at a later date for questioning, she said.
ACLU Calls Immigrant Registration Program Pretext for Mass Detentions (tags)
By January 10, 2003, citizens of 13 additional countries – Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen – must also submit to registration, a move that could push the detentions into the tens of thousands, the ACLU said.
Hundreds Are Detained After Visits to INS (tags)
From the LA Times.
Register now for the INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE (i2002) (tags)
Register now for the INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY CONFERENCE (i2002) August 29 to September 1, 2002, Essen, Germany
Links to OC Register, LA Times, and AP stories on the Taco Bell Demo (tags)
Here are some links to some of the corporate media coverage of the March 11 March and Rally at Taco Bell Headquarters. Note that the Orange County Register estimated the crowd at 1,500. It should also be noted that both NPR news and CNN headline news included repotrs on the demo, as well as a brief synopsis of the Coalition of Immakolee Workers' (CIW) reasons for calling a boycott of Taco Bell.
Finnish government registers contain faked and false information (tags)
Finnish criminal register contain faked and false information to protect police and jail innocent people. Education provided at The Faculty of Law or at The Police Academy is not good enough; we have false data in government registers when running complex crime case studies.
A Taste of Justice Conference- November 3rd (tags)
Register Now for the Taste of Justice Conference. This conference is especially important now with unemployment rising in the wake of 9/11, hunger will be more of an issue. It's imperative that we come up with just solutions to this rather than focusing only on crisis management.
Register article on the nazi protest (tags)
Register writes a small article on the protests