fix articles 94358, since president bush
Urgent! Sign Bernie Sander's bailout alternative petition! Let the wealthy pay! (tags)
Please sign this petition from Bernie Sanders which outlines an alternative proposal to the Wall Street financial bailout, which taxes the wealthy rather than ordinary working Americans! Please forward and tell your friends! Thank you!! :-)
Why not a Warning for Mexico travel or at least an up-grade to the existing alert? (tags)
Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported
BTL:White House and Media Escalate War of Words Against... (tags)
...Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ~ Interview with Eva Gollinger, attorney reporting from Caracas, Venezuela, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
100 Facts and 1 Opinion (tags)
From the Purple States to your brain
The Campaign of Hate and Fear (tags)
Am I saying that critics of the war aren't patriotic? Not at all--I'm a critic of some aspects of the war. What I'm saying is that those who try to paint the bleakest, most anti-American, and most anti-Bush picture of the war, whose purpose is not criticism but deception in order to gain temporary political advantage, those people are indeed not patriotic. They have placed their own or their party's political gain ahead of the national struggle to destroy the power base of the terrorists who attacked Americans abroad and on American soil.
BTL:U.S. Plan to Privatize Iraqi Industry May Signal New... (tags)
...'Bomb Before You Buy' Doctrine. Interview with Naomi Klein, author and columnist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
'You No-Good, Unemployed, Communist Faggot' (tags)
It was Gulf War I, and I was marching up the old Post Rd. in Connecticut for Peace. I carried a sign reporting on the number of our soldiers that had been killed thus far, when a sleek, silver BMW pulled up alongside me. The profusely sweating, purple faced man, his bejeweled ringed, sausage fingers, tightly gripping the hand tooled leather steering wheel, spit in my face screaming, "You no-good, unemployed, Communist faggot!"
BTL White House Drive for New War with Iraq Faces International Opposition (tags)
Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Denis Halliday, former Under-Secretary General at the UN in charge of Iraq's oil for food program, who resigned his post in protest of economic sanctions in 1998. Halliday examines Washington's war plans and the potential threat that Iraq poses to its neighbors and the U.S.