fix articles 93145, s. presidential election
Bush's Skull & Bones Stooge John Kerry's Treasonous Exploits (tags)
It can now be reported that Skull & Bones John Kerry, Bush's 2004 Patsy opponent, met at the Israeli Consulate the day before his famous speech in which he seems to insult American Military personnel as uneducated and stupid. Folks this is no accident. Remember Kerry is Bush's third cousin and was scripted to be his "Dukakis-type stooge" in the 2004 Election cycle. Kerry's meeting at the Israeli consulate is significant. He received his marching orders and he also received a large promissory note from the Mel Sembler, Mega-MOSSAD gang...
Item: Yesterday on CNN and Fox News, V.P. Dick Cheney gave a tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for President in Nov 2008. This comes a week after Clinton visited major air bases in Canada aka British Intelligence MI-6 cells linked directly to Permindex, the British company that plotted and executed the murder of President JFK. Reference: True Colors, JFK Jr., and the attempted assassination of then V.P. Albert Gore Jr. in 1998 linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate....
Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian (tags)
Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...
Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)
Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...
Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate: Barack Obama (tags)
Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate....
SUPER HOT BREAKING INTEL: CIA Rendition Gate is Now 9-11 TreasonGate (tags)
Mahar Arar, framed Canadian computer programmer who was put on a terror watchlist by Canadian and U.S. Government officials and sent to Syria on a CIA rendition flight (where he was tortured) had actually infiltrated the noted Wildcard-Lt. Vreeland-Dept. of Naval Intelligence, Toronto Ontario Canada cell-nest.
Attention: Potpourri of Current Political Subject-Matter (tags)
ABC News blackmailing Daddy Bush’s Bitch William J.R. Clinton on 9-11. Could it be the Russian Oil Deeds handed over to Bill and Bitch aka Hillary (Republican-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton by George Stephanopoulos last week mean that ABC Disney wants a piece of the action.