fix articles 9112, century
Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)
Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.
Why China wont replace the US as hegemon. Chaos instead of hegemony (tags)
China's growth is also running on credit; the People's Republic is similarly indebted to the descending Western centers of the world system. This trend toward de-dollarization can only be properly understood against the backdrop of the imperial descent of the United States.
Battle for Social Democracy and Unfettered Capitalism (tags)
Two opposing schools of thought face each other at the sickbed: neoliberalism and social democracy. Didn't the death-bells of neoliberals ring in the course of the financial market crisis? Were not neoliberals unmasked who first caused the whole mess with their deregulation?
Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of Leviathan (tags)
The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). RK was founder of Exit & Krisis blogs.
Interview on The Black Book of Capitalism (tags)
The book is: 1) a history of the three great industrial revolutions (introduction of the manufacturing system with the steam engine at the beginning of the 19th century, Fordist “self-mobilization” with the assembly line and the rationalization and the microelectronic revolution.
Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)
The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!
Capitalism is not natural (tags)
Political programs in the 20th century, then, were meant to create equality, not merely alleviate poverty. How we live collectively, what we value as a society, and how we want to conceive of ourselves - all these questions were politicized by these programs...
Google based translation of a text from "jüdische Allgemeine"
Extremely Growing Inequality Destroys Democracy (tags)
When one percent have half of the wealth, mistrust and cynicism drown out public spirit and trust between the generations. A fair tax system means ending tax havens, micro-second trading, stock buybacks and insider trading.
Boris Johnson and the Long Shadow of Stalinism (tags)
The capitalist bourgeoisie needs and defends democracy as a form of social freedom only as long as it is useful to its own class rule. Their understanding of democracy & freedom is structurally limited. The 26 community centers in Vancouver could revive freedom and democracy.
Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science (tags)
We are a group of internationally known scientists, from a variety of scientific fields (biology, neuroscience, psychology, medicine, psychiatry), who participated in an international summit The summit was co-organized by Gary E. Schwartz, PhD and Mario Beauregard, PhD,
Nazareth did not exist in "jesus" ´ time
gospel jesus never was
mary magdalene is fiction
mary magdalene was the mother of jesus
jesus is fiction
mary magdalene is a joke
mary magdalene is a fictional overwrite for the mother of jesus bar saba
jesus is fiction
GERAL SOSBEE vs fbi, aka the 'Burro' (tags)
This report presents a tiny summary of my half century of reports on fbi thugs, punks and traitors.
For an Unconditional Basic Income (tags)
The basic income corrects the distribution effects of the labor market. It takes something from the higher paid to give to those who earn little or nothing. A leftist fights for a just social system. Robots and artificial intelligence replace human labor.
1100 free movies are ours on How can you be hard-nosed with 1100 free movies?
Kurt Vonnegut's 7 Pieces of Advice (tags)
The mind of Kurt Vonnegut, like the protagonist of his best-known novel Slaughterhouse-Five, must have got “unstuck in time” somewhere along the line. How else could he have managed to write his distinctive brand of satirical but sincere fiction, hyper-aware of past, present, and future at once?
Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes ,The GOP, Bush Operatives Exclude Rand Paul From Public Airwav (tags)
Though Rand Paul has been ahead of Christie, Bush and Kasich in the Jan 13th 2016 Des Moines Register and several other polls, the Fox tv network (part of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp) has excluded him from the next debate.
Fear is used to control the people (tags)
My conclusions after 30 years of assaults by fbi and their operatives followThe:
Saudis Terror Bomb Yemeni World Heritage Site (tags)
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Calls America a Hemispheric Threat (tags)
My Half Century Of Discovery: The Corruption of Murderous USA (tags)
See my summary of a half century of discoveries regarding the decadence of the murderous United States of America.
Thomas Piketty and the Growing Inequality in Capitalism (tags)
"When capital profit is permanently higher than the growth rate for production and income which was the case up to the 19th century, capitalism automatically produces unacceptable and arbitrary inequalities that radically put in question the achievement principle..."
Inequality and Liberal Democracy: A Disturbing Association (tags)
How do we bring fundamental reforms about at a time when organized minorities and disorganized, quiescent majorities appear to be the norm in both the North and the South?
The empirical-historical analysis of the top incomes and their wealth are in the center with Thomas Piketty's "Capital" (2014). The share of the top 10% was never below 60% from 1917 to 2012. A wealth tax is vital to reverse the exploding inequality.
TheInheritance of Inequality and Rethinking Growth (tags)
The economy exists for people, not vice versa. Economics should be pluralist, not a monolith. The economy should be embedded in society; society should not be embedded in the economy. Thomas Piketty and alternative economics emphasize inequality and mass unemployment.
Why a Global Wealth Tax Reduces Inequality (tags)
The distribution of income and assets is one of the most controversial themes today. History teaches us that economic forces press in different directions - either to more equality or away from equality. Which will prevail depends on what political decisions we make.
The "Great Transformation" of the 21st Century (tags)
An end of the Great Crisis is not insight at the beginning of the 21st century... The regime of finance-market driven accumulation has not brought forth any new formation of capitalism capable of development.
The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges (tags)
Talk given by Sonny Melencio, Chairperson of Partido Lakas ng Masa-Philippines (PLM), during the Socialist Alliance Conference in Sydney, Australia on June 7, 2014
The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)
"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind... Language is an instrument we shape for our own purposes" (George Orwell).
Capital in the 21st Century: Thomas Piketty (tags)
"There is no escaping the fact, however, that social science research on the distribution of wealth was for a long time based on a relatively limited set of firmly established facts together with a wide variety of purely theoretical speculations."
Neoliberalism has brought us back to Rockefeller's best times. Bill Gates is 1.4 million times as rich as the average American. A "feudal lifestyle" is made out to be worthwhile and in no way negatively described. Thus "re-feudalization" is dulled as a polemical term.
Proposal: Piketty and Saez Meme Project (tags)
Capital in the Twenty-First Century memes
Gerrard Winstanley Memes (tags)
Gerrard Winstanley was a 17th century anarchist religious leader who started the Diggers, a movement to work common lands for sustenance.
From the1911 Encyclopedia Britannica-The total population of the country is roughly estimated at 650,000
Stop the TTIP - Elephants-Marriage! (tags)
TTIP Is old wine in new wineskins. Free trade- and investor-protection prescriptions from the 20th century according to the style of the WTO are not solutions for current challenges. A transatlantic partnership for social-ecological transformation would look very different.
Capitalism is not the Opposite of the State (tags)
Without the permanent intervention of the state, there would be no functioning capitalism. No economic branch depends on the state like the financial branch The deregulation was based on the trick of slandering state regulation as strait-jackets.that could strangle the economy.
Mid-April Venezuelan Presidential Elections Scheduled (tags)
Cathedral on Verge of Collapse (tags)
The Campaign to Save Mren: An Interview with Dr. Christina Maranci
Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)
While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)
Free Internet Book: "The World Crisis" (tags)
Once the source of hope, the US is often a source of fear. Closing most of the 700+ bases would be a step from empire to republic. Security is a political and social challenge, not only a military project. Development should be a right, not only a hope and a promise..
Austerity has never worked (tags)
It’s not just about the current economic environment. History shows that slashing budgets always leads to recession [...]
Early Brecht comedy, re-imagined for the 21st century, explores the allure of camaraderie in wartime and celebrates the vitality and loyalty of brotherhood.
Cooperatives and the Good Life (tags)
The rights of businesses in exploiting resources end in the rights of nature according to the constitution of the bien vivir. This understanding of the person-nature relation surpasses the rationalist model of rule over nature realized in capitalism's globalized praxis. Art 395 of Ecuador's constitution affirms sustainability.
Subverting the Truth of Genocide (tags)
Attempts to recast the 20th century’s seminal instance of genocide only serve those who seek to subvert the truth of what happened to the Armenians.
"Nature and people are `fictional commodities. When they submit completely to market mechanisms and when markets are not regulated, this leads to people dying who don't find buyers for their labor power..."
Book Review: "The Great Crash or the Century Crisis" by Elmar Altvater (tags)
Capitalism is at an end and the whole world is drawn into the mess. Preventing this is an ethical imperative and a political duty. The multiple crisis has dragged on for years. The political class allows this to happen. Political answers to the debacle can only be found with clarity on causes.
The magical world of voodoo 'economists' (tags)
It?s not just the 21st century they want to turn the clock back on ? health-care reform, global warming and the financial regulations passed in the wake of the recent financial crises and accounting scandals.
The End of the Long 20th Century (tags)
The US no longer has the necessary financial means to maintain its worldwide military machine (which now drives the US deeper in indebtedness to the international financial markets). The failure of the Project for a New American Century shows the US has not succeeded in subjecting the world
Americans are blindfolded in the border of the cliff.
Analysis of George Friedman's book.
The sociologist Dr. Atilio Boron, professor of political theory at the University of Buenos Aires, is an internationally known radical political author. UNESCO awarded him the “International Jose Marti prize” on July 17, 2009
Humanists Memorialize Giordano Bruno (tags)
The San Diego Humanist Fellowship commemorated the 410th anniversary of the execution of Giordano Bruno at their February 14 meeting. Bruno, a 16th century philosopher, monk and scientific scholar, was killed by the Holy Inquisition for denying the Trinity, the divinity of Jesus, the virginity of Mary and the dogma that the earth was the center of the universe.
Humanists Memorialize Giordano Bruno (tags)
The San Diego Humanist Fellowship held a program on February 14 to commemorate the life and death of Giordano Bruno, the 16th century Italian philosopher and scientific theorist who was burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition in 1600 for (among other things) arguing that the earth orbited the sun and there was an infinite universe.
It is always difficult to say to who the future belongs.
The US Healthcare Sham and the Scandinavian Model (tags)
The reforms that Barack Obama is proposing will not change the US' abysmal healthcare system because those who profit from it have been able to buy protection from the lawmakers.. The Golden Age of the welfare state began after the Second World War.
Eviction of two Palestinian familes from Sheikh Jarrah (tags)
East Jerusalem's lost years
global economy, politics, jobs in the Chinese age: Johnson, Frank, Gu (tags)
is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.
new century war: by Frank, Johnson, George Zhibin Gu (tags)
is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.
The trinity of themes "Last Hope-Noble Victory-Disgraceful Defeat" has been the core of the US-American state religion, whether called the Monroe Doctrine, Cold War or War against Terror. A multipolar world with many civilizations is the best hope for the future.
addressing the global crisis (tags)
The evidence in support of these predictions has now begun to accumulate so massively that meteorologists are hard-pressed to keep up with it.
Learning to communicate effectively – an activist’s most powerful tool!
The short history of the 21st. century (tags)
Book Review: The Subject and the Law (tags)
The church since the second century began distorting the original message without changing the words. If Jesus' proclamation was unconditionally "You shall not kill," it was soon said: "If you do this, we will kill you."
Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge" (tags)
an indictment of imperialism
LAX hotel workers 30 hour mega sit in starts today (tags)
The LAX Hotel workers are still hip-deep in their fight for the right to bargain collectively, and they're reaching out to the broader community to join them in a novel action coming up on the 16th and 17th of June.
Work and Work Moralists (tags)
The machine offers less and less work to more and more people. The person of the work-based society believes only work can give meaning to life. Redefining work, security, health and strength is imperative for civilization to triumph over barbarism
Marianne Williamson, Medea Benjamin, Judith LeBlanc speak at the World Peace Forum.
F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" (tags)
An epic work on the importance of oil.
Big Oil and the War on Drugs and Terrorism (tags)
The "Big Oil" chessgame, aided and abetted by the so-called wars on drugs and terrorism, has made most of humanity its pawns and has expanded corporate control over our lives.
Home and Business Owners to protest at wine tasting event hosted by Century City based Bisno Development. Residents are concerned by the public comments made by Councilwoman Marlen Garcia who stated at the Council meeting of September 19, 2007, that anyone who was not in agreement could “go to TJ (Tijuana).” Councilman Anthony Bejarano, when asked at the same meeting where the current occupants of the area would go, he replied “they can go to East Los Angeles."
The Sun Sets Early on the American Century (tags)
This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007. Sometimes hope comes from outside the bubble, outside the myopia dnde enforcede confo9rmity!
Mearsheimer and Walt to be extradited (tags)
To Israel.
Tom Tancredo's grandfather was an illegal alien (tags)
by GREGG KNOWLES from Bakerfield
Carlotta’s Passion Going Out Of Business Sale - July 5 to July 30! (tags)
Going Out of Business Sale...Massivbe Inventory...Political/Social Justice Art included
The wildest threatening scenarios are often nothing but hallucinated analogies.. Whoever accepts everything as a supposedly lesser evil will justify evil and monstrosities.
What some called good flowed into chaos.. You wil know them by their fruits. Not even the Pentagon doubts that the fruits of Americans in Baghdad stink.
Communistic persistences in the course of human history (tags)
What characterizes the manufacturing division of labour? The fact that a partial worker doesn't produce any commodities; that only the partial workers' common product becomes commodities
The Stressed New Generation (tags)
Adults have fear of the world because they don't know how to deal with that world.. The traps are now different. They look very frightening for those over 59 because there ia a new communication system that most elders can no longer grasp.
Over-regulated Personality Types (tags)
The Australian Attorney General, Philip Ruddock, once again demonstrates who and what he is; not content with making a thorough ass of himself in the recent past [link below] Ruddock now attempts to redeem himself by making a grab for the title of totalitarian buffoon of the new century. Australia now holds the dubious distinction of being the first developed (first world) ‘democratic’ nation in the new century to ban books! These blatant totalitarian tactics place Ruddock in interesting company; Chinese Cultural Revolution, Pol Pot year zero, Nazi book burnings, etc; Hello, Mr. Orwell!
The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.
September 28th: End the Abuse of Immigrant Workers (tags)
250 immigrant workers, religious leaders, community members and students have already committed to risk arrest, call on others to join them
NVCD: All out for Sept 28th (tags)
September 28th hundreds of immigrants, workers, students, and religious leaders will risk arrest in a mass act of non-violent civil disobedience. Rally begins at 4:30PM in front of the Radisson LAX (corner of Sepulveda and Century Blvds) March begins at 5:30PM
Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 1 (tags)
This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.
In the light of the profound economic and political crisis in the Philippines today, what could be the significance of celebrating the one-hundred year anniversary of the coming of Filipino contract labor to Hawaii? Are Filipinos the new compradors for the militarist U.S. Empire? Or are they harbingers of a new generation of combatants from the oppressed communities? At the turn of the century, the revolutionary organizer Rosa Luxemburg elegized the dismal plight of the subjugated natives. Today, US Special Forces are back to reconquer the neocolony, with the natives no longer smiling, now up in arms, united with people of color in Venezuela, Palestine, Hawaii, Nepal, Mexico, and other battlefronts of our beleaguered planet. Whither the Filipino diaspora?
A Century of Oil Imperialism (tags)
The current Iraq War, waged primarily to seize incredibly rich oil resources for the benefit of the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel, was predictable. This type of imperialistic evildoing has been going on for a century, and countries and individuals who get in the Cartel's way tend to meet violent ends.
The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century (tags)
Interview with James Howard Kunstler, author of The Long Emergency: Surviving the Converging Catastrophes of the Twenty-First Century
March and Rally in Support of Hotel Workers this Thursday 29th (tags)
March and Rally in Support of Hotel Workers this Thursday 29th
What we can learn from the immigrants rights march (tags)
Two days after May Day's mobilization of immigrants and their supporters, Ricardo Alarcon, President of Cuba's National Assembly, took a look at the marches and drew some conclusions. for the struggle for a better world everywhere.
Alexander: Developing Plans for Inland Empire (tags)
The 21st Century got off to a troubling start, war, immigration issues and skyrocketing gasoline prices; now Stewart Alexander wants to get going in the fast lane, building electric cars, hydrogen SUV’s, electric rail systems, and rebuilding the region of the Inland Empire of Southern California. Alexander says the gasoline game has forced U.S. citizens to make some important decisions and now the choice is to build a better America.
The problem with Israel. (tags)
Its problems are becoming our problems.
Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options in the 21st Century (tags)
The wars at the beginning of the 21st century are marked by US unilateralism, distribution battles over dwindling resources, the growing gulf between poor and rich and the new role of Islam in this connection.. Offensive wars do not appear winnable today
2005 Warmest Year in Over a Century (tags)
The year 2005 was the warmest year in over a century, according to NASA scientists studying temperature data from around the world.
President Hugo Chavez welcomed thousands of social activists at the Poliedro-Stadium in Caracas, Venezuela on January 27, 2006
3 authors interviews: The China Factor and the Overstretch of the US Hegemony (tags)
3 books that can change your mind in 2005 about the geo-politic and geo-economic dynamics going on
Money, Power and the Human Psyche (tags)
Slavery still exists as money slavery all over the world where more than a third of humanity must survive at the subsistence level..Our relation to money has characteristics of madness. . When value blindness occurs in a person, his sense of reality becomes dead.
China's Global Reach: Book Review (tags)
China is rising and understand its consequences
Art of War : Project for a New American Century (PNAC) (tags)
Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
"The children began to create their own worlds. The imagination is like a muscle that has to be constantly trained. The imagination atrophies through media saturation.
AIPAC conference in LA 10/30- 10/31 (tags)
Just so folks are aware- see below for more info go by and say hi!
small WORLD - Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction (tags)
Interview with Dr. Dona De Sanctis of the Order Sons of Italy in America about the Columbus: Fact vs. Fiction report
CyberRadicalism: Book by Carl Davidson & Jerry Harris (tags)
15 essays developed over the past decade through the Chicago Third Wave Study Group's efforts to redefine a new Marxism for the 21st Century. .
Tigris dam damns AssurTigris dam damns AssurTigris dam dams Assur (tags)
The Iraqi government is building a dam which will obliterate the capital of the ancient Assyrian empire
China's Rise to a Political and Economic Superpower (tags)
The US is increasingly losing its economic sovereignty..For the Chinese the third Iraq war was the harshest defeat in the short history of reintegration in the world economy. The more the US becomes entrenched in unilateralism the easier China finds allies.
Art of War : 20th Century (tags)
20th Century
Wed. 3/16 5pm: Nurses, teachers, & firefighters to protest Gov's LA fundraiser (tags)
Hundreds of the nurses, teachers, students and firefighters will gather outside Gov.'s fundraiser at Century Plaza Hotel to protest Governor Schwarzenegger's cash-register politics WHEN: 5 pm, Wednesday, March 16th WHERE: Westin Century Plaza Hotel 2025 Avenue of the Stars
"Neo-Con"--founded by the New American Century dictatorial--a born-again Criminal
Protest for Hotel workers rights (tags)
Housekeeper Action & Street Theater Friday, February 11
Christianity -- The Downfall Of America (tags)
In your face now...
Nationwide protests AGAINST the Project for the New American Century (tags)
Fahrenheit 9/11 Breaks Records; 6/24 Benefit Night (tags)
The great American peace march of 200 million has begun, with the first screenings of Fahrenheit 9/11 taking place in New York City on June 23 to sell-out crowds, 10 benefit screenings set for June 24 and opening night in the rest of the USA to be June 25, 2004.
Fahrenheit 9/11 at First Run Theaters for 6/25 Opening (tags)
One week to go, and the theater list grows longer daily, all at first run theaters, defying the fascist censors, for the opening of Fahrenheit 9/11 on June 25.
Half a century after Brown (tags)
Abolish the welfare state (tags)
Grocery workers win lawmakers’ backing (tags)
LOS ANGELES – If Safeway and its CEO Steve Burd have their way, the 21st century will have conditions more like the 19th century for working families, said Connie Leyva, president of Local 1428 of the United Food and Commercial Workers, speaking to a panel led by four Democratic California congresspeople.
Nazi flag flies high in Langford, South Dakota (tags)
I cannot sit passively as a family, who knows nothing of this community, attempts to impose on us their revolting Neo-Nazi ideology. I regard this family's childish display of racial factionalism as, at best, quaint -- and at worst, as some kind of a sick joke.
Israel Shoots Palestinians in the Head (tags)
Funny how when Palestinians are killed, some IMC trolls feel remorse and have doubts about the role of the Israeli government and Sharon in the occupied territories. But when Palestinians kill, its like "fuck'em, kill'em all." But the same spite isn't leveled at the IDF that perpetuates massacres in the Gaza Strip. A double standard, no doubt.
Ossama's denial on 9-28 2001 (tags)
I found this interview of Ossama with the BBC that is not the cut and paste tapes we were offered by the intelligence services to pin the events of 9-11 on the '19 savage arabs' that were never on the airline passenger lists and which some of are still living.
Europeans didn't invent slavery, but their ideas and beliefs brought it to an end in the West. Sadly, it continues in much of the world, with not a peep from the Left.
Mr. President, have you no shame? (tags)
Our Republican Party has outdone the worst of the Democrat taxers and spenders, all the while smugly touting the lie about which party overspends.
(2) Photos: Striking Grocery Workers March to Beverly Hills (tags)
Photos: Striking Grocery Workers March from Century City to Berverly Hills
Dec. 16th Mass March to support striking Grocery Workers (tags)
AFL-CIO Pres. Sweeney will Lead March of Thousands of Strikers March From Century City to Beverly Hills Slated Tuesday, December 16
What Right Do Zionist Jews Have To Palestine? (tags)
What title-deeds do the Jews of today actually have to the land of 'Israel'? The idea that a people can possess some kind of ethnic ancestral right to a territory supposedly vacated by their forebears some millenia previously, implying a right in perpetuity, can have no legal basis. Or otherwise Americans of European ancestry, to name just one group of people, will have to pack their bags.
...laugh, present, discuss, learn, teach, promote ...
a free university of la (tags)
we need help with finding speakers/presenters and with promotion (distributing flyers, etc). please check out the link or the text below.
U.S. role in Nazi eugenics (tags)
Many people are under the false impression that Hitler's "ideas" of "Racial Hygiene" originated with the NAZI's. They were developed by German and American Psychiatrists. Eugenics was the cute name they gave their justification for institutionalized murder.
A Free University Of LA (tags)
Please contact us if you (or anyone you know) would like to - sign on as a speaker - help us with promotion - sign on as a participant Thank you!
the neo-cons are leading us down a treacherous road, but does anyone care?
Free University Of LA !!! (tags)
If you or anyone you know would like to help us with promotion or with lining up speakers, please contact us as soon as possible.
Is Zionism a Failed Ideology? (tags)
"In Israel, Avraham Burg, former speaker of the Knesset, recently warned that if Israel wishes to preserve what little democracy it still has, it must either withdraw to its pre-1967 boundaries or grant full citizenship to the approximately 3.5 million Palestinians in the occupied territories, a step that would spell the virtual end of the Jewish state...."
Global warming evidence grows larger as Bush popularity sinks (tags)
Published on Monday, September 1, 2003 by the Guardian/UK Not Just Warmer: It's the Hottest for 2,000 Years Widest study yet backs fears over carbon dioxide
pictures from the demonstration in Century City during which Bush raised millions of dollars, Code Pink proved that they rule the world, and I felt so frustrated that I left feeling utterly hopeless. 1st of 2 (apologies for the image quality. it was a throwaway camera)
Century City: The Anti-Bush Party (tags)
Although he would have, no doubt, prefered to slink into town, collect his millions and slink out again, the city showed up in all it's diversity and creativity to speak it's mind.
The Myth of McCarthyism (tags)
Broken Clock Leftist fifth column trash love that word "McCarthyism", almost as much as their other buzzwords. You know like racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, ad nauseam...
RIDE THE ORANGE COUNTY ANSWER BUS (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) TO CENTURY PLAZA Friday, June 27th Santa Monica Blvd. and Avenue of the Stars March to Rally at Century Plaza Hotel
Protest At Bush Fundraiser 6/27 (tags)
Come Protest at the Bush Fundraiser in Century City This Friday, 6/27, at 5:30 PM
The Twilight of Vanguardism (tags)
Revolutionary thinkers have been saying that the age of vanguardism is over for most of a century now. Outside of a handful of tiny sectarian groups, it's almost impossible to find a radical intellectuals seriously believe that their role should be to determine the correct historical analysis of the world situation, so as to lead the masses along in the one true revolutionary direction.
War for the rest of your lives (tags)
Endless war
911 Conspiracy? The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation finally connects the dots (tags)
CBC AIRS PROOF THAT BUSH ADMIN HAWKS WANTED 911 TO HAPPEN!!!!! This was just on the CBC's National News (10:00 -11:00PM EST and 11:00PM-12:00AM EST): "They [the New American Century, a ultra right-wing think tank made up of top Bush admin. officials] wanted the U.S. as a global "constabulary" – their word – unburdened by the United Nations or world opinion, preventing any challenge to U.S. dominance. But, they wrote a year before Sept. 11, such aspirations are unlikely to be realized without "A CATASTROPHIC AND CATALYZING EVENT....LIKE A NEW PEARL HARBOUR."
Sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse (tags)
Why is it the case that when you look back over history you find that time and time again the Right becomes more and more powerful, and the left become the sheep being sent to the slaughterhouse?
The danger that a Central Government free from it's historic restraints could run amok with self-serving self-justifications was something that our Nation's Founders warned of. Read Washington's Farewell Address for perspective on their viewpoint.
THE REAL MOVEMENT OF THE SOCIETY Update of January of the site With two new texts DIALECTIC OF PROUDHON METHOD AND REAL MOVEMENT OF THE SOCIETY REFLECTIONS ON THE MATERIALISM OF THE CENTURY XVIII Technical responsible for the totality of the site The friend always José Carlos Fortuna.
Good reasons to DROP OUT OF SCHOOL and DROP OUT OF COLLEGE (tags)
John Taylor Gatto climaxed his 33 year teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year after being named New York City Teacher of the Year on three occasions. He quit teaching on the OP ED page of the Wall Street Journal in 1991 while still New York State Teacher of the Year, claiming that he was no longer willing to hurt children. His books include: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1992); The Exhausted School (1993); A Different Kind of Teacher (2000); and The Underground History Of American Education (2001) The following was culled from his most recent work.
PROUDHON CENTURY XXI Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- PROUDHON CENTURY XXI 2 - PROUDHON: The WAR and the PEACE OR the LOGIC of the FORCE
PROUDHON CENTURY XXI Subjects of interest yesterday as today that they can be found in Join in this site some of the works and articles, published and unknown, that the author of these pages had chance to write in these last sixteen years. 1- PROUDHON CENTURY XXI 2 - PROUDHON: The WAR and the PEACE OR the LOGIC of the FORCE
In know you hate it, but things are getting better. Once again, thank you Walter E. Williams. We are so lucky to have you around.
Some history rather than hysteria...
an essay on the necessity of direct action
Who Controls the Federal Reserve System? (tags)
Crime of the Century, or scam of the century you decide!
Panther Rises In Red, But Flourishes In Green (tags)
Socialism or Green Direct Democracy?
Info on Bush visit MOnday
I have received an email message from a friend that Bush will be at a fundraising dinner at 5:30pm this Mon. April 29th at the Century Plaza Hotel. The email urges everyone to get there and set up a big protest by 4:30pm. More details should become available in the next few days.
The government and military of the United States of America have committed massive acts of international terrorism and brutal genocide — throughout the 20th century.
Justice Not War - the Hague Appeal for Peace Statement on S11 (tags)
The Hague Agenda for Peace and Justice for the 21st Century has emerged from an intensive democratic process of consultation among the members of the Hague Appeal for Peace Organizing and Coordinating Committees, and the hundreds of organizations and individuals that have actively participated in the Hague Appeal process. The Agenda represents what these civil society organizations and citizens consider to be some of the most important challenges facing humankind as it embarks upon a new millenium. Below is the official stamement of the Hague Appeal for Peace following the S11 tragedy.
Nostradamus Prediction Of WW3 (tags)
Nostradamus Prediction Of WW3
Puritanism: Root of American Fascism? (tags)
Since its beginning, the United States has been heavily influenced by its Puritan heritage. There are compelling reasons why this may be a major reason America, in too many ways, has been and increasingly is becoming today, an essentially fascist society.
19June8PM KCET Moyer's "Earth on Edge" (tags)
read below.
Protestors reflected in the huge windows of the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
Officer Friendly protects the President at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
Protest signs used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
A protest sign used at Bush's appearance at the Century Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, May 29th.
Army "photographers" present at King assassination (tags)
========================================================= "Everything in the U.S. is the trial of the century. O.J. Simpson's trial was the trial of the century. Clinton's trial was the trial of the century. But this is the trial of the century, and who's here?"
Anti-Bush Demo In Century City, LA's "Qattar" (tags)
Century City is the Qattar of Los Angeles, an expensive inhospitable island fortress of concrete. G.W. Bush is hardly the first politician to appreciate these anti-democratic amenities, enhanced by LA's Constitution-Free Police.
Update From Century City Protest (tags)
200-300 Angelenos gathered outside the Century Park Hotel to greet Dubya with a simple two word request: PRICE CAPS.
Bush in Los Angeles ALERT! (tags)
California tells Bush and Davis RATE CAPS NOW, the energy scam must stop! Protest at Bush appearance in Century City, Tuesday, May 29th.
The C.I.A. & Drugs, Narco-colonialism in the 20th Century
THE DECEMBRIST MANIFESTO: Declaration Of A New Culture Of Hope And Freedom (tags)
DECEMBER 12, 2000:In the last month of the 20th Century, a new culture rises from the final death rattle of American "democracy."