fix articles 92788, vitamin a
In the old day they gave vitamin A to people so they wouldn't get measles.
This Rice Can Save Lives & Cure Blindness. Why Do People Protest It?
The GE ‘Golden Rice’ - An Exercise in How Not to do Science (tags)
Polished rice removes the nutrient rich aleurone layer for export, leaving polished rice nutrient deficient. AstraZeneca attempts to profit from selling GE rice with vitamin A from daffodils, when all people need to do is not remove the aleurone layer (but then AstraZeneca couldn't make billions off their deception)..
Vaccinations Deplete Vitamin A (tags)
Vaccinations deplete Vitamin A and thus cause Cancer.
Golden Rice Is Not A Substitute For Vitamin A (tags)
Golden Rice is a genetically modified food intended to reduce the Vitamin A deficiency that plagues people in developing countries, unfortunately it creates more problems than it solves.