fix articles 92973, by prof
The Afghanistan War and International Law (tags)
From the standpoint of the invaded, this war was and is a brutal violation against the basic principle of international law in Art 2 of the UN Charter which strictly prohibits the threat and use of force in international relations. This war was and is a war of aggression and a crime against peace.
Prof. Sison Greets the CPP on its 40th Year (tags)
As founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), I convey warmest greetings of comradeship to all CPP cadres and members on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the CPP. I share your joy in celebrating all the struggles waged and all the victories won by the CPP and the Filipino people in the last four decades of the new democratic revolution.
I have been informed that the International Action Committee Stuttgart, an organization in which Turkish, Palestinian and German people work together, is holding this forum to commemorate Political Prisoners Day. Thus, I have been invited to speak on my experience of imprisonment and torture in the Philippines, together with two other former political prisoners who shall speak about their own experiences in Turkey-Kurdistan and Palestine. I thank the organizers for inviting me. And I wish to express my warmest greetings of solidarity to all those who are present and to all the people in organizations that are represented here. I have strongly wished to be with you tonight. But unfortunately, the Dutch authorities do not issue travel papers to me for attending this forum. We have to resort therefore to the audio-visual techniques that are available to us. As instructed by the organizers, particularly by Ms. Elsbeth Sureau, I intend to present to you the following: 1. a summary of my imprisonment and torture, 2. the reasons for imprisonment and the political situation then obtaining in my country, 3. the protest and resistance within and outside prison, and 4. the perspectives. I shall use 15 minutes to speak and let the German translation run for another 15 minutes. I shall answer your questions in the open forum.
The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. Aside from being a tool of US imperialism, the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a repressive tool of the Arroyo regime for intimidating and suppressing the people’s democratic movement and the broad range of opposition forces.
The Arroyo regime is hell-bent on suppressing the Filipino people and revolutionary people by murdering, kidnapping, torturing and driving them away from their homes and land. But the Filipino people and revolutionary forces have always strongly manifested their determination to defend themselves and wage resistance, punish the worst of human rights violators and plunderers and build the new organs of democratic power to replace the ruling system of greed and terror. #
Homo Oeconomicus and Economic Theories (tags)
The neoclassical theory dominant today is different from the Keynesian theory that defined the decades after the 2nd World War. "Bad ideas flourish because theya re in the interest of powerful groups." (Paul Krugman)
JFAV-Samahang Pilipino Conference March 10-11: A RESOUNDING SUCCESS (tags)
“All Out for Equity and Justice” With this battle cry, over 150 community advocates, students, youth and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans all over Southern California and Los Angeles gathered for a successful Unity Conference on March 10-11, 2007 in UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. The Unity Conference began at 9:00 a.m. of each day at the Moore Hall at the UCLA campus. On Saturday, March 10, 7:00 p.m, over 200 people came to an exhilarating three-hour Cultural Solidarity Night at 100 Moore Hall UCLA Campus Los Angeles, CA 90095. The cultural night featured the showing of the 35-minute documentary, “Broken Promises,” performances by spoken word artists, cultural groups and other surprise numbers and paid glowing tribute to our veteran heroes. Conference organizers awarded a plaque of appreciation to longtime veteran rights’ supporter, Allan Pineda Lindo, a.k.a. Apl de Ap of world famous Grammy-awarded hip hop group, “Black Eyed Peas.”
Alston press statement and Melo commission report (tags)
The press statement of the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and special executions Prof. Philip Alston and the report of the Melo commission put forward important findings and conclusions that hold the Arroyo regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accountable for extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations from 2001 to the present.
Even without the Anti-Terror Act, euphemistically called the Human Security Act of 2007, the US-directed Arroyo regime has unleashed the counterrevolutionary military and police forces on the people and spurred them to commit all kinds of barbarities, including the massacre and massive displacement of people in the countryside and the extrajudicial killing, abduction and torture of so many unarmed legal activists. These atrocities are all in line with the Bush global war of terror and its Philippine puppet version called Oplan Bantay Laya I and II. Upon the signing of the Anti-Terror Act by Gloria M. Arroyo, the reactionary military and forces and their special operations teams and death squads are further licensed and further emboldened to commit acts of state terrorism. The main objective of the Act is to suppress the people’s movement for national liberation and democracy and the broad range of legal forces criticizing and opposing the regime. If the targets of the act were only such small groups like the supposedly Al Qaida-linked Abu Sayyaf and Jema’ah Islamiyah, the existing system of security agencies and criminal law on murder would have sufficed.
Conspirators as Illuminati: Bush Administration as Juntocracy (tags)
A parallel or shadow government, a Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush axis, was established.. Groups, offices and departments were elimi-nated and ad hoc groups formed.. The NSC was developed into a kind of parallel govern-ment.
We, the International League of Peoples' Struggle, hereby express our solidarity with and support for the millions of immigrant workers on the day of the Great American Boycott 2006 when they and their supporters do not go to work, to school or to any shop but hold protest marches and rallies against institutions and symbols of anti-immigrant discrimination, exploitation and oppression in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, San Jose, San Francisco, Seattle and 100 cities all over the US.
An article on the true nature of Marx and socialism/communism.
Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)
1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians
Stop Israeli Genocide against the Palestinians! (tags)
Of course I have great respect for Palestinian negotiators. They have done the very best they can negotiating in good faith with the Israeli government that has been invariably backed up by the United States. But there has never been any good faith on the part of the Israeli government either before, during, or after Oslo. The same is true for the United States.