fix articles 909, wall street journal Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : wall street journal

wall street journal

Trust in Institutions and the War Dividend (tags)

Even if almost no one wants to admit it, our “system” is obsolete, and for this reason it is now morphing into a “closed system” – totalitarian in nature. It is equally clear that the few who continue to benefit materially from the capitalist system (the 0.1%) are willing to do whatever it takes to prolong its obsolete existence. Debt is issued from one door and purchased from another.

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."

The greatest show on earth (tags)

"It takes considerable fragmentation in the media portrayal of these crimes and radical recontextualization as a 'struggle for democracy and human rights' for crimes of this magnitude, as well as their historical continuity, to become virtually invisible to the public. Although all of this is extensively documented, these crimes are virtually absent from the public consciousness."

Why do the lambs remain silent? (tags)

James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority".

Michael Hudson on de-dollarization (tags)

Krugman is saying that other people have no reason at all for what they’re doing. And when they move out of the dollar, there’s no reason for them to do it. If you read what these countries say, they explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. .

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)

Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.

Is China in danger of collapse? and Anti-economics and anti-politics (tags)

In the process of modernization, the relationship between market and state can be boiled down to the formula of a general law: the more market, the more state... The bloated market and the bloated state can only live or die together.

San Francisco - Still keeping Truth Out (tags)

Fauci a No Show at Hearing on COVID-19 Origins. Dr. Anthony Fauci — who has faced a wave of scrutiny in recent weeks over criticism that he flip-flopped on his messaging on coronavirus rules and mandates, including mask wearing — declined to appear.

Time to end the panic mode (tags)

Tyrannies reverse the rule of law. They turn law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in false legality. They use the outward decorum of courts and trials to disguise their criminality.

Hysteria in Suburbia (tags)

Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that.

COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism (tags)

The scale of the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences on world accumulation are unprecedented, with the global economic costs still increasing. At the end of March, some three billion people on the planet were in lockdown or social-distancing mode.36

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.

Economic impact of corona lockdowns (tags)

Even before the current lockdown-induced economic depression, the assets of the lowest 20 percent of US households - between 2007 and 2019 - had fallen by about a third according to the Wall Street Journal, and their incomes had fallen by 2 percent in real terms

Journalism of, by and for the Elite (tags)

How the New York Times and Wall Street Journal mirror the 1% they cover

The Shortwave Report 06/23/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

Nuclear Shutdown News February 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are working for a nuclear free world. Here is out February 2017 report:

Nuclear Shutdown News January 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry, in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who're working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our January 2017 report

US mergers set new record in October (tags)

With Qualcomm’s announcement Thursday of a $39 billion deal to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, October has set a new monthly record for US mergers and acquisitions.

Fukushima + 5: The Disaster Continues (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry, in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is this month's issue.

Solar Cells Made in US by Former Gang Members:Wall Street Journal by Miriam Jordan (tags)

These are considered green collar jobs and need training. Help them make a profit and employ locals. The company name is "Homeboy Industries"Do not steer violent types into the building or vicinity.

Rupert Murdoch, Roger Ailes ,The GOP, Bush Operatives Exclude Rand Paul From Public Airwav (tags)

Though Rand Paul has been ahead of Christie, Bush and Kasich in the Jan 13th 2016 Des Moines Register and several other polls, the Fox tv network (part of Rupert Murdoch's NewsCorp) has excluded him from the next debate.

Flashback to 1995:US-Israel-Turkey-Jordan-Egypt alliance at Prime Minister Rabin’s Funeral (tags)

6 years before the launch of a genocidal, never-ending and ever-expanding “global war on terror” across Asia and Africa, the funeral of the assassinated “hero of peace” Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin proved to be an opportune moment to discreetly reveal an overt military alliance between U.S., Israel, Turkey, Jordan and Egypt against Iraq, Iran, Syria, Libya and the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah.

The MH17 Big Lie: The Russians Did It (tags)


Anti-Palestinian Viciousness Rages (tags)


The Latest Presstitute Big Lie About Russia in Syria (tags)


Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


Irresponsible Putin Bashing Following His UN Address (tags)


Putin Was Always Right About Syria (tags)


The Big Lie About Russian Forces in Syria (tags)


The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)


Irresponsibly Bashing Venezuelan Justice (tags)


US Media Ignore US Responsibility for Refugee Crisis (tags)


Fabricated Claims About Russian Troops in Syria (tags)


Rebooting Hillary (tags)


Israel's Failed Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Campaign (tags)


Wall Street Rally: Hold the Cheers (tags)

Wall Street

Black Monday (tags)


No Letup in Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


Baseless Russia Downed MH17 Allegations Resurface (tags)


Propaganda Works: New Polls Show Most Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Obama Orders Airstrikes to Defend ISIS in Syria (tags)


US Neocon Urges War on Iran (tags)


Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Greece: Ground Zero for Global Pillage (tags)


ISIS: US Proxy Foot Soldiers (tags)


TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)

TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.

Presstitute Media Support Anti-Consumer Fast Track Legislation (tags)


Israel Spied on Hotels Used for Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Relentless Putin Bashing (tags)


Scoundrel Media FIFA Bashing (tags)


Israel: A Force of Pure Evil (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Program Framework Deal Postmortems (tags)


Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Blocked (tags)


Israeli Election Postmortems (tags)


The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post (tags)


Putin Bashing Crowd in Overdrive Over Nemtsov illing (tags)


Greece Surrenders to Troika (tags)


Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)


Obama's Ukraine Agenda (tags)


America's Interventionist Legacy (tags)


Post-Minsk Russia Bashing (tags)


Presstitute Pro-War Chorus (tags)


Greek Election: Mixed Messages, Hold the Cheers (tags)


Pentagon Directing Kiev's War on Donbas? (tags)


Treasury Dynamic Scoring Anal Refutes Claims of Supporters of the Tax Cuts (tags)

The study casts doubt on claims that the tax cuts are responsible for much of the recent growth in investment and jobs. It finds that making the tax cuts permanent would lead initially to lower levels of investment, and would result over the longer term in lower levels of employment (i.e., in fewer jobs).

Escalated War on Islam (tags)


Hypocrisy in Paris (tags)


Waging Phony War on Terror (tags)


Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

false flag

Cuba Bashing (tags)


US Vetoes Palestinian Statehood Resolution (tags)


West?Russia Rapprochement? (tags)


Obama's World (tags)


Ukraine: Fascist Dictatorship Masquerading As Democracy (tags)


Heading for Possible Global War (tags)


Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)


Fed Ends QE (tags)


MSM Misinformation on Ukraine's Parliamentary Electioms (tags)


Reinvented Scoundrel Media History (tags)


2008 Redux? (tags)


Media Scoundrels Wage War (tags)


Scoundrel Media Reactions to Obama's Syrian Aggression (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: Lavrov v. Rasmussen (tags)


Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)

Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.

Obama Declares Open-Ended Middle East War (tags)


Sanction Wars Delay (tags)


Irresponsibly Blaming Russia for US-Led Western Crimes (tags)


Mocking Putin's Good Faith Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)


Hard Truths v. MSM Big Lies (tags)


Selling NATO's Killing Machine (tags)


Flashback to 2013: Obama: "I am ready to bomb Syria" (tags)

The front pages below from August 2013 constitute a vivid example of the relentless and utterly deceptive war propaganda against Syria. Now, with utmost impunity, the perpetrators of the genocidal war on Syria are declaring their plan to bombard Syrian territory under the guise of "collaborating" with the Syrian government against the "terrorists" who, in reality, are NATO's mercenary death squads.

Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Irresponsible Putin Bashing Escalates (tags)


Promoting Confrontation with Russia (tags)


MSM War on Gaza (tags)


Terrorizing Southeastern Ukrainians: Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Propaganda & censorship alert: NATO countries' media coverage of the elections in Syria (tags)

The June 3 presidential election in Syria was a massive defeat for the NATO countries which have been collectively waging a genocidal war on Syria since 2011. Apart few exceptions, this momentous event was conspicuously absent from the front pages of US, British, French, German, Italian and Turkish newspapers. Those few that reported it on the front page did so in the habitual propaganda format. Meanwhile, few others went as far as publishing anti-Syria propaganda reports on their front page without making any reference to the presidential election.

Reactions to Obama at West Point (tags)


Financial Market Inflammation (tags)

Bubble formation covered up a period of long-lasting stagnation... Former US Treasury secretary Larry Summers even spoke of stagnation as a "new normality"... The crisis consequences are shifted to other subjects. Unemployment and indebtedness are exported.

Wall Street Journal Supports Putschist Oligarch Ukrainian Rule (tags)


India's Sham Democracy (tags)


Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


Sacking NYT Executive Editor Jill Abramson (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Roulette Continues (tags)


Eastern Ukrainian Referendum Post-Mortems (tags)


Bashing Putin's Diplomatic Proposal (tags)


Fascism's Willing Co-Conspirators (tags)


Putin Blames West for Ukraine Conflict (tags)


Kiev Losing Control? (tags)


US State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)

police state

Fact Checking Scoundrel Media Lies (tags)


More Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)


Russia Bashing Escalates (tags)


Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)


Cold War 2.0 (tags)


Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)


Ukrainians Resist (tags)


Escalating War on Syria (tags)


Europe Targets Russia Irresponsibly (tags)


Abbas Intends Extending Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Fascist Police Attack Anti-Maidan Protesters (tags)


The Struggle for Ukraine's Soul Continues (tags)


Obama Sells Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Tymoshenko Caught in the Act (tags)


Cheerleading Potential Disaster (tags)


Media Prostitutes Defend the Indefensible (tags)


Pre and Post-Crimean Independence Treaty Propaganda (tags)


Post-Crimean Referendum Propaganda (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)


Big Lies Drown Out Truth (tags)


Scoundrel Media War on Russia (tags)


Turning the World Right Side Up (tags)


Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism (tags)


Wall Street Journal Reinvented History (tags)


Ukraine: US-Orchestrated Coup d'Etat (tags)


Scoundrel Media War on Ukraine (tags)


Fake Syrian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Obamacare Enrollment Misinformation (tags)


Beating Up on Russia (tags)


Reactions to Obama's NSA Address (tags)


America's Imperial Agenda (tags)


AIPAC's Federal Reserve Vice Chairman (tags)


No Joy to the World This Christmas (tags)


Elie Wiesel's Anti-Iranian Agenda (tags)


Bracing for An Eventual Day of Reckoning (tags)


Russian Ukrainian Aid v. US/EU Neoliberal Harshness (tags)


The Iran Sanctions Game (tags)


US Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)


The Battle for Ukraine (tags)


Disturbing Obamacare Surprises (tags)


Bolivarianism Triumphs (tags)


Mandela Eulogies: Reinventing His Disturbing Legacy (tags)


Unindicted US War Criminals v. Iran (tags)


Fact Check on Venezuela's Economy (tags)


Healthcare.Gov Still Troubled (tags)


Bashing Ukraine (tags)


Obamacare Restricts Choice of Hospitals and Doctors (tags)


Longstanding Anti-Iranian Sentiment (tags)


Former Fed Official Apologizes (tags)


Georgia's Saakashvili (tags)

police state

Iranian Reality v. US/Israeli Lies (tags)


Consumers Abandoning (tags)


World Reaction to US Government Shutdown (tags)


Iran/Syria Bashing (tags)


Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)


Janet Yellen Likely New Fed Chairwoman: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Anti-Assad Media War Continues (tags)


Obamacare Rips Off Americans (tags)


Obama's Hell Bent for War on Syria (tags)


Whither Obama? (tags)


Inculcating stupidity: Syria and Edward Snowden (tags)

The Edward Snowden affair and the subsequent media campaign in the Guardian and the Washington Post and other NATO psy-warfare media outlets coincide with the shamelessly deceitful media campaign justifying a military assault against the government of Syria and thus too against the Resistance alliance of Syria, Iran and Hizbollah contesting the Occupation of Palestine. Obviously, it is too much to suggest that the Edward Snowden affair was deliberately contrived so as to provide a progressive propaganda alibi to corporate and alternative media advocating yet another imperialist aggression – this time against Syria. For people outside North America and Europe, the internal spat within the West's ruling élites offers little of interest. Very clearly, almost the entire Western corporate and alternative media network operates on the basis of psychological warfare criteria ultimately at the service of the imperialist tendencies of their countries' societies and the aggressive élites that control them. Like that of their corporate counterparts, the role of the West's supposedly alternative or progressive media, and the similarly funded non-governmental sector, is to provide a moral alibi for their countries' imperialist crimes against humanity.

Spurious Anti-Iranian Accusations (tags)


The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky (tags)

A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.

Israeli Lobby Urges War on Syria (tags)


Britain, France, Germany and Israel Lie for Obama (tags)


Duplicitous Anti-Syrian Editorials (tags)


Senator v. President Obama on War and Peace (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Cheerleading War (tags)


Imperial Madness (tags)


False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Drumbeat for War on Syria (tags)


Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)


Mubarakism 2.0 (tags)

police state

Anti-American Sentiment in Egypt (tags)


Engineering Potential Disaster in Syria (tags)


Temper Tantrum Politics (tags)

Russia bashing

Fake Terror Alert Extended (tags)

police state

Goldman Sachs Trader Conviction: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Heightened Russia Bashing (tags)


Russia Bashing Redux (tags)


Lawlessness Is Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Criticizing Venezuela's Maduro Irresponsibly (tags)


Obama Threatens Humanity (tags)

police state

Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act (tags)

police state

Trafficking in Lies about Syria (tags)


Obama Ups the Stakes in Syria (tags)


NSA Chief Lies to Congress (tags)

police state

Unconstitutional US Data-Mining (tags)

police state

Iran's June Presidential Election (tags)


Milliman Medical Index on Obamacare (tags)


Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin! (tags)

On April 24 "Rana Plaza" a 9-storey building in an industrial suburb of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh (14 million), collapsed on about 3,500 workers (their number is not known precisely) working there. The building contained five textile factories, as well as a bank and many shops. The official present death toll is 1128, the number of injured is unknown. Most of the victims are women, who constitute 80 to 90% of the workforce in the Bangladeshi textile industry.

Reinventing Guatemalan History (tags)

police state

UN Human Rights Council Duplicity (tags)


America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (tags)


Tiptoeing Toward War on Syria (tags)


Syria: Upping the Stakes (tags)


Creating a Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)

false flag

Venezuela: Post-Election Sour Grapes (tags)


Attacking Venezuela's Democratic Process (tags)


Thatcherism (tags)

class war

Another Dismal Jobs Report (tags)


BOJ Increases QE (tags)


Playing the North Korea Card (tags)


What Follows Turkish/Israeli Reconciliation (tags)


Cyprus Update (tags)


Shameless NYT Defense of Obamacare (tags)


Grand Theft Cyprus: Part II (tags)

class war

Obama Heads to Israel (tags)


Paul Ryan's At It Again (tags)

class war

Media Scoundrels Pillory Chavez Before He's Buried (tags)


Kerry Supports Anti-Syrian Government Terrorists (tags)


Sequester Chicken (tags)

class war

Escalating Pressure on Iran (tags)


Obama Declares Global Cyberwar (tags)


US Economy: Troubled or All's Well? (tags)


Wall Street's in Good Hands with Mary Jo White (tags)

Wall Street

Hagel Correctly Points out Influence of pro-Israeli Lobby in Politics (tags)

The future Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel is correct in pointing out the influence of the pro-ISRAEL lobby, especially from CUFI and AIPAC. Being honest in politics is dangerous, as one statement however true can be blown out of proportion by enemies.

Hagel and Brennan Nominations (tags)


Western Media War on Syria (tags)


Bolivaranism in Venezuela (tags)


Cliff Notes (tags)

class war

Congress Extends Warrantless Spying (tags)

police state

Letter to All Americans About Gun Control from a Dissident Independent (tags)

Guns are an effective form of human violence, which is why they are so often employed in both war and crime. They are dangerous and deadly. Reasons for their existence are not always, or even often, noble. They kill. This is to say we human animals kill—and nowhere more so than for political reasons—such as a nation venturing abroad for purported reasons to exact war against terrorists, etc. (while not ironically understanding that war is terrorism). And yet there is something “more” dangerous than weapons and that is politics itself (that history reminds us over and over again). Guns do “not” exist in a vacuum—they are artifacts built for and by a corrupt species of creature. No government ever—no matter how much naïve trust by blind patriotism exist—should be trusted to the point citizens just hand over their right to defend themselves from those in power. ALL forms of government are corruptible, and so are ALL forms of institution. This government (and especially both major political parties and their lobby cronies), if not thoroughly corrupt, is still too corrupt—including its capacity to violate human rights. Banning of guns (or other Constitutional rights) here in the United States must be understood within these recent radical changes that have happened especially since 9/11. It could be the equivalent of giving Mafia thugs your last weapons.

Fiscal Cliff Reality (tags)

class war

Washington Targets Syria and Iran (tags)


The "Fiscal Cliff" Is a Hoax ... and a Mel Brooks Routine (tags)

The "fiscal cliff" comedy routine in Washington DC is a staged act where Democrats play the "good cop" who want to tax the rich and cut social welfare programs vs. the "bad cop" Republicans who don't want to tax the rich and promise heavy cuts on social welfare programs. Where is the voice of reason that says maybe this so-called fiscal cliff isn't really such a big deal after all?

Obama Plans African Wars (tags)


NNC News Interviews Lendman (tags)


Neocon Ubeer-Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)


Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’] link:

Israel's "red line" on Iranian nuclear programme and a flashback to 1986 (tags)

“With over 2000 highly operational nuclear weapons already in the world, it is ironic, to say the least, that Iran’s nuclear energy program is considered by the US and its allies as a threat to “global security”. […] Israel, which follows a policy of nuclear ambiguity, never comments on its nuclear capabilities. However, they are widely known to possess 300 to 400 nuclear warheads with 80 of them in high operational alert […], that is, they are ready to fire.” [Dr Ismail Salami’s article entitled ‘Nuclear Crucifixion: Fake Data and Ficticious Reports used as A Pretext to Wage War on Iran’]

America's Right-Wing Reinterprets the Crisis (tags)

A state is not a hardware store. It must contract debts in crisis times. Four years after the collapse of the US economy, the republicans send a former investment banker into the race who stands for a policy that got us into the real messThe right-wing was very successful in changing the discourse.

September Surprise in Chicago (tags)


Fed Panic (tags)

class war

Rahm Emanuel's Privatize Chicago Plan (tags)

class war

Sucking Up Shamelessly to Israel (tags)


Another Anti-Iranian Hate Group (tags)


Intense Anti-Assad Propaganda (tags)


Propaganda War on Syria (tags)


Scoundrel Media Warmongering (tags)


Media Scoundrels Endorse Sham Libyan Election (tags)


Clinton: Assad's Days Are Numbered (tags)


Libor Scandal Reflects a Cesspool of Financial Fraud (tags)


Dismal Jobs Report Reflects Economic Decline (tags)

class war

US Intelligence Says Turkish Warplane Downed in Syrian Waters (tags)


War of Words Over Turkish Aircraft Incident (tags)


Crisis Economic Conditions (tags)

class war

Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)


A Praise for Marx (tags)

Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while deregulation and trickle-down mythologty lead to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. Karl Marx asked why capitalism cannot solve poverty, unemployment and exploitation.

Media Scoundrels Promote War on Syria (tags)


Shaky Economies (tags)

class war

PHILIPPINES: How to Slay the Oil Price Monster (tags)

Leaders are elected in order to take decisive action to solve problems. What is demanded from a leader is–after a careful weighing of costs and benefits–action that cuts the Gordian Knot of a seemingly complex reality.

Falling In Line (tags)

It is easy to get sucked into the ups and downs of elections. This year's presidential campaign is no different. The idea it's anybody's race and can go any way at any time gets played over and over for us like a two song playlist on repeat and shuffle. Except this two song playlist has added live commentary telling us every time that there is the distinct possibility the song could end up differently than we pretty much already know it will end up. We keep hearing in convincing fashion there is still the chance it could go differently this time. Yet if we've been paying attention we may see... well a distinct pattern perhaps.

Goldman Sachs: Making Money by Stealing It (tags)

grand theft

Putin Wins (tags)


Readying the Greek Corpse for Burial (tags)

class war

Iran: A Manufactured Threat (tags)


UK Government Suppresses Truth (tags)


Anti-Syrian Pack Journalism (tags)


Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)


Promoting War on Iran (tags)


Rage for Change in Egypt (tags)


Hotline Now Open For Foreclosure Complaints (tags)

The Wall Street Journal Bank regulators and the mortgage industry have launched a complaint process to reach out to more than 4 million homeowners to find and compensate any who were harmed by deficiencies in banks’ foreclosure operations.

US Finds Culprit (tags)

Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.

Eurozone Bailout Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Doubts About Gaddafi's Reported Assassination (tags)


Fox Shareholder's Meeting (tags)

Join Good Jobs LA, Brave New Foundation, Common Cause, Free Press, NABET-CWA, The Media and Democracy Coalition, Media Alliance, and Media Action Center to send a message to Murdoch, his investors and the rest of the world: ?News Corp. is Not Above the Law.?

Pushing the Envelope for Confrontation with Iran (tags)


Iran Falsely Charged with Fake Terror Plot (tags)


Rage Against Wall Street Crooks (tags)

Wall Street

Putin Bashing (tags)


9/11: Echoes of the Big Lie (tags)


Economic End Times (tags)

class war

These Days of Chaos (tags)

Strikes, riots, revolutions. This is the shape of the new Class War.

Rude Awakening (tags)


Bipartisan Debt Deal Betrayal (tags)

class war

America's Media: Dancing Around the Budget Debate Charade (tags)

corporate medias

The Great Unravelling (tags)

financial terrorism

Appeals Court Rejects More Media Consolidation (tags)


Meaner Tougher IMF with Lagarde (tags)

financial terrorism

Working America's Dismal State (tags)


Attack on Democratic Traditions (tags)

The situation of the US public budget is really dramatic. This indebtedness is the result of excessive military spending and the neoliberal policy launched at the beginning of the 1980s. A progressive counter-movement in the form of a broad Obama coalition is emerging.

The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part II) (tags)


Humala Wins Peru's Presidential Runoff (tags)


The anarchist Stuart Christie and his neo-conservative literary bedfellow (tags)

"The Floodgates of Anarchy" and a fan of a government that boils people to death...

Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


America's Student Loan Racket: Soaring Default Rates (tags)

student loans

Israeli Violence Marks Nakba Day (tags)


Phantom Jobs and Economic Recovery in America (tags)

fake recovery

Media Lies and Misinformation on Bin Laden (tags)

media lies

BP Stonewalling Compensation to Gulf Residents (tags)


Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)

The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.

Obamanomics: Waging War on American Workers (tags)


UK: Bombers who killed a policeman in Northern Ireland may have used explosives from Libya (tags)

“The Prime Minister [...] reiterates, on behalf of the British Government, that they have no selfish strategic or economic interest in Northern Ireland. Their primary interest is to see peace, stability and reconciliation established” [Joint Declaration 1993 (Downing St. Declaration) by UK Minister John Major and the Republic of Ireland’s Prime Minister Albert Reynolds, 10 Downing Street, London, 15 December 1993] .............................................................................................“Let me be clear to anyone watching in the Islamic or the Arab world: Britain has no selfish or strategic or oil-related interest in what is happening in Libya. Our interest has been to try to help save civilian life.” [UK Prime Minister David Cameron, joint press conference with Turkey’s Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, 10 Downing Street, London, 31 March 2011]

Obama on Libya: Defending the Indefensible (tags)

naked aggression

US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned (tags)

naked aggression

Venezuela's New Social Responsibility Law (tags)


No to imperialist military intervention in Libya! (tags)

Since Saturday, March 19, a US-led military coalition, including, besides English and French Forces, participation by Canadian, Italian, Spanish, and other countries, commenced the bombardment of military installations and concentrations of troops loyal to the Gaddafi government. The stated purpose of this military intervention which has been endorsed by the Security Council of the UN and the Arab League, is to get government forces off the offensive against the rebels, in order to avoid a “massacre of the civilian population”.

Cheerleading for War (tags)

naked aggression

Our Man in Havana (tags)


Battleground Wisconsin: Corporate Power v. Worker Rights (tags)

worker struggles

Corporate Coup D'Etat in Wisconsin (tags)

worker struggles

Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya (tags)


Chevron Fined Billions (tags)

After decades of pollution of the Amazon basin, the oil corporation Chevron was fined $8.6 billion, the greatest environmental penalty of all time. How many catastrophes will be necessary until the population of industrial states becomes interested in environmental protection?

Waging War on Working Americans (tags)

labor struggles

Black Label Drugs (tags)

Now, thanks to the growing media coverage of these harmful drug side-effects, increasing numbers of people suffering from depression, anxiety and eating disorders are turning to safe natural solutions from naturopaths, acupuncturists and even chiropractors.

Our Man in Pakistan (tags)


Major Media Promote War on Libya (tags)


Wisconsin: Ground Zero to Save Public Worker Rights (tags)

worker struggles

US Workers: Resurgent or Waging a Rearguard Action? (tags)

worker rights

The Shortwave Report 02/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Spain, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.

Obama's Anti-Populist Budget (tags)


Grassroots Support for Aristide's Return (tags)

Aristide's return

Chicago's Mayoral Election: Rahm Emanuel's Eligibility At Issue (tags)

city politics

America's Dire State of the Union (tags)

economic crisis

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Economic Turmoil in 2011 (tags)

economic trouble

Banking in Venezuela (tags)

responsible banking

Obama in Tucson: Shame, Hypocrisy and Deceit (tags)

core issues ignored

Roots of Arizona's Violence (tags)

America's culture of violence

Israel's Knesset Targets Leftist Organizations (tags)

targeting dissent

Chavez Given Enabling Law Power (tags)

legal in Venezuela

America's Dirty Secret: AfPak War Not Winnable (tags)

an unwinnable war

On the Chopping Block: Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid (tags)

cutting entitlements

The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)

Democrats will cave

Corporate Media's Version of Economic Justice (tags)

middle class destructions

Obama's Decision to Push Bush's NAFTA-Style Korea Trade Deal Without Real Fixes Is Mistake (tags)

Press release by Public Citizen about the Korean trade agreement that's being pushed.

Incarceration's Effect on Economic Mobility (tags)

harmful incarceration

50 million starving in USA; Corporate Profit Records Broken (tags)

While the capitalist class promotes its second celebration of genocide of Native Americans, the other being Columbus Genocide Day, with its orgy of eating food that is mass produced in a manner that is harmful to the food source and the consumer, 50 million Americans face hunger.

RAN names Coal MTR CEO Blankenship to its Board of Directors (tags)

Rainforest Action Network Names Coal Kingpin Don "Donny B" Blankenship to its Board of Directors; A "Welcome, Consistent Addition to Our Team," He Joins Fellow Mining Magnate Michael Klein, a former RAN chairman and co-owner of Palm Beach Aggregates, an aggregate rock mining company with operations in the Everglades in South Florida, where rock mining, like MTR coal mining in Appalachia, pollutes the local water supply.

Destructive Neoliberal Austerity (tags)

austerity, not stimulus coming

SEC v Bank of America at the US District Court, NY - Opined as Fraud on the Court (tags)

Absent reform of the US courts, there was no way to establish effective banking regulation in the United States. Moreover, conditions at the US courts were opined as a cardinal sign of disintegration of democratic government frameworks, entailing risks to world peace and welfare.



War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Nov 9 (tags)

War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Tuesday, Nov 9 at the Sheraton Hotel in Phoenix. The event is sponsered by APS, SRP, Arizona Republic and a number of other businesses.

Boston University's Islamophobic Pro-Israeli Conference (tags)

US Islamophobia

Reaction to Aafia Siddiqui's Sentencing (tags)

In Pakistan she's a national hero

The Bi-Partisan Attack on Public Workers (tags)

States everywhere across the United States are facing the common enemy of extreme budget deficits. Many states have deficits in the multi-billion dollar realm, as the budget crises dominate the debates for the upcoming gubernatorial elections. In these debates, Republican and Democratic candidates are finding it difficult to disagree on the most essential issues around the budget crises. The most crucial question for any incoming governor must be: how will you resolve the state’s budget crisis? The answer from both parties is a resounding: “Public workers and those who depend on their services will pay for the crisis”!

Internet ShutDown comming (tags)

Internet ShutDown comming

From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor (tags)

Rahm Emanuel will likely enter Chicago mayoral race

Destroy Talk Radio and Fox News! (tags)

In order to reverse the seemingly inexorable march of American political and popular opinion to the Right, progressives and the Left in general MUST confront the power of talk radio and Fox News as Right-wing propaganda outlets that are brainwashing millions of Americans. This article, published as the editorial in the September 2010 Zenger's Newsmagazine, calls for a worldwide boycott of advertisers on talk radio and Fox News until the shareholders and managers of these corporations realize that their subsidy of Right-wing nutcase politics is going to hurt their bottom lines.

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

Net Neutrality Threatened (tags)

last free and open space in danger

America's Gulf: A Toxic Crime Scene (tags)

greatest ever environmental crime

Political Prisoners in America (tags)

many languish in US prisons

US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes (tags)

The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing role

Worldwide Economic Crisis: Two Opposite Models as Answers (tags)

In a large part of the population, there is a consensus that capitalism has no answers to the great social challenges of social security, hunger and climate change. An alternative investment program (emphasizing children, culture and climate change) gives a long-term answer.

We Can’t Defeat the Capitalist Offensive Without Changing Our Unions (tags)

The struggle against the concessionary policies of the Union hierarchy is harder than fighting the boss but we can’t defeat the boss without changing our Unions

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."

Oil Pollution and Organized Irresponsibility (tags)

The question of the responsibility of corporations is raised in principle in the historic environmental disaster at the Gulf of Mexico. The legislation leaves open many loopholes.

“Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” (tags)

Election fraud expert Steven Freeman headlined “Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood July 1. The event featured a wide variety of anti-corporate presentations and showed the role of corporations in promoting and profiting from every current social evil, from war to the exploitation of immigrants and denial of the reality of climate change. It also exposed the role of corporate media and discussed ways people can challenge it.

Russian Spy Case: Espionage or Politics? (tags)

likely the latter

Stanley Sporkin: BP's Ombudsman Fixer (tags)

corruption in high places

Employers and Labor Leaders Pressure Muni Drivers to Reverse Vote (tags)

The collaboration between employers and the heads of organized Labor is forced more in to the open as the polarization between the classes grows. There is no room for pretense anymore.

Betrayed trust (tags)

Betrayed trust

Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)

climate bills are solely for profit

Lessons from the Gulf (tags)

Gulf spill potentially greatest ever environmental disaster

Using Alleged Terrorism to Escalate Wars and Homeland Repression (tags)

NY bomb incident may unleash a wave of homeland repression

Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack (tags)

Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own.

Gulf oil spill threatens economic, environmental catastrophe (tags)

"According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig lacked a device called an acoustic switch that could have shut off the flow of oil. The remote controlled device sends acoustic impulses through the water that can trigger an underwater valve to shut down the well. All offshore rigs have one main switch to shut off the flow of oil by closing a valve located on the ocean floor. There is also supposed to be a backup, a so-called “dead man,” that will shut down the well in the event of a catastrophe on the rig. Apparently neither of these devices worked on the Deepwater Horizon rig. The crewmembers who would have been closest to the shutoff switch are among those missing and presumed dead. With an acoustic trigger a crew can shut down a well even if the rig is damaged or evacuated. However, BP, which reported profits of $5.598 billion for the first quarter of 2010, vigorously resisted changes to US regulations that would have required acoustic triggers on deep sea rigs, citing effectiveness and costs, about $500,000 per unit. Compliant US regulators agreed, saying other backup plans were sufficient. They called the acoustic triggers unreliable and prone to causing unnecessary shutdowns."

Imprisoning A Courageous Whistleblower: The Case of Bradley Birkenfeld (tags)

Targeting anyone challenging power

Goldman Sachs: Master of the Universe (tags)

Don't bet against Goldman

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)

"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."

Obama's Brave Nuke World (tags)

smoke and mirrors, not policy change

Fascist Obama, like the Nazis, Orders Worldwide Assassinations (tags)

For the first time in history, an American president has officially ordered the assassination of a US citizen. [Democratic] President Barack Obama has approved the “targeted killing” of Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Muslim cleric who is reported to be in hiding in Yemen. No substantial evidence has been brought to bear against Awlaki, 38, who is accused of terrorism, and he will be afforded no legal recourse against the death sentence. He has not been charged, tried, or convicted of anything. DID YOU VOTE FOR THIS? WILL YOU NOW VOTE ONLY SOCIALIST OR GREEN?

Defend Lynne Stewart And Resist Repression (tags)

The US government has targeted civil rights lawyer and NYC WBAI Board Member Lynne Stewart for her defense of frame-ups against Muslim political activists. They tactics to jail lawyers who challenge the US "War Against Terror" are part of the Obama and former Bush administration agenda to shutdown any political defense of civil and human rights.

Obamacare's Passage: A Full-Scale Retreat (tags)

a scheme to ration care and enrich corporate providers

The Lawfare Project's Anti-Democratic Agenda (tags)

LP is a guardian of Washingto-Israeli power

Selling Out America to Wall Street (tags)

pillaging American wealth

The Great Bi-Partisan Deception (tags)

Some cancer is too aggressive even for chemotherapy. The US political system is infected with such a disease; and we may be witnessing the first death spasms. In a country ravaged by war and economic crisis, with tens of millions of people suffering, politicians are capable of doing absolutely nothing to help ordinary people. The only two “achievements” of the Democrat’s super majority in the Senate — over the course of five months — were an ineffectual stimulus package and a “surge” of troops in Afghanistan.

Obama's Outreach to Americans: Empty Rhetoric, Business As usual (tags)

Expect business as usual ahead

Political Earthquake Rocks Massachusetts (tags)

Massachusetts voters send a message to Washington

Obama's War on Yemen (tags)

Obama's expanded war agenda

Are the Democrats Fighting the Banks? (tags)

How pathetic. President Obama sat at a table surrounded by super rich bankers, pleading with them to lend money to small businesses and workers. The media mislabeled Obama’s groveling as “encouraging,” “imploring,” and “pressing,” but a man who refuses to take action is powerless; and powerless people can only beg. This disgraceful meeting happened shortly after Obama got “radical” on national TV, calling the bankers “fat cats” and other tough words. But words are only that.

Electoral Fraud Proved in Honduras: More than 50 Percent Did Not Vote (tags)

"Freeston today publishes this bombshell report, above, on The Real News that documents definitively that Honduras electoral officials knowingly lied about their claims of more than 60 percent voter turnout. The hard results in possession of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE, in its Spanish initials) demonstrate only 49.2 percent turnout: That means that a majority - more than 50 percent - of Honduran citizens abstained in the "elections" that the National Front Against the Coup d'Etat had called unfair, unfree and placed under boycott."

Good and Bad Choices for Energy Policy and the Environmental Movement 2009-2010 (tags)

Two energy/environment phenomena are being widely discussed currently. These are global warming, and its mitigation, and the nuclear resurgence – the worldwide push to supply power with nuclear power plants. Careful study of these issues leads to the following conclusions: 1. Global warming is real and is causing harm. 2. Global warming is mostly due to heat production by human industry since the 1800s, from nuclear power and fossil fuels, better termed hydrocarbons, – coal, oil, natural gas. Greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2 play a minor role even though they are widely claimed the cause. 3. Both nuclear and hydrocarbon-based power must be eliminated to solve the global warming problem. 4. Nuclear power advocates have commandeered the global warming/greenhouse gas formula to promote nuclear power, based upon two errors: exaggerating the role of CO2 on the one hand and incorrectly claiming that nuclear power plants do not produce CO2 on the other hand. 5. Nuclear power can not be separated from nuclear weapons, which are essential to the consistent drive for American military dominationof the world. This is the reason for nuclear power. Nuclear power does not make sense as a safe, efficient, or economical way to provide energy. 6. Solar and solar-derived (wind, wave) sources of power do not add heat to the environment and can be used to supply virtually unlimited electrical energy without causing global warming. If done properly they will open up new vistas of human freedom and cultural development. They also produce much less CO2 than either nukes or hydrocarbons.

Fort Hood Tragedy Sparks Islamophobic Response (tags)

shameful media response

David Victor said (tags)

anytime I want

Tariq Mehanna: Obama's Latest Muslim Target (tags)

It's the wrong time to be Muslim in America

The Bosses Have the Public Sector in Their Sights. (tags)

Years of collaboration and concessions by the heads of organized Labor have paved the way for the aggressive attacks and confidence the employers are displaying now. These concessionary policies have been a catastrophe for workers leading to much unnecessary suffering.

SEIU blocks ballot count in workers' first union election (tags)

Faced with third win in three weeks by independent union, SEIU officials try union-busting

What Obama Isn't Telling American Workers (tags)

A lot is happening in the tumultuous realm of global economics. The “Great Recession” has caused tectonic shifts internationally, with outcomes that will dramatically change the lives of millions of people in the U.S. and beyond. And while Obama is acknowledging this fact with repeated references to “a new world order,” he isn’t explaining how this adversely affects working-class Americans.

Ineffectiveness and Dangers of Flu Shots (tags)

they contain a toxic brew

The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs (tags)

"The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs." The fact that the justification is even offered is remarkable. Suppose, for example, that Colombia, or China, or many others claimed the right to establish military bases in Mexico to implement their programs to eradicate tobacco in the U.S., by fumigation in North Carolina and Kentucky, interdiction by sea and air forces, and dispatch of inspectors to the U.S. to ensure it was eradicating this poison-which is, in fact, far more lethal even than alcohol, which in turn is far more lethal than cocaine or heroin, incomparably more than cannabis. The toll of tobacco use is truly fearsome, including "passive smokers" who are seriously affected though they do not use tobacco themselves. The death toll overwhelms the lethal effects of other dangerous substances."

The First Shots of the Trade War (tags)

With the G-20 summit approaching, cheerful talk of “international cooperation” fills the White House press-room. These comments carry with them the implication that “free trade” is integral to “cooperation,” a fact made explicit in the last meeting of the G-20. There, in the name of “united action,” world leaders agreed not to install any new protectionist measures. Since then, protectionist measures have flourished. Instead of global cooperation we have its opposite: international tensions are on the rise as trade disputes sharpen.

Leopards Can’t Change Their Spots, Nor Can Capitalists (tags)

Despite all the rhetoric, nothing much has changed and the fundamental contradictions of the system remain. The only solution is to rid ourselves of it.

The drumbeat of fear mongering propaganda continues: What are State and the Pentagon plan (tags)

"The AUC were a phenomenon that was changed by they looked for cultivation and smuggling zones, so this is what permeated the [border] zone, including today [the phenomenon] is still present in [Venezulean border state] Tachira with [paramilitary group] the Black Eagles." Venezuelan journalist Alberto Nolia, analysing the interview, said, "Its clear the Colombian government was completely involved in the conspiracy...Garcia has linked the government of Uribe with the paramilitaries and with drug smuggling."

World Bankers Agree: The Recession is Over...Maybe (tags)

Few would consider the opinions of the world's central bankers to be unbiased or even accurate. These self-proclaimed wise men of international finance didn't see the recession coming until it blew up in their faces - a blast that destroyed their credibility. Nevertheless, it is interesting to hear them talk, not because they're fun to listen to, but because of "the messaging" that rich investors use religiously in placing their stock market bets, while the rest of us are given a calming sermon, so that the bankers' lackeys - the politicians - may continue ruining the country uncontested.

The Obstacles to Real Health Reform - Private Insurers and Big PhRMA (tags)

Predatory providers are the real problem

The Underrated Danger (tags)

In the US, people have lived above their means for years and now must permanently lower their living standard. In America as in Europe, economists expect a tremendous rise in unemployment in the fall. This does not mean people will shop more.

Whole Foods is a Republican Scam (tags)

It comes as no surprise to anyone that the "Whole Foods" company is just another criminal Republican corporation out to make as much money from people as they can while advocating the "fuck you, I got mine!" mindset.

Obama vs Insurance:Pillow fights (tags)

Obama and the health insurance companies are pillow fighting. Ready to concede, the Democrats are already saying the ya-hoo attended townhalls have stopped them from passing through legislation, what about the townhalls against the war(s)? This fight is stopping because it never really was meant to win. Just another pillow fight with big business. The media wants us to believe that there is some sort of mass movement out there that is opposed to any sort of health care that is not run by the private sector.

Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda

Who Will Pay for Healthcare? (tags)

There’s a jumbled, increasingly hysterical tone to the health care debate going on in Washington. On each side of the uproar lie powerful and opposing interests: on one side the giant corporations who make billions of dollars via the status quo; and on the other, the majority of working people who suffer immensely from it. Creating a health care “compromise” between these two interests is of course impossible, but seeing the politicians in Congress attempt one is at least good entertainment.

Making Sense of a U.S. Owned General Motors (tags)

Now that the United States owns General Motors, many are asking, “What’s in it for taxpayers?” This is an extremely good question, considering that taxpayers may spend up to $100 billion [!] towards a company that’s currently worth around $450 million. (Wall Street Journal, 6/02/09) This large discrepancy in numbers means, obviously, that taxpayers could lose tremendous amounts of “investment” money if Obama’s “profit first” plan is put into effect. What is this plan? Strip the company to a fraction of its former self, using far fewer workers and making far less money in the hopes that GM will then out-compete the foreign competition on the world market.

GM's Turn on Obama's Chopping Block (tags)

The alarm bells should be ringing day and night about what’s being prepared at General Motors — the ripple effects could produce tidal waves. The Obama administration has made no secret about its plans for GM: the Chrysler bankruptcy was the “test case,” and now Obama’s Wall Street buddies inside the Auto Task Force plan to replicate it. The vast implications of the Chrysler bankruptcy went unnoticed by the mainstream media, concerned as it was with the convenient hype provided by Swine Flu.

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part IV (tags)

Federal Reserve plunder Part IV

The importance of the independent media (tags)

"The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know—or think we know—about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television."

Swine-flu outbreak could be linked to Smithfield factory farms (tags)

Research indicates the significant role played by factory farming in the latest outbreak of swine flu virus. Smithfield Foods operates immense hog raising factory farms in Perote, Mexico where close conditions encourage contagious bacterial diseases and viruses to rapidly breed and proliferate.

"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics Under Richard M. Daley (tags)

last of the big city bosses

Putting Finance Capitalism "Back in Its Box" (tags)

Their scheme is permanent debt bondage

Barack Obama: Crime Boss (tags)

Obama's criminal partnership with Wall Street

NorCal News; Dr. Norman Finkelstein visits CSU Chico (tags)

(4/13) Chico - Dr. Norman Finkelstein visited Chico State University and discussed recent events in Gaza, occupied Palestinian territories. He gave the packed auditorium details (omitted by our corporate media) about events leading up to the recent violence and disproportionate deaths of Palestinian civilians from IDF incursions into Gaza..

What Obama's Trip to Europe Revealed (tags)

Declaring something a success doesn’t necessarily make it so. We learned this at the Bush-led G-20 summit only four months ago, when global leaders were expected to do something far-reaching in response to the world-wide economic crisis, instead of chatting about it. When nothing came of the meeting, we were told that the summit “succeeded” because it “laid the groundwork” for the next G-20 gathering, recently led by Obama. The four months between G-20 summits was one of rising massive unemployment and social misery for millions of people, creating an urgency that was unmet by the world leaders in London.

EFCA on the ropes (tags)

Adam Turl reports on the bosses' backlash against the Employee Free Choice Act--and analyzes the shortcomings of organized labor's strategy.

Unraveling The Card Check Debate (tags)

Sometimes in politics a particular issue strikes at the core of deeper social-economic forces. Card Check - properly named The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)- is such an issue. EFCA, if implemented as proposed, would allow workers at any work place to join a union simply by having the majority of employees sign union authorization cards. The current law mandates that there be a secret ballot election one month after the requisite number of signed cards are submitted. This one-month period allows employers to mount campaigns to discourage employees from voting for a union, often using conscious distortions and intimidation as tactics. EFCA would prohibit newly unionized workers from striking for two years to gain a first contract. Moreover, if a first contract has not been negotiated within the first three months, a Federal Mediator can step in and impose a contract. Currently, employers who are compelled to recognize a union do not have to concede to a negotiated contract at all; and if, after one year a contract has not been negotiated, the union can be subjected to a vote of decertification, which is often the case.

China politics, economy speaker: history, business, competition, entrepreneurship, jobs (tags)

Watch out on the surging Chinese economic power! What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get great information and analysis from elite speaker George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker Bureau

Obama's Latest No Banker Left Behind Scheme (tags)

the looting of America

"Down the Memory Hole," Alan Greenspan Style (tags)

Greenspan-caused housing bubble

EFCA: BIG BUSINESS Talks Compromise after WSJ reports EFCA Doesn't Remove "Secret Ba (tags)

Employee Free Choice Act: "We have had conversations with like-minded companies and are open to exploring alternative solutions to the legislation as it is currently written," Starbucks spokeswoman Deb Trevino said.

Monetary and Fiscal Failure, Fraud, and Fear of What's Next (tags)

looting the treasury continues with militarism ready to confront dissent

The Blackout of the March 21 Mobilizations: Redbaiting on the Left (tags)

The War on Iraq drags on with no clear end in sight. The war on Afghanistan is being escalated. The war on Pakistan has also been stepped up, a war undeclared by Congress, therefore unconstitutional and the basis for an impeachment. All this has happened since Obama took office.

Call Sen. Feinstein to Demand Support of Employee Free Choice Act (tags)

Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein(Cal), Harry Reid (NV), Ben Nelson (NEB), Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln (both Arkansas), Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) and Mark Udall (Colorado) are working hard to help the Republicans defeat the labor legislation, the Employee Free Choice Act. Call 1-866-207-2060 to be connected to your Senator free of charge to tell them that to oppose the EFCA as it is now is to be anti-labor, which means they are running for immediate retirement. California ZIP codes will be connected to Sen. Feinstein's office.

Ghost Troop: USA 666 WMD (3/11/09 - 9/9/09) -- An American Advisory to Police and Militar (tags)

Captain Eric H. May's Ghost Troop cyber-intelligence unit has included a US ambassador, a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy and seasoned military veterans from all services. Their advisory is full of words for the wise.

China speaker: stock market, finance, politics, economy vs global financial crisis (tags)

Is Chinese or Indian century emerging sooner in light of global fnancial crisis? What is the next in global job, manufacturing and research transfers? What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get first hand information and analysis from elite speaker George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker

The Union Busting Strategy Behind the Employee Free Choice Act EXPOSED! (tags)

First,Navigators Global changed the "face" of the campaign, making it a fight between union bosses and workers, and branded the private ballot as the symbol of the campaign

China's global reach: Chinese business, finance, politics, economy vs world finance mess (tags)

Is Chinese century emerging sooner? What is really inside Chinese business, politics and economic world? How to take advantages of China's expanding market, cheap labor, and rising retail consumption? Get great information and analysis from elite speakper George Zhibin Gu from London Speaker Bureau

Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Economic Crisis (tags)

economic conditions worsening

Toxic Plans for Toxic Assets (tags)

Obama stimulus from hell.

A New Administration, Tired Old Policies (tags)

Counterproductive policies heading America for depression

Scooter Libby Was Not Arrested (tags)

Some conservative commentators have tried to parallel the odd arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on Dec. 9, 2008, and the indictment of I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff, on Oct. 28, 2005. There may be turn out to be similarities between the two legal matters, both prosecuted by Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, but there is little similarity in the treatment of the two men. To argue that Libby and Blagojevich were treated alike is false.

Al Nakba Redux (tags)

The liberation struggle continues.

A President Forgotten but Not Gone (tags)

"The man who emerges is a narcissist with no self-awareness whatsoever. The president famously couldn't name a single mistake of his presidency. He can, however, blame everyone else.."

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

Early Suspicions About Bernard Madoff (tags)

All Wall Street like Madoff

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act (tags)

Abolishing the Fed.

The Global Economic Crisis - Bad and Worsening (tags)

the crisis is deepening

Obama's Economic Dream Team? (tags)

indeed for Wall Street bankers

Media Response to Venezuelan elections (tags)

one-sided and inaccurate as usual

Lurching Toward Gomorrah: More Signs of An Unstoppable Economic Meltdown (tags)

a deepening economic crisis

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

Targeting Hugo Chavez (tags)

The dominant media assault continues

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

Targeting Aristide in Exile (tags)

the way all independents are treated

Fannie Mae Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale Davidson, Lord Rees Mogg,LOM Bermuda (tags)

Now why does Chris Cox and his SEC (U.S.Securities Exchange Commission)allow Scott Lines and his LOM(Lines Overseas Management) of Bermuda Bahamas Isle of Man,etc.whose massive U.S. penny stock frauds and manipulations in collusion with disgraced Florida Democrat Rep.Tim Mahoney's vFinance and Charles Schwab has been covered up by the SEC itself to buy and sell Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,etc. shares ? And how can anyone know just how many they really buy and sell or short,(dump),over time ? Could these types of offshore hedge fund and securities fraudsters be what caused the collapse of Fannie Mae shares and NOT the lie Chrisopher Cox about 'naked shorting' Cox has sold to the public ?

The End of Prosperity (tags)

The wages of sin have come due.

Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)

Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !


The fascist Fox News of Rupert Murdoch has been whipping up a mania and false fear against socialism, Marxism and “spreading the wealth” But it is protecting only its own tax evasion and the speculative profit, predatory lending and price-gouging of Wall Street and Big Oil.

Public Enemy Number One (tags)

Fed- engineered crisis.

This Time Is Different (tags)

Growing financial crisis.

The October Surprise - Global Panic (tags)

It's not over.

The panic of 2008 (tags)

Lee Sustar explains that the mayhem in the markets this week is symptomatic of a deeper crisis--and the leaders of the most powerful governments aren't sure what to do.

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.

The biggest systematic looting of the US Treasury in history (tags)

The great depression is about to repeat itself. Investment banks and deposit banks are failing, money has frozen up. No loans business or personal. No money available for employers to make payroll. There will be millions of Americans with no jobs and therefore no money. Basics such as gas and food will be hard to come by and many American families will go to bed at night hungry

Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Rigged election show democracy is pure fantasy.

Vying To Be Toughest (tags)

Both candidates promise permanent imperial wars.

Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation (tags)

Risking world conflict.

Corporate Media Bash New Chavez New Enabling Law Decrees (tags)

Corporate media denigrate Venezuelan democracy.

Negative Image: Robert Mugabe through the Lens of Western Propaganda (tags)

If you ever wondered how you came to know what you know about Zimbabwe, here is your chance to find out.

Why the MSM Can't Tell The Truth About Georgia (tags)

"From Tbilisi to Teheran" Heightens Suspicions of Motive in Georgian Crisis Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran. The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

Turning the Tables on the Israel-Firsters (tags)

Zionism's last gasp is due. Jewish groups are springing up throughout the world which are challenging Zionism's dominance in foreign affairs, and refuting the lie that Zionism's organizations speak for the majority of Jews, who reject Zionism.

Trump Mansion Sold To Russian Mobsters (tags)

The Enemy.

San Diego Bisexuals Host Sexuality Conference (tags)

The Bisexual Forum of San Diego hosted a conference on sexuality May 27 centered around whether, as society has grown more accepting of alternative sexualities, young Queer people today are less obsessed with coming out and being "visible" as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgender than their predecessors. The conference opened with a brief videotape filmed especially for it by author/activist Gore Vidal.

Choice in November - Nader v. Twiddle Dee or Twiddle Dum (tags)

The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan.

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break (tags)

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Disturbing Stirrings - Ratcheting Up For War On Iran (tags)

Worrisome signs resurfacing.

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home (tags)

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home defense drill

3rd American War Crime in the Making (tags)

Note that Obama has told AIPAC that he supports an attack on Iran ...

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making? (tags)

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making?

Bush v. Chavez - An Update (tags)

Continued Bush administration efforts to destabilize Venezuela.

Bush and Uribe v. Chavez and Correa (tags)

The latest made in USA regional mischief.

Fidel Castro: Who wants to be in the Garbage Dump? (tags)

Today, by mere chance, I remembered that the OAS still exists, when I read a cable posted on the Internet which contained an article by Georgina Saldierna, published in La Jornada, titled “Insulza rules out the possibility of re-admitting Cuba into the OAS”. No one even remembered the OAS. Note how retrograde this line of reasoning is.

Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez (tags)

The latest salvo in Bush v. Chavez.

Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdoch Empire (tags)

Murdock media lies and deceit.

Green Party Primary Coverage (tags)

Ralph Nader, Cynthia McKinney and Elaine Brown are among the contenders for the Green Party presidential nomination. This article includes primary results, and reports and analysis from the polls.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

Big brother really is watching.

Bringing Death and Destruction to Muslims (tags)

by Paul Craig Roberts

Chinese and Asian century: competition, finance, trade, politics, outsourcing, wealth, job (tags)

Is Asian century arriving earlier than expected? Explore what is behind the surging Chinese and Indian economy, finance, banking, outsourcing, foreign trade, currencies, labor, consumption, entrepreneurship and politics. Get great ideas from a leading thinker George Zhibin Gu.

FCC Proposes Greater Media Consolidation (tags)

FCC proposal will harm independent journalism

Ritual Gloating Postmortems - The Corporate Media v. Hugo Chavez (tags)

Relentless media bashing of Hugo Chavez.



Blackwater's Bu$ine$$ (tags)

In one of the company's most bizarre recent actions, on December 1 Blackwater paratroopers staged a dramatic aerial landing, complete with Blackwater flags and parachutes--not in Baghdad or Kabul but in San Diego at Qualcomm Stadium during the halftime show at the San Diego State/BYU football game. The location was interesting, given that Blackwater is fighting fierce local opposition to its attempt to open a new camp--Blackwater West--on 824 acres in the small rural community of Potrero, just outside San Diego.

The Lobby Strikes Back (tags)

A new book riles the AIPAC crowd, but makes it to the bestseller list anyway. by Scott McConnell

A Generalized Meltdown of Financial Institutions (tags)

By Mike Whitney 11/24/07 "ICH" -- - Reality has finally caught up to the stock market. The American consumer is underwater, the banks are buried in dept, and the housing market is in terminal distress. The Dow is now below its 200-Day Moving Average -- the first big "sell" signal. Anything below 12,500 could trigger program-trading and crash the market. The increased volatility suggests that we are watching a "real time" meltdown.

Imperial wars and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world (tags)

Imperial wars, crimes and genocide, Petrodollar Recycling System and meltdown of financial world order. Articles, analysis and video documentary

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)

If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.

BREAKING: Unelectable Hillary and Giuliani Tied to 9-11 Dancing Israelis (tags)

The indictment of Rudy Giuliani's stooge, former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is just the tip of the iceberg. Kerik operated as chief facilitator, along with then MEGA MOSSAD Assistant U.S. Attorney General under the Bush Administration Michael Chertoff, in allowing the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" to escape FBI interrogation and be allowed a free trip back to Israel.

Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud ,Terrorism (tags)

With the best Georgetown University 'education' money can buy and his U.S. and Israeli economic and political connections,ex U.S. Ambassador to Morocco,(and the first Jewish-American ambassador of a Moslem nation),Marc Ginsberg is among other things,just another sleazy Beltway or Washington, D.C. - U.S. penny stock con artist using his American and Israeli connections to defraud naive investors in the U.S. penny stock offshore money laundering underworld in which Marc Ginsberg operates to illicitly enrich himself and his Israeli mafia or Mossad connected partners in Israel.

Blackwater's Run for the Border (tags)

There are signs that Blackwater USA, the private security firm that came under intense scrutiny after its employees killed 17 civilians in Iraq in September, is positioning itself for direct involvement in U.S. border security. The company is poised to construct a major new training facility in California, just eight miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. While contracts for U.S. war efforts overseas may no longer be a growth industry for the company, Blackwater executives have lobbied the U.S. government since at least 2005 to help train and even deploy manpower for patrolling America's borders.


LOS PRIMEROS 40 RAZONES DE DUDAR LA HISTORIA OFICIAL DEL 11 DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2001 ... Un resúmen en sencillos puntos a enfatizar...

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us? (tags)

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends US?

American Jewry: Interests and Intents (w/ Help from Haaretz) (tags)

Captain May, the Internet intelligence writer, analyzes the taboo subject of Jewish ethnicity, and its impact upon our national policy. Is the term "anti-Semitism" about those who don't like the Jews -- or is it about those whom the Jews don't like?

The War Criminal in the Living Room (tags)

The media is silent. Congress is absent. Americans are distracted as George W Bush prepares aggression against Iran.

Should Journalists be Certified? (tags)

Reasonable people here in the U.S. appreciate, and also assume, that our culture’s news industry of executives, editors and journalists be held to high standards of professional conduct. A democratic republic needs, as well as expects, truth in reporting, and adequate, if not comprehensive, coverage on “all” important issues. To refocus the question of media fraud to one of whether journalists ought to be certified, or accredited by some kind of professional board, in order to be recognized as “professional” journalists, is, to say the least, shortsighted.

David Walker, comptroller general, warns of impending crisis (tags)

Learn from the fall of Rome, the US is warned. There were striking similarities between America's current situation and the factors that brought down Rome including declining moral values, an over-confident and over-extended military and fiscal irresponsibility by the central government.

Impeach Mainstream Media and Jail Murdock (tags)

Puppet regimes may come and go, but one of the greatest threats to freedom for most Americans is the Fourth Estate of propaganda and lies. This industry makes and breaks politicians. This industry and other elitists can easily handle a regime change—but they will continue to survive and thrive. Forget burning the flag: burn your newspaper instead—or one you especially despise.

The Militarization and Annexation of North America (tags)

NAFTA on steroids enforced with an iron fist

US Senate unanimously passes threatening measure against Iran (tags)

A little publicised amendment to the defence spending bill denouncing Iran for the “murder” of US soldiers in Iraq was proposed by Independent Democrat Joseph Lieberman and passed unanimously in the US Senate on Wednesday. Republicans and Democrats all lined up to support the White House’s unsubstantiated accusations that Tehran is funding, training and arming Iraqi militias, “who are contributing to the destabilisation of Iraq and are responsible for the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces”. For all their antiwar posturing, not a single Democrat, including the leading presidential contenders Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joseph Biden, opposed the amendment. Having supported the Bush administration’s crimes in Iraq, the Democrats are lending credibility to another campaign of lies, half-truths and disinformation aimed at justifying a new military adventure.

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !


Don't be a fool: Question 9/11 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001

Wall Street Journal's Looking Glass World (tags)

Made in Washington street protests threaten Venezuela

Ex Cailfornia Congressman Christopher Cox Frauds (tags)

You will see the war and ponzi scheme connected con artist Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who now heads the U.S. Securities Exchange Commission and who lied about WMDS in Iraq, as head of the House Homeland Security office, sending thousands of Americans to their deaths and perhaps hundreds of thousands of Iraqis to their deaths,now lieing outright about 'naked shorting' in order to help Beltway and far right insiders launder money with shares his SEC refuses to count or audit ! You will see Houston billionaire attorney John O'Quinn(recently in the news chasing Anna Nicole's Smith's funeral procession in hopes of getting a share of her ex petroleum millionaire husband's fortune and clashing with Howard Stern but just as sleeezy as Stern himself only richer from ripping women off in breast plant litigation,Texas tobacco litigation,etc.) who has aided this massive stock fraud as well and was attorney for such money laundering frauds as Stanford University's Endovasc 'biotech' penny stock fraud called Endovasc that has stolen money from American investors and laundered it in terorist suspect money laundering centers such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai !

The US war and occupation of Iraq--the murder of a society (tags)

The US war and occupation of Iraq--the murder of a society

UC Hunger Strikers, Supporters Confront UC Regents On Nuclear Weapons, 13 Arrested (tags)

More than 100 people, including 40 on the 9th day of a fast to protest the University of California's ties to the US nuclear weapons complex, delivered their demand for UC nuclear weapons lab severance directly to the UC Board of Regents at their meeting at UC San Francisco on May 17th. After several of the protesters vocally and persistently confronted the Regents on refusing to consider the demand, Regent Norman Pattiz ordered the dozen or so UC Police officers on hand to clear the room, moments after telling them to "go out and have some lunch."

Review of End Times (tags)

The dismal state of the corporate print media.

The War on Free Expression (tags)

The struggle to save our First Amendment rights

FBI Raids John Doolittle, Investigates Abramoff Lobbyist Scandal (tags)

Would like to remind the FBI agents investigating John Doolittle's involvement with lobbyist Jack Abramoff to remember Doolittle's interference with FDIC regulators who attempted to investigate C. Hurwitz's role in the Texas S&L collapse!!

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

China vs globalization: development, conflicts, business and politics (tags)

understand the deeper issues about China and globalization

Global poll condemns Bush administration (tags)

"The global view of the role of the US in world affairs has dramatically deteriorated over the past year, according to a BBC World Service poll released Wednesday. The study documents mounting hostility to US foreign policy, its destabilizing effect on entire regions of the world, as well as growing awareness of the threat posed to the environmental health of the planet. "

Cold Warriors Shift Ground on Nuclear Weapons (tags)

The truth that if we are to have a human future the US must lead the way in abolishing nuclear weapons has been frequently ridiculed and violently opposed. This truth may now be entering the stage of being self-evident.

BTL:Lawyers Representing Guantamano Detainees Lash Back at... (tags)

...Bush Administration Critics~Interview with Tom Wilner, attorney with Shearman and Sterling, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ? (tags)

James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhood friend Vince Foster. The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.



Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y 'Acciones de Centavos' (tags)

Jerry Weller ,congresista estadounidense y esposo de Zury Ríos Montt o Zury Ríos Sosa, hija del ex dictador Guatemalteco Efrain Rios Montt, has recibido donaciones politicos de Refco en su estado de Illinois.Refco estuvo parte de Chicago Mercantile Exchange antes de su colapso. Ahora Bancafe de Guatemala o Barbados o Miami o Colombia o donde sea es sinonimo con Refco o deben hacer.Y el 'negocio' mas grande de Refco en cuanto a acciones o 'seguridades' fueron 'penny stocks' de los Estados Unidos o 'acciones de centavos' sin valor.


Item: Yesterday on CNN and Fox News, V.P. Dick Cheney gave a tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for President in Nov 2008. This comes a week after Clinton visited major air bases in Canada aka British Intelligence MI-6 cells linked directly to Permindex, the British company that plotted and executed the murder of President JFK. Reference: True Colors, JFK Jr., and the attempted assassination of then V.P. Albert Gore Jr. in 1998 linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate....

Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian (tags)

Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...

Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)

Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...

Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate: Barack Obama (tags)

Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate....

GOP ad says vote Republican for more war and a bigger police state (tags)

If you want four more years of a war in Iraq and a war on the Bill of Rights vote Republican. At least that’s the message this GOP ad wants to put out.

The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

enemies of democracy (tags)

Manipulation of media and elections by Big Corporations.



Labor must take the road of class struggle! (tags)

A Working Class Emancipation labor bulletin

Day of the Dead Celebration (tags)

A Day of the Dead Celebration on Sat. Oct. 21st from 3-9pm, live music and refreshments all day!

Los Angeles Times:Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Venice,Florida flight school ? (tags)

Wall Street Journal,New York Times,Los Angeles Times,Miami Herald,etc. have maintained a self imposed black out of the 9/11,WTC, Pentagon, etc. tragedy's connections to Venice,Florida. This indymedia article-post is my protest against established media's allegiance to the Bush war criminals,stock frauds,money launderers and arms,petroleum and drug traffickers.

L A Times:Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terror flight school (tags)

Wall Street Journal,New York Times,Los Angeles Times,Miami Herald,etc. have maintained a self imposed black out of the 9/11,WTC, Pentagon, etc. tragedy's connections to Venice,Florida. This indymedia article-post is my protest against established media's allegiance to the Bush war criminals,stock frauds,money launderers and arms,petroleum and drug traffickers.



U.S. House expected to pass bill requiring photo ID at polls (tags)

A measure requiring voters to show photo identification at the polls is expected to pass the House today. Democrats say the move to impose a national photo ID requirement is part of a larger Republican effort to discourage participation by low-income and minority voters. Heil Hitler! A Federal National ID card soon to replace the state issued drivers licenses as the American Internal passport.

Army Retaliation against Sgt. Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO (tags)

The US Army has done the only thing it could do in its attempt to undermine the "911 NCO," Sergeant Donald Buswell, who has become a central figure in the 911 Truth Movement by calling for a new 911 investigation -- and being attacked for it. Sergeant Buswell, it turns out, has powerful comrades in the State Department who present a big problem for a military bent on defaming him for his position of principle and his mission of conscience.



The Four Pillars of Wisdom for 911 Truth (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer looks at four key principles that should guide the 911 Truth Movement on its road to becoming a majority movement. The opportunities for 911 truth have never been greater -- nor have the perils.

TWO Battles of Baghdad (tags)

A former Army officer describes the realities of Bush League unreality on the topic of the Battle of Baghdad, just admitted yesterday by Ambassador Khalilzad -- but having happened three years ago. Welcome to Orwell 101.



After defeating pro-war incumbent Lieberman, Lamont reassures Wall Street (tags)

The victory of multi-millionaire cable executive Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Democratic primary August 8 has produced paroxysms of uncritical celebration in liberal publications like the Nation and from groups like, which campaigned heavily for Lamont and against incumbent senator Joseph Lieberman.

Another Battle of Baghdad Cover Up -- It's Time for Truth (tags)

Summary: Former Army intelligence and public affairs officer Captain May argues that the Bush League infowar to hide the truth of Iraq's strategic and tactical blunders has sunk us into Middle Eastern quicksand -- and that the time for getting out is running out.

Public Transit Could Transform The Quality Of Life For Workers And The Environment (tags)

Having destroyed it once, public transit, like health care and education, is a service that US capitalism is incapable of providing its citizens.

Professor of Propaganda The Lies of Alan Dershowitz (tags)

In a characteristic op-ed, titled "Arithmetic of Pain", that would surprise neither his supporters nor his critics, published by the Wall Street Journal on 19 July 2006, Alan Dershowitz sinks to new lows of depravity and inhumanity in his long-standing hate-mongering and truth-twisting anti-Arab, pro-Israel crusade.

Diplomatic roads lead to Damascus (tags)

"Israel is losing this war," said Ralph Peters, a staunch pro-Israel columnist and military expert with the neo-conservative New York Post. "Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking."

The real aims of the US-backed Israeli war against Lebanon (tags)

As the onslaught against Lebanon enters its tenth day, Israeli troops are poised for a full-scale invasion that has been prepared by murderous aerial bombardment, and the far-reaching imperialist aims of the war have become all too clear.

Is the Arab Spring turning to Dust under Israeli Bombardment? BACKFIRE (tags)

Some press reports suggest, moreover, that a lot of Lebanese, seeing their capital under attack from Israel, are rallying behind Hizbullah. Even many formerly pro-American Christian Lebanese are deeply upset that Bush seemed to say it was all right for the Israelis to bomb their civilian airport and blockade the whole country. If the country goes to new elections, the results could be quite different this time.

Exposing the 9/11 Conspiracy Wingnuts (tags)

An expose of the 9/11 conspiracy wing nuts endangering the very core of our democracy, and world peace.

Media Non-event of 6/26/2006 (tags)

An important story was buried by the mainstream media last week: the 6/26 Senate Democrats hearing on Pre-Iraq War Intelligence. I offer this analysis of the media non-coverage of that damning (ergo, ignored) event. I hope you find it both enjoyable and informative -- and lament that no one else has done this bit of writing yet! Your servant, CPTMAY

Major candidates in Mexican election offer no solution to the social crisis (tags)

On Sunday, July 2, Mexican voters will elect a new president and a new Congress. The election takes place under conditions of mounting class tensions, as hundreds of thousands of teachers, miners and other workers have taken to the streets. None of the major candidates in the presidential election genuinely addresses the needs of the masses for decent-paying jobs, improved living standards and social programs.


Commentaries and news from Cheryl Seal Reports, June 23-29

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7



data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...

New U.S. Maneuvers on Iran: Tactical Shifts, Escalating Threats, & Continued Danger of War (tags)

For the first time in over 25 years the U.S. government has agreed to negotiate directly with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The talks would also include Britain, France, and Germany and would focus on Iran’s purported nuclear weapons program; the U.S. will participate only if Iran first halts its uranium enrichment program.

Columbian and Peruvian Elections Prove Stalin Was Right (tags)

US arranged elections in Columbia and Peru





SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)

Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.

Dollar takes a pounding (tags)

Dollar takes a pounding

Tom DeLay,Titan Corp,Skyway Communications, 9/11,Cocaine Trafficking,and Bloody Murder (tags)

Daniel Hopsicker continues his own one man investigation into the Venice,Florida Saudi terrorist flight school of Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris pal, Wally Hilliard,putting our'establishment' media to shame and disgrace once again.New York Times,CNN,USA Today,Wall Street Journal, should all hide in shame,as well as CBS, NBC,ABC, Rupert Murdoch and Fox 'News' should be put on trial for aiding murder,torture and rape so vile.

Warren Buffett,apologist for Utah Patrick Byrne,Senator Bennett stock fraud (tags)

Mr. Buffett acknowledged that he has a "friend" who is very concerned with naked short selling, a reference to Patrick Byrne, the chairman and chief executive of, an online "close-out" retailer. He said that while the many companies that attract a lot of interest from short sellers "very often" are later revealed to be frauds, he noted that "The one my friend runs is not at all." Mr. Buffett and Mr. Byrne go back a long way; Mr. Byrne's father, Jack Byrne, was long-time head of Geico, Berkshire's automobile-insurance subsidiary. - from Wall Street Journal





As support for Bush plummets, no alternative from Democrats (tags)

A series of opinion polls released in recent weeks have shown a massive increase in popular opposition to the Bush administration. The US president’s approval rating has dropped to barely one third, on a par with that of Richard Nixon on the eve of his resignation over the Watergate scandal. The latest results published Thursday were from a poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News, showing only 36 percent of respondents approving of Bush and his policies (compared to 48 percent a year ago). The same poll indicated that 67 percent believe that the US is on “the wrong track.”




Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

We are in a Chaos (tags)

American legitimacy is undermined. Hardly anyone believes in American morals any more. American credibility was shattered.. The present rests on errors of the past, lies and crimes. The Bush administration created a self-fulfilling prophecy with the Iraq invasion.


Alex S. Gabor publishes his fourth installment in his internationally syndicated column, Soros and Me!

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

House Resolution 635: Impeachment (tags)

30 Dems now support 635

Iraq "Rendezvous": Cheney, "Bubble-boy" and Ahmadinejad Up the Ante (tags)

Listening to Vice President Cheney and Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad exchange threats of war while both nations hover, like vultures, over the moribund carcass of Iraq's insurgency-racked shotgun democracy, I was reminded of David Low's famous 1939 cartoon, "Rendezvous." Mr. Low, you'll recall, depicted Hitler and Stalin as bloodthirsty tyrants, tipping their hats in salutation while standing over Poland's corpse. Thus, Hitler saluted Stalin: "The scum of the earth I believe?" Stalin replied: "The bloody assassin of the workers, I presume?"

Groundswell for Impeachment (tags)

A majority of Americans—a majority!—say they think President Bush should be impeached on at least two grounds, lying about Iraq’s alleged WMD threat and alleged links to Al Qaeda to justify an invasion, and NSA spying on Americans without getting a court warrant, but the media and Democratic Party leaders don’t want to admit it.


Exposing the lies and deception in the corporate media

Israeli influence in Washington: Jeffrey Blankfort interview (a MUST read) (tags)

Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

Returning to Disneylandia After Three Months in Cuba (tags)

Here's a series of comments and observations, comparing various aspects of life in Cuba and the United States as seen by a U.S. activist who returned from a three-month visit to Cuba in early January 2006. The author directs a news service focusing on Cuba. Also provided are a series of links to additional comments and report which are referred to in this essay. Thanks for taking time to read it.

A Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity - Last Call (tags)

These are the only motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity. A man arrested for threatening the continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jnr.

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything! (tags)

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!

The “Free Market”: The Greatest Terror Of All (tags)

The economic system of production we live in is called capitalism or the free market. We are supposed to be fortunate because we are free to starve to death amidst abundance. This form of social organiztion has not existed for all time and need not exist in the future. The first step in eliminating it is accepting this simple idea.


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat to Hugo Chavez from the U.S.

Christ's Recorded Statement to America (tags)

"Holy Christ.."

Canada's Johnny Wizard VS. the demon antiChrist Our Mr. bush Jr. (tags)

Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush Administration, when, the Secret Service top secretly requested I be arrested quietly for threatening the life of George W. Bush.

Canada v. George W. Bush - Trial of the Millennium (tags)

I again, near the end of your free time here, am asking for Americans to help me protect our freedom as it pertains to the false allegations that have been leveled against myself as a true living god by your seriously criminal demon leader dictator, the truly evil, Mr. bush Jr.

In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (tags)    

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/14/05) (tags)

Guantanamo inmates to lose all rights.

The Employers Can Be Stopped Starting With Delphi (tags)

The capitalist's offensive against Delphi workers can be thrown back but not without returning to the methods of the thirties

The Neo-Con Assault on Art (tags)

When the neo-cons attack civil rights, the poor, immigrants, gays - and wages war around the world, the "left" has a lot to say. But when the right attacks the arts, there is a deadening silence. Artist and blogger Mark Vallen hits the nail on the head. As Emma Goldman once said, "If I can't dance in your revolution, I want no part of it."

Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security ? (tags)

Federal officials are more responsive to foreign interests than to American citizens ! The President believes in unprotected borders. The Congress aids foreign governments. The Supreme Court evicts private citizens from their property to enrich foreign private profiteers. WHY?


A crucial demo to stop the mainstreaming of the Minutemen on Friday, August 26 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel at 9500 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills.

Bringing Technology To The Poor (tags)

Poor People Need technology Too...

Revolutionary Communists Take on Christian Fascists Over Schiavo (tags)

"One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America."

Tom DeLay, Congressman from Texas, House Republican Majority Leader,
speaking to his co-thinkers of "Family Research Council"

Tom DeLay is a powerful right-winger who wraps his ambitions in a frenzied god-speak. He is the cynical manipulator, who redistricted Texas to disenfranchise political opponents, and is now rewriting congressional ethics procedures to rescue himself from his own colossal corruption. He is an aggressive liar, who recently dared describe Terri Schiavo as "lucid."

But, for a half second there among allies, he let out something true.

This huge national power struggle over Terri Schiavo's fate has, in fact, elevated the visibility of what's going on in America.

New Pentagon plans to conquer nations, secure oil, advance globalization, militarize space (tags)

Need some motivation to march for peace this Saturday and to keep working for peace every day? Then please read the following. And please forward it far and wide.

Republican Abuse of Power: With This Congress, Democracy is dead (tags)

Even Newt Gingrinch says they have gone too far. "The House has become a place where trivial issues are debated passionately and important issues not at all."

Attny Gen. Spitzer Pulls the Pants Down on Mega-Corps (tags)

This speech was given by Mr. Spitzer at the National Press Club on 1/31/05

Alex Jones' Rebuttal To Allegations Made By Michael Ruppert Concerning Gary Webb's Death (tags)

Ruppert's article is so vicious in its scope that it makes us out to be literal demons for simply questioning the circumstances surrounding Gary Webb's death.We will continue to exercise our first amendment right to ask questions in pursuit of one thing, the truth. Just as we did in the deaths of Princess Diana and Dr. David Kelly.

L.A.'s Social Security Now- Update (tags)

Stop The Privatization Of Social Security!

100 Facts and 1 Opinion (tags)

From the Purple States to your brain

TRANSCRIPT: Interview with Gary Webb in 1998 Re-Broadcast Today on Democracy Now! (tags)

Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. We hear an 1998 interview with Gary Webb on Democracy Now! and we speak with his colleague, veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry. [includes rush transcript]


En combattant la candidature de Ralph Nader, qui porte les idées progressistes depuis plusieurs décennies, pour donner un blanc-seing au clone démocrate de G.W. Bush, les notables du mouvement « N’importe Qui Sauf Bush » ont ruiné cinq années de mobilisation croissante depuis la naissance du mouvement alter-mondialiste en 1999 à Seattle, jusqu’au mouvement anti-guerre qui a rassemblé des millions de personnes dans le monde en 2003, et qui exige aujourd’hui la fin de l’occupation étrangère en Irak et en Palestine. Au moment où la prétendue "guerre contre le terrorisme" s'intensifie, le mouvement pacifiste reste à reconstruire.

Road Ahead: Nonpartisan Alliance vs the Right (tags)

[A summary of the independent intervention by the left in Chicago, the lessons learned, and future prospects]

Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004 (tags)

Fred Burks of WantToKnow is fairly consistent in relevant informative articles exposure.

CHEMTRAILS finally's true, they're real (tags)

At long last, I've found an article to explains CHEMTRAILS and the reasoning behind them. It's well worth the time spent in reading this lengthy article to become apprised as to what in the hell is really going on..... Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington

The Secret Wars of The CIA (tags)

John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public

Bush's Hidden Majority (tags)

Bush's Hidden Majority

No to Falluja "cover up" (tags)

Dear friends, Are you wondering why/how the reports from Falluja have become so bland? Please read these frightening reports emerging from Falluja, consider sharing them with others, and take action to stop these horrors. jamie

Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media (tags)

The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters.

Global War Tribute (tags)

Iraqi oil is lost to the world market. Instead of the rosy promises of the neoconservatives who wanted to turn Iraq into America's private gas station, the opposite is happening.. The whole world has to pay for the disappeared oil on account of US crimes against Iraqis.

A Mexican Response to Arnold Schwarzenegger (tags)


Delusions of Empire (tags)

Another great article by Raimondo, telling it like it is. The sun has set on the neo-con agenda. Time for justice.

Is Bush Turning Communist? (tags)

Confusion among capitalists and Union leaders mounts as Bush calls for ownership of health plans and appears to support big government involving itself in matters of the market.

Ronald Reagan's Legacy (tags)

"For the richestg 1%, the Reagan tax cuts were pure elixer.. Reagan's budgets slashed social spending. Domestic discretionary spending was the special target.. Hardest hit were programs for low-income Americans.."

Wendy Campbell: The Secret Relationship Between Israel and Oil: What the US Media Hides (tags)

The US media has been covering for Israel for decades...

Starving Amid Plenty (tags)

With society awash in cash workers are expected to take cuts and be thankful

Some of Kerry's biggest fans are in the press (tags)

Contracts will be signed, and bushites will die (tags)

No respect for the American flag, nor the Constitution, while acquiescing to the, oh well, unaddressed rapes and torture of those evidenced innocent, while PUBLICLY claiming the rights to steal most everything, as the official definition of being lawwlessly "pro-Iraqi", while attacking any or all those demanding fair representation, or who honorably hold truces. Just imagine what the bushite's pro-Amerka will be like,


There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.

Profit over Science (tags)

"The shortsighted criminality of capitalist society is clear. Mentally deficient and motor handicapped babies will be born becauwse the political state is an instrument of powerful industrial interests.."

Welcome to the Machine (tags)

The only trouble is the lawless evil bushite child rapists, and repuglicon pension thieving war mongers, have no respect for American law, American lives, nor the God of any religion.

Bush wants your church membership directory (tags)

In a move sharply criticized both by religious leaders and civil libertarians, the Bush-Cheney campaign has issued a guide listing about two-dozen "duties" and a series of deadlines for organizing support among conservative church congregations.

Kill Kimmitt for this. (tags)

Kill Kimmitt for this. Kimmitt pushes American GIs to die as thieving terrorists, who instead of arresting bad guys, bomb homes of innocent families, while refusing to go after those nazi bush bitches in the Berg film who are whitey overweight slobs with towels on their heads.

Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.

Texans can do no wrong (tags)

"After reading stacks of documents from the investigations and talking to energy experts, I found more smoking guns in California's energy crisis than in a Clint Eastwood movie, and none of them have Ken Lay's prints on them." -- Kathryn Jones, 2001

"Anything they'd ask you, you'd have to lie" (tags)

On May 17, 2001, Enron Chairman Ken Lay held a secret meeting in Beverly Hills for VIPs (including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Milken) to lobby the Calif Legislature to protect deregulation. That same day the Bush/Cheney administration unveiled their national energy policy which adopted seven of Ken Lay's "suggestions."

Corporate Greed In Health (tags)

Some short notes from health care column in the Peoples Weekly World on corporate greed in health care.

Are We Out of Gas? (tags)


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

George W. Bush vs. John "Me too" Kerry: Is this really a choice? (tags)

How horrible do the Democrats have to be before we say "no"? Now’s the time to build opposition to miserable policies of the Bush administration--and their "me too" counterparts in the Democratic Party.

Is China weeks away from 'Great Depression'? (tags)

Already in need of a $45 billion bailout, the CBRC suspended all lending for three days. The enormity of China's banking problem is dawning on everyone--the system is nearing meltdown.

Why does Kerry sound like Bush? (tags)

According to the logic of the Democratic Party establishment and their mouthpieces, the only candidate that can beat Bush is the one that’s just as tough as Bush. As for people who actually want to see an end to Bush’s rotten reign--people who opposed the war on Iraq and Bush’s giveaways to Corporate America--they should keep quiet, while Kerry moves to the right to look for more votes.

''We've been vindicated in asking for the 9/11 commission'' (tags)

I think what's scary is that we have announced to the terrorists that there's a nice time to attack us, and that's the month of August when everyone is on vacation and at the transition period when we have a new administration coming in.

NESARA: peace information February 20th – April 9th, 2004 (tags)

“This morning from 7:30 am to 8 am, I shared the good news of NESARA on the ?Healthy Choices? show on KEST Radio 1450 AM in San Francisco”

WILL FALLUJAH BE USA'S LIDICE (town leveled by Nazis to avenge SS officer)? (tags)

Paul Bremer, the U.S. Protector of Iraq, has promised reprisals for the "murder" of four "civilian contractors" in Fallujah, Iraq. U.S. officials have called the killings "ghoulish." Beware another Lidice -- the Czech village liquidated and leveled by the German Nazis in 1942 to pay back the killing by Czech patriots of Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the occupation of Czechoslovakia. About "ghoulish," remember that President Bush's grandfather robbed the grave of Apache chief Geronimo and took his skull to Yale's Skull and Bones Society, to which both President Bushes belonged, where it was (and still may be) used in rituals. Let's don't get too self-righteous or bloodthirsty.

The fallacy of the 'anybody but Bush' movement (tags)

Just because Bush is a reactionary, that does not make Kerry a progressive. In fact Kerry, or whoever might have been chosen by the Democratic Party as a candidate to take over the running of the capitalist state, would be a solid representative of U.S. imperialism whose goal would be to strengthen and expand its domination on the world arena.

David Corn's Private Idaho (tags)

David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation, has adopted positions -- based, apparently, on thin air -- that exonerate the Bush administration from involvement in criminal conspiracies and mystify many of his progressive readers.

It's Time to Break From the Two-Party System! (tags)

Despite all the propaganda from the "Anybody But Bush" Democrats, George Bush would never have been able to carry out his attacks without the active support of the Democratic Party. It was the Democrats in Congress who voted to support Bush's "war on terrorism," the war on Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the Iraq war, and the $87 billion for the occupation of Iraq. Most Democrats voted for Bush's tax cuts for the rich and "No Child Left Behind." Sixteen Senate Democrats, including Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, voted for Bush's "Partial Birth Abortion" Ban.

Is Libertarian candidate Gary Nolan a Neocon? (tags)

Free the Eagle helped rally members of Congress behind Lt Colonel Oliver North and the Contra cause and lent office space and public relations advice to anti-Communist freedom-fighter movements in Mozambique and Angola ... and Gary Nolan is a board member.

White House sold war with ‘smoke & mirrors’ (tags)

Which is worse, a president who doesn’t know what’s going on and is manipulated by others, or a president who launches a war knowingly using false or misleading information to sell it to the American people?

Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)

This is simply a must read...

BTL:Government Officials, Pressured by Meat Industry... (tags)

...Fail to Safeguard Public from Outbreak of Mad Cow Disease in U.S. Interview with John Stauber, author of "Mad Cow USA", conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Daniel Pearl: On The Trail Of The 9/11 Mastermind? (tags)

Former CIA agent Robert Baer claimed that he and Daniel Pearl were working together on a joint project when Pearl disappeared. Has Baer been caught in a lie?

Web Address To Help Dean's Campaign (tags)

Web Address to Help Dean's Campaign: PoOSyePLhYs3lnipg..

Secret memo pushed a pro-Limbaugh PR blitz (tags)

The plan involved taking up former Senator Bob Dole's offer "to help" the embattled radio jock - and suggesting he write a supportive letter to Newsweek magazine.

Is Bush a bigger liar than Clinton? (tags)

George W. Bush and his sleazy gang have but one guiding principle that dominates all they do. They use public power and influence for private gain and will do just about anything to keep the power in order to keep the gain.

Wal-Mart 'Eats' More US Manufacturers (tags)

In case you haven't already figured it out the whole point of Wal-Mart is to help depress the wages, and ability to survive, of the average Working Person. The reason is simple: Slaves don't need as much and if they have Jobs and incomes independent of the elites they are harder to order about like Sheep. Welcome to the Totalitarian States of America.

Shelby Steele Says It Out Loud: Whites Not Equal In The New America (tags)

Misinterpreting Mr. Dean's remark as an effort to use "identity to seek political power in precisely the same way that Rev. Al Sharpton does," Mr. Steele went on to ruminate about why there is no white identity in American politics, even though, as he freely acknowledged, there are certainly non-white identities”

No 'Right' side to the Medicare bill? (tags)

Steve Moore, president of the Club for the Growth, and his group oppose the Medicare bill: "Our members just hate this bill. They really do. . . . We can't in good conscience support the largest entitlement expansion in decades."

G.W.Bush. a Satanic mind. (tags)

Assassination is big business. It is the business of the CIA and any other power that can pay for the "hit" and control the assured getaway. The CIA brags that its operations in Iran in 1953 led to the pro-Western attitude of that important country. The CIA also takes credit for what it calls the "perfect job" in Guatemala. Both successes were achieved by assassination. What is this assassination business and how does it work? Col. L. Fletcher Prouty . Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Cracking the Media Walls (tags)

A key advantage held by the Right is a "mass-media echo chamber," from which stories are spun via outlets like the Washington Times, Rush Limbaugh, the Wall Street Journal editorial page, the Weekly Standard and Fox News. Progressives have nothing comparable at the national level.

Does anyone care? (tags)

the neo-cons are leading us down a treacherous road, but does anyone care?

This is What Rush Limbaugh Thinks About People Who use Drugs (tags)

Rush will rant on for sure, after proclaiming that sessions with Jerry Falwell have recommitted him to Christ. He will be “reborn.” He will “triumph over adversity.” He will be embraced by Bush as a true patriot and the betrayal of America will continue, leaving in its wake a trail of brazen lies and the ancient ruins of democracy.

Dude! Where's My Country ? (tags)

I have seven questions for you, Mr Bush. I ask them on behalf of the 3,000 who died that September day, and I ask them on behalf of the American people. We seek no revenge against you. We want only to know what happened, and what can be done to bring the murderers to justice, so we can prevent any future attacks on our citizens

Just Answer the Question, Mr. Limbaugh (tags)

We have a golden opportunity to strike a blow for constitutional government by removing all doubt about the total failure of the drug war. However, Rush will probably just have his wrist slapped, his fans will defend him just like Bill Clinton’s defended him and most will never question the insanity of the drug war.

Wave the Flag To Deceive (tags)

To justify the war, the scoundrel Wolfowitz dishonestly points his finger at a Muslim response to the invasion he orchestrated: "more than 200 captured foreign terrorists who came to Iraq to kill Americans." Terrorists daily praise Wolfowitz for putting our troops in their sights.

The Partisan American media and the Whitehouse/CIA scandal (tags)

The effects of years of media consolidation certainly become obvious when you compare the treatment of 'scandal' during the Clinton Administration with the kid glove treatment given the Bush administration for genuine scandals about a hundred times worse...some cartoon commentary from Tom Tomorrow seems appropriate...

Claims 911 Was An Inside Job Go Mainstream (tags)

Who'd a thunk?

Bush re-elected? NOT! (tags)

The president's approval ratings soared following the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. In recent weeks, those numbers have dropped to the lowest levels of his presidency, with approval ratings of 49 percent in an NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll out Wednesday night and 50 percent in a CNN-USA Today-Gallup poll released Monday. HA HA HA!!!

A Debate: The War over Music (tags)

Stanford Law Professor Larry Lessig vs. Former RIAA CEO Hilary Rosen

Who is this piece of shit named ANDREW GIMSON? (tags)

See some of you propagandist bullshit about The NYC 9-11 Investigatory Film and Roundtable Program .The panel included former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; co-founder of the 911 Citizenswatch, John Judge; Publisher and Editor of "From the Wilderness", Mike Ruppert; former CIA analyst, Raymond L. McGovern; member of steering committee of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, David Mac Michael; author, Peter Lance, and filmmaker, writer, and media critique Danny Schechter. The Program is sponsored in conjunction with events in Berlin, Germany, in several cities in Canada, and several other cities in the U.S...

LAX in your future? X-Rays may be used on you (tags)

this article is disturbing; furthermore, there is no such thing as a "save" level of ionizing radiotion exposure and any statement or claim to the contrary is a flat-out lie. Don't take my word for it. Look at what John W. Gofman, M.D., Ph.D has written -- he is one of the founding fathers of nuclear physics and medicine, an old "cold warrier" that has come out in the open with truth ... he is the Professor Emeritus of Molecular and Cell Biology at the University of California (Berkeley) and former Associate Director of the Livermore National Laboratory (1 of our countries two leading labs for nuclear weapons development), and author of four scholarly books on radiation health effects. So please, all you fucking trolls out here .. get a grip... this is real science and for once, put your body before your distorted idea of what is love of country -

Wild West Show (tags)

Lewis H. Lapham is editor of Harper's magazine. Other articles can be found at

Racial Discrimination Is Still at Work in U.S. (tags)

The effect (and goal) of Prop 54 is to supress information like this. As Arianna Huffington put it, "It's racism without a paper trail."

Condi's Phony History (tags)

If their lips are moving - they're lying.

Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Cooked in Israel (tags)

In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.

Rickover's Statement On Coverup Of US Nuke Industry (tags)

"I feel that former President Jimmy Carter should come forth with all of the facts surrounding the Three Mile Island Accident, especially those which involved the radiation release and the dose to the public. "

September 11 commission complains of “intimidation” and stonewalling (tags)

The federal commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington charged July 8 that its work was being hampered by the reluctance of federal agencies to hand over documents or provide witnesses for unimpeded interview by commission staff.

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."

Murdoch's Extended Reach (tags)

We should be worried once again about Rupert Murdoch. For unless swift action is taken, Murdoch--and the conservative political causes he supports--will soon become an even more powerful presence in the United States and the world

U.S. is 3rd on World's "Economic Freedom" Index (tags)

Hong Kong, Singapore, and the United States rank first, second and third, respectively, in the latest edition of the 'Economic Freedom of the World' annual report by the Cato Institute and more than 50 other libertarian think tanks around the world.

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read! (tags)

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, the constitution could be law again!

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

On March 30, an AP photo featured an American pro-war activist holding a sign: "Nuke the evil scum, it worked in 1945!" That's exactly what George Bush has done. America's mega-billion dollar war in Iraq has been indeed a NUCLEAR WAR.

Pre-war predictions of quick exit, oil-financed reconstruction evaporate (tags)

Even as U.S. troops continue to be killed in Iraq at the rate of about one a day, the United States faces the prospect of occupying the country indefinitely and leading an international reconstruction effort costing tens of billions of dollars, according to several estimates.

AS THE ECONOMY CRUMBLES - June 16, 2003 (tags)

Summarizing the crappy economic news of the week.

Lies the Government Told Us Part 2 (tags)


Russia after the War in Irag (tags)


US prepares military repression in Iraq (tags)

Under the pretext that all the resistance to the U.S. Led occupation of the Oil Fields the Iraqi Resistance is being characterized as "holdouts" from the Saddam regime; despite the complete collapse of that regime. Wanna buy a Bridge?

After the War is Before the War (tags)

The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German

Bilderberg Black Out (tags)

To witness the annual Bilderberg conference is to realize how the “Lords of the New World Order”—the self-chosen elite of international finance, business, and politics—are allowed to assemble in secret and conspire with the connivance of the mainstream media.

Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas: Democracy Comes to Iraq (tags)

One month after the fall of Baghdad, the US has successfully liberated the people of Iraq from meaningful involvement in decisions about their own future.

US govt paid Bin Ladens after the 1996 truck bombing (tags)

Don't forget that after Al Qaeda's 1996 truck bombing in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, that killed 19 U.S. servicemen, Saudi Binladin Group built military barracks and airfields for U.S. troops.

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

The Curious Case Of 'Neoconservative' (tags)

"How can something exist and not exist both at the same time? The answer: by being neoconservative." How can one be a Trotskyite and claim to be a Conservative at the same time. Why by being a NeoCon.


The World's top Plutocrats and Monsters are having their annual shindig to decide how many millions of people are to be liquidated this year. These are the people who financed Hitler and others. One might call it a nexus of evil.

Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)

This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......

Right-wingers claim African American Muslims are dangerous (tags)

When Roy Innis joined the Libertarian Party in 1998, he told Party officials, "You have the kind of principles this country needs more of." More recently Innis alerted DOJ representatives about the potential for an "alliance" between Middle Eastern terrorists and domestic black Islamists.

Will Pre-emptive War Make America Safer? (tags)

Another aspect of U.S. safety is threatened by pre-emptive war. The Founding Fathers realized that not all enemies are foreign. What keeps U.S. citizens safe is adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Losing any part of the Constitution is precedent for losing other parts. Congress - the American people's representative - now has lost the constitutional right to declare war.

Death By Slow Burn - How America Nukes Its Own Troops (tags)

DU munitions are classified by a United Nations resolution as illegal weapons of mass destruction. Their use breaches all international laws, treaties and conventions forbidding poisoned weapons calculated to cause unnecessary suffering.

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)

ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.

Too Many Dots (tags)

Looking at today's news, this writer was struck by the reappearance of names of people who have been involved in cover-ups in the recent past. Like Yogi Berra's aphorism, its "deja vu all over again."

Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal: Yes, It Is About Oil (tags)

Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. A key player in that effort was Rumsfeld, then the CEO of Searle drugs, the giant phramaceutical company.

Tape confiscated in DC (tags)

Tape confiscated by government in DC, journalists in Iraq..

Greens Call Bush Indictable for War Crimes. (tags)

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." (Roosevelt) Please repost on other US Indymedia sites.

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

Anybody Got a Light? (tags)

Top 31 Bush - Iraq Lies: A Reference For Seekers of Truth So many lies have been spread by the Administration and their minions that it is hard to keep track. I suppose that’s part of their strategy. Overwhelm the opposition and the public with so much misinformation that the truth will never be clear. They can then press forward in an ambiguous cloud of fear and “what if?” scenarios.

Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)

“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?

CIA has 2 sons of the 9/11 architect (tags)

In the finest traditions of third world despots the American Government has abducted 2 young boys and flown them to the U.S. for Interrogation. Aren't you so proud?

Halliburton in the news (tags)

Interesting developments at VP Cheney's old workplace

13 myths about war in Iraq (tags)

This piece was created by the entire team, using an online collaborative process. Email: is a project of Organizers' Collaborative; for more information, visit

Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? (tags)

Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? By Robert Fisk The Independent | The Toronto Star Monday 3 March 2003

TRUST OR HUSTLE: The Bush Record  (tags)

“What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle.” - Republican pundit Kevin Philips.1

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq.

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq. web link

LernerGate: None of this Helps Kids in Iraq, But it Sure Got Michael Lerner Airtime (tags)

Michael Lerner's Ego Detracts From Worldwide Anti-War Protests.

Workers Action Says: DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! (tags)

Workers Action Says: No to Layoffs at Home, Bombs and Sanctions Abroad! Not A Penny, Not A Person To The Military! DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! Two Years of Bush: Two Wars and Two Coup Attempts! Is the U.S. Planning Permanent War?

GWB's speeches (tags)

The president's base shares with him the conviction that nothing--nothing--is more important than the war on terrorism. Conservatives always think the first job of government is to look to our national security, keep defenses strong, ensure public safety. So Mr. Bush's base is willing to give him a lot of room to maneuver to get what he needs on security and safety.

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

Republican Dissent to War (tags)

An ad from buisness leaders...


Die for Israel! An article from the Wall Street Journal, about how the Israeli lobby, AIPAC secretly pushed for and got the first war with Iraq. Do you really think it's any different now? This article is long, but interesting.


NEWSFLASH Mr. Bush's new criminal edict now states Americans can rise up for America to kill him as a terrorist and be thought Just and God Worthy. I Agree with bush finally.

Johnny is Mainstream! Johnny is Mainstream! Johnny is Mainstream! (tags)

..bush, the unelected American cop killer, has still to be questioned by american corporate dictates, why, General Ahmad, is not a wanted man by American Patriot flag waving standards being coporatized as not worthy thinking as.

Holy Jesus Man! Johnny Wizard is staying for snacks! Holy Jesus Man! (tags)

Holy Jesus Man! Have you heard the Revelations from India's government to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's, General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist plan existing as once top secret presidential documents, and, that this same general, was also responsible for, according to several members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, ...

Good reasons to DROP OUT OF SCHOOL and DROP OUT OF COLLEGE (tags)

John Taylor Gatto climaxed his 33 year teaching career as New York State Teacher of the Year after being named New York City Teacher of the Year on three occasions. He quit teaching on the OP ED page of the Wall Street Journal in 1991 while still New York State Teacher of the Year, claiming that he was no longer willing to hurt children. His books include: Dumbing Us Down: The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (1992); The Exhausted School (1993); A Different Kind of Teacher (2000); and The Underground History Of American Education (2001) The following was culled from his most recent work.

Blow Jobs and War Justifications: Not All Lies Created Equal (tags)

Media complicity screws us all

Daniel Pearl and The Paymaster of 9/11 (tags)

It was supposed to be the key chain of evidence linking the September 11 hijackers to Osama bin Laden - a wire transfer of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. Yet less than five months later, the man initially fingered as the paymaster of 9/11 would be sitting in a Pakistani jail, accused of a wholly different crime - the murder of Daniel Pearl.

corruption (tags)




Coup-making in Venezuela: the Bush and oil factors (tags)

As efforts to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez intensify, two facts are inescapable: the power elite in the United States has never been happy with democratically-elected Chávez, but it took the Bush administration, with its corporate oil and energy connections, to turn up the heat against him.

The Family that Preys Together (tags)

Something to tell your neighbours, before they start the TIPS program hahahahha


A Scientist has been forced to deny his work because it disproves the Global Warming Theory - the Inquisition returns!!!!







Bush Decreases Budget For Protecting Nuke Weapons Labs (tags)


Feds bail out Corrections Corp. of America (tags)

The BOP's 95% occupancy rate is "an arrangement almost never included in state private-prison contracts, which typically base payment on the number of beds actually filled."

PLAN Conference for Progressive Activists Draws 350+ From Over 160 Groups (tags)

LA, October 21. Saturday, hundreds of activists from over 160 different organizations came together for the first comprehensive political gathering since the terrorist attacks on September 11th. Originally, a 6-month progress report on how those commitments were faring was a major rationale for the planning of this conference, but the planners and presenters did an admirable job of reorienting their focus to deal with the radically changed and highly fluid circumstances in the wake of the terrorist attacks.

Pacifist moralizers rally behind the US war drive (tags)

I was directed to the World Socialist Web Site via the Yahoo news service under a section where they compiled a variety of news and opinion. I am not applauding Yahoo, such diversity of opinion is still rare. A piece that Scott Simon (of NPR fame) wrote for the Wall Street Journal merits special attention in this article.

British Press Asks Provocative Questions (tags)

They Can't See Why They Are Hated: Americans cannot ignore what their government does abroad Special report: Terrorism in the US Seumas Milne Thursday September 13, 2001 The Guardian

Wall St. J. Front-Pager on raids on Genoa Police raids (tags)

Today's (Monday, August 6) Wall Street Journal has an excellent article on police overreaching in Genoa. Many names (interviews conducted separately) and other details are given for credibility.

Matthew Rothschild:If You Prepare to Kill Protesters, You'll End Up Doing So... (tags)

People stand around the spot marked by a makeshift memorial where a demonstrator was killed during clashes with police, Saturday July 21, 2001 in Genoa, Italy. The demonstrator was killed Friday during clashes between police and protesters. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno) - Jul 21 10:09 AM ET

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