fix articles 9074, stand Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : stand


Whistleblower Network on Assange (tags)

" If the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still to be worth anything, all politicians in Western liberal democracies must stand up and speak out. Those who - quite rightly - stand behind Alexei Nawalny must also stand up for Julian Assange. The credibility of our rule of law is at stake here. "

San Francisco Cruelty (tags)

More news the San Franciscom media is not telling.

Stand Against Reem's. Stand Against hate. Stand Against Violence (tags)

Join together to show Reem's thugs that we will not allow our community to fall prey to hate. We must never allow violence to become normalized.

Stand Against Reem's. Stand Against hate. Stand Against Violence (tags)

Reem’s Bakery in the heart of Oakland’s Fruitvale neighborhood is a restaurant that glorifies terror

18 Lethal Consequences Of Hunting (tags)

A blood sport involving guns, bows and arrows, sometimes alcohol, boats, etc. often has lethal karmic blowback.

How does it feel to lose the war, America? (tags)

Down to the abyss with America

Jeremy Corbyn Elected Britain's New Labour Party Leader (tags)


United We Stand Festival Ignites a Wave of Action for Indy Journalists and Active Citizens (tags)

The "United We Stand” festival kicked off on May 10th in downtown Los Angeles at the Belasco Theater with musical guests Immortal Technique, Wu-tang Clan, Rooftop Revolutionaries, A-Alikes, Sounds of Solidarity, Kellee Maize, and Chuck D of Public Enemy. Social activists on a #waveofaction at the festival included comedian Lee Camp, Green party political candidates Rosa Clemente and Jill Stein, March Against Monsanto founder Tami Canal, Emma Cape of Free Chelsea Manning, Diane Goldstein of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, authors Rosa Koire, Ellen Brown, and David Swanson, and dozens more.

The Earth a Common Treasury for All (tags)

A meme for Earth Day.

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrests (tags)

Stand off in Santa Cruze ends with arrests

Rosendahl’s Legacy: Gentrification and Sweeping the Homeless Out of Venice? (tags)

Allegedly Progressive and openly Gay Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl may go down in history as the most divisive leader Venice has ever had by continuously organizing with and siding with people who hate the poor and homeless people of Venice.

Stand Your Ground Laws Legalize Murder (tags)



Mortgage Giant Freddie Mac Set to Forcibly Evict Riverside Marine and Family Dozens of supporters to join Riverside homeowner Art de los Santos in last stand as eviction order expires Company refuses to even reevaluate wrongfully foreclosed homeowner’s income.

BREAKING: Occupy LA holding plaza Lawn at BofA (tags)

3:15 pm - Caller from the scene estimates 25 tents set up on the lawn. Well over 150 holding the lawn, with close 200 in the plaza area.

Critique of Marianne Williamson at Occupy LA (tags)

A critique of a small part of Williamson's speech regarding capitalism.

National Lawyers Guild Assists Anonymous (tags)

The NLG has published a website for "Anons"

Drugs are bad, unless the government is forcing you to take them. (tags)

The government shrinks say Loughner is nuttier then a fruit cake, but he is sane enough to voluntarily agree to take powerful psychotropic drugs the Feds want to force on him. Some fair trial!

BTL:Will Democrats Stand and Fight or Surrender to GOP Plan to Dismantle Medicare? (tags)

Interview with Damon Silvers, policy director with the AFL-CIO, conducted by Scott Harris

Promises, Promises: Obama Rebuffs Invites to Stand with [Wisconsin] Workers (tags)

Send Obama and the Democrats a message and change your voter registration status to "Green Party" or "Peace & Freedom"! (Last years' Prop. 14 eliminated partisan primary elections, so there's really isn't any reason left to be a registered Democrat). Postage-paid voter registration cards are available at most libraries and post offices -- fill out one today!

God Cop, Bad Cop, Once Again (tags)

Sadly, we are again watching the ages-old game of subverting a popular uprising to ensure that the old power elite remains rich and powerful by taking advantage of the shifting sands.

Open letter from ANONYMOUS to the people of TUNISIA [HQ VIDEO] (tags)

Congratulations on your brave stand against your dictatorship! You have won! Well - You have defeated the dictator - now you must defeat the dictatorship! Keep up the fight for freedom! RCD members are everywhere, with bloody hands...

BTL:Jim Hightower Urges Progressives to Stand Up and Take Action After GOP Election Gains (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

BTL:After Election Defeat, Democrats Must Choose: Move to the Right or Stand Up for Progre (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Trying To Bend Both Ways (tags)

There really isn’t any way to say you stand staunchly against a position if you hope to remain credible for long - not in the eyes of the public. It’s like a person claiming to be fasting from food for the greater good passionately and openly, but then getting caught feasting on barbeque spare ribs and lo mein at the Chinese restaurant on the opposite side of town. It’s like the person claiming to be against drugs getting videotaped selling crystal meth. It’s like the human rights activist businessman getting caught using child labor. Whether to the right or the left of the political spectrum no one likes it.

We Stand With Bradley Manning (tags)

"865 Fri Jul 23 13:23:58 EDT 2010 Darlene Wallach Justice for Palestinians Bradley Manning is a courageous hero for doing what is right! Free Bradley Manning. Arrest, indict, prosecute the real war criminals the Bush administrationl, the Obama administration, all members of congress."

NAZIS GO HOME! Spit and Swastikas Clash in Riverside (tags)

Those interested in opposing the NSM and other racist groups can contact

No More Police Murders! No More Stolen Lives! (tags)

October 22nd is the National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. It is the day to begin to stand up and resist the outrage of police brutality and police murder. FIGHT BACK! WEAR BLACK!

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech to the UN General Assembly (tags)

The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?

Daily L.A. Single-Payer Healthcare Rallies --ANNOUNCING "CAMP HEALTHCARE" (tags)


Senators Either You Stand with Working People, or YOU stand with Greedy CEOs on EFCA (tags)

Big banks and greedy corporations got our country into this mess," "Now they want to fire or harass employees who want to join a union." Senators Lincoln, Webb, Specter, Vitter, Pryor Either You Stand with Working People, or YOU stand with Greedy CEOs on The Employee Free Choice Act EFCA. Which Is It?

Solidarity with Queer Bulgaria: 27 June 2009 (tags)

The International Queer Solidarity Network calls for a European mobilization, with support from the United States, that will stand in solidarity with Queer Bulgaria.

Stand Up For Your Rights (tags)

March 21, 2009 LOS ANGELES--Video from the anti-war march. "There is no way to Peace....Peace is the way"

Netanyahu won't stand for two state solution. (tags)

He wants a bantustan solution.

Statement of Solidarity for Filipino Workers of Hanjin Subic bay (tags)

We, the Filipino American community in the United States and their allies express our militant solidarity with Hanjin Shipyard workers in their struggle to unionize and thus end their deplorable working conditions which has led to at least 24 deaths. In January of this year, two more were killed while just as February began, 24 were hurt when a bus carrying workers to the shipyard overturned. We are appalled at the slow response of the Philippine Senate and the Executive branch and their failure to act on the continuing fatal accidents and deaths of workers at Hanjin Shipbuilding.


We, the Filipino American community in the United States and their allies express our militant solidarity with Hanjin Shipyard workers in their struggle to unionize and thus end their deplorable working conditions which has led to at least 24 deaths. In January of this year, two more were killed while just as February began, 24 were hurt when a bus carrying workers to the shipyard overturned. We are appalled at the slow response of the Philippine Senate and the Executive branch and their failure to act on the continuing fatal accidents and deaths of workers at Hanjin Shipbuilding.

Video: Free Gaza Protest (tags)

LOS ANGELES, January 10, 2009 – An estimated 2,000 plus people marched through Westwood to protest the continuing Israeli invasion of Gaza. Marchers were lead by organizers working with police on a pre arranged march route. Any deviation from the set march route was not allowed. Police and organizers kept a tight lock on the marchers and lead them around in a circle through Westwood village. Much like the siege of Gaza itself police and the organizers deployed outrageously disproportional show of forces.

!BLOC! The Streets! THIS SATURDAY! (tags)

So Answer is taking to the Streets...yet Again? This Saturday! Along With The Answer Mass, Let's BLOC the Street! NO GOING BACK!


The Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has announced its official stand on the resumption of the GRP-MILF Peace. The AJLPP sources learned that based on the an earlier decision promulgated by the its Central Committee, Chairman Al Haj Murad Ebrahim, issued the statement on December 26, 2008. Murad said the MILF is “open to resume the ‘collapsed’ or stalled” peace negotiations with the Philippine government. This in deference to the call of both the local and international communities to resume the talks and stop the fighting and to the standing policy of the MILF that the track of peace and negotiation is the “most practical and civilized way of solving the age-old Moro Problem and armed conflict in Mindanao.”

The Banana Incident (tags)

Bananas, cosmic radiation, and private property.


“Jail the greedy capitalist crooks, No to the federal bail-out to embezzlers, No burden to honest tax-payers!” This is the stand of the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC in central Los Angeles as the Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the City Council on Tuesday denounced the $700-billion rescue plan for the nation's financial institutions, saying the deal provides too much power to U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson.

The Political Rape of the Navajo (tags)

As a result, the people have become so demoralized with political misrepresentation they don’t even try to stop it from happening. Double-tongued fraud and deceit has become normal operating procedure for these disreputable elected politicians.

AFL-CIO’s John J. Sweeney Fears “an American Nightmare!” (tags)

On April 8, 2008, John J. Sweeney said in Baltimore, MD, that the country is going down the tubes and dragging working class people with it. He’s the head of the national AFL-CIO. He added that in November: “We have an opportunity to reverse these awful trends.” On May 1, 2008, West coast dockworkers are calling a work stoppage to protest the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Perhaps, Mr. Sweeney will join them on the picket line. Stay tuned.

libertarianism (tags)

Benito Acosta, Costa Mesa council trial starts today (tags)

The criminal trial of Acosta, accused of disrupting a City Council meeting in 2006, starts with testimony from Mayor Allan Mansoor

ACLU attorney interviewed on KPFK about Coyotl Tezcatlipoca's case (tags)

Belinda Escobosa Helzer, an ACLU attorney representing Coyotl Tezcatlipoca, talks about his case on the KPFK program, Uprising, on Monday, September 24, 2007.

Criminal Trial for Costa Mesa Activist (tags)

The charges of “disrupting” a city council proceeding stem from a free-for-all that broke out during a public comments session of the Jan. 3, 2006, Costa Mesa city council meeting after police, acting on Mayor Allan Mansoor’s orders to take an early recess, pulled Acosta away from the speaker’s podium and pushed him outside the council chambers before his three minute speaking limit had expired.

Musical Nukes (tags)


Libby ruling illegal (tags)

Like Paris, he will still do jail ime

Again, Let the Immigration Debates Commence (tags)

Now that the Immigration Overhaul /Reform Bill or S.B. 1639 is being debated in the Senate, much emotions had been invested in the debate and a lot of sparks have flew and have lighted the dark night of the long wait. The LA Times today, June 26 hit the issue on the head: “ Conservatives continue to brand the legalization plan as amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants they say should be forced to go home. Religious groups have decried the weakened emphasis on family immigration. Immigrant-rights groups complain that temporary workers can never become citizens.


Five Philippine progressive party-list organizations headed by Bayan Muna and ANAKPAWIS on Wednesday endorsed eight senatorial candidates including Team Unity’s Joker Arroyo and Ralph Recto. The groups also endorsed Genuine Opposition’s Loren Legarda, Aquilino Pimentel 3rd, Francis Escudero, Alan Peter Cayetano and Manuel Villar and independent candidate Francis Pangilinan. Besides Bayan Muna, the other party-list groups that announced their support for the eight candidates were Suara Bangsamoro, Anakpawis, Gabriela and Kabataan Party.

A28: Nationwide Protests for Impeachment (tags)

On April 28th, thousands of Americans will stand up to demand the impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney.

Report: International Day in Solidarity with Haiti (Los Angeles) (tags)

The grassroots resistance in Haiti called for international solidarity on or about February 7. Activists on four different continents participated. Here in Southern California, over 30 people demonstrated in front of the Brazilian Consulate in Beverly Hills. (Brazil is heading the UN “peacekeeping” mission in Haiti.)




The Government of Mexico has sentenced the Indiginous Cucapá to extinction by refusing to recognise their traditional and cultural right to fish in the Gulf of Mexico, while at the same time granting permits only to multi-national corporations and tourists for sports fishing.

Campamento Zapatista (tags)

The Only Way Out of Iraq: Troops and Teachers Stand Down (tags)

Efforts to vote the US out of Iraq, to lobby the US out of Iraq, to beg the US out of Iraq, or even to march the US out of Iraq, misinterpret the causes of the war, and the locations of power where anti-war action might matter

On the Philippine Judge’s Decision to Deny Custody of a Convicted US Marine to the US Emba (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) USA highly commends Judge Benjamin Pozon of Makati City, Philippines for standing firm on his decision not to give the U.S Embassy custody of convicted rapist Cpl. Daniel Smith of the U.S. Marines despite the lap-dog subservience of the US-Arroyo government and its Department of Justice. What remains now is to ask all patriotic Filipinos to unite and act to scrap the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) that is the source of all the indignities and violations of our national territory and honor as a people. The United States will always use the onerous and lop-sided VFA to advance their interest against our people and nation. Truly, it took the courage of a Filipino woman, “Nicole”, who stood up for her dignity as a person to emphasize the unequal relationship between the US and the Philippines. It took another brave Filipino man, a judge, to uphold our sovereignty and the majesty of Philippine laws to make us proud to be on a moral high ground and to stand firm as Filipinos. It will take the people of the nation to unite the country to continue to stand and fight for its sovereign rights.

LA Greens support City Council vote on living wage (tags)

Los Angeles Greens support City Council vote on living wage for LAX area hotels, urge expansion of living wage ordinance and further support for unions

Bush keeps revising war justification (tags)

I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, .... George W Bush

A New Movement is Born - Congratulations Democrats NOW Do Your JOB !! (tags)

Republicans have sold their souls and are unreachable by anyone who doesn't have millions for their campaign coffers. The Democrats appear to be poised to gain some power. We watched the Democrats allow the 2000 election to be stolen by allowing black voters to be disenfranchised in Florida. Did you see Farenheit 911? Not one Democratic Senator would stand up with the black caucus. I watched the Democrats stand by and leave Cynthia McKinney dangling when she found the courage to demand of Rumsfeld "Where's the $2.3 trillion you lost?" and "Investigate 9/11." So, where are we. We have a weak opposition party that has performed dismally. One that finally may gain some power. One that may not do anything with that power unless they wake up with 1 or 2 million demands from us citizens that something be done to change our country for the better forever. is a vehicle to make that happen.

March with ANSWER in LA's LGBT Pride Parade (tags)

Be a part of the struggle for LGBT equality and against war and racism. March in LA's Pride Parade this Sunday!

NO WAR AGAINST IRAN - SUPPORT Pixel4peace© (tags)

Pixel4peace© is a worldwide initiative for DIALOGUE of the cultures and AGAINST WAR WITH IRAN ! PLEASE SUPPORT Pixel4peace© !

The Ghost of George Wallace: Immigration and White Racism (tags)

They were on the verge of a walled off country, a police state whose target would be Brown people. Then, on Saturday, their dominace cracked.

Former Pasadena Mayor Runs for Congress as Green (tags)

Bill Paparian, former Mayor of Pasadena and civil rights attorney will challenge "right wing" Democrat for Congress

Kerry's Bravado (tags)

Just listen to this bravado from Senator John Kerry: "With the pivotal 2006 elections approaching, we won't be blackmailed or denied. We won't stand for Swift Boat-style attacks. We won't be intimidated." --But isn't that essentially what this man told us back in 2004?

Why the South Cent (tags)

The time is NOW--the urgency is BOILING over, to make a stand for LAND and DIGNITY.

National Stand Down Day (tags)


Religiously Organized Tooled for Brave New World Order (tags)

Was reading Bill Moyers' article ( about this stuff that Bush II has been supporting, and as I read, knowing what I know about statecraft, I couldn't help but to see how, as usual, people are being hyped-up and divided for interests that they're not aware of.

Day of Remembrance (tags)

Day of Remembrance honors the transgender men and women who were murdered because of their "T". DOR is to say "NO!" to the "transpanic" defense, which allows murderers to blame their victims.

We Can Win; Now When We Take a Stand for Human Rights It Means More. . . (tags)

With legislation on the verge of passing to close the "School of the Assassins", the time has come this November to stand up against violence, torture, and war! This Nov. 18-20 we ask that all those who stand for justice and democracy join us at the gates of The U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC), in Fort Benning, Georgia. In November of 1989, 14-yr old Cecilia Ramos, her mother, and 6 Jesuit Priests were murdered by a Salvadoran Death Squad attempting to instill fear in anyone who raised their voice against El Salvador's military. This November - as the 15th anniversary of the SOA Watch movement and support for legislation HR 1217 on the verge of closing the school - we need YOU, your family and friends, to join us at the gates in Fort Benning to end the violence and demand justice and freedom.

National Stand Down Day (tags)

Call to action at recruiting stations across the country

Nationwide Recruiting Station Demos November 17th and 18th (tags)

“National Stand Down Day” November 18, 2005 End The Iraq War - Demonstrations and Nonviolent Resistance at Recruiting Stations Across the Country

What Opposition Party? (tags)

The leading lights of the Democratic Party are hiding in the shadows on virtually every important issue, avoiding taking progressive stands on anything of consequence. Handed every conceivable opening by a corrupt and incompetent ruling party, they are refusing to offer an alternative. Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave.

Along Baltimore City’s Peace Path (tags)

On 09/11/05, demonstrators in Baltimore City turned out to protest rabid militarism and the Iraqi War. If this action also leads political hack, Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski (D-MD), to speak out against the Iraqi War and to stop funding it, it will be a huge success! Her priority has been to give tens of billions of taxpayers’ money to Israel, while the Chesapeake Bay is dying from “dead zones,” and the levees at N.O. were in desperate need of repairs.

Nothing to report from Iraq's front, America (tags)

Here is a president who purposefully, if blindly, took his nation to war, brandishing with equal mastery ignorance and incompetence...

Dept. of Defense Town Hall Meeting, 6/29/05: Recruitment ? (tags)

Recruitment question/answers and more......

Racists Go Home (tags)

My take on the protests against the Minutemen and SOS racists.

Stornfront Coming to BP? (tags)

The message below was taken from a StormFront message board thread.

Protest to Save Self Help Graphics (tags)

Without culture the people have nothing. Stand up to defend Self Help Graphics!

SOS Must Be Opposed in Alhambra (tags)

On Saturday, the Ventura based SOS organization will be holding yet another anti-immigrant demonstration, this time in Alhambra (9am –Noon at Home Depot, 500 S. Marengo, Alhambra). The SOS likes to harass and intimidate day local day laborers. Passages from the SOS website portray a “massive illegal alien invasion” which turns “our communities into cesspools.”

Stand Against Racism - June 18th (tags)

Chale con los minutemensos. We don't want racist hate mongers in any of our neighborhoods.

May 25 Legal Defense (tags)


Elections for Anarchist Funding Group (tags)

The Freedonia Corporation is currently seeking volunteers who wish to stand for election to its Board of Directors for a one-year term starting in June, 2005.


Florida has shown its true colors they will stand by the 1000’s in the streets for another country yet when of their own is being killed, they do virtually nothing.

April 2 Rally a CSP-LAC Lancaster Prison (tags)

Five inmates are dead since Sept., others are being tortured. Warden Harrison is very certain people aren't going to drive 60 miles into the desert to stand up to this. We are hoping for mothers, grandmothers, older people but all are welcome.

critique of 3/19 (tags)

The March took too long to start, and that may have driven some people away. (esp. when RAINING!!!!)


Stand against racism here and abroad! Stop police brutality! The A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition (Act Now to Stop War & End Racism), Los Angeles, condemns unconditionally the Los Angeles Police Department for the brutal murder of Devin Brown, and all acts of latent and racist brutality against the people of Los Angeles.

Saddam Hussein, Is, Was and Always Will Be the Genuine President of Iraq (tags)

40 years after Selma’s ‘Bloody Sunday’ (tags)

Widespread vote suppression and irregularities on Nov. 2.

Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20 (tags)

HOW DARE THEE? Democracy IS Deliberatley Criminally, Hastily being frog-marched to the GallOWs. Adding insult to injury it's Horribly OutRageous that, Insidiously it is and OFFICIAL State-Secret! The powers that be have coldly calculated that America and Americans will lie to themselves, tell themselves lies and Live with a Lie. For the most part they may be right, many are physically & emotionally energy-sapped, distracted, conTrolled, apathetic, demoralized and even Zombified. Many millions though, are ascending to that MounTain Top where the view is so grand, omnicient and the scent wafting from the grounds of our election system, smells FOUL with falseness, fraud and an unholy alliance of corporations, judges and elected? officials AND money twisting, unsportsmanlike a process requiring fairness, transparency, integrity into an abomination- a crime syndicate having undue control of the Public and Human right to Vote. The basic Way to petition Our Servant, elected governments, for a redress of grievances. This Liberty Lover has written a Paul Revere-esque chain letter, a powerful invocation to Clot the Bleeding Wound inflicted by a felonius assault on Democracy. We will NOT or canNot Live within a comfortable, despicable LIE. If you say it's crazy to expect a NewVote, take your lazy negativeness over to Ukraine, the real loser over there needs supprters. You know whats crazy, Bush's approval rating hac been at 48%-for months, 50% of 118million voters is 59mil, partisan claims of 60.7mil are being bandied about in the cuckoos-nest money-motivated manipulated Media.48% =56.6mil! It's ENABLING to Allow the habitual theft to happen over and over. Whats really crazy is snuffing out the life of an 180-pound Human with a 500-pound missile! (excerpt); America faces an apocalyptic moment. On November 2nd, at least thirty three million Americans (John Conyers estimates more than half of all who voted) lost their right to vote; their votes are indeterminate since they cannot be verified by hand count! This is an amazing and historically disastrous fact! Most of us were forced to vote on computers lacking paper evidence of who we voted for. Can any election be more than a sham under such a condition? Even worse, our votes could have been secretly and invisibly changed to favor George Bush or other Republican congressional candidates by the Republican owned business entities that secretly counted them. And all this after publicly promising their Republican associates they'd win! The bottom line: we really cannot know which Congressman, Senator or President was actually elected on November 2, for the vote-counting was able to be secretly and privately manipulated and then blocked from audit because there were no paper trails required. Thus, the entire national election of November 2 was fundamentally and uncorrectably flawed! Below is a letter I'm sending to one hundred non-profit organizations who represent the best of America's thinkers and doers. I'm asking them to be the Paul Reveres of this country and save us from the corporations now in control attempting to turn America into the largest, most powerful fascist nation the world has ever experienced. The American people don't want that. They abhor it and won't stand for it. I urge each of you to spread this letter as far and as wide as you can. It is a matter of life and death. The life of a democracy that began the 4th of July 1776 but which will die on January 20th 2005 unless we demand and achieve a new, honest election before that date. The People are Coming! The People are Caring! The People are CaaaaRRRinG! LET FREEDOM RING! Let My People GO! *****

The 'American Dream' Is Not Dead (tags)

a call to war

Ballots Or Bullets? (tags)

The only choice we'll have is between ballots and bullets if we want to remain free. That is the dilemma facing America today. Do we restore integrity into our election process today or do we face a dark choice later?

United for No Injustice, Oppression or Neglect Press Conference (tags)

Press conference to announce the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit for the pepper spray death of Anthony "Kirk" Brown, a bipolar inmate housed at CMC San Luis Obispo who was brutally murdered by guards 8/27/04



Jesse Jackson thinks we deserve and explanation for the bulge- what is wrong with Kerry? (tags)

Does anyone think that if the situation were reversed that the Bush camp would let this go?

Athletes enraged over dog killings (tags)

SOME OF Canada's Olympic athletes are outraged the Canadian Olympic Committee won't take a stand against Athens officials who are poisoning up to 15,000 stray dogs in the city so the country looks pristine during the games.

Calling all Rebel and Revolutionary Youth! (tags)

Calling All Rebel and Revolutionary Youth! Come to New York City for the month of August to run with the Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, NYC! Revolutionary Worker #1247, July 25, 2004, posted at

Regarding Arab/Islamic Resistance and Western Leftists (tags)

LA IMC editors? (tags)

When the collective allows the kind of filth to stand that I have seen, it can serve forth no reason to claim it can't understand why the readership has dropped.

PFLAG Chapter Forming in Temecula (tags)

How can you help take a stand against discrimination and intolerance? Jim Woodward of Temecula is organizing a local chapter of PFLAG -- Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered Persons.If you want to be part of the PFLAG chapter, there is an organizing meeting in Temecula on Sunday, May 16 at 3:00 p.m. For directions and more information, please call Jim Woodward at (909) 693-4852.


The CIA is one of the most deadly weapons of mass destruction ever devised and I have been chasing them around the world for several decades. I would rather have the RED ARMY run over my neighborhood than THEM. Every time we elect some one this first wave invasion force comes home.

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network March 20th Statement! (tags)


BU__! SH__! BOMBS NYC! (tags)

The Resident of the United States issued a STAND DOWN ORDER on the morning of Sept.11, 2001! This order stopped the military response that the 911 planes would have invoked if a Human Being had been President. They are required by law to be intercepted within 15 minutes. We have a liar and a traitor in the Black House. Do you think that NYC has no air defense plan? NYC bombed by the WAR PROFITEERS!

A Transman Meets Dennis Kucinich (tags)

Here is an article I wrote about what happened when I met Congressman Dennis Kucinich. Please vote for Dennis for President tomorrow, Super Tuesday!

Stand Up For Justice: The Story of Ralph Lazo (tags)

Copied from It will be of interest to folks from Boyle Heights, Japanese Americans, and anyone interested in the internment.

An Open Letter from the Arab-American and Muslim Community to the US Anti-War Movement (tags)

On March 20, 2004, the world will mobilize against war and colonial occupations. The significance of this historic day is evident to all and requires no further elaboration. The political clarity and character of this mobilization in the US, however, remains illusive.

Mad Cow Disease/Mad Capitalism Disease (tags)

Most scientists believe mad cow disease comes from the feeding of ground up bodies of dead and diseased cattle to other cattle, that we end up eating.

Sermon By Leading Palestinian Imam on Palestinian TV (tags)

Very interesting sermon given by a leading Palestinian cleric, and broadcast on official Palestinian TV (this station is directly controlled by Arafat and he has appointed the programmers).

Support to DPRK Called for (tags)

On the Need for a Pro-Iraq United Front In the US (tags)



Do these words not ring true today? We the People have petitioned and received nothing but arrogance and silence from our servant government. We have remonstrated, we have supplicated. We have politely and respectfully asked our servant government to respond to our petitions.

Will the real patriots please stand up! (tags)

Stop your bitching and start a revolution!

Nothing Left To Lie About (tags)

With BushCo reaming the nation on just about every possible front, is implosion imminent?


an excerpt from a work of art entitled... THE SUN ASCENSION...

Council approves resolution urging Patriot Act's repea (tags)

"The ... government that is in power right now wants to do away with dissent," said Alderman Lionel Jean-Baptiste, 2nd Ward. "They want to make sure we stay indoors, that we stay silent."

To stand by the president... (tags)

To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public. - Theodore Roosevelt

All night vigil in Brea (tags)

Vigil tonight at Imperial Hwy. and Brea Blvd. in Brea going ALL NIGHT until 6PM Sunday

L.A. rally goes free style (tags)

After days of tension between police and protesters at the WEstwood Federal Building, L.A. rally turns freestyle, provoking an intense stand off between protesters and the police, shutting down Santa Monica Blvd.

All night vigil in Brea (tags)

Join us in an all night vigil in Brea!

Into the Darkness - "Above all, do not succumb to despair" (tags)

This article is by William Rivers Pitt of the New York Times Syndicate. This, I think, reflects the fear all of us have over the ramifications of this war. But also, in the last paragraphs, reflects the need in our hearts and consciences to resist and not "succumb to despair." We owe America that much. Read on...

ANTI WAR (tags)

Anti - War Article and link to related site

Call To Action (tags)

From a Plaintiff in the Anti-War Lawsuit against President Bush being appealed in Boston and the widow of a Viet Nam veteran.

What America means to me. (tags)

In response to several stupid things published here by fascists, I would like to take the time to ask, what does America mean to you?

Finally! A Peace Rally To Cheer (tags)

Thousands rally in support of Bush Houston crowd hears politicians, veterans praise president's Iraq policies

I Can't Stand It, I know You Planned It--S-A-B-O-T-A-G-E (VinGraphic) (tags)

So Listen Up 'Cause You Can't Say Nothin' You'll Shut Me Dow With A Push Of Your Button? But I'm Out And I'm Gone I'll Tell You Now I Keep It On And On

Call for Activists behind the Orange Curtin (tags)

Anti-war protestests taken over by pro-war Sean Hanady fans

Protection (tags)

Who will help us when our own police won't?

A Jewish Response to Rabbi Lerner Flap (tags)

A report from the "Jewish Voice for Peace" organization on the so-called "banning" of Rabbi Lerner by ANSWER

The Spirit of Resistance (tags)

Why do men and women stand in opposition to tyranny? Why is it that some would rather die than bend their neck to the collar?

A Must Read Speech From January 10 (tags)

A bad-ass speech against the detentions, round-ups and disappearances of Musliim, South Asian, and Arab immigrants as well as an assault against the whole juggernaut of war and oppression that is being promoted in this country.

Stand With Our Immigrant Brothers on January 10 (tags)

Protest at the downtown INS offices, Friday, January 10th, starting at noon. Say "No! to registration and detention."

Reclaimation (tags)

A poem of unending confusion

Remembering Wellstone – the soul of the Senate (tags)

The following are speeches and statements made about Sen. Paul Wellstone and his wife Sheila upon their death, Oct. 25, in a tragic plane accident, which also took the life of their daugher Marcia, three campaign workers and the two pilots.

RAAW ( Radical Action Against War) (tags)

For those who want to fight war, capitalism and impearialism but who do not want to follow pacifist dreamers.

Strong anti-war actions in Washington state (tags)

Peace activists from Washington state are sitting in their senator's offices until they get a definite answer on how the senators will vote on Bush's war resolution. Anybody from California doing similar actions?

SPFPA .... Amnerica's Security Union (tags)

Since 9/11 Security Officers from around the Country are joining SPFPA .... America's Union for Security Police Officers

Will the Real George "W" Stand Up (tags)

Bush in L. A. 8/24/02 Will the real George "W" please stand up and would the real "Melrose Larry" sit down! By the way "Melrose", is Lon Cheney really a Republican?

CBS News Knows The Truth (tags)

Now that the Bush regime has resumed it’s trajectory of going down in a big fat ball of flames

What Would You Do?, 9/11 rap by PARIS (tags)

"What Would You Do?" is a song from SONIC JIHAD, a soon-to-be-released CD from rapper PARIS

The Old Women Project (tags)

MAY 19, 2002--Led by "Power," a giant puppet of an old woman, 10 members of the Old Women's Project demonstrated today in San Diego's Balboa Park in support of "brave Israeli voices for peace."

Support Needed for Jailed Anarchist in Mexico (tags)

A young Mexican anarchist has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for a crime he did not commit. International support is urgently needed.

March Against Police Brutality in Long Beach (tags)

Feb 9th. 3pm. Lincoln Park (Broadway and Pacific) in Long Beach. This saturday.

The Illness of Despair (tags)

How many people know about the land mines that kill our children when they try to go to school? How many people read the tales of children shot in the back, because they're still outside the family complex when the curfew begins? How many people know how we have to sneak around simply to pick an orange off a tree?

ill Communication (Sabotage) (tags)

You're scheming on a thing; that's sabotage

HIGHTOWER: Stand Up for Your Democracy (tags)

Look out America, here come the authorities to "defend" you against international terrorism.

World War! (tags)

Beyond War.

A Call for a Student Strike- 09/28 (tags)

On Friday, September 28, 2001- a call for a student strike.

Dome Village Labor Day Stand Down (tags)

Dome Village is excited to host its second Veterans Stand Down to serve Homeless Veterans in Downtown Los Angeles this Labor Day, September 3, 2001, from 7am to 7pm. This will be a high profile event, showcasing how Los Angeles businesses and community leaders working together can help the Veterans that have served this country to get back on their feet. To accomplish this, we will be offering the 300 Homeless Veterans anticipated food and clothing, services and information to help them become self-sustaining.

La Resistencia! (tags)

La Resistencia, what we're all about, our plans for the summer, meeting summary from 6/30, building the movement for immigrant rights, soping migra brutality, and the militarization of the border.

A RPD officer's ode to four officers who killed Tyisha Miller in poetic verse (tags)

Dedicated to Paul Bugar, Daniel Hotard, Wayne Stewart, and Michael Alagna, fired after shooting Tyisha Miller in Dec. 1998. Like the majority of the officers of this department, who shaved their heads enmasse to protest the firings, Wheeler views the officers who killed a black woman and celebrated it, as heroes while those who protested against her death are the "racist horde." Even with a state consent decree, the police culture of Riverside's finest still lives on....

Bernell Butler takes the stand (tags)

Today, Bernell Butler took the stand and testified how the death of his cousin, Tyisha Miller impacted his marriage even as it galvanized a civil rights movement in Riverside.

Ralph Nader on KCAL 9 (tags)

I wanted to hear the opinion of anybody that saw the report here in Los Angeles on channel 9 on how the polls stand now.

For those at the WTO protest and the coming DNC battle (tags)

This is our time to change the world... and I can think of no better philosophy than to live your life in the way you wish this world to be, not accepting anything less than ultimate freedom for yourselves and your Brothers and Sisters...

scare the plain folk (tags)

Shaka Sankofa Statement (tags)

Statement from Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham) who was killed yesterday by George Bush in Texas.

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