fix articles 94125, this system
The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries (tags)
Fast Track, TTIP, TPP and TISA should be scrapped! Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO described the TTIP as "secret tribunals" where only "foreign investors" can sue. This article from The Guardian UK focuses on El Salvador. and Pacific Rim.
The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have (tags)
The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have -- A Message, And A Call, From The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA -- This Is NOT The Best of All Possible Worlds…And We Do NOT Have to Live This Way
No More Police Murders! No More Stolen Lives! (tags)
October 22nd is the National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. It is the day to begin to stand up and resist the outrage of police brutality and police murder. FIGHT BACK! WEAR BLACK!
The Revolution We Need...The Leadership We Have (tags)
A message and a call from the Revolutionary Communist Party. A whole different world, a much better future, is possible. We have what we need to fight for that World, that future. It is up to us to get with it and get to the challenge of making this happen.
SPEAK OUT Against Police Brutality and Murder (tags)
Protestmeeting at Immanuel Presbyterian
Don’t Let Them Get Away with the Murder of Julian Alexander...Turn Grief into Resistance (tags)
Another Young Black Man Killed by Police in Cold Blood
NOEXOTICWARFAREZONE -- A Resolution for Your City Council (tags)
The Movement Is Great... (tags)
The Movement Is Great... But The Movement Is Not "Everything"... The People Need Revolution
RAAW ( Radical Action Against War) (tags)
For those who want to fight war, capitalism and impearialism but who do not want to follow pacifist dreamers.
Sa-I-Gu was no revolution. All this inflated rhetoric about struggle is ignorant.
Disapointed cop [OC TacoBell protest] (tags)
Like all police officers, this cop does not represent the people. He represents the financial instution behind him. The corporation that represents the unfortant dominance of mass marketing and comercial production in the capitalist system. He represents the injustice, genocide and global slavery comitted by this system. Since when does this system represent "the people". Nobody represents the people, except the people. We shouldn't let cops boss us around at protests. This is our time, and our voice. Not the systems.