fix articles 9314, wins Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : wins


"The victor is not the one who wins the battles" (tags)

Stubborn resistance Although the war is still in its infancy, it is no walk in the park for Russian forces, which are facing fierce resistance. It will be difficult for the Russian army to gain control of cities, towns, and highways and hold them in the face of attacks by regular and guerrilla forces...

Decide For Yourself About RFK Jr (tags)

A list of links about lethal injuries from vaccines, the corruption of the vaccine industry because Facebook, Google, Microsoft (Bing and DuckDuckGo) censor vaccine information,

15 Wins for the Progressive Movement in 2013 (tags)

Partial victories are important since they can be strengthened. Problems don't disappear when they are ignored. We are called to be active subjects. As prejudice can be overcome as a stepping stone to the event of understanding, ignorance and poverty can be overcome.

Ron Paul wins straw poll at CPAC! (tags)

Ron Paul wins straw poll at CPAC!

Media Manipulation Research (tags)

Who is afraid of a small doctor from Texas? Seems that the mainstream media is. We can't let the media control the truth.

Canada Wins Its First NAFTA Decision! (tags)

The economy is a part of life, not a steamroller dominating all life and discourse and trashing past, present and future. Canada's win in the 7-year UPS case gives hope to all people in the struggle for sovereignty, self-determination and economic justice.

Dow Chemicals new slogan says it all (tags)

America's drug companies and chemical manufacturers have become expert at creating slogans and catch phrases to disguise the deadly effects of their products, but Dow Chemical's latest offering wins the award for creativity.

November 6th Anti War March!!! (tags)

No Matter Who Wins, Only the People Can Stop the War!!

SIZE DOES MATTER, Kerry to Win Easily (tags)

Polls, pundits and politics. Had enough? Well, folks, you can forget all of political rhetoric you have been hearing from both sides of the political spectrum. Toss it. Chunk it. It is no longer relevant.

Why I Plan on Voting for Kerry and Opposing Him When He Wins (tags)

The American ruling class must be peeing its pants for joy this election season. On the right we have a foaming-at-the-mouth fascist ready to launch the world into war, war and more war and on the "left" we have a kinder-and-gentler fascist willing to fight these pathetic wars and "do a better job at it" than the fascist on the right. What a choice for those of us who despise fascism and see Kerry for what he is - a different flavor of ruthless war criminal (read about his actions in combat during the Vietnam war)! Best yet, for the warmongers, he intends to suck up to the Likud even more than Bush does (and who thought that possible?).

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize (tags)

Cartoon of naked Sharon devouring infant wins top UK prize

Schwarzenegger Wins! (tags)

Arnie wins, Arnie wins, Arnie wins, Arnie wins.

Reversal of Fortune (tags)

If you haven't cheked out Williams River Pitts ' Nov. 8 posting "Worse Days" on >, please do so. Also consider this :

COUP WATCH: Mob Rule Wins for W -- From The Consortium (tags)

A premeditated mob assault on the Dade County election board appears to have guaranteed Texas Gov. George W. Bush's ascension to the presidency.

Voting doesnt create social change: but if it did, vote for bush (tags)

I am not voting either, however if i were to vote i may vote for bush. BUSH? WTF? yes bush. in the sense of furthering the movement bush is the best candidate (2nd to buchanan).

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