fix articles 93467, independently
No matter what the issue is ... the answer is ... get everybody to vote. You wanna feel represented.. get everybody you know to vote.
Asylum Program Victim Fund (tags)
The INS systematically terminated qualified and dedicated employees because they acted independently in accordance with the law. We need help to expose their crimes. Pretexts were used to falsely accuse us of disrespect and insubordination and threaten or impose suspensions. We have had systematically had false and materially misleading data placed in our files. The effect was to try to deprive us of necessary secret clearances. Others were treated even worse, physically abused and humiliated publicly. We need funds to fight back!!!
COUPWATCH: The Court Packs Itself (tags)
No Justice, No Justices--it's not just a wild-eyed idea from the fringe. After Lincoln's assassination the Congress blocked Andrew Johnson's threat to consolidate the conservative wing of the Court, preventing the replacement of retiring justices by the man made President by John Wilkes Booth. A similar logic applies today, argues distinguished political philosopher and constitutional scholar Bruce Ackerman (author of "Social Justice in the Liberal State") in an article published in The American Prospect.