fix articles 90730, first avenue
Hundreds protest as Arizona's immigration law takes effect (tags)
At least 50 protesters angry with Arizona's new immigration law were arrested Thursday during numerous acts of civil disobedience, and some temporarily delayed Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio's latest crime sweep that opponents say was designed to arrest illegal immigrants.
The Ground Noise and the Static: A Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul (Illustrated) (tags)
“Please, please, my friends, my dear friends, please, please don’t be diverted by the ground noise and the static”—John McCain, on being interrupted just before he can accept the GOP’s nomination, 9/4/08
San Diego, June 10th - Jeremy Scahill speaks on Blackwater (tags)
Scahill will have a new presentation on Blackwater with a critique of the U.S. media, saying that the role of Blackwater as an unaccountable combat force not only abroad but in the U.S. as well is just one of many stories that aren’t being covered properly in the mainstream press.
Only Whites Claim Katrina’s Poor Response is NOT Racist (tags)
I have not seen one person of color saying that the response to Katrina in New Orleans had “nothing to do with race.” The mere fact that the ONLY people saying that are white says it all to me. Last night, I saw the Mayor of Houston whose name is ironically “Mr. White” pooh-poohing the race card...
seattle wto 99 protesters (tags)
if you were arrested, read this! googlebomb (tags)
a short update on our collective
Police Violence AT WTO Protests Costs Seattle Taxpayers $250,000 (tags)
In a time when Seattle is in deep need of money for its schools, etc., we are paying $250,000, and rightly so, to protesters who were grotesquely violated at the WTO protests in 1999. And Seattle did not learn from that riot, as it produced two more...
What Does Self-Defense Against Riot Police Look Like? (tags)
How do we utilize legal self-defense when cops go nuts? Why were 231 protesters criminally charged, and 0 police charged, in the FTAA protests in Miami? Tacoma Police Chief raped a woman, where should she go? How do we protect ourselves from cops?
Police State Crackdown: Jailhouse Crock (tags)
Be Aware People - Miami was a Dress Rehearsal for the Pigs in how to do a real Police State Crack Down. No right to speak, arbitrary arrest, brutal tactics, and you can forget your Constitutional Rights. The Bush Junta's Masters are serious about making you a Slave. Are you serious about fighting back?
That's not always how police were meant to function. Indeed, urban policing came into being in the 1820s, when Sir Robert Peel formed the British "bobbies" precisely to shield protesters from a military that was violently putting down peaceful demonstrations of the unemployed, rallying for jobs. But today, local police are being drawn ever more fully into the endless global war on terror. Who will protect the dissenters now
New York City: Massive Protests Met with Police Brutality (tags)
Jimmy Breslin wrote: "Peering as far down First Avenue as you could see, the size of throngs caused you to tell yourself, 'maybe a million.' Whatever it was, out on the street it felt like a million, and it was glorious. “
"Global empire meets global intifada" (tags)
From ten to thirty million people worldwide took to the streets on February 15th to express their revulsion at the White House's war fever. It was without doubt the biggest protest ever. The rise of a world public was the necessary counterpart to the transformation of the U.S. into a world empire. Global protest was born earlier, but Saturday's protest was the moment the masses of the world looked in the mirror and recognized themselves as members of one planet with one supreme interest, to live in peace with each other.
Pacifica Coverage of FEB 15 *** 8 Hours, in 30 min MP3s // PROGRAM DRIVER PAGE (tags)
Pacifica Radio coverage of Feb. 15, 2003. MP3 files for download or streaming.