fix articles 9165, chief Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : chief



la cia a roma durante i 55 : hugh montgomery

The 3rd of Many Documents That Prove Covid-19 is a Crime Against Humanity (tags)

Information from India, the Allagadda High Court

Crimes Committed by Newsmedia (tags)

"Journalists are paid to lie, betray and never tell the truth to the public" - Top journalist Udo Ulfkotte

Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down (tags)

Step Up As LAPD Chief Charlie Beck Steps Down

PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief (tags)

PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief

Verizon Please Protect Yahoo Groups Subscribers (tags)

Tens of millions of Yahoo Groups subscribers want protection for their posts.

War Within California's 46th CD (tags)

Violence and dirty politics accompany the establishment candidate as he fights to rise past fifth place,

Monsanto Patenting World's Seeds, Controlling World's Food, Causing Cancer, Killing Bees, (tags)

Monsanto Patenting World's Seeds, Controlling World's Food, Causing Cancer, Killing Bees, Using PCB's, DDT, Agent Orange, Carcinogenic Growth Hormones, Brain Lesion Causing Aspartame

Phony US Support for Ending Palestime's Occupation (tags)


The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger (tags)

- Muscogee (Creek) Nation tribal council member Thomas Yahola leads an emergency meeting of the National Council at which a vote of no-confidence on Chief George Tiger was taken in Okmulgee on Thursday evening.

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

As Principal Chief of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation, I have always adhered to the unwavering principles and requirements in our Constitution

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger (tags)

The Muscogee (Creek) Nation has voted a no-confidence resolution on Chief George Tiger as members of the tribe are launching a petition drive to oust the current Chief.

Principal Chief Tiger of this Great Muscogee (Creek) Nation answers allocations (tags)

My fellow Muscogee Citizens, I want to respond to you my position on recent actions taken by the National Council regarding my elected role as your Principal Chief

Ohio Kasich Adm. Teaches Children To Drown And Kill Animals (tags)

The tax money of 96% of Ohio citizens is being used to forcefeed propaganda through PBS and other tv stations, encouraging parents to train their children in the drowning and trapping of defenseless animals. Hunting licenses are sold to only 4% of Ohioans

Obama v. Venezuela's Maduro (tags)


Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)


Chief Justice Nathan Hecht, Texecutioner, Is Facing The Voters (tags)

Texans have an opportunity to vote out Nathan Hecht, who as chief justice has seen to it that Texas commits 60% of the judicial murders in the US

Sacking NYT Executive Editor Jill Abramson (tags)


Tom Ryff - Tempe Police Cheif support crooked cops???? (tags)

From this article it sure sounds like Tempe Police Chief supports crooked cops.

Meet Obama's New HHS Chief (tags)


Racist Israeli Rabbis (tags)


Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)


Changes Wall St Hostile Takeover Artist Daniel Loeb Has Made At Yahoo (tags)

With his leveraged buyout and the power of unethically acquired capital Daniel Loeb and his henchmen have taken over Yahoo and have accelerated negative change in 2013.

San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr Drops Taser Proposal (tags)

San Francisco Police Chief Greg Suhr is the fourth chief in a decade to propose cops use tasers while talking people out of public crisis. For the fourth time, this proposal was met with powerful citizen opposition..

Dangereous Anti-Iranian Warmongering (tags)


Tony, It's Just Chalk (tags)

Unless the Mayor stops it, Occupy Los Angeles is going to get beat down by Chief Charlie's demons on Thursday for writing with chalk on the sidewalks, all at taxpayer expense, all because Occupy Los Angeles spurned the Democrats who run the city.

Anaheim PD Chief Hints ‘Outside Agitators’ and ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Caused 'Civil Unrest' (tags)

Anaheim City Officials, including Police Chief John Welters, are resorting to the convenient scapegoat of blaming “outside agitators” for the “civil unrest” that took place on the streets outside City Hall last Tuesday night.

Art Walkers Occupy Free Speech (tags)

When people at the downtown Art Walk joined with Occupy Los Angeles to assert their right to speak, LAPD answered with guns.

PHILIPPINES: Akbayan welcomes Corona conviction (tags)

Akbayan welcomes Corona conviction, calls it a triumph of truth and accountability over impunity

Reform the Philippine Judiciary! Remove Chief Justice Corona! (tags)

The Bantay Gloria Network today said that with Chief Justice Renato Corona hounded by serious charges of amassing ill-gotten wealth, he should follow the example of former Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez who opted to resign rather than face a prolonged impeachment trial.

Stieg Larsson's 'Dragon Tattoo' ... some disturbing truth about Sweden (tags)

Hollywood's 'The girl with the dragon tattoo' had its US opening December 20th. But Stieg Larsson was an investigative journalist with a degree of vision and social conscience few have, his novels portraying real-life aspects of 'the dark side of Sweden'.

Philippine Chief Justice Corona urged to resign (tags)

TWO days after a "court holiday" was declared in support of impeached Chief Justice Renato Corona, Bantay Gloria Network (BGN) responded with a "national day of action" to press for the removal of Corona from his post.

Occupy UCR General Assembly 11-21-2011 (tags)

There was a buzz amidst the students at University of California Riverside (UCR) when 2pm hit at the bell tower. "We are in solidarity with UC Davis and UC Berkeley so come join our discussion!" cried Jasmine, one of the facilitators, for this very first General Assembly (GA) meeting of the UCR occupation. The turnout was one of one hundred and fifty students, staff and faculty, including UCR Chancellor White and the surprise guest Chief of UCR police Mike Lane.

World Debt to stay unchanged by new IMF Chief (tags)

Recently, Lagarde, a French female economist, was selected as the new International Monetary Fund Chief. Does this signify gender progress for the IMF or does this media attention on gender deflect Third World problems caused by the IMF?

Fullerton Police Chief, D.A. Cover Up Kelly Thomas Death from Police Beating (tags)

The death of homeless man Kelly Thomas at the hands of Fullerton police following a severe beating remains "uncertain", according to the Orange County coroner. When a human is beaten into a coma by a gang of cops and then dies only a few days later in the hospital, we can only "guess" at what happened (DUH!). However, it appears that the Orange County D.A. investigator Stan Berry is close friends with Fullerton police Chief Sellers, this could explain the "uncertainty" coming from the OC coroner and the D.A's failure to contact eyewitnesses present when Kelly Thomas was beaten by Fullerton police.

Roland Hill Messy Yard Snitch (tags)

Messy yard snitch Roland Hill sends faxes nearly every week to the city snitching on harmless messy yard criminals.

Federal indictment says Latino gang Azusa 13 targeted African-Americans (tags)

A federal indictment unsealed Tuesday accuses a Latino street gang in Azusa of trying to push black people out of the city. Authorities say it marks only the second time they?ve used federal civil rights laws against a criminal street gang.

Borneo tribes: 30-year regime ‘has destroyed everything’ (tags)

Tribespeople in Sarawak, in the Malaysian part of Borneo, say the 30-year rule of Chief Minister Taib Mahmud has ‘raped’ their land, destroyed their rainforests and brought ‘hardship and suffering’.

Tata Noah chief of Indigenous communities (tags)

My grandfather walked with a very long stick adorned with many allegories. Tata Noah told me long ago that it represented our true nation, which was all unknown, because many of those living in the village had given in to the viciousness of the white people and did not follow the customs of our fathers. That hurt my Tata, so when I arrived, he ever and ever told me many things and stories of our nation...

Followup Meeting Between Colton Community and Police (tags)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

COLTON, California - In a follow-up meeting to a community forum held in December, Chief Bob Miller and Detective Eric Campa of the Colton Police Department again met with residents to share the department's new directive concerning vehicle impounds.

Waging War on Chicago Workers (tags)

labor struggles

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Obama's New Chief of Staff and Economic Team (tags)

Wall Street dominated

Colton Immigrant Community Meets PD Chief, Demands Justice (tags)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

COLTON, California - In a large public gathering the in cafeteria of Alice Birney Elementary School, well over one hundred community members from Colton, a city with a large low-income immigrant community met with their police chief to expose him to the injustices his officers have been committing and to petition for redress of their grievances.

From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor (tags)

Rahm Emanuel will likely enter Chicago mayoral race

Chaldler police cheif gets slap on the wrist for having sex at work (tags)

Hmmm... The assistant police chief has sex with his girlfriend in motels while he is supposed to be working. And he doesn't get fired for it! I guess when your being paid $146,071 a year in tax dollars there is nothing you can do wrong.


The Armed Forces of the Philippines has started fielding more than 7,300 soldiers in Metro Manila even as it declared 10 cities in the capital region as election “hotspots.” These with news filtering to PESANTE NEWS that politicians are arming their forces and deliberately ignoring the gun ban. PESANTE NEWS also learned that the airport are packed with supporters of candidates from LA who are trying to get out of Manila due to the situation. The situation turned to the worst when 78,000 PCOS machines cocked out and and there was a call for manual elections to the COMELEC. PGMA's lawyers have formally called for a postponement of elections for the next two weeks.

Powell’s Chief of Staff Mentions Role of Neocons and Israel in Iraq War (tags)

Powell’s Chief of Staff Mentions Role of Neocons and Israel in Iraq War

GEN DANNY LIM; Esperon, Senga Involved in ’06 plot (tags)

PESANTE NEWS today learned by media sources that now it can be told—again. This time straight from the horse’s mouth as it were. Detained Brig. Gen. Danilo Lim, a candidate for senator, on Friday claimed that the then Armed Forces Chief Gen. Generoso Senga and Army Chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. were his accomplices in the failed February 2006 coup plot. Lim, who appeared to be acknowledging for the first time his leadership role in the Feb. 23, 2006, coup plot, claimed that Senga and Esperon had betrayed him and his fellow plotters for what he described as “political enticements” from President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. “These people are turncoats and rabid opportunists. Durin

Brazilian Federal Police raids Native village and abducts Chief Babau in Bahia State (tags)

At around two o’clock in the morning on March 10th a group of unidentified armed people entered the Tupinambá Native American Village Serra do Padeiro in the South of the Brazilian state of Bahia and brutalized, threatened with murder, drugged and abducted the local Chief Babau.

PGMA Appoints Her Man-Lt.Gen. Delfin (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) greeted with scorn and disgust the designation of President Gloria M. Arroyo of Gen. Delfin Bangit, a former spy master called the “emperor,” as chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo announced to reporters Monday the appointment of Bangit, who headed the Presidential Security Group (PSG) during three coup attempts against her administration.


A delicious news.

GMA's Game of Musical Chairs in the AFP (tags)

PESANTE NEWS based in Los Angeles learned today through news sources in Manila that some questions are circulating at the AFP. Will there be a new face at the helm of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) by March or will President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo stick it out with current military chief Gen. Victor Ibrado? Ibrado is due to retire on March 10, the day before the election appointments ban takes effect. The president is barred from making new appointments two months before the elections and until the end of her term.

Philippine Army chief sees ‘meltdown’ NPA by June (tags)

The EPCC NEWS today learned that the military on Monday said it has been well on track to defeating the communist insurgency within 2010, with the string of successes against the New People's Army across the country, causing the "meltdown" of rebel forces. According to the EPCC, in a speech to the army camp in Davao province in Mindanao, Army Lt. General Delfin Bangit, Philippine Army chief, said the military has been able to deal significant blows against the NPA, trimming down Asia's longest-running Maoist insurgency "into smaller formations." Bangit was in Davao del Norte Monday to personally thank and reward soldiers for "back-to-back victories" against the NPA in Compostela Valley and Davao Oriental provinces in a week.

Interview with Lawrence Wilkerson (former Chief of Staff for Colin Powell) (tags)

Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson discusses illegal detainment and torture tactics used at GITMO in this excellent interview as well as how intel was manipulated to get US into the Iraq quagmire

NDF-Mindanao Hits AFP's "Four Aces" (tags)

Pesante News today learned that the National Democratic Front of the Philippines in Southern Mindanao hits the reactionary Philippine Army's stresses for 2010 calling them mere euphemism for a more vicious campaign against the Filipino people and the revolutionary movement. The fascist Philippine Army's recently pronounced four ACEs -- Army's Concern for the Environment, Army's Concern for Engineering, Army's Combat Excellence and Advocacy for Credible Elections -- is only a preliminary propaganda purveyed by its chief, the notorious Lt. Gen. Delfin Bangit. Bangit, the most favored among Ms. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's bootlicking generals, is groomed to replace current AFP chief of staff Gen. Victor Ibrado. Bangit from PMA Class 1978is now posturing himself to strengthen his bid for the AFP's highest position and dispel well-founded views that he will be playing a crucial role in perpetuating Mrs. Arroyo in power. His first attempt is to deodorize his unit's notorious record of human rights violations and electoral fraud. Despite Bangit's putting-his-best-foot-forward move, the Filipino people smell the stink of the Philippine Army's four ACEs. Its ballyhooed Advocacy for Credible Elections is nothing but a machination by the reactionary AFP to push its devious game plan of ensuring Mrs. Arroyo's victory in the upcoming GRP elections and continue her hold on power.

Jailed New York City's former police chief Bernard Kerik is in a psychiatric unit and on s (tags)

Kerik is displaying worrisome, risky behavior in jail, a federal judge said Friday after speaking with the jail's psychiatric director

Chief Israeli war criminal (tags)

Gabi Ashkenazi is trying to bribe and blackmail his way out of a war crimes trial.

Filipino Veterans rejects GMA loyalist Corpus as OVA Chief (tags)

Different veterans groups in the United Stares protests the appointment of retired general Victor Corpus to the RP Embassy by the Philippine president Gloria M. Arroyo. Present Office of the Veterans Affairs (OVA) person is Ret. Gen. Delfin Lorenzana is being replaced by a known GMA psychopath, retired ISAFP general Victor Corpus. Corpus is a know loyal GMA supporter.

The Shortwave Report 08/07 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

How to Legally Quit the US Military! (tags)

...all you have to do is to say that you "Do not believe that Barrack Obama is the legal president of the USA and he is also not the Commander in Chief of the US Military... ..................................................................................

Despite police abuse, mobile home park community pursues redress (tags)

In response to an explosive-ridden seige of their community, residents of the Woodlawn Mobile Home Park attended the Pomona City Council meeting on Monday, June 15. During the public comment period, one by one, approximately thirty residents, representing adults, the elderly, and children, explained what happened to them. Some became so emotionally overwhelmed that they were unable to continue.

Homeless Neglected by Fire Relief (tags)

RED cross malfeasance

Cuba: The hurt of no longer being (tags)

* Fragment from a work by Daniel Barret about the evolution of Cuba’s political regime since November 17 2005 till today. This piece attempts to place the role of Fidel Castro these past months.


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Friday condemned the recent Iligan twin blasts as evil acts and vehemently denied to being the perpetrator of the atrocity that claimed the lives of not only the Christian residents of Iligan City but even the Muslims as well. Eid Kabalu, MILF spokesman and civil-military affairs chief, told The Manila Times that the MILF as an organization has nothing to do with the bombing that killed three persons and injuring 47 others.

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

MILF asks gov’t to postpone ARMM election (tags)

Before the peace talks ended yesterday, July 17, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) peace panel had asked the Philippine government through its chief peace negotiator, Secretary Rodolfo Garcia, to postpone the forthcoming election in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (ARMM) in August 11 in deference to the ongoing GRP-MILF Peace Talks. The request was relayed by the MILF chief peace negotiator, Mohagher Iqbal, in tandem with their decision to forego with the word “freedom” that finally sealed the marathon talks on ancestral domain. The talks protracted for three years and seven months, which had been interrupted not only by impasses but also by intermittent skirmishes on the ground.

Juarez police chief resigns for fear of his life (tags)

chief assistant, 54-year-old Juan Antonio Roman who was 2nd in command is assassinated and at least four other Jaurez police officers are slain and hundreds others are killed in what is being called the biggest internal drug war between the Mexican government and the rich and ruthless Mexican drug cartels in the history of Mexico

Musharraf ally dropped as Pak military intelligence chief (tags)

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani on Wednesday appointed a new director general of military intelligence, replacing an official who was a close ally of President Pervez Musharraf.

Malacañang ‘open’ to Jocjoc extradition (tags)

Malacañang said it supports the continuation of the investigation of the P728-million fertilizer scam and the extradition of the former Agriculture Undersecretary Jocelyn “Jocjoc” Bolante, who remains detained in a US prison. “Of course, the President is open for the investigation of Jocjoc Bolante. We have nothing to hide,” Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Sergio Apostol said Sunday.

Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief (clear the deck for the coming war with Iran whic (tags)

Fallon resigns as Mideast military chief (clear the deck for the coming war with Iran which will be for Israel just as Iraq has been)

LA Mayor's Chief Of Staff Visited by Animal Liberation Front (tags)

LA Mayor's Chief Of Staff Visited by Animal Liberation Front; Robin Kramer Urged by Underground Group to Implement No Kill Policies at 6 Los Angeles Animal Shelters

Who May Be The Next Orange County Sheriff? (tags)

Galisky was recently asked what would happen if Carona is convicted or he does resign? Do you expect to stand as sheriff or acting sheriff pending an election?

Military, police raise coup d’etat alarm anew (tags)

With the prospect of an extension of the term of Armed Forces of the Philippines chief of staff, Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr., as the day of his retirement nears and with the Palace already preparing for the negative points as a result of this, both the AFP and the Philippine National Police (PNP) leaders, along with the Defense and Interior chiefs, again raised the alarm on coups and destabilization moves by alleged rebel soldiers, saying moves are afoot to topple President Arroyo and her government, claiming that they obtained the information gathered by the intelligence community.

Negroponte/Rosen visits to Pakistan November 2007 (tags)

"The real choice we face is not between Musharraf and a return to an effective democratic system, but between Musharraf and the possible collapse of Pakistan," Rosen wrote in a letter to the editor appearing in this week's edition of the Jewish Daily Forward. In addition to Musharraf, he met with General Ashfaq Kiyani, the deputy chief of staff who is expected to take over for Musharraf as head of the army, as well as ministers and intelligence officials.

Philippine Military report says it can’t defeat NPA by 2010 (tags)

The cat is out of the bag. Finally,the Philippine military, the Armed Forces of the Philippines(AFP) has admitted it had limited success in destroying the firepower of communist insurgents, putting it way behind the target of wiping out the rebellion by 2010, a classified military report said. President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, who is also the AFP Commander in Chief, has said she wants the communist New People’s Army (NPA) largely defeated by the time she steps down from power in June 2010. She announced it after she “won” the hotly contested elections of 2004.

Our Man in Islamabad (tags)

Washington support for second Musharraf coup.

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

Philippine Marine chief in Basilan sacked (tags)

-The commander of the Marine brigade battling Muslim extremists in Basilan was sacked from his post for not personally leading his troops into battle, the military’s chief said Wednesday. The removal of Col. Ra miro Alivio, commander of the 1st Marine Brigade, comes just days after heavy troop casualties in clashes with the Abu Sayyaf. Alivio would be moved to another position in the Marine headquarters in Fort Bonifacio “where his intelligence background will serve our organization best,” said Armed Forces Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon. He has been replaced by Col. Rus tico Guerrero, Esperon said.

Charlie Rose Science Series Episode #7 - July 24, 2007 (tags)

Giuen Media

AFP chief gives green light for Basilan offensive (tags)

Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. issued an order yesterday to the troops currently on standby in Basilan to commence military operations in the island province. “It’s all systems go. The units can now start punitive actions against the perpetrators. The orders have been given,” said AFP Public Information Office (PIO) chief Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro, referring to military actions against those behind the beheading of the 10 Marines during the July 10 ambush in Tipo-Tipo. Brig. Gen. Juancho Sabban, deputy chief of the Western Mindanao Command (Wesmincom), was designated to head the newly formed Task Force Meteor aimed at capturing the group responsible for the ambush.

MILF given one week to surrender ambushers (tags)

---THE Armed Forces on Wednesday gave the Moro Islamic Liberation Front seven days to surrender its fighters that took part in a bloody battle with Marines in Basilan last week. Another Marine battalion will be deployed to the island province, which is also a stronghold of the Abu Sayyaf. The Armed Forces Public Information chief, Lt. Col. Bartolome Bacarro, said the additional battalion will beef up troops going after Moro rebels who ambushed a group of Marines in Tipo-Tipo town.

Kissinger-led U.S. group attends closed debate at Putin home (tags)

A group of Russian and U.S. dignitaries gathered Friday at the presidential residence near Moscow behind closed doors in a bid to repair shattered ties.

MILF: We know General Garcia well (tags)

Commenting on the appointment of retired General Rodolfo Garcia as the new government chief peace negotiator, Muhammad Ameen, chairperson of the MILF Secretariat, said: “We know him very well from his stint as Army officer in Central Mindanao up to his becoming a member of the government peace panel.

Ermita raises possibility of political pardon to Honasan, Trillanes (tags)

Malacañang yesterday floated the possibility of Presi-dent Arroyo granting senators-elect Gregorio Honasan and Antonio Trillanes IV political amnesty in the spirit of reconciliation, good governance and national progress, the Philippine News Agency (PNA) quoted Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita as saying yesterday. In his regular media briefing this afternoon in Malacañang, Ermita was said to have cited the President’s policy of extending her hand of reconciliation to detractors of her administration, including armed rebels and political leaders.

Gov’t downgrades peace talks, MILF says (tags)

Manila-- The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has described the replacement of Secretary Silvestre Afable as government chief negotiator with a non-cabinet member as a deliberate downgrading of the peace process by the government following Afable’s alleged resignation the other day. Jun Mantawil, head of the MILF peace panel secretariat, told Luwaran that while the MILF leadership has the highest respect for Father Eliseo Mercado Jr. as “a person, friend and as a priest” but he does not possess the authority that a cabinet member possesses.

AJLPP Express Deep Concern Over MILF-GRP Talks:Gov’t chief peace negotiator for MILF quits (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP) today expressed apprehensions over the sudden and unexplained resignation of Silvestre Afable Jr. , government negotiator for peace process for the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) MILF equally expressed fears that negotiations for a peace agreement with the government would have to start from scratch again as a result of the resignation of the chief of the government’s peace panel, Silvestre Afable. AJLPP is deeply concerned that Afable’s resignation came at a time when the government and the MILF were close to restarting talks on a proposed ancestral homeland for 3 million Muslims in Mindanao. AJLPP knows that Afable who was a former staffer of DND Secretary Juan Ponce Enrile,has served since the two sides agreed to return to negotiations after hostilities erupted in February 2003.

US spy plane could join search for Italian priest In Mindanao (tags)

Manila-- Government troops are hard on the heels of the group who seized an Italian priest from a remote village in Zamboanga Sibugay Sunday. Fr. John Carlo Bossi was seized by armed men in Barangay Bulawan in the town of Payao.

NDFP verifies that Prof. Sison is NDFP chief political consultant and belies GRP claims (tags)

The National Council of the National Democrat Front of the Philippines hereby verifies that Prof. Jose Maria Sison is the NDFP chief political consultant and belies the claim of the Manila government that he is chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and head of the New People’s Army (NPA).

bratton blames 'agitators' (tags)

maria elena durazo, miwon provide scab legal/social cover

My observations on May 1st (tags)

These are my observations from being a participant during the May 1st melee


An open letter with some thoughts on what the City Council's Special Task Force should consider.

Mayor, Nunez To Join Tonight's Rally: Bratton Plans to Attend (tags)

Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez are among those expected to join immigrant-rights activists Thursday for a march and rally to denounce the actions of Los Angeles riot police at a May Day rally at MacArthur Park. Police Chief William Bratton, who will be at the LAPD's assembly area at today's rally, according to his office, told KPCC-FM on Wednesday that Deputy Chief Cayler "Lee" Carter, the ranking officer who was in MacArthur Park during the May 1 melee has decided to retire rather than continue on home duty pending an investigation.


“If the LAPD acts like this in broad daylight in front of cameras, what do they do at night?”

MIWON still covering for LAPD mayday attack (tags)

MIWON march 'leaders' still backing lapd statements blaming activists for the designed police assault.

Reassigned LAPD Cmdr. Gray Gave Orders to Shoot Protesters in 2000 (tags)

Commander Gray, who was reassigned from Central Division, was the individual who gave the order to shoot people with less lethal weapons in October 22, 2000. And, you know, the city wound up paying a little over a million dollars for all the cases that resulted from that.

Bratton's history in Boston, NY and LA (tags)

The attacks on May Day at MacArthur Park are consistent both with ICE/vigilante attacks on immigrants and Bratton's long history of attacks on poor and oppressed people in the interests of global capital, colonialism and gentrification.

LA Mayor & Police Chief Responsible for 5/1/07 LA Police Riot (tags)

The 5/1/07 Los Angeles Police Riot was obviously planned weeks in advance as a means of silencing the movement for unconditional amnesty for undocumented immigrants. The order for the preparations came from the top, the Chief of Police and his boss, the Mayor of Los Angeles. That's the ONLY way such an operation can take place.

Community Organizers Demand the Resignation of Chief Bratton. (tags)

Philippine Chief Justice Won Praises from KABATAAN (Youth)for Defense of Human Rights (tags)

Philipppine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno won praises for his fighting words in defense of human rights and the sweetest praise came from the Kabataan party-list group, which gave him a mocha cake. Kabataan vice president Carl Ramota delivered the cake to the court but court spokesperson Jose Midas Marquez said Puno was at a meeting and received it on behalf of the Chief Justice. Marquez said Puno had been told about the cake and thanked the group for it. More than 835 Filipinos have veen killed since Arroyo assumed power in 2001 and at least 220 people have been missing. There at at least 215 activist have been detained as political prisoners, the most prominent is ANAKPAWIS Pre. Crispin Beltran who has been languishing in jail since last year when Arroyo declared a "state of emergency. Also in military jail are at least 60 officers and men including 2 generals, scores of colonels and majors who are being charged with attempted coup since 2003.

Philippine Military Put Up P1-M bounty for MNLF Commander Ustadz Habier Malik in Sulu (tags)

The Philippine military is offering a P1-million reward for the capture of National Liberation Front (MNLF) commander Ustadz Habier Malik who has been leading clashes against government troops in Sulu for a week now. Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon said Malik, who has some 300 to 500 armed followers, has joined the Abu Sayyaf terrorists, the target of a separate massive military offensive. "We should be very careful about this because definitely there is a group that would try to exploit the situation, at least the Abu Sayyaf," he said. "Let us be very clear," he said. "This is not an operation against the MNLF. This is an operation against Habier Malik so that he will be made to answer for his criminal liabilities, including the death of a child."

Another Peasant Leader killed in Sorsogon (tags)

Another militant peasant leader leader in Sorsogon was shot dead by a lone assailant in front of his house in Barangay San Juan yesterday, police reported. said Senior Superintendent Formoso Argarin, the city’s police chief. Willy Jerus, 35, president of the Samahan ng mga Magsasaka sa Sorsogon (Samasor), came under a barrage of fire from a .45 caliber pistol as he stepped out of his house at around 7:20 a.m.,Argarin said nine slugs were found at the scene but only five hit Jerus, who was the fifth official of a militant organization killed in the province amid the continued escalation of unsolved killings in the country.

Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked (tags)

A FORMER Scottish police chief has given lawyers a signed statement claiming that key evidence in the Lockerbie bombing trial was fabricated.

Esperon, other officials say Davao prison warned of NPA raid (tags)

Officers of the Davao Prison and Penal Farm in Sto. Tomas, Davao del Norte had been warned of a possible assault by New People’s Army (NPA) rebels, Armed forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. and other security officials disclosed yesterday. This came after media sources reported that an NPA band led by Mindanao Regional Guerrilla Unit-Pulang Bagani Command commander Leonardo Pitao ransacked the armory of the penal farm and took over 100 guns in a pre-dawn raid on Easter Sunday. The guerrillas carted away 50 M-16 and carbine rifles, 46 shotguns and seven pistols from the prison armory after disarming four guards, police said. They did not attempt to free any of the about 4,000 convicted criminals detained in the prison complex during the 20-minute raid that was staged without a shot being fired, police said, adding there were no injuries.

AJLLP Joins the Call for the Removal of AFP Chief and NSA Chief in the Philippines (tags)

he Alliance- Philippines (AJLPP)-USA supports the call of -- party list group Bayan Muna (People First) and other pro-people groups that demanded the sacking of National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales and Armed Forces chief of staff Hermogenes Esperon Jr., and the prosecution of retired major general Jovito Palparan, now a Department of Justice security adviser for the political killings in the country.

New GMA's Appointments: Ebdane to DND, Nachura to SC (tags)

Malacañang formally announced yesterday the appointment of former public works chief Hermogenes Ebdane Jr. as the new defense secretary, ignoring recommendations for a civilian to head the sensitive post. Ebdane, 58, replaces Avelino Cruz, who quit unexpectedly in November, fueling speculation of a rift in President Arroyo’s Cabinet over moves to change the Constitution. Also at Malacañang yesterday, Chief Justice Reynato Puno announced Mrs. Arroyo’s appointment of Solicitor General Antonio Eduardo Nachura as Supreme Court associate justice. Ebdane was reportedly the one who brought out of the country former elections commissioner Virgilio Garcillano at the height of the vote rigging controversy involving Mrs. Arroyo. Ebdane denied the accusations

Police chief pleads guilty to drunken driving (tags)

The police chief in Centerville, Nolan Clark, 26, has pleaded guilty to a charge of drunken driving.

Chief Pig Bratton works with DEA to raid 100 medical marijuana stores across LA (tags)

While preaching marijuana reform by proposing a "moratorium" on medical marijuana centers, Chief Pig Bratton conspires with the DEA to raid over 100 medical marijuana dispensaries.

Philippine Armed Forces target: 5 communist reb fronts (tags)

Reports from Northern Command Camp Aquino, said, five communist guerrilla fronts in four regions where the New People’s Army has first taken root since its founding in 1969 are targeted for dismantling this year, the Army’s Northern Luzon Command (Nolcom) chief said on Thursday.

Colorado City police chief pledged devotion to leader of polygamist sect (tags)

Fred Barlow the top cop in Colorado City wrote a letter pledging love and allegiance to Warren Jeffs the leader of a FLDS sect on the Arizona Utah border.

LA cop busted for beating teenager (tags)

This is really unusuall!!!! A cop being arrested for beating a suspect!!! But I bet the charges will be dropped

2 officers accused of skipping line to buy PlayStation 3 consoles (tags)

Bad piggies used their guns and badges to get out of waiting in line.

Why are cops always right? They got guns and badges!! (tags)

Tempe cop Sgt. Chuck Schoville tells us why cops are always right on a Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe StreetBeat - “You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.” Finally the cops admit something most of us know!

Atlanta cops kill a 92 year old woman in a drug raid (tags)

Atlanta police gun down Kathryn Johnston "like a dog" in a "No Knock" drug raid. The 92 year-old woman though the police were criminal breaking into her home and shot and hit 3 of them.

Stun Gun Fun is a job perk for UCLA campus cops!!! (tags)

UCLA officers allowed to use Tasers for "pain compliance"

Darfur crisis- the worse is yet to come (tags)

The crisis in Darfur could become "infinitely worse" if a deal to send a combined United Nations and African force is not implemented quickly, the U.N. humanitarian chief said Saturday.

Despite request, survey criticizing police is destroyed (tags)

Cops destroy report instead of giving it to the media as required by the public records laws

Jobs program for cops on welfare making less then $200K (tags)

Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris is grossly underpaid and can't make it unless he is paid over $200K. To get around a state law that makes it illegal to retire from your current job, collection a pension, and then be rehired back to your current job the Phoenix rulers have come up with this set of smoke and mirrors that allows Phoenix Police Chief Jack Harris to be paid $206,000 a year. I would cry myself to sleep every night if I had to make it on a penny less then $200K a year!

Nepotism is the policy when hiring cops (tags)

Damn smart policy! Why risk hiring an outsider who could accidentally turn out to be an honest ethical cop and mess up things. But on the other hand isn’t an honest ethical cop an oxymoron? Yes Tempe should keep its current police policy of nepotism in hiring cops. Barb Carter needs someone to go to next time her son gets popped with 40 kilos of weed.

Philippine Military To hire 9,000 militia to end insurgency by 2010 (tags)

The military will recruit 3,000 new soldiers and 9,000 additional militiamen to boost the counterinsurgency campaign and end the communist uprising by 2010, Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. said yesterday. Esperon said President Arroyo approved the recruitment of 9,000 members of the Civilian Armed Forces Geographical Units (Cafgus) and 3,000 troopers to be deployed in areas threatened by communist New People’s Army (NPA) rebels as part of the government’s intensified counterinsurgency drive.

MILF: Raps vs Murad imperil peace talks (tags)

The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) protested yesterday the inclusion of its chieftain, Al Haj Murad, in a criminal complaint filed in connection with the recent bomb attack in Makilala, North Cotabato, warning it could endanger the already stalled peace talks. Police filed a murder complaint the other day against Murad and several suspected MILF commanders with the Kidapawan City prosecutor’s office for allegedly plotting the Oct. 10 bombing that killed six people and wounded 29 in Makilala town, government prosecutor Al Calica said.

Help wanted for Gitmo (tags)

Gitmo as "rewarding" environment? They've got to be kidding.


Undetermined number of heavily armed New People’s Army (NPA) guerrillas attacked an Army detachment in Barangay Camanza, Asuncion, Davao del Norte, sketchy reports reaching the area command and operation center of the Eastern Mindanao Command (EastMincom) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) said on Sunday.

PHILIPPINES: The worst regime post-Marcos (tags)

AKBAYAN (Citizens Action Party) commemorates Martial Law with condemnation of worst regime post-Marcos.

Sulu offensives to continue through Ramadan – AFP Chief (tags)

Armed Forces Chief of Staff General Hermogenes Esperon Jr. announced Monday. that military offensives against suspected al Qaeda-linked militants in the southern Philippines will continue throughout the Islamic holy month of Ramadan


Philippine Peasant Support Network(Pesante)-USA based in Los Angeles, in a statement issued today, September 14, 2006 vehemently condemns AFP Chief General Esperon’s statement against Ocampo and Casino and other leaders of the progressive mass organizations in the Philippines. “Esperon’s statement is a clear military’s anti communist mind-set. It’s bunker mentality that foments anti-communist with-hunting and a clear signal for the military death squads to go after progressive mass leaders.”

Aussie army chief gets briefing on hunt for JI leaders (tags)

Pesante-USA condemns Australia- A US junior imperialist partner in Southeast Asia's intervention in Philippine affairs. The chief of the Australian army secretly visited the southern Philippines yesterday for a briefing on the progress of the manhunt for two Jemaah Islamiyah (JI) militants behind the October 2002 Bali bombings. Lt. Gen. Peter Leahy flew here from Jolo, Sulu where he was updated on the hunt for Umar Patek and Dulmatin, both wanted for their involvement in the 2002 bombings on the popular Indonesian resort island that killed 202 people, 88 of them Australians.


Philippine ARMED FORCES of the Philippines chief of staff, General Hermogenes Esperon yesterday said some party-list representatives, including Satur Ocampo and Teodoro Casiño, were enemies of the state hiding behind the legitimate cover of their organization, Bayan Muna. On the other hand, the Philippine Peasant Support Network(Pesante)-USA based in Los Angeles, in a statement issued today, September 14, 2006 vehemently criticized Esperon’s statement against Ocampo and Casino and other leaders of the progressive mass organizations in the Philippines. “Esperon’s statement is a clear military’s anti communist mind-set. It’s bunker mentality that foments anti-communist with-hunting and a clear signal for the military death squads to go after progressive mass leaders.”


Armed Forces chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon disclosed on Monday that 6,000 government troops have been deployed to intensify the ongoing pursuit operations against the band of Abu Sayyaf leader Khaddafy Janjalani and two Jemaah Islamiyah bomb experts in the jungles of Sulu.

Palparan named deputy NSA (tags)

President Arroyo has appointed controversial Army Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan as deputy national security adviser for the government’s anti-insurgency campaign, Malacañang announced yesterday. Presidential chief of staff Michael Defensor said Palparan will assume his new post when he officially retires from the military on Sept. 11. As expected, Palparan’s appointment to a sensitive government post was denounced by militant groups that have complained that the retiring Army officer is behind the extra-judicial killings of leftist activist

Esperon says no quarter for NPA (tags)

Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon, the new Armed Forces chief of staff, on Friday vowed to crush the communist rebellion during his term. Esperon, former Army chief, became the AFP’s 35th chief of staff. He replaced Gen. Generoso Senga, who retired Friday. He said he would lead efforts to foil attempts to vilify the AFP as an institution. The government has a two-year plan to defeat the communist New People’s Army.

New AFP Chief Esperon vows to crush insurgency (tags)

New Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon vowed yesterday to crush the 37-year-old communist insurgency during his watch, saying he would devote his last years as a soldier to finish the task. "The President has renewed her call for the defeat of the insurgents ... I welcome the challenge," Esperon said in a speech as he formally took the helm of the 117,000-strong AFP.

Isabela activist dies after being shot (tags)

News sources reported that Madonna Castillo, 32, succumbed at around 6:30 p.m. to three gunshot wounds to the stomach and feet sustained when she was attacked around 8 a.m. in front of the Isabela State University. She was also the secretary general of Anakpawis-Isabela and Danggayan Dagiti Mannalon iti Isabela-Echague municipal chapter. The group is affiliated with the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) that condemned the killing.

Chief of police in Cleves is indicted (tags)

Mark Demeropolis, 42, was indicted by a Hamilton County grand jury on four counts of tampering with records and two counts of forgery, according to Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney Joe Deters.

The US-Arroyo Regime is a Shameless Fascist Puppet of US Imperialism (tags)

Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had shed off her last pretensions on respecting human rights by naming her AFP Chief of staff and the most notorious military officials into her area commands. By exposing her nature as a fascist puppet, GMA now decidedly put on the military uniform of dictator Ferdinand Marcos and is ready to wage her all out war against all opposition, armed or unarmed

Esperon’s marching orders: Crush Reds (tags)

President Arroyo has given incoming Armed Forces chief Lt. Gen. Hermogenes Esperon his marching orders: Crush the 37-year-old communist rebellion and the groups plotting to destabilize the administration.

Generalissimo Bush: Clear and Present Danger to the Republic (tags)

A small-minded man in Italy once used fear of The Other, and an imperialist campaign of aggressive war in the Middle East, to become a Generalissimo and destroy a Republic. Now it’s happening here.

Boffins, Buffoons and Intelligence Agencies (tags)

Paul O'Sullivan, Director-General ASIO, recently fielded questions after his public address at the Sydney Institute. In response to a question relating to the Cronulla race riots, the ASIO chief confirmed that extremism from any quarter (left or right) would attract the attention of our domestic watchdog. His answer prompted a memory recall of the most infamous failure of our domestic spy agencies, the Sydney Hilton Bombing of February ’78.

Costa Mesa Police Cheif quits amidst illegal immigration controversy ! (tags)

PD chief denying heat over ordinance was the reason even though timing and previous statements would seem to indicate otherwise.

Minuteman Mayor's ICE Cracks In Costa Mesa Immigration War (tags)

Reeling from pointed public comments and revealing testimony from police Chief John Hensley, Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor tried but failed to silence fellow City Council member Katrina Foley as she attacked his proposal to use police as immigration law eLooking upnforcers under the auspices of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement bureau of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Costa Mesa Mayor Allan Mansoor's ICE proposal melts away under scrutiny (tags)

Police Chief John Hensley, the city's top cop, offered testimony which contradicted many of the things that Mansoor has been saying about the ICE proposal. Under tough questioning, Hensley not only admitted that the Mayor's scheme wouldn't have any impact upon "illegal immigration," but said there aren't enough "facts" to suggest it will do anything to fight crime.

Cops even violate the civil rights of fellow cops! (tags)

Hell the NYPD pigs even violate the civil rights of their fellow cops when they spy on them!


Four of Louisiana’s coastal Native American tribes issued an urgent appeal for support in the aftermath of Hurricane’s Katrina and Rita. Despite the buzz of recovery activity in New Orleans and on other parts of the Gulf coast, tribal leaders say they have been forgotten and their people continue to suffer.

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,D (tags)

By entering into the land of penny stocks to support their 'Homeland Security' penny stock operation they increase the chance that U.S.penny stocks might be used for money laundering and by operating like a typical offshore penny stock scheme they encourage others by their examples to do the same.If Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Tom McMillen can think of no better way to help their homeland perhaps they should all retire.

Potemkin Village Chief dines in luxury in New Orleans (tags)

While large portions of New Orleans remain unlivable, the clueless Coward from Crawford 'got a taste of one of New Orleans' finest restaurant last night in the French Quarter & stayed in the luxury hotel Windsor Court.' Marie Antoinette would have died in envy of such imperial decadence.

BTL:Evasive Responses in Senate Hearing Alarm Opponents of... (tags)

...Supreme Court Chief Justice Nominee John Roberts ~ Interview with Elliot Minceberg, vice president and legal director of People for the American Way, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

FRI. 7/15: Candlelight Vigil for Baby Suzie Lopez at Parker Center 4:30 - 7pm (tags)

WHAT: Candle light vigil for Susie Lopez and her father. LAPD Assistant Chief George Gascon will also be having a community meeting in the auditoriun at the same time. WHEN: Friday 15 from 4:30 to 7pm WHERE: In Front of LAPD's Parker Center 150 North Los Angeles St. (@ 1st Street), Downtown Los Angeles

Calling all cars! Calling all cars! Be on the lookout for a lost flashlight! (tags)

Garden Grove police chief Joe Polisar wonders: where could his flashlight be? His cops couldn't find it when they searched Theresa Dang's home last week. Is it at yours?

Villaraigosa has made a point of stressing his interest in governing from the center (tags)

Villaraigosa's associates say he too will cultivate a network of well-respected advisors outside City Hall to guide him on such issues as education reform, transportation planning and economic development. Among them are likely to be former Assembly speaker and mayoral candidate Bob Hertzberg, former Metropolitan Transportation Authority board member Nick Patsaouras and entrepreneur and former national Democratic Party official Ari Swiller.

Elections for Anarchist Funding Group (tags)

The Freedonia Corporation is currently seeking volunteers who wish to stand for election to its Board of Directors for a one-year term starting in June, 2005.

Chief Bratton Endangers Public Safety! May 11th, 2005 (tags)

MAY 11th, 2005 CHIEF BRATTON ENDANGERS PUBLIC SAFETY! May 11th, 2005 De-Generate Latino Women and White Women Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! Neighborhood Watch Members abuse power! For all News Casters... Real NEWS! 5-5-05 ------------------------------------------- iraq,war,bomb,bomber,suicide,LAPD,crooks,neighborhood,watch,commies,CIA,FBI,LADA West,Hollywood,Wallywood,Bratton,Mafia,Gay,Pride,Blue,Wall,of,Silence,ATD,LASD,K Credit for this wonderful information is Given to: Mary Ann Stratton Elenor White (all these women are brave, intelligent, great people!). (Posted by victim of horror and abuse, "Walter Tribe" on 5-4-2005.). H.R. 2977 / H.R. 3616 H.R. 2977 Oct. 2, 2001 We would like to thank Mr. Dennis Kucinich a Representative from Ohio who submitted the H.R. 2977 Preservation of Space bill into the House of Representatives on Oct. 2, 2001. This was a short lived bill but one of the most exciting disclosure projects of Government information. In the definition part of this bill as stated below there were true disclosure of directed energy like extremely low frequency electromagnetic energy (which has been used as a mind control tool) and words like mind control and psychotronics. When all of us victims saw this bill for the first time we cried and laughed for joy since we realized that our pain and suffering would soon come to an end. That our torture would finally stop. It was sent to the Armed Services Committee and several other committees where all of those disclosure words in definition section were omitted. We were saddened by this, but the bill H.R. 3616 is still standing for what the first one stood for which was to stop weaponization of space. We will support this bill and Kucinich for being so brave to stand up against such a super power Govt. for he is the only Congressman who has ever had nerve enough to expose the truth about mind control weapons and we will always support him.

PDLA Election Protection Action Alert! (tags)

Progressive Democrats & Democracy for America activists in CA are both urging everyone to flood Sacramento with calls RIGHT NOW. Please help!

Devin Was 13...and the Police Killed Him (tags)

In the quiet of 4:00 on a Sunday morning, in the darkness, alone in the front seat of a car, the short, sweet life of Devin Brown was ended in a violent burst of gunfire. A night-riding Los Angeles police officer stood near the car he was in. It took him seconds to draw his gun and fire: Five shots. Then five more. Half of them struck and killed the boy in the car. Devin Brown was 13.

TG shot 12/27/04, LAPD mourns criminal (tags)

In a LA Times report of of a Marine's murder of a Transgender woman in Hollywood, an LAPD assistant chief is quoted as showing sympathy for the murderer, none for the victim.

The Commander in Chief is a Coward. (tags)

Bush is a Coward. Pass it on.

New CIA chief has links with 911 terrorists (tags)

This is a repost from the Village Voice regarding the dubious actions our new CIA chief Porter Goss on the day of September 11th 2001.

Yard Sign Project (tags)

Yard Sign Project Red, white and blue signs, approximately 1.5' x 2', are to be placed in front yards and other public locations.

Santa Barbara County Supervisors Support Driver's License Bill (tags)

At 12pm on Tuesday, June 22nd, the Santa Barbara County Board of Supervisors voted to support SB 1160, the new drivers bill that will ensure that all drivers have access to proper training and insurance.

Yard Sign Project (tags)

An invitation to artists, writers, activista and hacktivists.


The LA murder rate is going up and the police chief has requested more officers. But California is broke and cannot afford to recruit. Civil rights lawyer Connie Rice warns that with too few officers to "police humanely", parts of the city may as well be in Falluja.

IRAN:The End of Election Show (tags)

The results of this “election show” has confirmed that Iran people suffering poverty, dictatorship, corruption, increase of professionals immigration and injustice, have no tolerance to continue such miseries.

3/2: Urgents from Haiti: Aristide's Safety in Danger! Upcoming Terror in Haiti! (tags)

From: Americas Watch - Peace No War Network URL: For the complete story: Americas/News/March 2 04--Haiti.htm

Kerry Took Cash (tags)

Kerry Took Cash From Chinese Military Intelligence

What Does Self-Defense Against Riot Police Look Like? (tags)

How do we utilize legal self-defense when cops go nuts? Why were 231 protesters criminally charged, and 0 police charged, in the FTAA protests in Miami? Tacoma Police Chief raped a woman, where should she go? How do we protect ourselves from cops?

Security tactics will fuel terror, says Israel's army chief (tags)

The chief of Israel's defence forces has sparked a row with the Government by telling journalists that harsh Israeli security policies were provoking despair among Palestinians and would lead to more terrorism. "Poor Ariel" he is so beset. Couldn't happen to a "nicer" guy.

Yes Virginia, there are Monopolies in a ''Free Market'' (tags)

Bruce Schneier, CTO (Counterpane Internet Security) said the problem with Microsoft is that it is so intent on being dominant that it designs its systems primarily to keep out competitors, not intruders.

Kim Jong Illin' (tags)

How Kim Lost the Russians Is this the end of North Korea's diplomatic games?

Emotions Flare During Forum On Police-Involved Shootings (tags)

"The police officer must be brought up on second-degree murder charges,"...SAN JOSE, CA July 24, 2003 - Police Chief Bill Lansdowne is officially moving to San Diego where he will take over the reins as the city's new police chief.

Wading through the Bu$hit (tags)

Bush promises us that if we wait we will find that he was right. Bush's promise is hollow. The issue is not whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The issue is whether Bush lied to the American people in order to sell a war that was unsupportable without resort to fraud. There is no debating the question of whether Bush lied.

Unemployment rate at 6.4%. Highest in 9 years. (tags)

In a bleak start to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the government reported today that the nation's unemployment rate climbed to its highest level in more than nine years during June.

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 35 (tags)

In even the largest reference libraries, there are almost no books stating the true history of America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court. The same is true of law libraries and those of law schools.

Famous Kidnapping Case Implicates Top Political Figures in Child Prostitution Network (tags)

I then went to the FBI and they refused. I went to the Department of Criminal Investigation in Iowa and they refused. So at that point I called a press conference and told the public that this was happening and that the police would not help me. Within two days of the press conference, I received my first death threat and the man said to me, “Stop making waves or you are going to die.”

Major Watergate-like scandal over WMD? (tags)

WASHINGTON, Jun 2 (IPS) - When all three major U.S. newsweeklies--Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report--run major features on the same day on possible government lying, you can bet you have the makings of a major scandal.


On the admission of many Israeli leaders, this war was the result of a long-planned, calculated aggression. It was undertaken in order to expand Israel's ocupation of Arab territories and not (as falsely claimed by Israeli apologists) as a pre-emptive strike to avoid annihilation.

Talking The Talk (tags)

A meeting with the new Chief of Police was a great disappointment to local downtown residents.

What did the war accomplish? (tags)

"What "threat"? When did Saddam ever utter any such threat? And what weapons? This weekend, Iraqi general and chief scientist Amir Saadi said after surrendering that Iraq has no such weapons, which is what he said before the war. Maybe there are some even he doesn't know about, but there's no trace of them so far,..."

AWESOME article about brutal cop at awards (tags)

"Iron Mike" in the spotlight

Massive bombing! (tags)

We mercenary soldiers

LAPD Chief of Police Bad News(amsellem) (tags)

On the past and recent record of LAPD chief of police William J Bratton

The Killing Fields revisited: The Riverside police department post consent-decree (tags)

Two years after it entered into a consent decree with the state, the Riverside Police Department has had an increase in fatal officer-involved shootings as its union desperately tries to rewrite the history the agency lived before the shooting of Tyisha Miller

Top Cop in Nepal killed (tags)

Shrestha is the first top-ranking official to have been targeted by the rebels and was the first Inspector General of Police (IGP) of the 15,000-member APF raised about one-and-half-year ago to combat insurgents.

Ex-Indonesian State Intelligence Coordinating Board chief: Bali Bomber is CIA (tags)

Former State Intelligence Coordinating Board (BAKIN) chief A.C. Manulang has said that Kuwaiti citizen Omar Al-Faruq, a terrorist suspect who was arrested in Bogor, West Java, on June 5, 2002 and handed over to the US three days later, is a CIA-recruited agent.

Long Beach Pig Chief retires (tags)

Pig Chief Resigns

BTL:'Lula' and His Workers Party Poised to Win Brazilian Presidency (tags)

Interview with Luis Gomez, Andean bureau chief with Narco News conducted by Scott Harris

Who Owns US? (tags)

Who "owns U.S."? Is the "U.S. government" a private corporation? If so, why protest individual sub-corporations rather than taking lawful action against the biggest coup d'etat in history?


Let them know what you think about their treatment of legal protesters.

Why I'm Fighting Federal Drug Laws From City Hall (tags)

How did I, a mayor of a small town in California, wind up in a tug of war with the Drug Enforcement Agency?

Portland Copwatch Urges L.A. To "Say No" To Kroeker (tags)

Portland Copwatch today issued an open letter to the people of Los Angeles, urging them to reject Portland police chief Mark Kroeker's bid for the job of L.A.P.D. chief. The group cites Kroeker's poor record on civil rights, police accountability, and community involvement.

Placentia Activists File Police Misconduct Reports (tags)

Victims of Placentia police brutality fill out misconduct reports.

Placentia Residents Protest Police Brutality (tags)

Placentia residents protest police brutality and racial profiling.

Placentia Anti-Police Protest (tags)

Placentia residents protest police brutality and racial profiling.

Homophobic/Sexist Portland Chief Headed For LA? (tags)

Portland Police Bureau Chief Mark Kroeker has announced that he plans to apply for the vacant LAPD Chief position created by the resignation of Bernard Parks. Kroeker, whose 3 year tenure in Portland has been dogged by controversy, believes that he is the right person to lead LAPD out of its malaise.

Enron Officials Snub Congress (tags)

Enron Corp., whose stunning collapse is being investigated by federal regulators and Congress, is declining to send any officials to a hearing Wednesday by two House panels.


Pakistan's ex-spy Chief blames Israeli Mossad & U.S. Air Force for WTC attack.

Protests in Washington (tags)

Video: Travis Fox / Reporter: Christina Pino-Marina /

World Bank chief slams "superficial" anti-globalisation protests (tags)

"My worry is that the real issues of poverty, of AIDS, of corruption of the things that we're trying to fight, get pushed to a back burner and you see on the front page really the superficialities of the protests," Wolfensohn said.

False Propoganda (tags)

WTO chief blasts ' types' (tags)

"It would strengthen the hand of those who seek change if some NGOs would distance themselves from... anti-globalisation types who trot out slogans that are trite, shallow and superficial" WTO chief Mike Moore

Riverside Police Chief justifies shooting of Vanpaseuth Phaisouphanh (tags)

Accompanied by a police guard, Riverside Police Chief Russ Leach defended the shooting of a Laotian-American last weekend, but won few converts, as more than 50 people appeared at the Commission meeting, to ask one major question: Why did the police department resort to lethal force to kill a person of color, while allowing a white man in a similar situation to live?

Terrorism Is in the Eye of the Beholder -or- Liberals at the Trough (tags)

Liberals are notorious for believing everything they hear from the government. Like dogs at raw meat they swallow down whole chunks of government press releases without breathing. At the risk of editorializing, I'd have to say that the only difference between dogs and liberals is that dogs digest what they take in.

Tell Long Beach Mayor & Police How You Feel. (tags)

See eyewitness accounts (Below) about Long Beach Police provocation and violence against nonviolent May Day Protesters. Then let the Mayor and Police Department know how you feel. Contact Information Follows...

Riverside police department's promotions mixed bag (tags)

Last week, Riverside Police Department Russ Leach promoted nine men, including two men of color and two white sergeants who sued the city citing reverse discrimination, and forced a former police chief into retirement.

Bush's Smear and Retreat Propaganda Tactics (tags)

After a coup, state-sponsored propaganda spoonfed to the media and masses is par for the course. Who cares if it was all totally fabricated, if the Bush administration broadcasted pure lies and GOP dupes and media swallowed it wholesale? That's how state-sponsored propaganda works! Hey, if it worked in the Soviet Union and Florida, it can work across the nation! The GOP's new motto: Don't just "get over it," get used to it!

Austria: a year after the FPO crept to power, who benefitted ? (tags)

In Austria, the regime of Haider's laughably named "Freedom" party may serve as an example of what to expect from a corporate state.


Activists In Seattle Prepare For Possible Confrontations With Police On WTO Protest Anniversary

Crash the Party -- Pershing Square - Fri, S1 (tags)

In celebration of the repression of First Amendment rights in Los Angeles Aug 14-17, and in recognition of the LAPD being the first police department in the nation to achieve official court recognition as a criminal enterprise, downtown corporate interests will host a BBQ and celebration at Pershing Square, Fri. S1. BE THERE

cnn journalist injured by police (tags)

She was taken to Glendale Memorial Hospital, where she was diagnosed with bruised and contused ribs, and released.

Pacifists Admit Conspiracy to Promote Nonviolence (tags)

The War Resisters League, a 77-year-old pacifist organization, responds to the charges of Philadelphia Police Chief John Timoney by acknowledging that it conspires to promote nonviolence.

Read Chief Parks' Account of Monday's Police Riot (tags)

LAPD Chief Bernard Parks's own words about the violence his men incited on Monday night.

solidarity outside of the prisons (tags)

Activists Engage in Nationwide Hunger Strike


At issue is the 2nd Circuit's estimated 1.34 billion dollar pension plan portfolio and its refusal to publish 90% of its cases involving sitting judges with financial conflicts of interest

This just in! (tags)

no such support for protesters in LA! (tags)

We hope the protesters in Philly sit in jail until after the events in LA are over...




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