fix articles 93207, alienation
Government Alienation Program, An Interpretation (tags)
Alienation is in dome instances devastating to human beings and reflects the decadence and often the criminality of the misanthropes who sponsor same.
Honoring Antler, honoring the strength of intuitive depth charging! (tags)
The resurgence of the intuitive ancient within us all. To decolonize your mind-set, to inspire your imagination beyond the pale of same old again. To activate our dared imagination and begin going into the "heavenish" (great spirit) you want. This is an honoring to a poet by the name of Antler and to all of the solemn dear deer people!
Brazilian Republic, 117 years; alienation or development? (tags)
Benjamin Franklin in his "A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of Paper Currency" (1729) he demonstrated for his contemporaries and the posterity that a state is ridicule to take loaned money, having been he himself charged to print pounds at Philadelphia.
Out-thinking them, not out-fighting them: heart analysis sheds decisive light (with art) (tags)
Visionaries, 'idealists', and others daring towards their desires must move beyond shared powerless feelings. We are here for a reason, we have created and are creating our crucial projects. Understandings of reality and its origin are the keys to open the illusively impossible doors of fear and perpetual, everyday war. This article, with art included, goes over important truths while escaping 'Us vs. Them' constructs and at the same time promoting spirited *resistance consciousness*!
Tactics for not allowing tyranny to smash us! (tags)
With Legalization of 'COINTELPRO'-styled official attack, challengers to status-quo must adopt the techniques of a *resistance of consciousness* and *mass-jiu-jitsu*, or continue to be completely dominated.
Strange Goings-on in Tucson, usa--with 3 peaces of art (tags)
Unbridled artist syndicate interactor and *crucial arts* promoter, Carin Elliot, has been "messing with" devoutly "Normal" vibes in the last many months. Especially about the 'everyday war'. The art tells the biggest story, so enjoy and pass around, no copyright! (All email will probably be blocked/monitored by the usual soldiers)