fix articles 9040, border
RAND Corporation: No one can win this war (tags)
Authors Samuel Charap and Miranda Priebe conclude "that in addition to averting a possible escalation toward a Russia-Nato war or Russian nuclear deployment, avoiding a protracted war is a higher priority for the United States" than regaining territorial control through Ukraine.
The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)
Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?
Feds report Terrorist Attacks possible on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Di (tags)
According to the Government the alarming terrorist plan is to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, (tags)
It is rumored that there are militia groups that are studying this issue very closely and intend a response by monitoring and surveying this dangerous situation.
Terrorist threaten United States through drug lords (tags)
Criminal organizations are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders
April 16 2019 Inmigration Rules do not Hold Water (tags)
people have a right to organize for sanctuary laws.There are reasons for this.What we do not like, is the funneling of tens of thousands of people who have been apprehended by border patrol and then delivered like a ups to these sanctuary zones.
If Trump Declares a AantionalEmergency, He'll Be Breaking the Law (tags)
Justice William O. Douglas wrote in his concurring opinion that the president cannot usurp Congress’s spending power to approve money to pay for the taking of the steel mill’s private property.
26 Ways Trump Has Increased The National Debt By 4 to 5 Trillion Dollars (tags)
The corporate media boycott of Kevin De Leon, abolitionists of the death penalty, animal rights activists, vegans, and antiwar experts, There is a little more discussion about Trump's savaging of our national treasury.
30% of Mexican Americans near US Mexico Border Living in Poverty Help Your Neighbor (tags)
This was revealed on national NPR
Hamas’s Theater of the Absurd: “Cannibals in Gaza” (tags)
This article looks at how Hamas abuses average Gazans in its struggle with Israel.
Our Beneficial River Jordan (tags)
The River Jordan begins in Syria near Syrian Israeli border.
Correction on Cambodia 1960's 1970's Domestic and Foriegn Powers (tags)
In addition to the monarchy under Sihanouk, there was Khmer Serei and Khmer Krom left but not communist. There was also anti government generals and the pro Maoism Khmer Rouge which was a Communist Party
Mexican Heroin Flood Killing Families,Governments on Both Sides of the Dry Border (tags)
If you have an opinion about the U.S. Mexican border you would probably guess there is a challenger that most residents would rather put something in their mouth rather Unfortunately
US-Mexico Border Worker Solidarity March/Action Against NAFTA & For Driscolls Agricultur (tags)
Mexican and US workers and activists joined on both sides of the border to oppose the wall, racist attacks and NAFTA. They also called for unity of US and Mexican workers against the multi-nationals that exploit workers on both sides of the border
"A Hostile Act": Mexico Braces for Trump's Border Wall (tags)
Numerous civil liberties and human rights organizations, meanwhile, blasted Trump’s immigration directives as emblematic of a horrifying descent into discriminatory and racist policy territory.
Spring 2016 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Remember March 25 2006 Los Angeles No HR4437 March! Look Forward For Our New Fight At May Day 2016!
Unwanted Refugees: EU Countries Block Borders (tags)
Violence and Instability on Russia's Border (tags)
US Presidential Aspirants Resemble an FBI Most Wanted List (tags)
US Dark Forces Stoke Violence and Instability in Latin America (tags)
Israel Planning Ground Operations in Syria? (tags)
Israel's Response to Everything: Collective Punishment (tags)
Summer 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Life and Death in the Border, Mass Detention: Another U.S. violation of Human Rights
Israel Wants 50% Increase in US Provided Military Aid (tags)
US Saber-Rattling on Russia's Borders (tags)
Israel Partners with Obama's War on Syria (tags)
Vice News reporting from besieged Kobane in north Syria (tags)
Vice news reporting from besieged Kobani reports ISIS is terrifyingly close to conquering that bastion of democratic councils
Fall 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: 1) National Religious Leaders Send One-Sentence Letter to Obama: Don’t Trade Kids' Lives in Immigration Action! 2) The U.S. Is Deporting Cambodian Refugees and Orphaning Their Children 3) New Report Details Prejudice and Pretext in Georgia's Hyper Immigration Enforcement 4) Unaccompanied Minors: Their Arduous Journey and Their Unknown Fate 5) As Migrant Children Face Backlash, Communities Mobilize to Drown Out Hate 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Immin (tags)
El Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California.
The Russians Are Coming Big Lies (tags)
Turkey is training ISIS / Islamic State (tags)
US ally Turkey hosts an ISIS training base, human rights groups demand its closure.
Russia: Waging Peace in Ukraine (tags)
Terrorizing Southeastern Ukrainians: Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)
New giant spy airship-or is it already here? (tags)
The United States Defense Department claims that it is readying itself to issue contracts for the construction of a sophisticated, ultra-high altitude, 450-plus foot long blimps that will hover above the earth's surface at 65,000 feet and remain airborne for up to 10 years.
Blocking Russian Humanitarian Aid (tags)
NATO and Turkey’s genocidal war on Syria (tags)
Cem Ertür’s account of the crimes committed by Turkey and NATO in the ongoing war against Syria is laid out in meticulous detail and supported by a rich and credible bibliography. Much of this important information is from his reading of original reports published in the Turkish language which English readers would never otherwise hear. This report provides a convincing, up-to-date indictment of the governments of Turkey, other NATO countries and Israel for their savage, furtive war against the Syrian people and government. Cem’s spotlight illuminates a cross-border stage, exposing those hiding in the shadows of the media’s deceptive and confusing language.
Reckless Russia Bashing Persists (tags)
The Russians Aren't Coming (tags)
Armenian Homes in Kessab Looted, Occupied (tags)
Two thousand Syrian Armenians find safety in Latakia; International and Local organizations providing support
The Russians Are Coming (tags)
Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)
Israel Bombs Syrian/Lebanese Border (tags)
Winter 2013 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: 1) 100,000 Immigration Prosecutions Reach All-time High in FY 2013 2) Does the President Have the Power to Stop All/Most Removals? 3) Chinese Americans protest against Jimmy Kimmel skit 4) Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone" 5) UT's Young Conservatives Hosting "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" Game (and Cancelled!) 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)
Please share the following confidential information will all the people you know so they can share it with every body they know and so on and so on between now and late tomorrow!
North Korean economy surrenders to foreign currency invasion (tags)
Chinese currency and U.S. dollars are being used more widely than ever in North Korea instead of the country's own money, a stark illustration of the extent to which the leadership under Kim Jong-un has lost control over the economy.
Turkey: US Imperial Tool (tags)
Director’s Note: The Girl (tags)
I began to think about what it means to live in the very epicenter of the American Dream, and feel not hope – but trapped. My focus shifted, and I began to imagine a film not simply about the borders of geography, but about human borders – of class, culture, attitudes, and ideas.'
Does Netanyahu Want Regional War? (tags)
Waging War on Immigrants (tags)
Hardening Israeli Fascism (tags)
Netanyahu Plans More War (tags)
Pro-Israeli Media Coverage (tags)
Beating Up on Russia, Syria and Iran (tags)
"We struck Syria": Turkish press jubilant as Turkey marches to war (tags)
Apart from a few exceptions, the entire Turkish press is treacherously rejoicing over Turkey's march to war with Syria.
Caravan for Peace begins journey across US to oppose drug war (tags)
Today, the Caravan for Peace and Justice with dignity stepped of from the Mexican border and travelled to Los Angeles from San Diego. They hope to draw attention to the epic failure of the drug war and will arrive in Washington DC with their message on September 12.
Caravan for Peace begins journey across US (tags)
(San Diego 8-12) Today the long journey begins at the border beteeen the US and Mexico, South of San Diego, with plans to arrive in Washington DC on September 12. The Caravan for Peace with Justice and Dignity was conceived by Mexican poet Javier Sicilia when his son died in the crossfire of the "war on drugs" several months ago. The caravan crossed Mexico with the goal of raising public awareness of the failed "war on drugs".
Another Mossad False Flag? (tags)
Reports of Troop Movements Near Syria's Borders (tags)
Hillary Clinton Should Share the Blame for Killings of Armenian Soldiers (tags)
Absence of U.S. Warnings Emboldens Assassins Before State Visits.
Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)
Israeli Buffer Zone State Terror (tags)
Repeal NAFTA/WTO is Ron Paul’s Answer to Undocumented Immigration & Domestic Job Losse (tags)
Part of promoting non-interventionist foreign policy is allowing for foreign nations to have self-determination and autonomy in their own economy. The greatest limiting factor to achieving democracy and self-determination in any nation is an unstable economy caused by unequal trade laws. This inequality between trade partners can occur because of different resource qualities or quantities or as a result of trade agreements that benefit one nation above another.
Cops who are against the drug war are fired (tags)
"If marijuana were legalized the drug related violence across the border in Mexico would cease" - Bryan Gonzalez - U.S. Border Patrol Agent
US/Pakistan's Toxic Alliance (tags)
war on terror
Israel deports flotilla activists (tags)
Israel is deporting eh 27 activists from the freedomwaves flotilla
BTL:Legalization: An Alternative to the Costly, Failed U.S. War on Drugs (tags)
Interview with Terry Nelson, retired U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agent, conducted by Melinda Tuhus
Is a new congressional immigration reform likely to produce more border militarization? (tags)
Democrats have proposed plans for immigration reform that will create new paths to permanent residence for 11 million qualifying undocumented residents while simultaneously strengthening border security and surveillance.
Teen Producers' Project Makes Pro-Immigrant Videos (tags)
In addition to running the popular San Diego Latino Film Festival, the Media Arts Center in North Park also sponsors the Teen Producers? Project, which trains teenage filmmakers to make professional-quality videos. This year?s productions were a series of hard-hitting documentaries on the rights of immigrants that progressive Congressmember Bob Filner offered to take to Washington, D.C. and show to his colleagues.
Naksa Day Commemorates Decades of Israeli State Terror (tags)
state terrorism
US Trip Bolsters Netanyahu's Popularity (tags)
US President Barack Obama on Tuesday stood at the U.S.-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas again promised a ?comprehensive immigration reform? and a ?pathways to citizenship? to get Latino votes in the campaign for the coming 2011 elections. The EPCC stated that ? the EPCC is happy that the president and the Democratic Party is working to make their promise a reality. But he must do it now or before the election year, or else he will lose more popular votes?
Luchando por Nuestros Derechos - Tres Días de Lucha (tags)
29 y 30 de Abril, Primero de Mayo 2011
Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)
state terrorism
Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar? (tags)
You have to shovel the BS if you want to get reelected.
SoCal Connected Profiles The Unintended Consequences of U.S. Immigration Policy (tags)
This Thursday, SoCal Connected will air a 30 minute special report titled “A Border Between Them” highlighting the present struggles of the Morales Family; torn apart by U.S. immigration policy.
BTL:Legalization, An Alternative to the Costly, Failed U.S. War on Drugs (tags)
BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.
Success: Peru acts to save uncontacted tribes (tags)
Peru’s authorities have announced that they will work together with Brazil to stop loggers entering isolated Indians’ territory along the two countries’ joint border.
Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)
Injustice for All: Obama's Immigration Agenda (tags)
immigration lawlessness
Israel Shooting and Electric-Shocking Palestinian Children (tags)
Israel torturing Palestinian children
Firefight: BP agents fired upon on U.S. Mexican border (tags)
Inside sources say the illegal aliens were smuggling drugs and were armed with AK-47s. Once the Border Patrol arrived on the scene the illegals fired their weapons and BP agents returned fire.
Iran to Release US Hiker on $500,000 Bail (tags)
(Sept. 12) -- A senior Iranian prosecutor today announced that the country is preparing to release jailed U.S. hiker Sarah Shourd on bail, according to state-run media.
Los Zetas a Mexican Drug Cartel advancing forward paramilitary forces and combat weapons t (tags)
The Zetas are preparing to advance north with well trained and well armed Los Zetas paramilitary solders this fall according to sources. They will be transporting drugs and illegal's along the drug corridors that lead into the USA and go as far north as Phoenix Ariz. These Zetas have said in the past they will be protecting their loads against all comers. One Zetas commander said he has ordered his men to fire on anyone they see who is armed. There now seems to be no question that they have the weapons and man power to carry out their threats.
Border Security Plan Adds 1,000 Federal Law Enforcement Border Patrol Agents (tags)
Obama said the 600 million additional funding for border security "answers my call to bolster the essential work of federal law enforcement officials," adding that the measures "will make an important difference as my administration continues to work with Congress toward bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders, and restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system."
Emergency Senate spending bill approved $600M for Border protection (tags)
The new legislation if approved by the House and Senate committee's will include $176 million for 1,000 new border patrol agents to form a new and bigger task strike force to be deployed at critical choke points of the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggling corridors along the border and inland, that are used to bring drugs, undocumented immigrants and possible terrorist into this country.
Recent Israeli Provocations (tags)
recent Israeli violence
The Mexican Drug War is now a shooting war on both sides of the border and on streets of A (tags)
This war has now evolved into a shooting war along the U.S. Mexican border and beyond into most states across the country. This war is being waged between the Mexican Drug cartels, Mexico gangs, American gangs, U.S. Law enforcement and American Militia groups.
I-19 Shutdown in Tucson, Az- Spanish & English (tags)
Communique from Freedom for Arizona. Other updates available on Az Indymedia.
Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs (tags)
Mexican Drug Cartels have reached across the international border into the United States to kill people including Americans and their reach extends North, East and West across our nation. MDC’S have ordered the killings of drug dealers, American gang members, U.S. Consulate employees, a Detention Officer with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, DEA agent, ICE informant and U.S. Military personal. MDC’S are also responsible for many kidnapping’s of Americans on American soil and have taken Americans to Mexico to be tortured, maimed and murdered, with very little or no retaliation from the U.S. Government.
Stop the Fascist Attacks on Immigants (tags)
A written a critical and sweeping analysis of SB 1070 that addresses not only what is at stake for immigrants and anyone who looks like an immigrant, but what’s at stake for society as a whole, and warns that long agreed upon social and legal norms in society are being shredded by this law. It digs deeply into the history of the U.S., whose rosy dawn was based on the genocide of Native Americans and the kidnapping and enslavement of African people. It reveals the larger economic pressures that compelled millions of undocumented immigrants to travel to the U.S. It analyzes the sharp present day polarization between the Republicans and the fascist and, yes, racist tea party followers, on the one hand, and the Democrats, on the other, and the reasons the Democrats are unwilling to call their social base into the streets. Most importantly, it speaks to the crucial need for resistance to SB 1070, why extreme times like these provide openings for advances to be made in preparing for revolution.
Today in the United States, under the Democratic administration of Barack Obama, xenophobic and racist violence is escalating. The criminal agents of the Border Patrol have reached the point of killing in cold blood, before the eyes of hundreds of witnesses. On May 28, construction worker Anastasio Hernández Rojas was beaten to death by some 20 agents of the U.S. Border Patrol. Then on June 7 in Ciudad Juárez, across the river from El Paso, Border Patrol agents fired into a group of youths on the Mexican side of of the border, murdering 14-year-old Adrián Hernández with a shot to the head. These crimes are part of a policy of racist repression looking for scapegoats, typified by the legalization of xeonophobia and police use of racial profiling in Arizona’s SB 1070 law. But while Obama criticize the law, “Obama, listen, we are in the struggle,” his thugs are killing on the border. It is an illusion to think that the commander in chief of U.S. imperialism, or his counterpart and semi-colonial underling, Mexican president Felipe Calderón, will defend the workers. It is necessary to mobilize the power of the working class to defend immigrants.
Americans are blindfolded in the border of the cliff.
WANTED: Minuteman Chris Simcox is Fugitive From The Law in Arizona (tags)
Minuteman Chris Simcox is on the run from the law in Arizona; judge orders him to turn in his guns; wife accuses him of threatening to kill her. Bounty hunter firm is pursuing Simcox along border.
The U.S. Gov: giving parts of Arizona back to Mexico (tags)
A reliable informant known to us as “Duck Hunter” has told the U.S. Border Fire Report that the Mexican Drug cartels now control large areas of Southern Arizona. According to the Pinal County Sheriff large areas in Southern Arizona are very dangerous and is off limits to U.S. citizens.
Mexican hostility toward U.S. Border Patrol (tags)
Hostility against U.S. Border Patrol is spreading across Mexico over the recently alleged illegal deaths of 15-year-old Sergio Adrian Hernandez by a U.S. border agent, (name withhold) which followed the May 28 death of Anastasio Hernández Rojas, a 42-year-old Mexican national who died after U.S. border agents used a stun gun against him as he reportedly resisted deportation near San Diego.
Two more Americans found dead in the Arizona desert (tags)
Concerned Citizens group had just lift the area a few days earlier they say in view of this latest shootings they are ready to deploy again, to video tape and educate Americans about the real threat to National Security and our public safety.
Border Patrol targets immigrant rights activist family in Southeast Riverside County (tags)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
RIVERSIDE County, California - At about 10:30 Saturday night, agents with the US Customs and Border Protection entered an apartment where a family was watching television. Although members of the family asserted their rights, these were not respected. An adult and three minors were arrested and taken to the Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. Azrak Border Patrol Station in Murrieta.
Unbelievable conditions in the Arizona desert (tags)
Col. Ronald Adler, with the United States Civil Defense Association. He went on to say that they assured him that they are not a Minuteman or extremist group but just a call to action by a group of "Concerned Citizens.”
March and Rally to DHS Secretary Napolitano's Speech at Pomona College Graduation (tags)
Together with the Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, and the Latina/o Roundtable of Pomona and San Gabriel Valley, we are organizing a march and rally on Sunday, May 16th to denounce the harsh immigration enforcement policies of the Department of Homeland Security during DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano's speech at the Pomona College graduation ceremony. We will begin the march at the Claremont Greyhound Station, the site of numerous Border Patrol raids in the last year, and end with a rally at a park near the graduation site.
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All
Emerging US fascism
Candidate Stewart Alexander: Meg Whitman’s Position on Immigration is Racist (tags)
Republican candidate Meg Whitman is proposing tighter border enforcement and prosecuting illegal aliens. Stewart Alexander, a PFP Candidate for California Governor, says “Whitman’s position on immigration is racist and discriminates against Mexican-Americans.”
Breaking the Silence: Women Soldiers Speak Out (tags)
Women soldiers expose IDF crimes
Foundation for Change Focuses Grants on Immigration, Border Issues (tags)
The San Diego Foundation for Change held its holiday party December 20 and introduced a number of grant recipients as well as an overall theme to their activities this year. They’re focusing on issues relating to immigration and/or the border, doing outreach to immigrants on human rights, health care, personal autonomy (especially for women) and sexual health. They're also working on media outreach projects to improve local coverage of immigrants and teach the immigrants themselves that they shouldn't believe everything they read in the corporate media.
New Immigration Reform Bill Raising False Hopes for Immigrants (tags)
On Dec. 15, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced HR 4321, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Security and Prosperity Act of 2009,” into the House with 89 cosponsors. Some immigrant rights advocates even rallied in Los Angeles to celebrate the filing of this bill But for the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles , this new immigrant reform bill only raise false hopes for all immigrants. It is just the same as the immigrant reform bill of 2006 also known as the Kennedy-Mccain bill that was diluted and was shelved due to the opposition of the rightist and other obstructionist and racist anti-immigrant lobby.
Observations on the Closing of the West Hollywood Border's (tags)
Readers are invited to submit their own notes and comments.
Undocumented workers face new repressive state tactics (tags)
On Dec. 15, Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) introduced HR 4321, the “Comprehensive Immigration Reform for America’s Seurity and Prosperity Act of 2009,” into the House with 89 cosponsors. The Obama administration has stated that it will not act on the bill until health care legislation is passed, but there is a good chance it is also waiting for a more conservative compromise proposal to emerge from the Senate subcommittee on immigration. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano is also supposed to introduce an administration bill next year.
Immigration advocates advise against holiday travel on bus and rail due to constant raids (tags)
Inland Empire Rapid Response Network and allies cite almost daily Border Patrol operations at local Greyhound bus stations and other transportation centers, racially profiling Latino passengers and other holiday travelers.
Canada Doesn't Want You, So Stay Home! (tags)
Canada has higher standards, so don't expect the bouncers at the border to let your stinking American ass into their pearly white country.
A Radical Proposal: Open the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)
That's what immigrant rights activist David Schmidt called for at a September 21 meeting of Activist San Diego. Originally called to discuss the closure of Friendship Park along the U.S.-Mexico border, the meeting expanded into a consideration of border issues in general. Schmidt and his better-known co-speaker, Enrique Morones of Border Angels and Marcha Migrante, both questioned why under NAFTA and similar “free trade” agreements, capital, commerce and corporations are allowed to move freely across national boundaries — while workers are trapped inside their home countries and routinely exploited for the greater profits of capital. If business is free to locate wherever it wants, workers should be too, they said.
Corrupt U.S. Government official operating illegally with Mexican Drug Cartels for profit (tags)
According to documents obtained by this writer while employed as a high ranking U.S. law enforcement agent in Mexico, Cramer was also allegedly operating illegally by serving as a sort of secret agent and a full blown business partner of some of Mexico’s richest and most blood thirsty drug lords
Honduras imposes State of Siege in South: The Struggle Shaking "America" (tags)
"People here have been fighting for Zelaya’s return for a month now. They are incredibly committed and won’t back down,” he said. He urged people to call Congress and the White House and demand that the U.S. government pressure Micheletti to lift the siege. White House comment line: 202-456-1111 Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121 Send an email to Barack Obama using the Latin America Solidarity Coalition/School of the Americas Watch site
Authorities on both sides of the border detain suspects in regard to the killing of U.S. B (tags)
Whether it was illegal immigrants or drug smugglers is not immediately clear. What is certain is Border Agent Robert Wimer Rosas, was killed in the line of duty by unidentified individuals at 9:15 PM on July 23rd while on duty patrolling the U.S. Mexican border.
Mexican forces being taken from Juarez to Michoacán (tags)
The troops will be used to confront the Mexican drug cartel La Familia in Michoacán where the Mexican president is from and has become the latest focus point of the Mexican Governments war on drugs.
Border Patrol raids in the Inland Empire since December (tags)
TOTAL RAIDS (minimum): 28 raids
Statement from 17 year old arrested and deported on public RTA bus in Rubidoux (tags)
Statement from 17 year old arrested and deported on public RTA bus in Rubidoux (over phone, 11am this morning) , and from witnesses of yesterday's incident taken this morning while on foot and riding bus around 7:30 am. 6/23/09 from debbie
Democrats and Republicans Join Hands Over Immigration (tags)
Even the most optimistic Obama supporter should cringe in response to the White House’s recent “bi-partisan immigration talks.” What could Democrats and Republicans possibly have in common over immigration? Quite a lot it turns out. An enormous sell-out is being prepared for the U.S. immigrant population and Latinos especially — who came out in record numbers in many swing states to vote for Obama last year. Attached to these votes are huge expectations.
summary of border patrol raids in inland empire
Border Patrol hits day labor corner in Rancho Cucamonga Cae la migra en Rancho Cucamonga (tags)
Se llevaron a un jornalero de la esquina y a otros cinco o seis en una casa cercana. They kidnapped one day laborer from the corner and five or six others from a nearby house.
Minuteman imposter Shawna Ford charged in double murder (tags)
The attempts at damage control at the anti-immigration groups in the United States following the arrest of Shawna Forde and her gang is on going, but as more and more information becomes available, it’s clear that Forde was not an unknown outsider within the anti-immigrant (and… more to the point… anti-Mexican) movement.
Border Patrol raids in the Inland Empire (tags)
According to a reliable source, the US Border Patrol, which has an office in Riverside, California, is increasing its quota for the month of June. The increased pressure on USBP agents has already resulted in raids on day labor corners in Riverside and San Bernardino, with more sure to follow. Activists are asking for volunteers to be present at day labor corners to help prevent against abuses and document detentions.
Minutemen Terrorists "Neighborhood Watch" (tags)
Some 'neighborhood watch': Forde's Minuteman spinoff outfit was about 'starting a revolution against the government' -- with video
"Minutemen" Domestic Terrorism Arrests (tags)
When the Minutemen 'go tactical' for dollars: Forde intended gang to rip off dealers, and may have struck in CA already
Mexican Drug Cartels dominate drug trafficking in more than 230 U.S. cities (tags)
Drug trafficking and terror has become a way of life in Mexico. U.S. Mexican border cities from Brownsville Texas to San Diego California continue to be most affected by cartel-related violence; other U.S. cities are also being targeted with drug trafficking violence and related terror including kidnappings of Americans.
Two men and a woman are wanted in connection with the kidnapping of Briant Rodriguez (tags)
Mexican police and American law enforcement are searching border cities in Mexico and seem confident they will found them.
Americans executed in Mexico (tags)
A local San Diego station reported that Mexican authorities believe that the victims were set-up. One of the victims allegedly received a letter from a woman in prison, directing them to a party in the neighborhood where they were found.
The Inland Empire Marches on May Day (tags)
Riverside, CA (May 1, 2009) – Twenty eight groups from all over the Inland Empire —immigrant rights groups, unions, workers, students, clergy, and human rights activists— united today to call for fair, comprehensive reform to end abuses against immigrants, workers, and their families. Students kicked off the march with a traditional ritual at UCR’s Bell Tower, and then joined supporters from Riverside and San Bernardino counties at Cesar Chavez Community Center to continue their journey to City Hall.
Money laundering and counterfeiting by terrorist and drug traffickers (tags)
So now they are coming up with new ideas and ways to launder huge amounts of cash.
Local San Diego Activists Defend Friendship Park (tags)
Since 1971, the Monument Mesa at Friendship Park on the U.S.-Mexico border has been an informal gathering place where people kept from physically coming together by the border fence could nonetheless reach out and pass each other greetings, kisses, presents and food. No longer: the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, seemingly determined to wipe out any sign that the people of the U.S. and Mexico should actually regard each other with anything other than wary hostility, have put the mesa straight in the cross-hairs of the triple border fence. Local activists Christian Ramirez and John Fanestil addressed a San Diego audience April 17 to tell what they're doing to try to save Friendship Park.
Alex Rivera Discusses His Film Sleep Dealer (tags)
Twelve years after its inception, Alex Rivera's first dramatic feature opens in major U.S. cities on Friday April 17 and may spread in ensuing weeks. Last week Rivera took questions from alternative media.
Alex Rivera Discusses His Film Sleep Dealer (tags)
Twelve years after conceiving Sleep Dealer, Alex Rivera's first feature film opens in major U.S. cities on Friday April 17 and may spread in ensuing weeks. Last week Rivera took questions from alternative media.
Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government (tags)
Mexican Drug cartels are ordering decapitations blind foldings and hooding victims before they shoot them. The Cartels are sending a chilling message to the Mexican President Felipe Calderon Administration by adopting methods of intimidation made notorious by Middle Eastern terrorist groups.
Ice Chief Janet Napolitano announces huge Mexican border deployment (tags)
An insider of the Calderon camp told the U.S. Border Fire Report that help is needed at the Mexican ports of entry mainly because the current Mexican border guards are looking the other way and allowing contraband to enter his country.
DOD proposes new giant spy airship-or is it already here? (tags)
Hundreds of Phoenix citizens reported seeing a lighted triangular shaped airship appearing to be two or three football-fields in size, flying slow and silently over the city a few years back. Airline pilots have also reported seeing giant similar airships.
Mexico's Catholic Church and President Felipe Calderon Charge U.S. with Corruption (tags)
After describing the US military as vain and bewildered, the hierarchy of the Church indicated in its weekly publication that Mexico has recognized the serious problem of corruption among its authorities and public servants and demanded that the U.S. do the same
Mexico claims U.S. Government also corrupted (tags)
Calderon also told the media that the main cause of Mexico's drug gang problems was "having the world's biggest consumer (of drugs) next to us."
Mexico Federal Troops and police rush into Juarez to try and retake the city (tags)
Mexico’s violent war deaths are piling up (tags)
Border protesters told this reporter that the MDC’s claim they are dedicated to overthrowing the current Calderon government and the government is hiding the true Mexican army death totals. Many Mexican troops have been killed by direct confrontations with MDC’s paramilitary forces many more than the Calderon administration is willing to admit.
Mexico's President Calderón labeled Mexican drug cartels as cowards (tags)
Hundreds of Mexicans, some woman carrying small children, blocked roads and bridges in Mexican cities bordering the United States from the Gulf of Mexico (Matamoros) to the Pacific Ocean (Tijuana) and protested by marching in the northern city of Monterrey in a series of demonstrations that police say are organized and funded by Mexican drug cartels.
The Mexican people protesting and want the Army out! (tags)
It was the largest display of discontent against the army's role in an anti-drug crackdown since President Felipe Calderon began deploying soldiers across the country two years ago to fight Mexican drug cartels. About 45,000 soldiers are now spread out across Mexico.
Phoenix and Tucson police report over 400 kidnappings of Americans by Mexicans (tags)
Washington, DC is too obsessed with al Qaeda and other terrorists to care about what is happening in their own backyard right now, as waves of abductions hit Phoenix and other American cities. Washington is not paying enough attention. Many wonder why not?
Riverside, Southern California: Community marches against raids and deportations (tags)
On Saturday, February 6th, 2009 at least 300, and by some estimates possibly as many as 500, people turned out in the city of Riverside California to demand an end to the raids, harassment, and racial profiling increasingly being conducted by US Border Patrol agents against the residents of our local communities and workplaces
March on Riverside Border Patrol Office: No more quotas, no more raids, no more deportatio (tags)
Saturday, February 7, 2009 RIVERSIDE, California--In urgent response to the rash of Border Patrol raids across the Inland Empire, community members convened at Riverside City Hall to express frustration with the agency's family-devastating policies.
Jan 27: Israel Bombing Gaza Again to Kill Dove of Peace (tags)
Everytime there is a hint of peace, Israel makes sure to obliterate it. After 1 Palestinian farmer was killed and 1 Israeli soldier was killed near the Gaza border, Israel closed the border to aid and bombed Gaza again. Meanwhile, peace envoy George Mitchell just arrived in the Middle East. Thus, Israel rushed to kill the dove of peace by bombing Gaza. That's our tax dollars at waste, $15 million a day.
Civil war and vigilantism gripping Mexico (tags)
To date some 7,000 Mexicans have died in this war – all attributable to the government versus the rich and powerful Mexican Drug Cartels war.
US/Israel: Expanding war into Egypt, Attempt to Overthrow Gaza Gov't & Bomb Iran (tags)
We need hundreds of thousands on the streets of every city in this country if we are to stop the US/Israel war machine. The open escalation of the war in the Middle East by US/Israel is continuing, with invasions of Egyptian airspace and bombing of Egyptian border towns, increasing Israeli military forces for an obvious attempt to overthrow the democratically elected government in Gaza, and an increase in plans to attack Iran.
U.S. is not dealing with Mexican violence against Americans (tags)
From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California Mexican cities bordering American cities are where most Americans are being killed by assassinations and executions. But other Americans are being killed by the long arm of the Mexican drug cartels which reach deep into America. There are accounts of Mexican drug cartel surrogate terrorist’s invading the U.S. by crossing the porous international border and killing Americans in Dallas Texas, Atlanta Geo, New York City, Phoenix Ariz, Las Vegas Nevada, and is believed to have reached Shelby County Alabama where five people were found murdered gangland style by Mexican nationals.
bio of a liar
Border Patrol shot at with automatic weapons while uncovering new smuggling tactic’s (tags)
A third vehicle was spotted south of the border fence where a subject was observed firing an automatic rifle in the direction of the agents. Several additional subjects with weapons were seen climbing over the fence and they began unloading marijuana from the Chevy Avalanche
Corruption is common on both sides of the border where cash is king (tags)
A high ranking member of the Caldron administration who want to remain unknown says, “there is corruption in regards to Narco trafficking in both governments and when there is unlimited cash available that cash finds its way to the powers to be and has no borders when it comes to influence.”
Two more Americans slaughtered in Mexico (tags)
The American couple were believed visiting in Juárez attending the funeral of the killed woman’s sister, who was also killed in a homicide only last week; Juarez police investigators told the El Paso Journal that the couple were obviously targeted.
Homeland Security now spying on Americans (tags)
There are real questions being asked, do these spies in the sky surveillance systems comply with privacy laws and doesn’t violate the Posse Comitatus Act? The 1878 law prohibits the military from playing a role in domestic law enforcement. Since the 1990s however, Posse Comitatus has been eroded significantly by both Democratic and Republican administrations, primarily in the areas of "drug interdiction," "border security" as well as "Continuity of Government" planning by U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM).
U.S. issues new travel alert to Mexico but no recommendation to avoid Mexico (tags)
The new travel alert up-date says “that while millions of U.S. Citizens safely visit Mexico each year, including thousands who cross the land border every day for study, tourism or business, increased levels of violence make it imperative that travelers understand the risks of travel to Mexico
U.S./Mexico Border Wall Risks Endangered Species Extinctions from Gene Isolation (tags)
Risks of the U.S./Mexico border wall on native species of ocelots and other mammals include extinction from genetic isolation of disconnected populations.
Pat Nixon at the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)
Editor's Note: Nearly 40 years ago this month, First Lady Pat Nixon crossed the U.S.-Mexico border and embraced Mexican children, saying, "I hate to see a fence anywhere." Times have changed, writes the commentator, and ironically, President Richard Nixon helped to bring about many of these changes. Joseph Nevins is an associate professor of geography at Vassar College. His latest book is Dying to Live: A Story of U.S. Immigration in an Age of Global Apartheid (City Lights Books, 2008).
V.P. Candidate Alexander Wants Common U.S.-Mexican Currency (tags)
During a decade when border issues between the U.S. and Mexico have intensified and the Democrats and Republicans have gone on the attack against immigrants, Vice Presidential Candidate Stewart A. Alexander is proposing a common U.S.-Mexican currency and establishing a Basic Income Guarantee (BIG) for working people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border.
The US goverment murders children at its borders (tags)
The US policy surronding the borders wall being built along the US-Mexican border murdered a 14 year old girl and thousands of others.
Mexican Drug Cartels Out of Control in the U.S. and Mexico (tags)
In many areas of the United States the cartels have entered into partnerships with local gangs, in others they have directly assumed control of local drug distribution
Mexico’s Civil War Killing More Americans (tags)
Just since the beginning of this year more than 4,000 people have been murdered in Mexico in what authorities blame on the Mexican cartels and their criminal gangs and Para-military forces. Google or click on:
Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba Aid Seized at Texas-Mexico Border (tags)
50 donated computers have been seized so far as volunteers attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border with humanitarian aid
SOS, CCIR and Minutemen - Greatest Hate Yet?? (tags)
Save our State And CCIR have shown their true racist beliefs by teaming with the most racist of Minutemen Groups the Mountain Minutemen.
SOS threatens violence at Campo. Violence occurs. (tags)
Save Our State's lively discussion about taking weapons to Campo this weekend apparently did not end in a San Diego Minutemen shooting that killed one and wounded two others, according to SD minuteman Jeff Schwilk, who seems to have eyewitness knowledge of events south of the border. He didn't say anything about Save Our State.
Locals Continue Battle Against Blackwater on the Border (tags)
Blackwater Opponents Announce Two Upcoming Public Events Community Forum on Tuesday, June 10th and Wednesday, June 11th Rally Outside Front Door of Blackwater's New Site Jeremy Scahill, Renowned Author of International Bestseller "Blackwater: The Rise of the World's Most Powerful Mercenary Army" Special Guest Speaker Community Groups Charge Blackwater Misused Federal Court to Muscle into Cal-Mex Border Site and Call for Facility Including Shooting Range to Be Shut-Down "No to Baghdad on the Border" New Facility 500 Yards From International Border Will Exacerbate the Potential for Increased Human and Civil Rights Violations to Both Migrants and Members of Border Communities
DEA, FBI and CIA are all operating covertly in Mexico’s narco-trafficking underworld Many (tags)
While reports of federal agents and cops being involved in drug and other crimes like smuggling humans, drugs, guns and cash are almost routine. Many believe the estimates of corruption among our own officials are much higher. This problem is seriously hurting America. As a result of the flow of these drugs into the U.S. which end up on America’s streets are financing terrorist, and wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere around the world.
Mexican officials warn Americans to stay away (tags)
"There will be shootings and executions throughout the city in what is being called 'La Limpia' (the cleansing) in response to threats by the 'Juárez drug cartel' or 'La Linea,' " the e-mail stated in Spanish. La Linea is reputed to be a "line" of corrupt police officers protecting drug traffickers. Dozens of Juarez police officers have been among the more than 300 homicides in Juárez this year. Many of the killings have been committed boldly and in broad daylight on busy downtown Juarez boulevards. Juarez is a Mexican border city of a million and half people.
Mexican Authorities Covering up shootings of Americans (tags)
Laguna Journal that he and others have received word to not talk with or report any American deaths to the media.
U.S. Federal agent arrested and jailed for allegedly conspiring to smuggle illegal aliens (tags)
Federal agents arrested one of their own Jesus M. Huizar, 28, an agent of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency on suspicion of conspiring to smuggle undocumented immigrants illegally into the United States.
Mexico's National Security Cabinet expected to declare a state of emergency (tags)
Calderon is reported to be rushing more Mexican Army troops to the border cities of Juarez, Tijuana, Mexicali, Palomas and others.
More Americans shot in Mexico (tags)
Many Americans are wondering when the Bush administration is going to raise the travel alert to its highest level "travel warning," for American travelers to Mexico? How many American citizens are going to have to be shot, killed or kidnapped before the American government move to prevent needless deaths and issue the proper "travel warning," for Americans?
New Blackwater Controversy on the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)
A proposed project run by the private military contractor Blackwater Worldwide is once again kicking up political hay on the US-Mexico border. Earlier rebuffed in its attempt to open a large training camp in the rural San Diego County community of Potrero, Blackwater now finds itself in a battle over the company's bid to open a training facility for the US Navy. Like Potrero, the latest controversy has pried open a Pandora's Box of thorny issues ranging from border relations to the Iraq war. The current dispute centers on Blackwater's plans to manage a 48-student school in San Diego County's Otay Mesa on the US-Mexico border and just down the road from US Border Patrol offices. According to Blackwater's plans, the site will offer indoor shooting instruction and simulated ship training to improve the anti-terrorist skills of naval personnel.
May 1, Oxnard : Farmworkers, Longshoremen, and Youth Take to the Streets (tags)
A 300+ strong march, built independently by the Frente Contra las Redadas and allied Barrio/Workers' defense organizations, marched under the red banners of Workers' Power, resistance to the Migra/I.C.E. raids, and zero compromise with the forces of imperialism and police terror (Democrats, Republicans, and their non-profit proxies)!
DN! Blackwater on the Border (tags)
Just two months after local opposition thwarted its effort to build a massive outdoor training facility near San Diego, the private military company Blackwater USA is being accused of secretly trying to build a new one just blocks from the US-Mexico border. Blackwater received approval for the 61,000 square-foot indoor facility in Otay Mesa, California, by filing for permits using the names of two subsidiaries.
Dangerous Mexican/U.S. Criminal Enterprises Operating Along the (tags)
Many were beheaded with or without written messages on bodies or in vehicles. The cartels’ methods of torture and killing are particularly brutal. On September 6, 2006, masked gunmen entered a nightclub in the Michoacan, fired guns in the air and rolled five severed human heads onto the dance floor
Calling Israel's Bluff: Hamas Offers Truce, Israel Rejects Peace (tags)
Israeli and American Extremists engineered this 'crisis', in order to undermine the ELECTED representatives of the Palestinians, and do not want it stopped. However, if Israel continues to reject peace, the world is going to start publicly debating these facts, as well as the fact that it is the Palestinians who have no 'partner for peace'.
4/25: Con. Protests New Blackwater Development Near Cal-Mex Border (tags)
“Residents of San Diego County rejected Blackwater’s proposed mercenary training facility in Potrero, and I cannot imagine that San Diegans will feel any differently about Otay Mesa,” said Congressman Filner. “The use of civilian-defense contractors is irresponsible, and should be stopped immediately. Not only are they unaccountable to the Military, the State Department and Congress; they are civilians serving in combat and combat-training. Many have been wounded or have wounded others, and yet, they are not veterans; there is no safety net when they come home. It is criminal to ask civilian men and women to perform the role of the military when they lack the support necessary to return to their civilian lives. The paramilitary-style training conducted at these facilities has no place in our backyards!”
Homeland Security dumping its highly praised “virtual fence” (tags)
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff officially accepted the supposedly completed fence from The Boeing Company just two months ago.
Alarming Sensitive U.S. Government on Mexican violence (tags)
Dozens of people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see
Mexican Drug cartels using terrorist beheading tactics (tags)
At least 40 people have been decapitated in Mexico so far this year, with heads stuck on fence posts, found in trash bags and heads being tossed onto a nightclub dance floor for all to see
Terrorist Bomb Intended for 12-story police headquarters In Mexico City (tags)
The massive explosion blew out windows in apartment buildings, damaged several cars and caused panic in the American La Rosa area of Mexico City.
Mexican drug cartels and terrorist are recruiting for more fighters to train as soldiers (tags)
Iran is believed providing at least some of the money for this recruiting and training program. The training camps are teaching hit and run gorilla technique's. Cells of Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTOs) have sent their seasoned veterans to oversee the training of the new troops and to direct the war against the Mexican government on behalf of the Mexican Cartels.
U.S. State Department only up-graded Travel alert to Mexico (tags)
Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported. From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California the State Department has alerted Americans of the dangers of crossing the border.
Border Vulnerable Few U.S. Troops Available To Protect Us (tags)
Gen. Richard A. Cody, the Army's vice chief of staff told Congress that the "Readiness of the army Is Dangerously Low." In a stark assessment a week before Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq, was to testify on the war's progress, the Army's vice chief of staff, said that the heavy deployments are inflicting "incredible stress" on soldiers and families and that they pose "a significant risk" to the nation's all-volunteer military.
Why not a Warning for Mexico travel or at least an up-grade to the existing alert? (tags)
Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported
Nuclear Threat From Mexico (tags)
Of growing concern to some U.S. officials is the way the terrorists south of the border are taking advantage of the lack of sophistication on the Mexicans part for their inability and unwillingness to protect their own borders from terrorist infiltration and are using the low Mexican immigration standards and the U.S. open border to slip into Mexico or the U.S. with a nuclear weapon or dirty bomb.
Bush and Cheney claim they want to stop terrorist all over the world from attacking western targets. Bush believes that the sell of drugs in America is connected to the terrorist than why is he not welling to stop them at our borders? We have the resources and the capability to do that, yet we don’t.
The U.S. placed Mexico under a travel alert As Thousands of Armed Mexican Troops Patrol th (tags)
The Mexican soldiers are armed with combat American supplied M-16 fully automatic rifles. This latest action by Mexican President Calderon now places Mexican armed soldiers on the U.S. Border with Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This latest Mexican troop movement places more than 30,000 Mexican troops combating the Mexican cartels throughout the country.
U.S. Command Denies Military Task Force Exists (tags)
NORTHCOM was established following the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, to provide for the defense of the United States and to provide military support to civil authorities when requested by the president or secretary of defense. NORTHCOM also is responsible for overseeing military responses to natural and man-made disasters,such as hurricanes and incidents involving weapons of mass destruction within the United States borders.
U.S. Military Headed For The Border To Protect Us Or What? (tags)
Americans are afraid that this is just subterfuge. That the real intent of this administration is to suppress decent, control the masses and some even fear it is designed by Bush to delay the elections in the fall. Invade Iran imprison many Americans and designed for him to remain President for as long as he can.
U.S. Military Being Sent to the Border with Mexico (tags)
They are being staged and immediately available as emergency "on call" units for use against terrorist threats on the nation's border and local disasters, said Gen. Victor E. Renuart Jr., commander of United States Northern Command and the North American Aerospace Defense Commander
An easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico (tags)
Imperial Sand Dunes Recreation Area and easy place to sneak into the USA from Mexico. It is neare the Arizona and California border on the California side
New Killing Fields Discovered In Ciudad Juarez Mexico (tags)
Now again Mexican federal police report discovering a new mass grave containing numerous unidentified human bodies the exact number police are refusing to say. But usually reliable anonymous sources tell the Journal that up-wards of a dozen bodies have already been dig up plus two severed heads and three torsos
Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey Announce a Ser (tags)
The Department Of Justice and Homeland Security will strengthen legal efforts to keep international gang members out of the United States. Chertoff said, “Gangs are at the root of many U.S. crime problems today, and many of the most dangerous gangs draw significant membership from abroad.”
"Migrant March III" Marches Through Los Angeles (tags)
Enrique Morones launches new caravan movement to raise awareness of humanitarian tragedies along the US-Mexico border.
United States-Mexican border is experiencing an alarming rise in drug-human and Terrorist (tags)
In addition to Federal agents, State, sheriff, and local police dept's are expected to help patrol the border areas.
The current Gaza crisis reviewed.
FBI Combating Growing Violence Along The South Texas Border With Mexico (tags)
Significant levels of violence and drug-related criminal activity also plague Laredo. As you know, this bloody drama revolves around the Gulf Cartel drug-trafficking organization, which dominates the region and commands smuggling operations along this stretch of the American Southwest.
Change In International Travel Documents (tags)
Travelers who do not present one of the documents listed below may be delayed as U.S. Customs and Border Protection officers attempt to verify their identity and citizenship
Man arrested in Mexico in border agent's Luis Aguilar death (tags)
After the killing, Navarro, 22, drove to Mexicali and gave the Hummer to accomplices for safekeeping, according to an Attorney General's office spokesman who could not be named according to departmental rules.
El Paso Native Son Border Patrol Agent Luis Aguilar's Death Continues To be Investigated (tags)
Luis Aguilar Jr. lived in Yuma with his wife and two children. It happened 20 miles West of Yuma, in a popular recreation area on Saturday morning.
They're known as "Los Zetas (tags)
The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s
FCR-VC declaration against NAFTA and the Migra! (tags)
Today, January 1st 2008 the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) enters its final stage of implementation. NAFTA, since its inception, was designed to help the rich U.S. Agriculture and Industrial Corporations take over the markets of Mexico and destroy the small farms and national industries. It has caused millions of displaced or unemployed Raza to move to the cities or migrate to what today is the United States and Canada.
Daniel Watman: Activist Bridges Cultural, Sexual Borders (tags)
Bisexual activist DANIEL WATMAN doesn’t believe in walls — whether they’re the artificial “borders” between countries or the psychological borders between straight and Gay people. His involvements in the Border Meetup Group and the Bisexual Forum are bringing people together in new and unusual ways.
On the Turkish Armed Incursion into Northern Kurdistan (tags)
The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the Turkish authorities in bombing and incursions in Northern Kurdistan part of Iraq for the third straight days. We equally condemn the US and Iraqi authorities for providing the necessary data for such bombings and incursions against the Kurdish people in the border of Turkey and Northern Iraq. The same military incursions and bombings in the islands of Sulu in Southern Philippines where a division size forces of the AFP and undetermined numbers of US military special forces and advisers were deployed for more than a year.
Are You Scheduled for Political Termination? HR 1955 & S.1959 (tags)
Stop the “The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act." Could be used by Government to add thousands of activist organizations and millions of Americans to no travel lists
Letter concerning stalking/mobbing by Border Patrol NM to Shem Peachey PAIC DHS (tags)
Shem Peachey Department Of Homeland Security PAIC Border Patrol 441 Duncan Highway Lordsburg, NM 88045
Socialists want Stronger Ties with Mexico (tags)
Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA fully support protecting the rights of working class people on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and both socialist parties oppose building border walls. All the 2008 candidates, from the two socialist parties, favor strengthening ties with Mexico and developing policy that will benefit working people in both countries and worldwide.
U.S plans to arm Pakistani paramilitaries (tags)
The New York Times has reported that U.S. military officials want to enlist Pakistani paramilitaries along the border with Afghanistan. At a military strategy meeting of the United States Special Operations Command, the strategy was formulated as a means of expanding the ongoing battle against the Taliban and al-Qaeda.
Sensenbrener is at it agiain!-->HR4065 (tags)
Sensenbrenner, author of last year's draconian bill HR4437 plans to pass similar legislation, HR4065 with attatchments similar to that of the HR4437
bush is a traitor facilitating a vatican invasion...duh.
Conferencia de Prensa en Solidaridad con Campamento Contra las Fronteras (tags)
Press Conference and "die in" in Santa Ana Thurs. 5:30pm expressing solidarity w/ NO BORDERS CAMP, why it relates to struggles here on our streets, and demand justice for the non-violent protestors attacked by the MIGRA Sunday in Calexico.
El campamento contra las fronteras termino con tres arrestos por la migra - lo que pediamos era simple - un mundo sin fronteras - lo que recibimos - balas de pimienta, palos y represion The No borders camp ended with 3 arrests by the migra. What we asked for was simple: a world without borders. What we received: pepper bullets, batons and repression.
Iranian Kurdistan: A simmering cauldron (tags)
Simmering discontent among Iran's ethnic Kurdish minority - aided by the government's conflict with a Turkish PKK offshoot - could spell major trouble for the Iranian government. The US government is fully aware of these tensions, and, according to published reports, is preparing several contingency plans to capitalize on mass discontent in these areas.
No Borders Camp Attacked (tags)
Border Patrol Attacks No Border Camp in Calexico, Ca. Click Link for Video of the Assualt
Autonomous Action Against Border Wall Construction Company (tags)
In the early morning hours of Sunday, November 11, a group calling themselves “No Borders! Earth First!” sent a clear message to the El Centro office of Granite Construction Company:
Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)
If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.
Cool! It is possible to change your finger prints!!! (tags)
alleged drug dealer with skin from the bottom of his feet pleaded guilty Thursday to a federal charge of harboring and concealing a fugitive.
Guns: The bloody US-Mexico market (tags)
With over 2,100 deaths between January and October 2007 related to drug trafficking and the use of weapons purchased in the US, Mexico pins its hopes on the future success of the Merida Initiative to combat drug and gun trafficking.
10 days to No Borders Camp 2007 / 10 días a Campamento Contra Las Fronteras 2007 (tags)
The No Borders Camp 2007 is just 10 days away. Here are some ways you can still plug in, and information on how to get to the camp.
Oct 28 Noon Press Conference re Forgotten Fire Victims (tags)
Noon, Sunday, Oct. 28, Downtown Federal Building--Join us for a press conference in support of migrants, farm workers, and the people on our streets and reservations--the forgotten and invisible victims of San Diego's firestorm.
Immigrants Neglected and Abused During San Diego Wildfires (tags)
It is important that people know that the government’s response to this has not been as benevolent as the news media has made it out to be. For immigrant families, this is in no way an ‘anti-Katrina.’ Immigrants in San Diego county are being neglected by emergency evacuators, put in danger by their employers, treated rudely by authorities and volunteers, refused aid at evacuation sites, and racially profiled by police and deported by the Border Patrol.
Message to George Bush from a San Diego Evacuee (tags)
Neither the Border Patrol nor George Bush is welcome in San Diego! We’ve Suffered Enough! Message to George Bush, I believe… 1. Nature caused these fires 2. Global Warming, the most dangerous side effect of Capitalism, made them worse. 3. The lack of resources to fight these fires and which are currently being used in the imperialist war in Iraq prevented most of these fires from being extinguished expeditiously.
What is the Border Patrol doing in an evacuation zone? (tags)
We have witnessed the presence of the Border Patrol in Fallbrook during a brief visit we made earlier today. We witnessed them entering into Mexican neighborhoods and we believe there is absolutely no reason for the Border Patrol to be present in this time of crisis. Their presence in fact discourage people who may be in need to seek aid.
No Border Camp 2007 promo (tags)
A promo for the No Border Camp 2007 on the US/Mexico border.
Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)
Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.
Blackwater's Run for the Border (tags)
There are signs that Blackwater USA, the private security firm that came under intense scrutiny after its employees killed 17 civilians in Iraq in September, is positioning itself for direct involvement in U.S. border security. The company is poised to construct a major new training facility in California, just eight miles from the U.S.-Mexico border. While contracts for U.S. war efforts overseas may no longer be a growth industry for the company, Blackwater executives have lobbied the U.S. government since at least 2005 to help train and even deploy manpower for patrolling America's borders.
O’odham Return from Gathering with Mexico’s Indigenous and Subcomandante (tags)
A short report back on the recent indigenous resistance gathering in Northern Mexico
Nativist Militia Forms in Long Beach (tags)
Former Save Our State ( SOS ) member Gerry Nance aka. BorderRaven forms Militia in Long Beach. [Photo of BorderRaven]
No Borders Camp: A Call to Resistance Against the Border Regime (tags)
This is an invitation to all people of goodwill, to all who are fighting for dignity, freedom, human rights and autonomy. The regime of terror and the homeland security apparatus will not collapse on its own – it must be challenged. We call on you to join us in opposition to the border regime. Between November 7th and 11th, 2007, thousands of people will gather at the line between Calexico, California and Mexicali, Baja California. Throughout this week of action we will engage in opposition to the infrastructure of repression and that of neo-liberal globalization. Together we will create an autonomous zone free of borders and the lies they perpetuate.
Homeland Security Head Michael Chertoff says Security requires sacrifice (tags)
They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security - Benjamin Franklin
Protest Against Pete Wilson Statue (tags)
A united coalition of San Diego and Los Angeles activists protested the dedication of a statue honoring ex-governor and supporter of Proposition 187, Pete Wilson.
Ethnic cleansing new American policy in Afghanistan (tags)
Pashtuns to e ethnically cleansed ino Pakistan
The Anti Immigrant lobby in the U.S. Senate will focus on border first and border enforcement when the pro-immigrant lobby revived the immigration debates in the U.S. Senate this September. Several Republican led by Senator Graham, irked by the advocacy of Senator Alan Specter, John MacCain and six other senators who planned to take up the debates to pave the way for a comprehensive immigration law to be passed next year.
Department of Homeland Security and Border Customs Van Spotted in Santa Barbara (tags)
Update on the presence of Border Customs in the city
“Braving Borders, Building Bridges: A Journey for Human Rights” Report Back (tags)
African American leaders will share their experiences on a human rights tour of the U.S.-Mexico border.
The 'Choose Black America' Anti-Immigration Ploy: Is Ted Hayes the New Ward Connerly? (tags)
"like Ward Connerly before him, Hayes has been bought and sold to the anti-immigration forces as 'the Blackface' in the movement"
Pastors for Peace Detained at U.S. Border (tags)
U.S. corporations profit from undocumented migrants (tags)
Minutemen/SOS racist assertions derail any open dialogue about NAFTA/WTO free trade policies as a source of undocumented immigration that enables corporations to exploit migrant farmworkers..
Tom Tancredos Ties to Mexican Drug Dealers (tags)
The Police State and Its Maintenance
Anniversary of Second Israeli Invasion of Lebanon (tags)
Homeland Security Officials "Detain" Medical Supplies Destined for Cuba (tags)
Please pass this on to your email lists and phone trees! Homeland Security Officials "Detain" Medical Supplies Destined for Cuba at Maine/Québec Border Despite Earlier Successful Crossings Today With Five Tons of Medical Aid Collected by Canadians for Cuba.
Is Barack Obama an Alternative for U.S. Workers? (tags)
After years of Bush’s open-ended war on working people at home and abroad, many on the “left” are desperate for an alternative. For many, that alternative is Barack Obama, a Democratic Senator from Illinois. Obama, who is very careful with his words and actions, has done a good job so far of portraying himself as a “sensible progressive”. However, far from being a “progressive” alternative, Obama is at his core a typical representative of the bosses’ political parties. Despite presenting himself as a candidate of “change”, Obama is a defender of capitalism and imperialism, and hence of exploitation and oppression. On all fundamentals, he is far closer to Bush than he is to being a genuine alternative for working people.
Blackwater Mercenaries on the USA-Mexico Border (tags)
very scary
Blair arrives in Gaza to help (tags)
in an Israeli tank.
AJLPP-USA Mobilizes for June 24 Full Rights for All Immigrants March and Rally in Los Ange (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines(AJLPP)-USA and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) will mobilize upcoming June 24 Immigrant Rights March-Rally in Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles. The June 24th Hollywood march-rally will also demand a stop to the increase on exorbitant fees on citizenship and other documents for immigrants to be implemented by the DHS this July 30, 2007. As the hopes for the proposed compromise bill on “Border Protection and Immigration Bill” also known as the “grand bargain” flickered, mass actions should be the order of the day.. The racist conservatives in the Lower House has just filed the “Border Protection First “ bill that elucidates their racist- anti immigrant bias
O'odham Burial Ground Unearthed During Border Wall Construction (tags)
O'odham remains were unearthed last month during the construction of the border wall between the United States and Mexico. Local O'odham residents are demanding that the remains be returned to them.
Preparing for Martial Law, Part 2: Enforcement and Infrastructure (tags)
Whelp folks, I hate to be the pallbearer at our country's funeral, but I am here to inform you, in case you missed it on Fox News, that the apparatus for martial law is being quietly, but steadily, implemented. If one has been paying attention to the laws that are getting passed over the last few years we can see the telltale signs that we are getting closer and closer to such a scenario. Not only is this government setting up the legal framework for martial law, but they are also setting up the policing apparatus and infrastructure to carry it out.
AJLPP / CDIR Rejects The Border Protection and Immigration Reform Bill as Racist (tags)
The Alliance Philippines (Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines ) and the Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) vehemently oppose the so called " US Border Protection and immigration Reform Bil" l that will turn 12 million immigrants into a permanent underclass of “guest workers” and scrap the family reunification laws that will separate millions of immigrant families.
Presidential Candidate: Immigrants Beaten Coast to Coast (tags)
On a day when Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and Los Angeles Police Chief William J. Bratton spent the evening in rallies with thousands of immigrants, to make amends for the terrible beatings that hundreds of immigrants and reporters received at the Los Angeles May Day rallies, President Bush, along with key Democrats and Republicans, took their tern beating up 12 million immigrants coast to coast.
There is Still Time...... To sign up for the IFCO/Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba this July as we collectively break the US blockade and travel ban by taking humanitarian aid, and ourselves, to Cuba without asking for a US government license.
Unless migrant communities resist, the US government, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will continue attacking and terrorizing migrant communities.
The Migrant Trap, and the Migrants' Way Out: May 1, 2007 (tags)
Migrants face an impossible choice. And they've got their own humane and just answer. Is anybody listening?
What’s Really in the Flake-Gutierrez (STRIVE) Act? (tags)
Many traditional immigrant rights organizations are putting enormous pressure on grass roots groups to support the “Security Through Regularized Immigration and a Vibrant Economy Act” (STRIVE). This proposal, put forward by Democrats Jeff Flake (AZ) and Luis Gutierrez (IL), is being presented as a “lesser evil” and “the best we can get”. While on the surface it isn’t as overtly aggressive as Sensenbrenner’s HR4437, this remains an enforcement-first bill and offers little or nothing to immigrant workers and their families. ImmigrantsThis is not what millions of immigrant workers marched for last spring. This is not why hundreds of grass roots organizations were formed across the country in order to fight for unconditional legalization for all.
Former USA Bank Examiner Attacked in Canada, Canada and USA Heed This Message (tags)
I, Kurt Brown, AKA Saint Ram Bone, former federal bank examiner turned informant on government corruption has been attacked once again. The details are below.
Marcos at Mexico-US Border (tags)
“We Will Come and Stay With You, Without Guns, Only With Our Words” Zapatista Comandantes Arrive at Mexico-US Border
Immigrants: 50,000 March for Immigration Reform (tags)
More than 50,000 immigrants and immigrant rights advocates filled the streets of Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, April 7, 2007, to rally support for fair legislation for immigrants; and to protest against the recent White House plan that will further restrict the rights of immigrants across America. The March and rally was one of the largest in recent months and it further demonstrated the growing momentum of the immigration rights movement.
Candaian Border Partrol Hostile To USA Informants (tags)
My name is Kurt Brown, alias Saint Ram Bone, I am being denied my right to stay in Canada for a vacation. I was a bank examiner for the FDIC, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a federal banking regulatory agency whose floors are covered
Ted Hayes and Border Brothers (Audio) (tags)
Video/Audio was recorded last spring (2006) at the South Central Farm. The video was taken at night, thus you can’t really see anything. The audio is good though.
A Minuteman meets his hour of crisis (tags)
Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist is battling three of his board members in court for control of the organization. By Jennifer Delson, Times Staff Writer March 11, 2007
The Search For The Authentic Pancho Villa (tags)
According to an Account by Woodrow Wilson's Liaison to Pancho Villa, in book about the Mexican Revolution that has been made to disappear, "Pancho Villa did not invade the U.S. at Columbus, New Mexico, on March 9, 1916, as is commonly believed" -- he was eight hundred miles away, in the mountains of Coahuila, at the time.
Targeted: National Security and the Business of Immigration (tags)
DEEPA FERNANDES is the host of the popular morning show, “Wakeup call” on Pacifica radio station WBAI in New York City. Her award-winning radio features have aired on the BBC World Service, and Public Radio International. Her writing has appeared in the Village Voice, In These Times, and the New York Amsterdam News. Targeted, her first book, is the result of four years of research collecting narratives from immigrants as well as human rights groups, community organizers and lawyers who are challenging the Bush Administration's policies.
'No human being is illegal' (tags)
Before the Minutemen 'guarded our border,' there was another group. Twenty-eight years later, the Minutemen became partners with them. This group is known as the KKK.
Minutemen Stumble, ANSWER Steps Up (tags)
Yesterday protesters in Hollywood used a confused minuteman march to take their message to the streets.
Human rights activist lead a caravan to draw attention to the death and suffering taking place along our southern border. Marcha Migrante 2 started on February 2nd from San Ysidro and will travel all along the US/Mexico border until reaching Brownsville, Texas. During the two week caravan, human rights and immigrant rights activist will gather at various stops along the way and meet with people suffering from the current conditions plaguing the border region.
Gunmen Open Fire on Migrants (tags)
Border Fence- The Cost is Far Too High (tags)
A study released last December by the non-partisan Congressional Research Service says a proposed 700 mile stretch of fence, along the 2,000 mile U.S. – Mexico border, could cost an estimated $49 billion. But what the report fails to say, U.S. –built walls on the border would cost both the U.S. and Mexico trillions of dollars in economic losses over the predicted 25-year lifespan of the fence, and non-monetary damage to political and cultural relations between the two countries would also last for decades.
Caravana Por Justicia!
An open mike video forum which will record each and every person who wishes to express their views --- in two minutes --- on the proposed United States/ Mexico border fence.
Even as they face escalating government threats to their lives, freedom, and human rights, migrant day laborers, with their supporters, face down the cazamigrantes in San Juan Capistrano.
Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)
..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.
Top al-Qaida suspect killed in U.S. airstrike, Somali official says (tags)
How long before the U.S. Government starts attacking citizens in the US with missles like they just did in Somalia????
Mexico Supplies GPS SatNav to Migrants (tags)
A Mexican university has developed a satellite tracking system that the Mexican government plans to distribute to migrants who are forced to cross the border through unsafe routes and in punishing desert heat.
Taliban chief hasn't seen Osama (tags)
PESHAWAR, Pakistan (Reuters) - Taliban chief Mullah Mohammad Omar has added to the mystery over Osama bin Laden, saying he hasn't seen his ally and fellow fugitive since U.S.-backed forces ousted the Taliban from Afghanistan in 2001.
Texas Governor Takes Lead on Immigration Issues (tags)
Texas’ Republican Governor Rick Perry said yesterday that he opposes a measure proposed last month in the Texas Legislature by a fellow Republican that would bring about an end to birthright citizenship.
News thats fit to print...on toilet paper (tags)
"Hot document" from Faux News reveals savvy hyperbole-free rigorous journalism, not.
Border town workers say U.S. agents shot them with air guns (tags)
U.S. Border Patrol agents shot two city workers in San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico with pepper ball guns
Risking injury, brutality for a ride toward the U.S. (tags)
In the underground world of illegal immigration, Tultitlán a gritty suburb of Mexico City is Grand Central Station, a junction where Central American stowaways change from one freight train to another on a harrowing, often deadly, ride to the U.S. border.
Texas Testing Border Cams (tags)
The State of Texas has launched a website with 12 webcams focused on the U.S. - Mexico border.
Newest border surveillance drone unveiled (tags)
The new Predator B has equipment allowing its command and control by satellite from Riverside, Calif., where the agency's air marine operations are headquartered.
"We Want This Border to Disappear" (tags)
Marcos in Magdalena de Kino. Zapatista: Report Back from La Otra Campaña (The Other Campaign" in Rancho El Peñasco, Mexico
Lets pretend the mythical wall will work, which it wont! (tags)
If they every build the mythical wall, and the mythical wall works, which it won't this will be the way to sneak drugs and people into the USA.
2 border agents get decade in prison for shooting smuggler (tags)
This is really unusuall. Two cops actually get punished for shooting a Mexican in the back. Usually the cops involved in these crimes get a pat on the back along with a raise. But the racist Minutemen think the piggies got a bum rap.
Saint Ram Bone's rideshare blocked at border relays Her Film Debut Information, (tags)
In my observations of the poor getting ripped apart in the USA and imprisoned, I also noticed that would be Canadian visitors are denied entry. One young woman, a rideshare from Craigslist was with me and she was denied entry to her film debut
New $20 ID card proposed for U.S. border crossers (tags)
And next it will be used for an internal passport.
Arizona AG finds a novel way to steal money from Lations (tags)
Racist Arizona Attorney General Terry Goddard finds a novel way to steal money from Latinos and raise millions for the State of Arizona. If your a Latino and have money which you can't proved you earned legally the state will steal the money from you.
It aint the Berlin Wall, its the Tijuana Juarez Wall (tags)
It's like the Berlin Wall but it's in the USA so we can call it the Tijuana Wall. Now its to keep Mexicans out, but as the Amerikan police state gets worse it will be used to keep Americans in.
Border fence could spell environmental disaster (tags)
Border fence could spell environmental disaster
Why Hillary Clinton voted for the anti-immigrant wall (tags)
Last May, in the wake of mass demonstrations that brought millions of immigrants to the streets in cities throughout the United States, New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton spoke with disdain for the Republican right’s proposals mandating a crackdown on foreign-born workers.
Beyond the Border, Sharing Responsibility for Immigration (tags)
A public forum designed to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for creating a fair, sustainable, environmentally friendly development plan with Mexico. Doing so addresses a solution to the root cause of illegal immigration.
UNHCR deeply concerned by plight of Palestinian refugees in Iraq (tags)
UNHCR is deeply concerned over the well-being of Palestinian refugees inside Iraq, as well as those who fled targeted harassment and violence in Baghdad and are now stuck at the border between Iraq and Syria and in camps in Jordan and Syria.
Sanctuary City, National City (tags)
Hundreds of residents of the small community of National City outside San Diego proudly celebrated their new sanctury city, a refuge for the foreign-born, free from profiling and discrimination.
New progressive newspaper starts in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. A small newspaper, but packed with hard news about important social and environmental issues. Here's a sample.
New progressive newspaper starts in Costa Mesa and Huntington Beach, Orange County, California. A small newspaper, but packed with hard news about important social and environmental issues. Here's a sample.
The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) strongly protest and condemn the US Congress that approved a bill last Friday, September 29 that calls for building a fence along the US-Mexican border to stem the flow of illegal immigrants
The signs read, “No Terrorist Racism in Ventura County,” “Shame on You Borders” and “No Human Being is Illegal.” The shouts from the crowd of approximately 30 protestors outside of Borders Book Store in Thousand Oaks ranged from the boilerplate “Hey, Hey, Ho, Ho, the Minutemen have got to go” to an angry “Racists go home” to an even more creative “Down with the geriatric fascist.”
Homeland Security bill delays rule for passports at borders (tags)
The full blown police state will be delayed by 17 months. Until you can visit Mexico and Canada with out a passport. Heil Hitler! Sorry I mean Heil Bush!
'Virtual fence' to go up near Tucson (tags)
Boeing Co. engineers crafted a plan to line the Mexican border with 1,800 towers equipped with sensors that can spot when illegal immigrants step onto U.S. soil.
Former FDIC federal bank auditor persecuted Allowed Into Canada with Hassles (tags)
Former federal bank examiner persecuted by the illegal regime in power across USA allowed into Canada, after hassles. USA government deserves to be gutted, coast to coast.
UN warns of Gaza 'breaking point' (tags)
In July and August Israeli security forces killed 226 Palestinians, 54 of them minors, in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli Human rights group, B'Tselem has reported. More that 220 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza since the end of June Living conditions for Palestinians in Gaza have reached breaking point, a senior UN official has said.
Minuteman Project in serious troubles? (tags)
Dear MySpace Minuteman Project Friends,
New fences protecting fragile areas on border (tags)
From the photos in the Arizona Republic printed article it looks like it would take at most a couple of minutes to cut down the barriers with an actylene cutting torch. They are just saw horse barriers made of railroad tracks which could be cut down and removed in just a few minutes.
Mexican theme park turns border crossing into sport (tags)
A place were La Migra are not jackbooted thugs? Hey they are only actors here!
Are we safe from government spy plane "drones" crashing into our homes? (tags)
Crashes of drone planes flying over the USA are worrying pilots and lawmakers who fear that a surge in interest by federal and local agencies to use the unmanned aircraft could lead to danger in the skies.
Hizbullah, Zionism and the Ideology of late Imperial America (tags)
Awakening the Resistance
Resistance fighters destroy 14 Israeli tanks along border region (tags)
Zionist Terrorists Falling
9 Migrants die In Crash (tags)
The Yuma, AZ Sheriff’s Dept. is reporting that a Chevy Suburban carrying 9 undocumented migrants has crashed killing 9 and injuring 12.
La Migra wants snitches (tags)
Isn't this what Hitler did? Turn in a Jew for a cash reward? Now George W. Hitler says turn in a Mexican and get a cash reward. Gee how history repeats its self!
Fremont PD Attack and Arrest 6 Anti-Minutemen Protesters on July 28th! (tags)
Tell the Fremont Police Department that the whole world is watching!
No Border Camp in Italy and Slovenia - Report (tags)
A report from the 2006 european no border camp, in solidarity with the migrant struggles in the USA.
Israeli strikes may boost Hizbullah base (tags)
Hizbullah support tops 80 percent among Lebanese factions.
4 may have drowned in illegal border crossing (tags)
If you sneak into the USA thru these tunnels please don't do it when its raining!
Kidnapped in Israel or Captured in Lebanon? (tags)
Israel’s Invasion Pretext Under Fire
Hezbollah banks on home-ground advantage (tags)
By Sami Moubayed
Government - the cause of the IMMIGRATION problem, not the solution (tags)
Again government is the cause of the problem, not the solution. If immigration was legal none of these crimes would be happening! And in fact this criminal activity did not start to exist until the feds started enforcing the immigration laws with a heavy hand.
A growing number of Minuteman Civil Defense Corps leaders and volunteers are questioning the whereabouts of hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, of dollars in donations collected in the past 15 months, challenging the organization's leadership over financial accountability.
CONFIRMATION: Captured IDF Were Inside Lebanon (tags)
Twice in one month, the Olmert Government has been caught LYING you into war, Israel. First, with the phony, exposed "investigation" into the shelling of a Palestinian family on a Gaza beach, and now this.
Racism is "the belief that one 'racial group' is inferior to another and the practices of the dominant group to maintain the inferior position of the dominated group. Often defined as a combination of power, prejudice and discrimination."
Lebanon crisis: Don't let them fool you - ISRAEL STARTED IT (tags)
Ever since the bloody carnage in Lebanon started, the mainstream media has echoed Israel's self-righteous indignation about how they're merely defending themselves - "Israeli sovereignty was violated" when Hizbullah "kidnapped" their soldiers from "across the border." What they conveniently reverse is that Hizbullah confronted Israeli troops on the LEBANESE SIDE OF BORDER.
Here is a list of Antis, some are known hate groups and the rest have the potential of being hate groups.
My article is about minute men and how they need to stop watching people are crossing the border thats why we have border patrol.
Self starting protests of Calderon's theft @ Mexican consulate (tags)
Theft of the election by Calderon comes at a perfect time for the Bush regime and their money hungry NAFTA/WTO/PPP sponsoring corporations thirsting for the agua, labor, bosques and cultural lifeblood of Mexico's southern Sierra Madre mountains, petroleum reserves etc.. Let's not allow Calderon, another imperialist lapdog from Fox's PAN party, to steal the Mexican presidency! Choicepoint and other corporate voter fraud devices need to be removed from interfering with the democratic electoral processes..
Status of Human Rights on the US/Mexico Border (tags)
Shadow Report Submitted by Organized Border Communities to United Nations
MM Prove Too Much for GOP (tags)
Minutemen prove to be too much even for Texas Republicans
Ex-border agents plead guilty to bribery (tags)
You can always trust a cop to be honest!!!! Yea Sure!!!!
“Life & Times Immigration Special” will look at the debate over a seven-hundred-mile border fence, the impact of the massive street demonstrations, the anti-immigration measure launched in San Bernardino, what it takes to become legal in the U.S. and the perspective of Blacks and non-Latino immigrants.
The problem with the idea of “an immigration problem.” (tags)
Why so many different takes to "the immigration problem?" The answer lies in the oversimplification of the issue. I will not diagnose the source(s) of these over-simplistic notions, only attempt to clear up the mud.
What’s Next for the Palestinians - Starvation? (tags)
Since 01/06, when the Palestinians elected a Hamas-dominated government, the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) have accelerated their brutal treatment. After Israeli PM, Ehud Olmert, appeared before the lapdog U.S. Congress on May 31, 2006, the IOF also slaughtered 32 Palestinians, including 10 children. On 06/23/06, Tim Rothermel and Laila El-Haddad, at a Capitol Hill forum, warned that the Palestinians may, eventually, face starvation, too.
Border Vigilante Goes on Trial Today (tags)
Cochise County, Arizona-Business owner and former Sheriff's deputy Roger Barnett goes on trial today for detaining a group of migrants at gunpoint on his neighbor's property. The civil suit, filed by Donald MacKenzie with the support of Border Action Network a local human rights group, claims Barnett impersonated a law enforcement officer and trespassed on private property in order to detain the group.
The Right to be Anywhere on This Continent (tags)
Comments on immigrants from Native Americans
Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW (tags)
Why Americans should be packing their bags NOW
1,400 targeted killings in Baghdad last month (tags)
1,400 targeted killings in Baghdad last month
Denver ruling lets City regulate assault weapons, handguns (tags)
Denver ruling lets City regulate assault weapons, handguns
56 vanish from Baghdad
The Coordinadora Estudiantil de la Raza rallied and held a press conference to denounce the deployment of US Troops to the border and to iniciate a campaign against JROTC/Military in public schools.
The May Day Coalition for Students and Workers Justice is organizing a rally for Immigration Rights on Thursday June 15, 2006.
No Troops at the Border! Protest at Roybal Federal Bldg. 255 Temple St. Los Angeles at 5pm June 1st. Thursday, called by the CER: Coordinadora Estudiantil de la Raza
Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)
In recent months millions of immigrants have been in the streets protesting the vicious attacks that Bush and Congress are preparing to legislate against them, while local governments also formulate attacks. Behind this reactionary onslaught is the fact that the capitalists want immigrant labor, but they want it without rights so that they can more profitably exploit it. They know that without the same rights as other workers the immigrant workers have little chance in effectively resisting the rotten wages and conditions they impose on them. And they know that lack of rights makes it very difficult for immigrant workers to actively support and participate in strikes and other struggles of the "legal" U.S. workers.
A much healthier way to sneak into the USA (tags)
Some Mexican migrants take to bicycling into U.S.
Trafficking in Children Across the U.S.-Mexico Border (tags)
Human Trafficking is a clandestine, transnational crime. The U.S. State Department estimates that each year up to 800,000 people, primarily women and children, are trafficked across world borders.
Down with Senate Bill 2611! (tags)
The reactionary features of this anti-immigrant bill are crystal clear. Renewed mass struggle is needed. Full rights for all immigrants!
National President - MAPA (tags)
A potential compromise on immigration reform might be reached soon in the Senate but some immigration advocates are against the Hagel-Martinez legislation. On Tuesday, the March 25th Coalition will hold a press conference calling upon Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer to support full legalization and vote against the Hagel-Martinez compromise.
Immigration Setback Blacks, Poor Whites (tags)
The increasing number of immigrants entering the U.S. has been sanction by Washington D.C. to satisfy the growing demand from corporate America for cheap labor; and the failure of U.S. policy has been a setback for all Americans on both sides of the border.
Snuggly, the security bear (tags)
Snuggly, the security bear
immigration or Invasion (tags)
America's worsening healthcare travesty (tags)
America's worsening healthcare travesty
The Border War Comes Home (tags)
With our lives and community on the line it is time to take the struggle for migrant's rights to a new stage - Resistance.
Travis Morales Responds to Bush's Speech on Immigration (tags)
Bush is treating the southern border area as a war zone where the military must be used against starving people who are crossing the border to survive! No, no, no!
Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77" (tags)
Pentagon releases phony video of "Flight 77"
Bush’s immigration speech—an appeal to militarism and reaction (tags)
The Socialist Equality Party unequivocally condemns the vicious anti-immigrant policy put forward by President George W. Bush in his speech from the White House Oval Office Monday night. We condemn as well the craven response of the Democratic Party, which embraced in all essentials the administration’s attacks on millions of immigrant workers living and working in the US. Bush’s speech was ignorant, short-sighted and reactionary. While crafted with the short-term goal of satisfying both the prejudices of the Republican Party’s extreme right-wing base and the profit interests of the American Manufacturers Association, the proposals outlined by the US president have far-reaching and ominous implications.
National Guard Not Allowed? (tags)
reposted from right wingersite
"Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" (tags)
For May 1, 2006, "A Day Without An Immigrant", Women Say "Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" A massive movement of grassroots women and men, workers and students, on the streets in the US is demanding that their work be counted and that this be reflected in what they are entitled to.
A Review of Immigration Proposals in Congress (tags)
A Choice Between Bad and Worse: Why We Can't Compromise on Immigration Legislation
What Alex Jones-- Promoter of the 9/11 "Truth" Event in LA-- Said About Mexican (tags)
The scenes you will witness on the streets of America over the next few days do not illustrate a 'new civil rights movement' but an invading army of militant foreigners bankrolled and supported by predominantly white rich Neo-Cons and Neo-Libs who are using the different Mexican race groups as a vice to crush the sleeping American middle class.
Antis Email Intercepted - Agenda of Violence (tags)
An email sent on April 3rd, 2006 by a prominent anti-immigration leader has secretly urged the nation’s largest neo-Nazi group to launch a campaign of violence and harassment against undocumented workers in the United States.
Minutemen - Enforcers of Death on the Border & Promoters of Racist Hatred (tags)
The U.S. government is enforcing, and trying to pass even worse laws that force immigrants even deeper into the shadows by criminalizing undocumented people and denying them basic services.
Alongside this increasing, inhumane repression, the powers-that-be are promoting an anti-immigrant, nativist, fascist movement throughout the U.S. This vigilante movement is persecuting and hunting down immigrants along the border region, and has also been organizing forces in major cities like Los Angeles and Chicago and counties throughout Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. Among this fascist nativist movement, the Minutemen have emerged as a prominent vigilante group that has been gaining notoriety and legitimacy as expert guests on reactionary news channels like Fox and other mainstream media outlets like CNN.
Enrique Morones, whose group the Border Angels puts water through the desert for migrants, has been actively speaking out against the Minutemen and other vigilantes like Ranch Rescue, American Patrol, the Barnett Brothers, among others. Morones says that although the Minutemen are not an organization of thousands, as they often claim, the Minutemen and the increased militarization of the border are responsible for an increase in migrant deaths.
In a phone interview with Revolution, Morones said, “Before Operation Gatekeeper, which was implemented in 1994, there was one estimated death along the border every month. Since then, an estimated 4,000 people have died trying to cross the border.” He told Revolution that 4,000 bodies have been accounted for, but that the realistic number might be considerably higher, “possibly as much as 10,000 deaths.”
It is difficult to measure the exact numbers because while some skeletons and scattered bones are found in the desert, many of the deceased bodies are never found.
4/28 Jim Gilchrist Experience Punk Rock Opera (tags)
4/28 Jim Gilchrist Experience Punk Rock Opera
Marching Against Law and Common Sense (tags)
In the last weeks, the sleeping giant of American politics has growled: the young immigrant generation, the Latino population. E pluribus Unum - one out of many - is the national motto of the US inscribed on all kinds of public buildings.
Thoughts of the day! Viva La Everyone!
The Senate's Priorities: No Mexicans (tags)
The U.S. Senate today exposed its real immigration agenda, and it has little to do with securing borders, drug runners, or terrorists.
JC Outs Himself. Ending Years of Denial He Says "I'm proud to be a Vigilante" (tags)
Founder of the anti-immigrant vigilante group, the Minuteman Project. Says he won’t try to stop violence by his members and “I’m proud to be a vigilante.”
US Senate now considering to authorize Minutemen (tags)
Sen. Inhofe introduced an amendment to the immigration reform bill making the Minutemen an official U.S. government program known as "BRAVE Force"!
4/10/06 and 5/1/06 National Student Demonstrations (tags)
see below
L.A. Unified Students Protest Border Policies (tags)
March, 27, 2006. Los Angeles, Ca. Fifteen thousand students rallied on the steps of L.A. City Hall to express their disdain for the immigration and border policies being debated in Congress around the world.
Border Guardians is planning a Mexican flag-burning infront of the Mexican Consulate.
Full Citizenship Rights for All Immigrants! (tags)
Down With Racist U.S. Imperialism! For Socialist Revolution on Both Sides of the Border!
“We are Human Beings” Enrique Morones on the New Movement to Defend Immigrants (tags)
An interview with Enrique Morones, bane of the Minutemen, Border Angel and member of the Buenas Noches Brigade.
Speak Now, or Never: Stopping Sensenbrenner (tags)
Tomorrow morning, anti-fascists and anti-racists join together in the streets.
Minutemen Take Civics Lesson From ACLU in Costa Mesa (tags)
A tiny portion of Minuteman founder Jim Gilchrist's claimed 240 million followers made a surprise showing this Saturday at a Costa Mesa community forum on constitutional rights and immigration law. They were welcomed by Coyotl Tezcalipoca of the Colectivo Tonantzin, which sponsored the event primarily with Costa Mesa's local immigrant population (which has been the target of hate and harassment from the city's Minuteman Junta) in mind, but was happy to discover what it hopes is a new-found interest by the border vigilantes in civilized behavior and basic human rights.
Brown Skin / Yellow Star: Why You Must Join the March 25th Demo (tags)
The US Senate debates legislation that would make migrants an openly felonized, legally scapegoated racial and cultural under-caste, with deeply dangerous implications for us all. 600,000 or more to march this Saturday, March 25th, Broadway and Olympic, 10 AM.
Radio Show
LA Coalition to Stage Mass Protest on March 25, 2006 Against HR4437 Sensenbrenner Immigration Bill in Downtown Los Angeles and support a comprehensive immigration reform provision that leads to permanent residency and no more border fences and or heightened border security
Why are "progressive" dems and repubs silent on Tom Harman? (tags)
Tom Harman, supposed progressive republican assemblyman from Huntington Beach, has suddenly jumped on the Minuteman bandwagon. But nobody is saying anything. Why? This is not an article, but a letter similar to one I wrote to an email group I belong to.
The Arizona Minuteman comes to Costa Mesa (tags)
Blasting President George W. Bush for being weak on "homeland security," Simcox demanded that National Guard and U.S. military troops be placed in "civic observation posts" all along the U.S./Mexico border. "I don't care if it offends the government of Mexico or the people of Mexico," Simcox told the approving crowd. "I don't care about the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo! Your country got beat! Our army got what it wanted! And that's history! You follow by our rules now!"
Local Minuteman Nears Breaking Point (tags)
The information below was taken from the Save Our State message board from a thread entitled : “border ops in cali, please join me”
Update on Border Angels Migrant March (tags)
Progress report from the March and Caravan by Migrants as they head to a showdown with Lou Dobbs and then to DC.
from slave patrol to border patrol (tags)
Screening of Rights on the Line and Panel Discussion with Arnoldo Garcia, Monica Hernandez, and Chris Newman SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 2 P.M
Support the Caravan to Cuba End the Blockade (tags)
The US blockade of Cuba causes shortages of food, medicine and other important supplies for eleven million people. The blockade is an immoral policy that uses hunger and disease as political weapons. In November 2005 the countries in the United Nations General Assembly once again voted overwhelmingly (182-4) to call for the end of the blockade. A month later Condoleza Rice responded by stating that the Bush administration intends to intensify the blockade still further and is working on a package of new measure to be announced in May 2006. US policy towards Cuba is totally isolated internationally, increasingly discredited domestically and subject to many challenges from within Congress.
"Do It for the Children" (tags)
Dolores Huerta welcomes the Caravan for Migrants to Los Angeles, on its way to demanding humane immigration policies in Sacramento, Washington, and points in between.
LA City Council to Minutemen: Go Home! (tags)
In a stinging denunciation, the L.A. City Council goes on record against the Minutemen and Save Our State, but ices out the farmers.
Historic March for Migrants Rallies in LA Saturday (tags)
Beyond Chron: Patriot Act: Anti-Immigrant (tags)
by Rita Mandelenis‚ Jan. 25‚ 2006
I guess this really wasn't a good idea. (tags)
Minuteman Civil Defense Corps, a citizen border watch group, said it would use the maps to strategically place its teams of volunteers to better report illegal crossings to the U.S. Border Patrol.
Save Our Face – SOS, Fascistic Immigration Laws + the “Thrill” of Defeat (tags)
The war is on. It’s a war the Mexican People and their allies must win.
Declaración: No guerra contra migrantes (tags)
Indigenous people, Mexicanos, Chicanos and others march through downtown Los Angeles to demand the U.S. end targeting people of indigenous and Mexican descent.
March for Immigrant Rights (tags)
MARCH IN MEMORY OF OUR BROTHER..GUILLERMO MARTINEZ SHOT A KILLED BY THE USA BORDER PATROL DEC.30-2005 procesion en memoria de Guillermo Martinez asesinado por la migra el 30 de Diciembre 2005
Current TV on the Border Angels and MMP (tags)
Check out the Link!
Minutemen taking up position IN Mexico (tags)
A Racist organization that is a spinoff of the now defunct Friends of the Border Patrol has entered Mexico and is taking up position for a week of migrant hunting about 10 miles East of Campo.
March and rally to demand justice for Guillermo Martinez! Stop racist violence against immigrants!
Making Demands, Are We? (tags)
Making demands like a spoiled child...
Miami Herald reports a migrant was shot in CA (tags)
Editorial on the Minutemen (tags)
PRESENTLY TENSE What’s in a name? Modern Minutemen can’t talk their way out of their moniker’s past
Mexico Admits Poor Treatment of Migrants (tags)
Mexico Commission Acknowledges Poor Treatment of Migrants Within Its Own Territory
Racists Planning a Border Watch in Mexico! (tags)
A racist group intends to watch for undocumented migrants while in Mexico!
Minuteman leader has troubled past (tags)
Minuteman leader Chris Simcox paints himself as a heroic guardian of national security. Those close to him see him differently.
Illegal Immigration - A Native American Indian's View (tags)
By Carlos Estrella December 13, 2005
Initiative falls short by 100,000 (tags)
SIGNATURES: The state border-police measure will not be able to muster the required 600,000. 02:01 AM PST on Saturday, December 10, 2005
November 2005 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)
November 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter Published by National Immigrant Solidarity Network
Alert for anti-white supremacists (tags)
The San Gabriel Valley Tribune printed an article about the so-called "Friends of the Border Patrol" which didn't address the salient issues.
Minutemen Exposed By Their Own (tags)
James Chase pulls back the curtain on Gilchrist, Simcox, and the Minuteman Project. Reposted from
Nican Tlaca Stand Up to Cowboys (tags)
In a protest against the minutemen, the Mexica Movement defies modern conquerers intent on dividing their nation.
Both Sides of the Border: Latin American and Chicano Art (tags)
With the recent upsurge in popularity for Latino art, Carlotta's Passion Fine Arts intends to present a proper historical and aesthetic context for what is quickly becoming an internationally renown school of art. As an expression of a newly independent hemisphere, Latin American art has long delighted and inspired a world audience. Vibrant, compelling and rooted in the unique experience of the Americas, the genre provides a bridge for a new contemporary US art movement. Chicano Art is the visual language of the Mexican-American community in the US, and domestically it has already made an impact with its bold aesthetics - now it is poised to become popular with the worldwide community. To help broaden that recognition, Carlotta's Passion Fine Arts presents, Both Sides of the Border: Latin American and Chicano Art.
Venezuela Purging Border Drug Plots (tags)
Venezuela Purging Border Drug Plots
Rally Against the Minutemen! (tags)
A case of desparation resorting to lies
Who's Behind the Minutemen? (tags)
Contrary to the official story, the USA is not one nation of many immigrants, but a prison of oppressed nations, including Latin@s. In the year 2004, another racist threat emerged against Latin@ and other immigrant workers: the Minutemen.
Sheets Shoot Shots at Schnoops (tags)
Why is Minuteman Jim Chase always around when shots are fired at the border?
SWARM the Minutemen - Phone Jam NOW! (tags)
The Minutemen are really ramping up their media campaign, including a major rally in Sacramento to promote their California Border Patrol initiative, an attempt to further militarize the border and our communities at the cost of more people's lives. Recently, they testified before congress ( ) to ask that congres declare a state of emergency along the entire border. Clearly, they want more policing of our lives and communities, they want unrestricted fascism on the border. Still, resistance to the Minutemen ( ) has been powerful and is still growing, all across North America.
RALLY AGAINT THE minutemen! Disrupt the Minutemen's Rally! (tags)
Rally against the Minutemen! English followed by Spanish
A great opportunity was missed by coalition members from both LA and San Diego for a mass protest of Gilchrist at the Jacumba gap and with a second opportunity lost to disrupt Chases minutemen the next day at their sign up at the VFW. This last weekends excursion revealed that the battle is still out there at the border. With no one to confront them the minute men simply have free reign over the desert.
Voices of Color: Unite against the border vigilantes! (tags)
Minuteman armed thugs are gathering on the U.S.-Mexico border to try to stop undocument- ed immigration. The good news: protesters are building a movement that can stop them. To reprint, please credit the author & Freedom Socialist newspaper. Notice is appreciated.
KKK rally site changed to Irvine Marriot Hotel (tags)
According to Jim Gilchrist's website, the KKK rally will not be held in Irvine Regional Park as originally planned, but in the Grand Ballroom of the Irvine Marriot Hotel.
Finish Off SOS on Saturday (tags)
Rally for Day Laborers, Against SOS this Saturday, September 24, 8:00 a.m.-noon 1765 Laguna Canyon Rd., Laguna Beach
Mexico is actively abetting non-Mexican illegal immagrants into Texas (tags)
FBP May Be Run Out of Imperial Valley (tags)
Early reports from leaders of the anti-minutemen forces in Calexico indicate Friends of the Border Patrol rousted.
Sonoran antelope habitat fragmented by border wall (tags)
With all the economic hype about the border wall, would like to introduce to the human population a resident of the desert that considers both sides of the imaginary US/Mex border their home..
California Groups Unite Against Minutemen (tags)
On Saturday, September 17 at 5:00 p.m., groups and individuals from across Southern California are caravanning to Calexico to stop the minutemen.
Why the Minutemen failed (tags)
The Minutmen's appeal to the far right ignored the source of illegal immigration, economic inequality between US and Mexico, instead they focused on the border wall band-aid and appealed to phony nationalism..
California Minutemen Attempt to Send Message on September 11 Border Watch (tags)
A CALL TO ACTION-Join the Human Rights Coalition of California against the RETURN OF THE CALIFORNIA MINUTEMEN. Jim Chase, California Minutemen Founder has announced a Border Watch to begin SEPTEMBER 11, 2005. Join the Human Rights Coalition of California and other human rights activists at the VFW in Campo, CA to protest the racism of the Minuteman Project.
From A Buenas Noches Brigade... (tags) a Buenas Noches Army! A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Rise of Fascism and Racism In Our Communities A Call for Autonomous Direct Action to Smash the Borders That Capitalism Depends On This is a call to all people who will be converging on the San Diego/Tijuana, Campo and Calexico/Mexicali regions to engage in autonomous direct action to stop the Minutemen, document it and share it with the world.
Calling the United Resistance (tags)
Mobilize to San Diego for a Movement Against All Borders / Accion en SD para un Movimiento en Contra de Todas Las Fronteras
A crucial demo to stop the mainstreaming of the Minutemen on Friday, August 26 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel at 9500 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills.
Join us in San Diego - August 27-28, 2005 - for a weekend of strategizing and organizing against the border and the minutemen.
No Border Encuentro-Aug. 27-28, San Diego (tags)
(no)Border Encuentro, August 27-28th, San Diego Hola todos. Crazy times we find ourselves in. Millions of people forced to live underground, more than 3200 dead and tens of thousands more incapacitated crossing the border.
Save Our State To Support Police State (tags)
Save Our State To Support Police State
Campo: Good Riddance and Goodbye (tags)
On Saturday, protestors celebrated the defeat of the California Minutemen, and Friends of the Border Patrol introduced themselves.
California Border Police or Police State? (tags)
Immigration Reform and AFL-CIO labor split discussed on live web cast from Thursday, August 4, 2005 from 8-9 AM
Say a BIG Farewell to California Minuteman at CAMPO on Aug 6 & 7 (tags)
Minutemen Are Leaving? Good Riddance! No Human Is Illegal! Unite for the Rights of All!
Minutemen Suspected in Border Shootings (tags)
James Chase says "rogue" MIntemen shot 2 Mexicans on border near Campo / Tecate
Say NO to Minutemen in Imperial Valley NOW (tags)
Friends of the Border Patrol using the Imperial Valley Press to seek support for using private residences for FBP.
Campo: Hunting the Migrant Hunters (tags)
For two weeks, brave members of Gente Unida and the Desert Angels have pitched their tents along the border to stop the California Minutemen there. On the past two weekends, they've been joined by protestors from throughout Southern California. This weekend, however, they were on their own. This is a report on one night among the protestors at Campo. Next Saturday, August 6, the last weekend of the California Minutemen's presence on the border, a major counter-demonstration will begin at 4:00 p.m. at the Gente Unida camp to say goodbye to the California Minutemen.
Report from Campo - Part 2 (tags)
The following are assorted pictures of the man-made border wall that separates Mexico from the United States.
Report from Campo - Anti-MM Action (7/23) (tags)
Approximately 60 activists from around the region converged on the border area south of Campo, CA to peacefully make the point that the Minutemen are not welcome in California.
Coalition of Minutemen and Migrant Groups? (tags)
A coalition of Minutepeople and Migrant-rights groups working together would really get the attention needed to make this nation aware. The real illegal aliens are the corporations that cross natural and cultural borders with impunity and are destroying the environment and people’s lives in the name of “global progress.” The only border that needs protecting is the moral and practical one that will shield us from this plunder and the destruction of quality living standards in ALL countries.
Pastors For Peace Need Urgent Help! (tags)
As of this report (12 Noon, Thursday. 7/21/05) The Pastors For Peace Humanitarian Aid convoy to Cuba is being held at the U.S./Mexico border at Hidalgo, Texas (across from Reynoso, Mex.).
Humanitarian Aid to Cuba Held at Border (tags)
Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan to Cuba is being held up at the US-Mexico border by US Commerce Department officials.
Diverse Anti-Racist Coalition Confronts, Disrupts the MinuteMen in California (tags)
The California MinuteMen started their operations in Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego on July 16th. They were confronted, disrupted and chased away by a diverse coalition of organizations from San Diego, Los Angeles, Mexico, Portland and many other cities. The Anti-MinuteMen, No Border Camp continues and actions will continue day and night until the MinuteMen leave Campo. On Sunday night the corporate media reported that the MinuteMen had given up after only one day, but later corrected that statement. On Wednesday, the 2nd Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen begins. [Read more, complete action summary]
Reports: 150 March in Support of Human Rights | Snipers at campo protest | Physical Borders, psychological divisions | LA indymedia - Report from Campo - Anti-MM action | Minutemen Leave After Clash With Protesters | Original Campo sdimc feature
Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8
Audio: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Sonic Attacks Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrol
Video: 1 | 2 | Minutemen Threaten to Shoot Protesters
Minutemen Leave After Clash With Protesters (tags)
NBC San Diego Reports Minutemen have fled the border in the face of sustained protests from our allies! "California Minutemen were nowhere to be found."
Anti-Racists Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrols - from SD Indymedia (tags)
Sonic Atack Crews disrupt Minutemen
Report from Campo - Anti-MM action (tags)
Report from the border as of 9PM Saturday From a 1st hand source
Join The SECOND Virtual Sit-In Against The MinuteMen (tags)
Join the and Electronic Disturbance Theater Virtual Sit-In Against Anti-Immigrant Websites, from Tuesday July 20th -Thursday, July 22nd To join, click here:
Dominican President Rejects Intervention on its Border (tags)
Dominican President Rejects Intervention on its Border
Minutemen are Here! Protest This Weekend! (tags)
SOS not Welcome with Minutemen Part 2 (tags)
SOS and their members are apparently not welcome with Friends of the Border Patrol, a CA based Minuteman group. The following is a FAQ from the Friends of the Border Patrol website. Note question #8.
SOS not Welcome with CA Minutemen? (tags)
This is a press release, from May 3, 2005 is from Friends of the Border Patrol. FBP is a California based Minuteman organization.
California Minutemen come to Campo (tags)
California Minutemen change gears, come to Campo early. James Chase supports fellow Minuteman Clifford Alford who infiltrated the ACLU.
Calexico Says No To Border Vigilantes (tags)
City officials put out the "Not Welcome" sign for Friends of the Border Patrol and the U.S. Border Patrol Auxiliary; Border Watch leader Andy Ramirez notes lack of volunteers. From "Minutemen in the Valley: Fact or fiction?" by Michael A. Salorio in the Imperial Valley Press, 7/10/05
Human Rights Workers Arrested by Border Patrol in Arizona! (tags)
Support humanitarian workers targeted by Border Patrol for saving lives and drawing attention to failed border police
The Minuteman Project: Modern Day Slave Patrols (tags)
The political context of white vigilantism and why white people need to fight it.
Campout Protest Announcement (tags)
Come to the Strategy Campout to Twart the Border Patrol Auxiliary’s arrival in Campo/San Diego.
Minuteman Clifford Alford admits to infiltrating ACLU (tags)
Clifford Alford, New Mexico chapter manager for James Chase's border vigilante organization Border Watch, openly admits to infiltrating the ACLU. Excerpt from Fox News transcript, and link to Associated Press article confirming infiltration, included.
Stop the Border Vigilantes (tags)
Come to the Strategy Campout to Twart the Border Patrol Auxiliary’s arrival in Campo/San Diego.
Another Side of Resistance to Racism - June 25,2005 (tags)
Besides the mass mobilization, something more was happening to resist the lies and hatred of SOS and the Minutemen on that day.
The United Patriots of America (UPA), a group allied with the Minuteman Project, announced this public recruiting drive in Bridgewater on a radio station whose hosts are pretty sympathetic to their cause. Logic would say that they should have expected the press to show up, but when they did, they turned them away. Logic would also say that they should have expected protests, but they didn't seem prepared for that either considering most of the people that were in their meeting was there to disrupt it! Finally logic would say that if you are going to have a meeting to get support for your group while at the same time try to deflect charges of working with racists and the hate groups they belong to, the last thing you would want to do is have as your keynote speaker a guy who is a member of not one, but two groups that the Southern Poverty Law Center designate as a hate group. Well, all of that happened this weekend, and we got it all down for you. All of the attendees were lily white, except for two people. One was a black dude who was working for Ron Bass, the guy who runs UPA. The other was DLJ - and he was asked to leave because he was taping the meeting! He managed to BS them into allowing him to stay, and he was able to get some good footage prior to them trying to give him trouble. The pics going along with this story come from that video, so some of them are a little fuzzy, but they are still good enough for folks to see what went down. Mad props have to go to Casa Freehold, who alerted everyone to what was happening in our backyard. The summer is getting hotter and hotter.
Two Families’ Dreams Were Not Demolished (tags)
When the Israeli government forced out the Nasrallahs from their home in Rafah, at Gaza’s southern edge, the Nasrallahs didn’t get a shekel. Their house was among more than 3,000 that stood in the way of a security cordon that Israel established along the border between Gaza and Egypt. The border district stood above tunnels that were, according to the Israeli government, used to transport weapons and bomb-making materials.
Why the Minuteman Project may look real familar (tags)
The similarities are astounding!
"We scream and cry until we get our way. " --MMP Website (tags)
Selected excerpts from the Minuteman Project's plans for California, from their website.
Minuteman "Flavor of the Month" for Repubs (tags)
Gilchrist hooks up with Republicans in Saddleback.
Minutemen Project Gearing Up For Another Round of Vigilante Actions (tags)
Conservative Alerts Just Went Out to the Same People Who Are Pro-War, Pro-Globalization, and Pro-Bush are sending out calls for action, spreading lies and enlisting people for their racist war on the poor people of Mexico and other Central and South American countries that have fallen victim to the United States Neo-Policies. Below is the email:
Community forum regarding the Minutemen Project will take place at the border in San Ysidro
Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the (tags)
Minutemen vigilantes will deploy "snipers" along the
Border Vigil Planned for California (tags)
By Jerry Seper THE WASHINGTON TIMES Published May 19, 2005 WASHINGTON -- Minuteman organizer James T. Gilchrist, whose 850 volunteers shut down the flow of illegal aliens along a 23-mile section of Arizona-Mexico border last month, has joined forces with another citizens group to help organize a new border vigil in California -- beginning in August.
Hunters and the Hunted on the Arizona Border (tags)
Minutemen Vigilantes Target Immigrants
April 2005 U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter (tags)
Monthly Newsletter For National Immigrant Solidarity Network No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!
Mex/CA Cotton workers & cancer (tags)
Corporate cotton, rio agua theft, pesticide exposure and worker cancer, loss of indigenous culture in maquiladoras, Chiapas/Oaxaca impacts of NAFTA/WTO/PPP/etc..
UN sets April deadline for Syrian pullout (tags)
U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has warned Syria it must withdraw all its forces from Lebanon by April in the latest escalation of tension between the international community and Damascus. The hardening of attitude comes as Syria said it will "redeploy" all of the 15,000 troops it has stationed in Lebanon to the country's eastern border with Syria in a last ditch attempt to defuse increasing international pressure against it.
9/16: DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 4) (tags)
Fasters hold "General Supporter Day"
Fast for the DREAM Act - part of the week of Immigrant Rights Action Sep 20-26 (tags)
From: Terry Burke National Immigrant Solidarity Network Tel: (213)403-0131
Building Bridges Radio-Outrageous Immigration Raids, Far from the U.S. Border (tags)
Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Reports presents this 27.5 min radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB ADDRESS LINK BELOW
The Latino Vote Can Crucial to the 2004 Election
Stop Border Patrol Raids! downtown LA march 26march2004 (tags)
Hundreds of immigrants and allies marched through downtown Los Angeles to rally outside the INS building. Marchers called for an immediate end to Border Patrol raids, legalization, and human rights for all.
Aerial Drones Assigned to Arizona Border Patrol (tags)
Sadly, the drones will not be carrying bombs or machine guns.
Sat.Jun26 3pm Event - MALDEF& Music - Defend Immigrants Rights (tags)
Reception for photo exhibit features speaker from MALDEF, music by Domingo Siete, poetry from EnDependence. Images from the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride by Peter Holderness. Event to benefit Border Action in Arizona: New American Freedom Summer.
Venezuela: Colombia paramilitaries planning to attack (tags)
After failed coup attempts in Venezuela by business owners and U.S. oil interests, Colombia has ordered dozens of tanks from Spain to place on the border of Venezuela at the same time as the referendum (Aug). U.S. military intervention believed to be the goal.
TEHRAN (MNA) -– The UAE-based daily Al-Khaleej reported on Monday that Kuwaiti tariff officials have intercepted a truck loaded with radioactive materials in the Iraq-Kuwait border.
Iraqis Say U.S. Attacked Wedding Party (tags)
As survivors tell it, the wedding party was in full swing. The band was playing tribal music and the guests had just finished eating dinner when, at about 9 p.m., they heard the roar of U.S. warplanes
Iraqis Say U.S. Attacked Wedding Party (tags)
As survivors tell it, the wedding party was in full swing. The band was playing tribal music and the guests had just finished eating dinner when, at about 9 p.m., they heard the roar of U.S. warplanes
Another Women Dead On The Border (tags)
Another woman has been found dead in the area of Ciudad Juarez, in the Mexican State of Chihuahua, along the border with the US. At least 300 women have been abducted and killed in the area since 1993. Hundreds are also missing.
STOP THE TRIPLE FENCE - Coastal Commission Hearing Wed. Feb 18th (tags)
The California Coastal Commission is meeting on Wedensday, February 18th at 12 noon at the Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla to decide whether or not to allow the construction of the Triple Border Fence on the US/Mexico Border. You can attend the hearing and show your opposition!
Environmental racism and petroleum (tags)
Environmental racism is injustice against people of color from polluting industries. The smog from oil refineries and petroleum combustion after GM/Ford paved over LA's trolley trax causes more traffic, more smog, more asthma.
US troops still fighting for control of border town in Iraq (tags)
US forces are still fighting for control of Husayba
Colectividades 2003: A Call to Converge (tags)
Our intention in organizing Colectividades 2003 is to unite collectives and individuals working for justice, to cross-pollinate our struggles, and to strengthen our networks -- especially across the border.
A Freedom Rider’s journal: Solidarity saved us (tags)
Kat Rodriguez, coordinating organizer with Derechos Humanos, a human rights organization, joined one of the Los Angeles Freedom Ride buses in Tucson, Ariz. Here she shares excerpts from her on-the-road journal with PWW readers. At press time the bus had reached Memphis, Tenn.
Israel offering free land to encourage Judaization of Galilee (tags)
KOBE members, stake your claim. One way tickets available - free of charge.
Protest the WTO at the US/Mexico Border this Saturday! (tags)
If you can't make it to Cancun, we call on people throughout the United States to join together at the San Diego/Tijuana border on September 13th to resist the WTO and the failed model of corporate globalization.
The Far Right and Anti-Mexican Racism (tags)
Sensing the impending end of their white privilege, Right-Wing ideologues have been using racist imagery created by the John Birch Society and others. Patrick J. Buchanan wrote that MECA is "a Chicano version of the white-supremacist Aryan Nation... and is unabashedly racist and anti-American"
Can't make to cancun,protest at the sd/TJ border! (tags)
Cross border protest against free trade! Call to action!
The continuing bush elephant herd (tags)
As nixon (a bush hireling) did with the cubans, so does george scum wish to do with the spanish of s america...the cia made a big deal with the catholic nazis about this a long time ago...part of the long term selling of America to foreign powers by the bush traitor family......a catholic USA..... militias mobilize on the border to augment border patrol NOW!!!
no border camp in puglia italy (tags)
Border Camping in Puglia
Who started the Kuwaiti oil fires in 1991? (tags)
We're too busy protecting the borders of other countries.
IsraHell's Wall of Shame (by Latuff) (tags)
Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed Israeli terror.
Dying to work: Humanitarian disaster on the desert (tags)
SASABE, Sonora, Mexico – The Sonoran desert has a delicate, haunting beauty. Hundreds of species of birds, cacti and lizards have adapted to survive its lack of water and brutal temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. The list of these desert-hardy species does not include human beings.
Venezuela fires on Colombian paramilitaries (tags)
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) - Venezuela's military exchanged gunfire with Colombian paramilitaries and bombed a zone close to the border as a warning to the fighters, President Hugo Chavez said Sunday.
Iraqi resistance surprises allies (tags)
Soldiers are not being welcomed as liberators but often confronted with hatred.
We're Bombing Iran Now? (tags)
ooops - sorry!
Rachel Corrie In Her Own Words (tags)
Excerpts from email written by Rachel Corrie who was killed by an Israeli bulldozer today Sunday.
US ignores Turkish parliament and moves to Iraqi border (tags)
The Turkish Army defended the deployments, announcing that the U.S. is continuing to refurbish its bases under the previous limited agreement that the Parliament approved in February, altough there is no base at all in Mardin-Kiziltepe where the U.S. troops are concentrating.
Has war with Iraq already started? (tags)
In military jargon, all these attacks look very like a systematic effort to ‘prepare the battlefield’ ahead of any ground invasion.
It is not only Iraq.
KKK Protecting Our Borders?! (tags)
KKK + militia groups terrorizing US/MX Border.
Agencies see homeland security role for surveillance drones (tags)
"Tancredo is delighted that military UAVs are supporting the Border Patrol’s security mission. An outspoken advocate of using military muscle along the border, Tancredo declared, 'We have the technology to aid in this. I saw it with my own eyes. It can work.'"
current measures in the Homeland Security Act will make construction of the triple fence between San Diego and Tijuana a priority.
HEBRON : Palestinians ONLY Fire On Israeli Soldiers; NOT Jewish Worshippers! (tags)
"Gumen fired at security forces, not worshippers According to an initial investigation by the army, in contrast to a version of events given by the foreign ministry.." Haaretz
Trent want to close the border (tags)
Outrage over Trent Lott’s comment to close and militarize the border today on the O’Riley Factor TV and radio show.
Setting uranium in a taxi is the latest idea of the CIA
Deaths in the desert: the sad price of U.S. border policy (tags)
Three months pregnant, Norma Rodriguez Amado had watched her husband, Paez Martinez, as he left his home in Morales, Mexico, for the United States. He would support his family from afar, working in the states of Tennessee and Florida. After almost two-and-a-half years of living and working in these faraway places, Paez returned to Morales to see his son, Alexander, for the first time.
Statement of the Disobedients' Lock-In in Seville (tags)
Manifesto produced by the disobedients presently locked into a church in Seville to support and draw attention to the lock-in and hunger strike of immigrants in that city.
Imperialists Supply Nepal with more Miltary Aid (tags)
Like Afganistan, Phillipines, Columbia, Yemen the U.s and Uk are trying to extend their grip and way of life at anyone that does not go along with their plan.
Call for workshops in Nogales Son Aug 18-20th (tags)
A call for workshops, art, musicians, and performance artists, for the upcoming festival of resistance in Nogales Sonora from August 18th to 20th. The central theme is the militarization of the US/Mexico border, and its relation to, environmental contamination/racism, indeginous struggle, and solidarity with people struggling against borders worldwide.
Peace Concert in Tijuana/San Diego (tags)
International art and film exhibit will feature a live broadcast from the border near Douglas, AZ to increase awareness of the dangers surrounding border crossing as illustrated in the documentary FROM THE OTHER SIDE by Chantal Ackerman.
Cross border anti-war event! (tags)
read on
In a desperate ploy to justify increasing Washington's involvement in the Colombian civil war, the US State Department is bizarrely claiming that Al-Qaida and Hizbollah cells are active in the border area between Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
In San Diego the U.S. Border Patrol has been involved in the abuse of human rights. 30mins
Racists plan rally March 23rd in Los Angeles (tags)
The Southern Kalifornia Anarchist Alliance calls for militant action against racist groups CCIR and American Patrol.
Racist groups plan rally in front of LA Federal Building March 23rd (tags)
The Southern Kalifornia Anarchist Alliance calls for militant action against racist groups CCIR and American Patrol.
rcp launches new website for discussion around draft programme (tags)
the revolutionary communist party has been engaged in a border to border coast to coast discussions centered around the draft programme. a new website has been created in the process
Border Patrol In San Diego Calif. Attack Human Rights (tags)
In San Diego Ca. the United States Border Patrol is Attacking the Civil Rights of People. See a video shot by Benjamin Prado. 12:24 Edited by Jim Carter
No F***ing Shit! U.S. planes drop $100 dollars bills on Afghanistan! (tags)
U.S. aircraft over southern Afghanistan have scattered $100 bills tucked into envelopes bearing a picture of President George W. Bush, witnesses said on Thursday.
Stop Gatekeeper And The militarizatin Of The Border (tags)
Stop Gatekeeper And The militarizatin Of The Border
San Diego Action Network Hosts Meeting on Border Issues (tags)
The San Diego Action Network hosted a meeting on border issues October 26 featuring Connie Garcia from the San Diego Environmental Health Coalition and Benjamin Prado from the Raza Rights Coalition. Featured topics included "Operation Gatekeeper," toxic wastes dumped in Mexico by U.S. companies and how NAFTA has impacted border issues.
Audio Activists ULTRA-RED Performed At PLAN's "The Next Agenda" Conference (tags)
The conference concluded with a mesmerizing bilingual multi-media performance by audio activists Ultra Red, featuring spoken word along with processed audio and video, and dealing with themes of border life, culture and politics, including border crossings, music-making and the day-laborers union.
critique of border hack report (tags)
Performance Artist Coco Fusco takes on border hacker boasts
The full story.
Corruption Within U.S. Customs Over Drug Trafficking Exposed! (tags)
Lawsuit by ex-agent alleges $250,000 bribes to customs officials/18 wheel rig hauling cocaine into U.S. from Mexico, also destruction of computer evidence, preferential treatment for some druglords by customs agents and other allegations.
Calexico/Mexicali Border Short Documentary (tags)
This video is one that represents the Calexico, California, and Mexicali Mexico Border Culture as well as the problems encountered by Mexican Americans who are forced to make a living under the divided border style conditions.
Bigots in California celebrate deaths of Mexican immigrants. (tags)
More than a dozen Mexicans perished in the desert this week due to the get-tough border policies implemented by Clinton and continued by Bush. In response, Anti-Mexican bigots in California blamed the victims, celebrated their deaths, and took the occasion to threaten future militia violence. See and respond to their comments on this board:
San Diego IMC Extravaganza, Poetry, --CLICK HERE! (tags)
IMC EXTRAVAGANZA! VIDEO, MUSIC, DANCE, POETRY, FOOD Featuring the following films: Free America-Trade Bush!: the FTAA protests at the SD/TJ border Storm from the Mountain: the Zapatour to Mexico City Bodies and Boundaries: families divided by the border Praha 2000: The World Bank and IMF Under Siege
April 21st & The Borders Within Our Own Movement (tags)
The April 21st San Diego-Tijuana Border March enjoyed symbolic success in that a border was crossed and some exposure was gained, but what the events of the day also exposed are some divisions within the counter-globalization movement.
Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.
COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - Mexico / New Mexico (tags)
Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.
"COMIDA, NO LA MIGRA"- food not INS! (tags)
Feeding people in the main plaza in Polamas, Mexico was a somewhat spontaneous action that turned into a huge success.
COMMUNITY ACROSS BORDERS - New Mexico/Mexico (tags)
Activists from across New Mexico and beyond gathered in the small border town of Columbus.
Portraits of a Border Community-Maclovio Rojas (tags)
A link to a series of photographs from this Border Community
Border Evidence - Maclovio Rojas (tags)
Border action ends a20 weekend with plans for the future.
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) I
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) II
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) III (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) III
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV (tags)
Alto a Guárdian (Stop Operation Gatekeeper) IV
A21 San Diego Tijuana border action (tags)
colorful banners and expressive sentiments at the border
A21 San Diego Tiajuana border action (tags)
protester at the border
A21 San Diego - Tijuana border action (tags)
border protesters - colorful banners!
A21 San Diego - Tijuana border action (tags)
protester at the border
U.S./Mexico Action - Border Stand off (tags)
"We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us!"
U.S./Mexico Action - Nike Cops! (tags)
To protect and serve... capitalism
U.S./Mexico Action - Border Game! (tags)
"Let's Play the Border Game!" Guerilla Theatre.
U.S./Mexico Action - Chicano Militant (tags)
Photo of a young Chicano Militant at the FTAA border protest
A21 San Diego/Tijuana border action #2 (tags)
Protesters gather after the march from Larsen Park to the San Diego/Tijuana border.
A21 San Diego/Tijuana Border action (tags)
Protesters and riot cops are divided by a fence lining the highway at the border.
Anti-FTAA Protests Close Border
Flag Burning at Tijuana-U.S. Border (tags)
This footage shot on the Mexican side of the border during the Saturday demonstrations
San Diego/Tijuana FTAA Protest, April 21, 2001 (tags)
Despite uncharacteristic, heavy rains in Tijuana and San Diego there was a large showing at the bi-national protest against the FTAA. Youth activists, union leaders, environmentalists among others gathered together at Larson Park within sight of the demilitarized zone of the U.S. – Mexican Border.
Border rally and march
San Diego/Tijuana border FTAA protest (tags)
California Divisional Highway riot police protecting? the freeway border crossing into Mexico from the marching FTAA protestors at the border...
At the US/Mexico border station in San Ysidro, the black bloc faces off with police at a fence between the foot path and the road to Mexico.
April 21 Protest at the San Diego/Tijuana border
Update From Quebec, at the US/Mexico Border (tags)
Medea Benjamin, while talking on a cell phone with her husband, Kevin Danahur, in Quebec City, relays an update from him to the crowd at Larsen Park near the U.S./Mexico border in California.
Protestors march to border (tags)
Protestors march in streets to the Tijuana-San Diego border
border protest pics from San Diego
Cops at the San Diego/TJ Border
Activist/FilmMaker and UCSD Professor DeeDee Halleck @ the San Ysidro Border (tags)
DeeDee was able to get a video interview of this border patrol agent.
Border State Park Protest Relocated to Playas de Tijuana (tags)
San Diego's weather was nothing like what it usually is, It rained. It poured, and created a mud disaster at the San Ysidro Border State Park. Activists turned around at the sight of MUD. Only trucks with 4x4's were allowed to cross through the muddy situation and continue their journey to the protest at the Border. Some activists did cross the border, the majority just chanted and held their signs up at the border crossing area.
Border State Park Protest Relocated to Playas de Tijuana (tags)
San Diego's weather was nothing like what it usually is, It rained. It poured, and created a mud disaster at the San Ysidro Border State Park. Activists turned around at the sight of MUD. Only trucks with 4x4's were allowed to cross through the muddy situation and continue their journey to the protest at the Border. Some activists did cross the border, the majority just chanted and held their signs up at the border crossing area.
San Ysidro Beach Memorial to Border Crossers who have lost their lives (tags)
San Ysidro Beach Memorial to Border Crossers who have lost their lives
Border Crossing at Beach, San Ysidro/Tijuana (tags)
Border Crossing at Beach, San Ysidro/Tijuana
update on border protest (tags)
1200 protesters greet the sun at the border
Maclovio Rojas and Border Archive by Zopilote (tags)
Zopilote is a poet/performer in the border region.
Sending Supplies to FTAA Border protest from Chicano Park (tags)
Activists loading the van with supplies that FTAA border protestors might need later on in the day.
Muralist Mario Torero @ the Chicano Park Senior Center (tags)
Mario Torero has created murals throughout the border region, Chiapas, and Cuba. The Senior Center in Barrio Logan has served as a convergence center for the FTAA Border protest.
Leone Hankey's Statement on April 21 FTAA Protests at the border (tags)
Leone Hankey's Statement on the April 21 Protests at the San Diego/Tijuana border -- from an April 17 press conference outside the Mexican Consulate in Los Angeles.
Urgent : City of San Diego Revokes Permit for US /Mexico Border Demonstration
Black Bloc's Refusal To Bow To Liberals (english) (tags)
(originaly published on Is this dude for real?) by SKAA 1:09pm Mon Apr 16 '01 Response to appeals made by non-violent activists for the BB not to show up at the FTAA Border action
FTAA teach-in at University of California, Irvine April 11 (tags)
Teach-in on the FTAA this Wednesday APRIL 11 5-8.30 pm at UCI
NYC - DAN talks to Mohawk warriors! (tags)
NYC-DAN has productive talks with Mohawk warriors regarding pre-FTAA border action.
The War on Immigrants and the Resistance in Arizona, Part 1 (tags)
Reporter's Notebook and a trip through southern Arizona, now the number one border crossing location for undocumented workers, and the area with the greatest number of INS "apprehensions". The article reveals the military-style clampdown that has been imposed on these communities, as well as the various forms of resistance by people north of the border, including what one newspaper called "a modern Underground Railroad
"We didn't cross the border... the border crossed us!"
mexico/california border march (tags)
Anna Castro (left), Manuel Vasquez (center) and Marisol Rivera (right) are two of the 4000 activists marching at the Democratic National Convention, Thursday, Aug. 17, 2000 in downtown Los Angeles, CA to commemorate the 545 people that have died crossing the Mexico/California border over the past six years. Copyright 2000 Dang Ngo. Free for use by nonprofit, anti-corporate globalization organizations and for personal use. All other rights reserved.
After a police raid involving over 50 officers at a local church, activists finally had time to finish painting and adjusting crosses, symbolically representing the number of deaths at the U.S./Mexican border
After a police raid involving over 50 officers at a local church, activists finally had time to finish painting and adjusting crosses, symbolically representing the number of deaths at the U.S./Mexican border
After a police raid involving over 50 officers at a local church, activists finally had time to finish painting and adjusting crosses, symbolically representing the number of deaths at the U.S./Mexican border
After a police raid involving over 50 officers at a local church, activists finally had time to finish painting and adjusting crosses, symbolically representing the number of deaths at the U.S./Mexican border
After a police raid involving over 50 officers at a local church, activists finally had time to finish painting and adjusting crosses, symbolically representing the number of deaths at the U.S./Mexican border
Aztlan Underground Rocks the Mic (tags)
Aztlan Underground performs at the Mumia rally outside the Staples Center on August 13. "I love you America but you're wrong! We didn't cross the border, the border crossed us! Get the Fuck Out!"
*crosses to commemorate border crossing deaths (tags)
513 crosses have been made for each person who has died crossing the border over from Mexico into California since Operation Gatekeeper came into effect in 1994.
CA/Mex Border Memorial (picture) (tags)
Memorial for the 553 people who died trying to cross the CA/Mex. border since 1998. (forgive me if my facts are slightly off.)
LAPD Threatens Removal of Border Crosses (tags)
Saturday August 12: activists installed over 450 “border crosses” at the United Methodist Church, just up the street from the Staples center. The installation is “ a memorial to the migrants who have died crossing the border”. Dozens of police cars were at the church Saturday morning as the installation got underway. Officers converged on the church parking lot, questioned participants, and threatened to confiscate the crosses. At one point police threatened to enter church property to seize the crosses.