fix articles 91675, president allende
The humanity of resistance can’t be erased by a Pinochet or a Friedman (tags)
The Pinochet coup was the first application of “shock therapy.” The intellectual author of shock therapy, Milton Friedman, needed a dictator and unlimited violence to implement his ideas.
The Shortwave Report 9/14/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Spirituality and Liberation: Segundo Galilea (tags)
Advent is a time of beginning as crisis can be a time to pause and gain new perspectives and priorities. We are called to be internation-alistas, to create a new language and a new mathematics. The world will be changed when people speak as Jesus spoke, in a way that scandalizes and attracts by its power
Rockefellers, Kissinger, Bush sr ran Pinochets' Operation Condor (tags)
Will they go to trial like Pinochet?
CIA Coup-d'etats, and Operation Condor, Bush sr's international terrorism (tags)
Abu Ghraib torture is the tip of an iceberg...
Bush sr's CIA used Nazi torturers in South America (tags)
Vice President Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger , and George Bush sr ran American spy operations in 1976.
War Criminals Hide Behind Bushes (tags)
The Rockefeller Empire includes Exxon-Mobil, JPMorgan-Chase ,Citigroup, and also governments and dictatorships.
Fascism, Farm Subsidies and Suicide (tags)
As the fascists in the White House celebrate the success of the tragedy they helped make happen on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) on this day September 11, 2003, Lee Kyung-hae, a Korean farmer (who has been put out of business in Korea by cheap imports from the U.S. Global Economic Dictatorship) lies dead in a hospital morgue in Cancun, Mexico.
Debate on How Nice USA IS: Arundati Roy Article (tags)
Nagging guy tries to defend USA with insincere attacks on trivia and history. We need to set record straight and make the US War Crimes the main issue around the world. Please join in and earn/learn... How about A. Roy and Shakespear?