fix articles 9022, big Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : big


WHO = NAZIS (tags)

global big pharm dictatorship tighening its grip on humanity by spreading fake news about fake imminent pandemics.


fake pandemics for global control



there are no pandemics - only big pharma genocidal lies for profit

Big Bang, Big Crunch, Big Rip, Big Freeze (tags)

Matière noire, énergie sombre, sont nos ombres...

Libertarian Values For Smart People (tags)


Earth Democracy (tags)

We are part of the universe and the earth and must live in accordance with the laws of the universe as well as the earth. The most basic law is the realization that we share the planet with other beings and that we have a duty to care for our common home.

Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)

When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.

I And Eye Happy 4th Of July (tags)


Game over for monopolists? (tags)

Elizabeth Warren, for instance, seeks to break up large technology platforms and then use public utility rules to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in the dominant platform business model. In other words, if you operate a marketplace and set its rules, you cannot also sell products on it.

The Next Global Menace Ali Baba Plusplus: Alien Invasion by Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Fashioning World Government with Psychological Warfare and Predictive Programming of Mankind. This book: The Next Global Menace Ali Baba Plusplus: Alien Invasion, is a compendium of my decade old essays which deconstruct that new menace before it is unveiled. It is my expectation that if the public can preempt that propaganda by focussing on unraveling the many facets and scenarios on what they Machiavellianly plan to do BEFORE they enact them just like they enacted 9/11, the vile psy-ops can surely be defeated BEFORE it becomes the new established “hard facts” on the ground for the globalists' coup de grâce: the final restructuring of the planet into world government.

Voice Actor Rob Paulsen is touring LA to promote his new book "Voice Lessons" (tags)

Voice Actor Rob Paulsen is touring LA to promote his new book "Voice Lessons" By: De Waal & Associates 10/16 @ 7PM PST - Barnes and Noble, The Grove Los Angeles, CA We all grew up watching characters brought to life by Rob Paulsen - Pinky from Pinky and the Brain and Yakko from Animaniacs, Raphael from the original animated Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles... the list goes on. With over 2,000 credits to his name along with an Emmy and a Peabody Award, Rob is a bonafide legend in the voice acting community. In his memoir VOICE LESSONS Rob tells the story of how he went from living in the suburbs of Detroit, to a roving performer, to booking his first gig, to making it big in the voice acting world. In February 2016, Paulsen was diagnosed with Stage III throat cancer, which threatened his livelihood and almost robbed the world of future joy the likes of which he has brought to the small and big screen for decades. Thankfully, his cancer went into remission and the long process of recovery could begin. Humble and ever-thankful for the support and love from his fans (just take a trip over to his Twitter account), Paulsen went right back to doing what he loves, voicing animated characters across television and film. He brings with him a renewed sense of vigor and interest in his craft, plus a constant appreciation for his fans - the people who helped him enjoy a career spanning more than three decades. Chock-full of "voice lessons," Rob's story proves to be an inspiration for anyone battling an illness, striving to make it big in their careers, or anyone who is currently trying to overcome personal battles in their own lives. For cartoon-loving fans, this book is also laden with humorous behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes featuring big names in Hollywood that will delight any devotee to the fandom. ABOUT VOICE LESSONS: Voice Lessons tells the heartwarming and life-affirming story of Rob's experience with an aggressive cancer treatment and recovery regimen, which luckily led to a full recovery. Rob quickly returned to doing what he loves most, but with a much deeper appreciation of what he came so close to losing. His new lease on life inspired him to rededicate himself to his fans, particularly the new friends he made along the way: hundreds of sick children and their families. Rob said it best himself: "I can not only continue to make a living, but make a difference, and I can't wait to use that on the biggest scale that I can.”

Housing Financialization, 66 pp (tags)

Big Pharma Is Organized Crime (tags)

See Cochrane Nordic site

Surveillance Capitalism on Democracy Now (tags)

Must watch short video about how the big websites operate.

The Death of Small Businesses in Big Cities, Explained (tags)

Not even shopping locally can save your favorite mom-and-pop — the problem is much, much bigger than that. The legendary punk record store Bleecker Bob’s in 2008. The store closed in 2013 due to high rents and was replaced by a frozen yogurt chain.

The Dictatorship of Corporations (tags)

Why do the majority of politicians so often make decisions against the public interest and in favor of industry? A new quality of lobbyism arose on account of the dramatically stronger market- and financial power of companies. I sound the alarm. The power relations in our society are shifting endangering democracy andthe market economy,

Négoce du vol organisé (tags)

Au tout béton...

Fbi fears this post (tags)

Fib cyber stalks and deletes this report.

Fbi joins with Facebook to remove this report (tags)

This post frightens fbi who promptly remove it from FACEBOOK.

congress on psych drugs (tags)

congress on psych dryugs!!@!

What Big Brother Knows About You and What You Can Do About It (tags)

ACLU Pasadena Foothills Chapter report back

Anna Deavere Smith: Washington must play ‘big part’ in criminal justice reform (tags)

Anna Deavere Smith: Washington must play ‘big part’ in criminal justice reform

A Year of Trump and Right-wing Populism (tags)

In the GOP tax bill, $5 trillion is given to households with over $1 million income. Seniors, the poor, children and students are attacked. The severe cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Pell grants, SNAP, WIC food assistance are sadistic.

Budget Goes Military (tags)

No wonder Americans aren’t freaking out about how much of their tax dollar goes to the military. They think it’s 16 cents of each dollar, when it’s really the percentage of the discretionary budget, which is that 63 cents on the dollar.

Strategic Emergency Declared Upon Eastern Europe (tags)

In a statement at Moscow International Relations School (Mirsch), newly appointed Unitednations chairman Antonin Guderez today declared the condition of formal strategic emergency over the region of Eastern Europe. According to the body‘s charter, this means that the Secretary General has vetoed any form of military or political confrontation taken by any member or non-member states, and made change an unavoidable precondition for his own activity there. The short statement was delivered at the end of a question and answer session of a lesson on the history of the Soviet Union, which the politician has attended as a guest. Over the recent days and weeks, the region has seen a rush of deployments and tactical material shipments far beyond the usual conflict hotspots.

The Consequences of a Trump Shock (tags)

Now is a good time to ask whether the global economy is in good enough shape to withstand another major negative shock. The answer, unfortunately, is that growth and employment around the world look fragile. A big adverse surprise – like the election of Donald Trump in the US – would likely cause the stock market to crash...

Freedom for Hoover the tiger after life spent in circus cage (tags)

A new video released by Animal Defenders International (ADI)

Too big to fail (tags)

Your country is ruled by drugs.

Illegal drugs, too big to fail (tags)

Who do we have to pay to be allowed to do business?

Former Circus Tiger Rescued in Peru by Animal Defenders International Arriving at MIA (tags)

After a lifetime of suffering in a Peruvian circus, Hoover the tiger will finally be flown to Miami International Airport (MIA)

Use of circus lion in TV comedy ‘Plebs’ no laughing matter (tags)

International animal protection group Animal Defenders International (ADI) has called out TV comedy ‘Plebs’

Abused tiger retiring to Florida sanctuary after South American circus rescue (tags)

Hoover the tiger has found his forever home

Public to share the love to get rescued lions home to Africa (tags)

ADI is inviting the public to visit, share the love and help get the 33 lions home

Who is the Radical? Bernie Sanders (tags)

Bernie Sanders is the candidate of young voters and sparks a movement in the social media. Sanders is the man of the people and Clinton is the woman of big money. Clinton compares Putin with Hitler. Sanders urges a diplomatic solution of problems. Who is the radical?

Bernie Sanders at The 2016 Rose Bowl Parade (tags)

Sanders supporters rally in Pasadena for New Years Day Photoset 2 of 2

Bernie Sanders at The 2016 Rose Bowl Parade. (tags)

Sanders supporters rally in Pasadena for New Years Day Photoset 1 of 2

Janet Yellen's Storytime (tags)

The US economy is not picking up speed, wages are not rising and the situation on the labor market has not improved... The world economy did not get going again after the greatest wealth redistribution in the history of humanity.

fbi's unethical dogma reveals its own criminality & corruption (tags)

The modern day fbi is now revealed as dirty and murderous as the Nazi culture that the fbi/cia seek to perpetuate upon our world.

Drug Industry Bandits (tags)


NYT Perpetuates the Myth about Obama Killing Osama (tags)


Latest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee "Surge" (tags)


Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda War Rages (tags)


NYT Falsely Claims Russia Sending Troops to Syria (tags)


Putin Irresponsibly Bashed for Doing the Right Thing (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia in High Gear (tags)


America: The World's Greatest Threat (tags)


The Bulger Movie As A Big Fraud (tags)

See the hidden fbi, doj in the real Bulger saga:

Legacy of 9/11: Endless US Wars on Humanity (tags)


Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

Everything Western Media Report About Russia Is a Big Fat Lie (tags)


Summer of discontent: Mega-project protests across B.C. (tags)

System change - not climate change! The people united shall never be defeated! The economy should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity, self-determination and the rights of nature.

New York Times Editors Still Outrageously Blame Russia for Kiev's Downing MH17 (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal Aftermath: Campaigning to Kill It (tags)


Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


New York Times Big Lies (tags)


Manufacturing Nonexistent Putin War on Ukraine (tags)


TPP designed to make medicine more expensive (tags)

The TPP is the latest and most important new trade agreement that seeks to create new standards for intellectual property that are more friendly to pharmaceutical companies and publishers. The TPP chapter on intellectual property expands and extends drug monopolies.

Washington Post Editors Urge Aiding Ukrainian Fascist Tyranny (tags)


Second Anniversary of Edward Snowden's NSA Spying Revelations (tags)

police state

Another Western Big Lie Exposed (tags)


Scoundrel Media FIFA Bashing (tags)


Ukraine's Latest Big Lie (tags)


Obama DID NOT Kill Bin Laden! (tags)

bin Laden

US-Dominated NATO Readying for War on Russia? (tags)


Netanyahu Apocalyptic over Treating Iran Fairly (tags)


British Foreign Secretary Matches Kerry's Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)


Washington Wants Irs Big Lying Machine Revved Up (tags)


Obama's War on Russia (tags)


Obama's Neocon Infested Administration (tags)


Questions for NYT and Other Scoundrel Media Editors (tags)


The Great American Lying Machne (tags)


Netanyahu Postmortems (tags)


Netanyahu's Congressional Rant (tags)


The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post (tags)


Netanyahu at AIPAC (tags)


US Diplomats Paid to Lie (tags)


Raging Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


No Let Up in Intense Anti-Russian Propaganda (tags)


Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies in London (tags)


Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)


Elie Wiesel's Anti-Iranian Big Lies (tags)


Thoughts Of John Clifford Lehman Jr (tags)

John Lehman (1955 to 1991) was a philosopher, a humorist, a comic.

Post-Minsk Russia Bashing (tags)


Presstitute Pro-War Chorus (tags)


Russian Aggression: The Big Lie Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam (tags)


Outrageous MSM Putin Bashing (tags)


Russia Counters US Big Lies with Hard Truths (tags)


Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)


US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Humanity (tags)


Kiev Big Lie on Ending Donbas Conflict in Two Weeks (tags)


Soros and Yatsenyuk: Partners in Crime (tags)

police state

Escalated US Wars Ahead? (tags)


Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors (tags)


BBC: Propaganda Bullhorn Specialists (tags)


Obama's Phony Turning Point (tags)


Risking War with Russia (tags)


Heading for Possible Global War (tags)


Biden in Ukraine (tags)


Kiev Plans Full-Scale War (tags)


Obama at APEC (tags)


Mission Creep in Iraq (tags)


Another Fake Russian Ukrainian Invasion (tags)


US Midterm Electoral Results (tags)


Hard Truths v. Obama Big Lies (tags)


Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting (tags)


Duplicitous Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies (tags)


WJ Columnist Mary O'Grady: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Obama Doublespeak Duplicity (tags)


Media Scoundrels Wage War (tags)


Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


Asian Socialism Conference in the Philippines (tags)

The Asian Socialism Conference will be held in Manila from November 28 to 29, 2014. The conference will be capped by the participation of guests and delegates to the November 30 rally in Manila to commemorate Bonifacio Day, a national hero who led the armed struggle in the revolution against Spain.

Big Lies Launch Lawless Wars (tags)


Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (tags)


Dreaming War, Threatening Humanity (tags)


Obama Declares Open-Ended Middle East War (tags)


9/11: The Mother of All Big Lies (tags)


Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Irresponsibly Blaming Russia for US-Led Western Crimes (tags)


Hard Truths v. MSM Big Lies (tags)


Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)


The Russians Are Coming Big Lies (tags)


Irresponsible Putin Bashing Escalates (tags)


Promoting Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Tax Extenders Cost Billions (tags)

The GE Loophole isn't just unfair to small businesses; it's a burden to us all. If the loophole is renewed, it will cost $62 billion over the next decade. That's money we won't have to fix roads, build schools, or find medical cures—the kinds of investments that strengthen our communities...

Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly (tags)


Kerry at Yale (tags)


Scandalous Scoundrel Media Big Lies (tags)


State Department Big Lies (tags)

police state

Fact Checking Scoundrel Media Lies (tags)


NYT Russia Bashing Stench (tags)


Irresponsible RT International Bashing (tags)


Banks and the New "Too Big to Jail" Doctrine (tags)

Eric Toussaint,is a historian and political scientist. He is the President of CADTM Belgium, and sits on the Scientific Council of ATTAC France. He is the co-author, with Damien Millet of Debt, the IMF, and the World Bank: Sixty Questions, Sixty Answers, and the author of many essays including entitled "The Trial ofanExemplary Man"

Fascist Police Attack Anti-Maidan Protesters (tags)


Supreme Court Rules for Big Money (tags)

money power

Pre and Post-Crimean Independence Treaty Propaganda (tags)


Heightened US/Russian Tensions (tags)


California Drought: Is this the big one? (tags)

RADIO ECOSHOCK SPECIAL ON CALIFORNIA DROUGHT Despite recent rains, California's reservoirs are near empty, snow-pack light, and groundwater depleted. Four experts on a drought that really started in 2006, impacts on economy, food, farming, and nature.Dr. Peter Gleick, Dr. Jay Famiglietti, David Schroeder, Dr. Reagan Waskom

Interview with Jose Maria Sison (tags)

Interview with Jose Maria Sison, Founding Chairman, Communist Party of the Philippines by New Culture Magazine, Communist Reconstruction Union of Brazil

Q: are we safely anonymous on Indy or can someone chose to find us for their personal ... (tags)

Can a smart computer person find our computer No or ID to locate any writer or commentator here? Can someone use any such info for their own personal vendetta ? Does an anonymous ID as writer allow us to freely express divergent and dissenting views here ?

John Dingler's "Ten Prosecuted Whistleblowers (tags)

Work inspired by what I learned at Occupy Riverside and at the 28ers

South v North Korea: how do the two countries compare? (tags)

How big is North Korea's army compared to South Korea? What is the size of the economy, or the average life expectancy?

Yellen's Fed Assures Business As Usual (tags)


Unchanged US Policy on Iran (tags)


Geekout Bookmarks 9/1/2013 (tags)

This is an irregular experimental feature to gather the links which I've posted to facebook and twitter over the past few days into a short digest. Most of the links are mainstream. I'll try to do better next time. Enjoy.

Wall Street plunders Detroit while pensioners take blame (tags)

In North America, Detroit fulfills the same function as Greece does for Europe: A scapegoat. Larger economic and social forces, disinvestment and financial industry legerdemain are the major factors in Detroit’s financial struggles.

Information Consumption The Price of Hypocrisy (tags)

"Even the best laws will not lead to a safer internet. We need a sharper picture of the information apocalypse that awaits us in a world where personal data is traded to avert the catastrophy. "

David Curtis launches campaign for Sec. of State, California (tags)

David Curtis launches his campaign for Secretary of State, California at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood.

Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)

Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.

Obama's New Climate Plan (tags)


Lynne Stewart Denied Compassionate Release (tags)

police state

Big Brother Writ Large in America (tags)

police state

Mass Surveillance in America (tags)

police state

Bilderberg June 6 - 9 Conference (tags)


VIDEO: Bill Moyers' "Going to Jail for Protesting" (tags)

“Lobbyists have spent years making sure these loopholes are put into the tax code.” -@NYTimes' Gretchen Morgenson “Corporations have a role to play in our economy, but don't have a role to play in our government.” -@dechristopher

LA Election Results Commentary (tags)

nobody says nothing

Asset Distribution and the Financial Crisis (tags)

A perverse system arose out of the interaction of deregulation of the financial system and polarization of asset distribution. A reform of the financial system can only be part of the repair of the system. When wages grow again with productivity, an economic balance will be possible

Gold Drops Most in 30 Years (tags)


Chavez Succeeded Where Obama Failed (tags)

When President Obama campaigned in 2008 in Portland, Oregon over 70,000 people came to hear his speech. And although I missed the event, I was intrigued by the raw emotion that the candidate’s words inspired in my community. Obama re-visited Oregon during his 2012 campaign, but the inspiration had faded from his voice, and the audience had drastically changed.

Why Organized Labor Must Stand Against the Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

Spurred by real urgency over the corporate driven ruin of the environment, a growing social movement is taking shape that will be on display this Sunday, February 17, when tens of thousands descend on the streets of Washington, D.C. in a show of power titled “Forward On Climate.”

Is The “Democracy Initiative” What We Need? (tags)

Last December, at the National Education Association headquarters in Washington, D.C., leaders from a variety of progressive organizations such as Greenpeace, the NAACP and the Communication Workers of America met with the intention of beginning a national campaign to, in the words of Mother Jones reporter Andy Kroll, “remake American politics.”

The high cost of new and improved (tags)

A relentless push to induce more consumer purchases is endemic. The weight and size of what we buy is bigger. And it is wrapped up in ever more packaging. The social costs of all this unnecessary consumption are high, and are paid for in environmental destruction.

Five Easy Post-Election Predictions (No Matter Who Wins) (tags)

It’s true that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have many political differences. But they also agree on many essential policies; enough to make the next four years easily predictable, no matter who wins.

Nationalizing banks works for the short term; why not permanently? (tags)

Temporary nationalization of big banks worked in Norway and Sweden. Permanent nationalization would avoid a return to the speculation and destruction of bankers.

European Bank Socialism (tags)

The motto "Too big to fail" frees the financial sector from all chains. In the future, the banks will not have to assume any liability for taking irrational risks. Instead they can commit fraud without limit-in a system that already leads us to the brink and creates millions of unemployed.

We were wrong to think the environment could wait (tags)

Amy Hall meets outspoken Filipino campaigner Lidy Nacpil, who shares her thoughts on floods, solidarity and ramming home the climate-change message.

Out of the Slump: The Only Road (tags)

A real analysis of the United State’s economic history is rarely discussed by politicians or media alike, since the conclusions that would be inevitably drawn would be out of step with what politicians are currently advocating.

CPP joins Filipino women in marking International Women's Day with protests (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) today expressed support and solidarity with the Filipino women in marking the 98th anniversary of International Women’s Day with mass protests against oil price increases and intensifying American military intervention.

BTL:Obama Plan to Reform Corporate Tax Code Fails to Shift Larger Tax Burden onto Big Busi (tags)

Interview with Chris Rude, political economist and activist, conducted by Scott Harris

Nanotech’s Solyndra moment: Big gov’t gears up to fund microscopic science (tags)

The failed $534 million federal investment in Solyndra hasn’t stopped Washington from trying to finance the “next big thing” in technology. New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand and two House members are moving forward with a $50 million proposal for nanotechnology research funding at an upstate New York university where another nanotech research center has already existed for a decade.

Labor Candidate Stewart Alexander Calls for a Basic Income Guaranteed (tags)

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says, “Wall Street has a basic income guaranteed; it is called, too big to fail. The time has now come to introduce a basic income guarantee that will help meet the basic needs of the unemployed, the poor, the elderly, college students, the homeless, the basic needs of veterans, single parents, and the disabled.”

Fascism in America (tags)


Criticism of Economists (tags)

Economists with their models could predict the values of economic variables but did not foresee the greatest worldwide economic crisis in 80 years. Mechanical-deterministic neoclassicism is a self-contained theoretical model offering simple answers.

Bipartisan Deal to Slash Medicare and Medicaid (tags)

class war

What caused the financial crisis? The Big Lie goes viral. (tags)

"One group has been especially vocal about shaping a new narrative of the credit crisis and economic collapse: those whose bad judgment and failed philosophy helped cause the crisis."

[Strategy!:] The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight (tags)

The Occupy Movement Needs a Good Fight "Power concedes nothing without a demand." - Frederick Douglass In a movement based on general anger about inequality and the domination of big banks, it becomes difficult to focus the rage into something concrete. For many Occupiers, being concrete is a mere distraction, meant to shift the movement into something 'less radical,” since their targets — big banks and inequality — are at the root of the problem. Why mess with the tree when you could go for the roots? But, as any tree-removal worker will tell you, the tree comes first, then the roots. The roots cannot be the immediate goal of the Occupy movement because pulling them out would require tens of millions of hands, and the vast majority of working people are not yet directly involved in the movement, though many of them are giving approving nods from a distance. Bringing these more distant people into the movement requires they be given a good reason to join. And although a general anti-1% sentiment sounds appealing to the 99%, a struggle to win worker-friendly demands can help pull these people into the streets.

Big Banksters on Wall St. Finance Military-Industrial Complex (tags)

Big corporate banks on Wall St. not only benefitted from the "too big to fail" bailouts handed to them by BOTH Bush AND Obama (how's that for change?), these banks also benefit from the multiple wars of imperial expansion the U.S. has waged in the recent decades.

Bank Transfer Day, November 5th – Prepare Now to Move Your Money (tags)

When you keep your money in a local financial institution, that money in turn is reinvested in local businesses, which is important for building a stable economy and encouraging local growth. Put your money in the big Wall Street banks however, and they will use your deposits to make risky investments, gambling at the expense of the economy as a whole.

Global Economic Crisis Deepens (tags)


BTL:GOP, Big Winners of Trickle-Down Policies, Now Charge They are Victims of "Class Warfa (tags)

Interview with Richard Wolff, professor of economics at New School University, conducted by Scott Harris

Garda Armored Car Guard Disarmed, Robbed-Kidnapped (tags)

After disarming the guard who was making a delivery at the Big Lots store, the robber forced the guard into the back of the vehicle, Martin said.

Keith Brown Interviews Mark Conlan on ?Big Brother? HIV Test Program (tags)

Two audio links to information about the viciously intrusive, Big Brother-ish "Lead the Way" HIV antibody testing program being pushed by Dr. Susan Little, head of the Antiviral Research Center at UC San Diego (whose previous HIV test program broke the confidentiality of ALL the people tested in it). One is Zenger's Newsmagazine editor/publisher Mark Gabrish Conlan reading his editorial "Big Brother Is Testing You," with cut-in quotes from Dr. Little herself; and the other is an interview with Mark Gabrish Conlan by Keith Brown of the "Gay Spirit" radio program in Hartford, Connecticut that also contains new information about "Lead the Way."

Christianty vs. Science (tags)

I found the top quote on Christianity, & decided to post my comments on it here.

BTL:New York Attorney General Working to Hold Big Banks Accountable for Foreclosure Fraud, (tags)

Interview with Liz Ryan Murray, policy director at National People's Action and member of The New Bottom Line, conducted by Scott Harris

The Game with Ignorance and the Growth Panacea (tags)

A world wide economic and financial order decays to a pure end-in-itself and no longer serves people. A system build on an ideology in which everything-even the person-becomes a product is legitimated by apologists who trivialize derailments of social life as "normal."

Privatization of the State (tags)

Economics changes with the times as states and individuals change. Once savings was the elixir and then spending with John Maynard Keynes. The economy should serve humankind; humanity should not serve the economy. Privatization is part of the snake oil remedy.

Hard Right Extremism in America and Europe (tags)


U.S. Election 2012- Alexander to Obama: Feed the Nation?s Hungry (tags)

As the lines for the nation?s hungry have increased, President Obama and Congress have consistently subsidized big corporations and banks, billionaires and big corporations have received big tax breaks, the U.S. military and foreign operations are expanding abroad, the U.S. has engaged in a war with Libya, and it is now being estimated that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will cost the U.S. government $4 trillion.

Protest the Copyright Cartels - Use Bittorrent (tags)

A recent cable leaked by Wikileaks shows that the US government has been manipulating New Zealand's legislature... on behalf of the copyright cartel.

U.S. Election 2012- Socialist Stewart Alexander: Don?t raise the debt limit (tags)

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says ?Working people should not fear the August 2nd deadline to raise the debt ceiling; the government will not collapse. It is time for President Obama and the professional politicians to attend credit counseling.?

Striking for Health Care (tags)

The supermarket workers in So Cal have gone over three months without agreeing on a new contract. The fight is mostly over health care benefits; if they lose, all workers in retail will see benefits decline.

Prevent Pickens' Plan to Frack America (tags)

With mounting evidence that fracking for natural gas is poisoning our air and water, and a national movement against fracking that continues to grow, why is Congress poised to commit us to an energy policy that will encourage even more fracking? Take action to protect our water from the dangers of fracking!

Big Brother Is Testing You (tags)

Big Brother is testing you. Big Brother is sending out mobile test vans to certain census tracts in Hillcrest, Normal Heights and other neighborhoods in the 92103 and 92104 Zip codes to knock on people?s doors and present them with a then-and-there demand that they take an HIV antibody test. That?s what Dr. Susan Little of the Antiviral Research Center (ARC) at the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) Medical Center came to the Hillcrest Town Council on May 10, when she spoke at their meeting to announce a new, stunningly intrusive and threatening program called ?Lead the Way? designed essentially to force everyone between the ages of 18 and 64 in the 92103 and 92104 Zip codes ? the parts of San Diego with the greatest concentration of Queer residents ? to take the HIV antibody test and go on immediate ?treatment? with anti-HIV medications if they test ?positive.? What makes this even worse is that Dr. Little has a documented history of breaking the confidentiality of ALL her subjects in a previous HIV antibody testing study!

Exxon Strategy Revealed: We Don't Ever Need a Majority in the Senate (tags)

The Senate voted on the bill to eliminate Big Oil subsidies--52 in favor and 48 opposed. The bill lost. WTF you say, the bill had a majority and lost? Of course it did.

BTL:U.S. Senate Defeats Plan to Eliminate Billions of Dollars in Big Oil Tax Subsidies (tags)

Interview with Ben Schreiber, climate and energy tax analyst with Friends of the Earth, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

History and Resistance on Blair Mountain (tags)

Blair Mountain, a crucial site of labor history, is being threatened by the disastrous process of Mountain Top Removal. People from around the country are marching in early June to raise awareness and save the mountain.

What a Public Bank Could Mean for California (tags)

The state's facing big debt, but also big opportunity.

The Language Of Corruption (tags)

1/26/2011 12:36 PM EST Tags: Spanish, Speaking, ethnicity

Philippine Airlines workers vote to strike (tags)

The Philippine Airlines Employees’ Association (PALEA) held a torch parade tonight as initial results in the strike poll reveal a tremendous vote for yes. Only the ballots of PALEA members in the Metro Manila offices of Philippines Airlines have been counted and show 96% votes of for a strike and a mere 3% voted against. In the last strike vote conducted last December, some 86% voted yes. In yesterday’s voting, 1996 PALEA members in Metro Manila participated out of some 2987 total members.

On the Anti-Cuts Protest in London, 500,000 Say No to the Coalition Government’s Arrogance (tags)

"We are told that the only way to reduce the deficit is to cut to public services. This is certainly not the case. There are alternatives, but the government chooses to ignore them, highlighting the fact that the cuts are based on ideology, not necessity."



Are Value Added Methods (VAM) the new Flat Earth? How long do discredited theories linger? (tags)

Despite overwhelming academic evidence to the contrary, the reactionary anti-community anti-teacher yellow journalists at the Los Angeles Times cling to VAM, which is in essence a form of neo-phrenology.

Report from the move on #wiunion demo (tags)

Live from the demo

Breaking the Vicious Circle of Poverty (tags)

In 2008 in Namibia the Lutheran bishop Zephania Kameeta provided a whole village with an unconditional basic income. BIG (Basic Income Grant) is like a magic word, the code for a bold idea that poverty is not a hopeless fate but an enemy that can be forced to its knees.


The 3-mile long march began at around 10;45 Am. With the student groups like Kappa Psi Epsilon, Chi Rho , XPO, TBD, Samahang Pilipino at UCLA, Kababayan of UC Irvine. Katipunan UC Riverside, CalPoly BARKADA, FASA from CSUN, Long Beach PAC, San Marcos, Andres Bonifacio Samahan from San Diego,SDSU to mention a few leading the way. They were joined by student activist groups from Pro People Youth KMB, ANSWER-LA, BANTAY PILIPINAS-USA, EPCC, AJLPP, the EFJPP while ve veterans and widows from the Society of Guerilla and Scouts (SGS), United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV), VFP-UC Chapter, AWARE-LA, Seniors for PACE (SPACE ) rode in the vehicles. Big streamers calling for recognition, justice and equity as well as immigrant rights were very prominent. Filipino, AJLPP and KMB flags flew high and proud during the march. The youth and advocates shouted slogans all the way.

The Great American Paper Boycott (tags)

The Great American Paper Boycott is about halting deforestation.

Obama Economic Team Passes Out the Kool-Aid (tags)

Mary Bottari is director of the Real Economy Project with the Center for Media and Democracy.

US Elections: America's Right Turn (tags)

misguided voters

America's Tea Party Phenomenon (tags)

big money backs it

The Political Consequences of Stagnation (tags)

My apologies to T. S. Eliot, but September, not April, is the cruelest month. Before 9/11/2001, there was 9/11/1973, when Gen. Pinochet toppled the Allende government in Chile and ushered in a 17-year reign of terror. More recently, on 9/15/2008, Lehman Brothers went bust and torpedoed the global economy, turning what had been a Wall Street crisis into a near-death experience for the global financial system.



BANTAY Points Out ‘Conflict of interest’ in the Aquino III Cabinet (tags)

The BANTAY PILIPINAS based California said today that President Benigno Aquino lll’s decision to pick executives from big business for key Cabinet posts has placed his administration in potential conflict-of-interest situations, particularly in state-regulated enterprises, such as power, water, telecommunications and toll roads, the EPCC noted Tuesday. The BANTAY PILIPINAS said the big business appointments were a growing public concern because they were identified with four of the most influential business conglomerates in the country – the Ayala, Lopez, Aboitiz and Metro Pacific groups – to positions with powers to make or unmake business empires. The appointees mentioned were Transportation Secretary Jose de Jesus, Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson and Energy Secretary Jose Rene Almendras. De Jesus used to be president of Meralco (where the Lopez group and Manuel V. Pangilinan of Metro Pacific are controlling partners) and former executive vice president of Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co. (headed by Pangilinan). Singson is a former president of Lopez-owned Maynilad Water and former director of Metro Pacific Investments Corp. Almendras is a former president of Manila Water and Cebu Holdings Inc. (both owned by the Ayala group) and former treasurer of the Aboitiz group.

Ramon Paje’s Appointment to the DENR Spells Big Trouble (tags)

he PESANTE-USA, an environmental and peasant support advocacy group based in the United States joins the Kalikasan-People’s Network for the Environment (Kalikasan-PNE) in denouncing the appointment of Mr. Ramon Paje, executive director of the Minerals Development Council (MDC), as environment secretary.

Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality (tags)

government/corporate crime

Take Action! Stop the Big Oil Bailout! (tags)

Sen. Murkowski and her allies want to give Big Oil a bailout. The U.S. Senate will vote on her resolution this Thursday. Tell your senators to vote NO, so we can have a cleaner, safer, healthier America! Thank you!


The PESANTE NEWS LEARNED today that the Philippine revolutionary movement issued a statement today, May 23, 2010. Here it is: "The recently concluded reactionary elections, seemingly "modernized" with automation, was as rotten to the core as ever. The return to power of the Aquino-Cojuangco clan and its Kamag-anak Inc., through apparent president-elect Benigno "Noynoy" Aquino III; the repositioning of the Marcoses--Imelda, Ferdinand Jr. and Imee; the continuing domination of Congress by the Arroyos, now with Gloria Arroyo herself elected congressman; and many more of the like all point to the indictment of the recent reactionary elections as nothing but a big sham foisted by the reactionary ruling classes upon the masses.

Analysis of the RP 2010 Electiion by Prof. Jose Ma. Sison (tags)

The conduct of the 2010 elections shows the rottenness of the US-dominated ruling system of big compradors and landlords. It was a process dominated by the coalitions, parties and candidates of the reactionary ruling classes. Beforehand, it excluded the leaders of the working people who were repressed or who were without campaign funds. It was merely a personality-based contest of the political agents of the same exploiting classes. They did not offer any strong differences in terms of program. They mouthed slogans against poverty and corruption and the need for change. But they said nothing about overcoming the three monsters of foreign monopoly capitalism, domestic feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism which exploit, impoverish and oppress the people. They gave no serious attention to the worsening crisis of the domestic ruling system and the world capitalist system.

Green Party U.S. Senate Candidate Says Prop 14 is a “Power Grab” by Big Business Interests (tags)

Prop 14 is an attempt by big business interests to consolidate their stranglehold over elections under the guise of “reform.”

health care for prisoners (tags)

health care for prisoners?

Pity about the dead miners (tags)

Upper Big Branch Miners get Don Blankenship’s prayers. And his criminal neglect of safety measures at the mine. The miners have to sacrifice their lives for their livelihood.

Stealth Action Against the Four Biggest Banks (tags)

--Fed Up Bank Customers "Put Some Teeth" into Movement to take back the power of the ordinary citizen to affect US economic structure-- Join the stealth action AND/OR move your money out of a big bank and into a credit union/local bank today-- If you've done that already, we want to hear from you...

Terrorist Joe Stack (1956-2010) (tags)

Right wing extremist Joe Stack finally gets fed up with Republicanism and Capitalist extremism and decides to take a few out with him.

Clowns, Casinos and Men Full of Cash (tags)

Over the years, Vegas has shifted from big spenders to tourists in order to stay afloat. Casino owners over-borrowed and overbuilt, and the city now has the highest foreclosure rate of any major metro area in the country and the second highest unemployment rate at 13 percent.

Haiti 7.0 6 Israel Turkey Feng Shui Row Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (tags)

Truth is stranger than fiction.

Lessons from the Crisis (tags)

Governments are extorted by multinational corporations. Those who made massive profits with bank business must now answer for the losses. The taxpayer may not pay for their crises. If control is not exercised by politics, banks will become absolute rulers with a state guarantee.

Observations on the Closing of the West Hollywood Border's (tags)

Readers are invited to submit their own notes and comments.

The Eighth Annual AntiMall (tags)

Many of us would like to give up holiday shopping altogether. However, the annual AntiMall is an opportunity for holiday shoppers to at least have their money go to artivists (artists + community activists) and causes such as Afghan Women's Mission—rather than big box stores and other corporate behemoths.

copenhagen police destroy integrity of the conference (tags)

a new phase of climate destruction, the public violent beating of earth advocates

The Dominance of the Financial Sector is a Mortal Danger (tags)

"This huge wealth transfer from the `real' economy to the world of finance has also created a vicious cycle of credit dependency.."

Anti-Immigrant Event in Big Bear November 14 (tags)

Anti-amnesty rally being promoted for November 14 (Saturday) in Big Bear Lake. Come and show your disapproval, and support our immigrant families, friends and neighbors.


- Pesante News learned through news sources today that the CPDF blamed the recent disastrous flooding and numerous landslides in Northern Luzon that inflicted heavy losses in lives and property highlight the often overlooked cost of developmental aggression. In more ways than one do the common people pay for huge projects that generate super-profits for foreign big business interests and their local lackeys.

Video footage of the Anti-Nazi protest (tags)

Footage of the big protest in Riverside.

Requião: brazilian safe step forward (tags)

For those people who dream and advocate a more radical solution, I let my suggestion: read "The five trillion that the "debt" have swallowed" and coolly examine the implementation of the budget over the past fifteen years.

Facts for Working People (tags)

Facts for Working People on Education * Capitalism Loves death! * Charter Schools- a move to privitize education * Teachers- Why you shouldn't work "off the clock" * Teaching " to the test" Poor Children Left Behind * Bailout vs Public Education * Detroit Education Strike

Wall Street Under Obama: Bigger and Riskier (tags)

After the financial levees broke and the crumbling banks ushered in the economic crisis, angry people clamored for drastic change in the financial system. Obama reflected these feelings well, at times using radical rhetoric to denounce the banking titans. What he promised was deep regulatory change so that such a crisis “would never happen again.” Like every other promise of substance, Obama’s pledge to “rein in” the banks has fallen by the wayside; the well-timed rhetoric smoothed over public tensions and now business is back to usual. The New York Times remarks:

Obama vs Insurance:Pillow fights (tags)

Obama and the health insurance companies are pillow fighting. Ready to concede, the Democrats are already saying the ya-hoo attended townhalls have stopped them from passing through legislation, what about the townhalls against the war(s)? This fight is stopping because it never really was meant to win. Just another pillow fight with big business. The media wants us to believe that there is some sort of mass movement out there that is opposed to any sort of health care that is not run by the private sector.


et city leaders, banks, and big developers know that we will not be forced out of our neighborhoods! With massive tax breaks and generous loans granted by big banks and the city administration, big developers are pushing forward in their attempt to remove poor and working families from the vibrant and colorful neighborhoods around Los Angeles. Signs of gentrification are everywhere. Rents are increased to drive families out of their homes, to be replaced with luxury apartments. Big national mega-stores are replacing local mom and papa businesses. As residents are forced out, stable communities are torn apart. Immigrant working families, who have lived and worked here for generations, are being pushed out by a profit-driven campaign of racist gentrification big brother at your door (tags) big brother at your door

‘volunteer’ (tags)


BBZ Resource Management screws people with fraudlent gas vouchers (tags)

Troy Warren moves from Search Big Daddy to BBZ Resource Management and is using that company to screw people selling fraudlent gas vouchers

The Democrats Abandon the Environment (tags)

“As a banker, I also welcome the fact that the 'cap-and-trade' system is becoming the dominant methodology for [carbon dioxide] control.” -Simon Linnett, Executive Vice Chairman of Rothschild Bank. Can the looming environmental catastrophe be solved by environmentalists working side by side with Wall Street Bankers? Such a question doesn’t deserve a serious answer. The Democrats, however, are attempting to address the issue of global warming by developing a “partnership” between those who love the earth, and those who love only profits.

Big Oil too big for Arnold's "shared sacrifice" (tags)

Who is the Governor willing to include in what he calls "shared sacrifice"? Children who will go without health care, young pregnant women who will not receive counseling, working moms, students depending on state sponsored college scholarships, and people with disabilities, Alzheimer's, mental illness, and HIV/AIDS. Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for "shared sacrifice" in California State budget cuts. But who is he willing to sacrifice? Children who will go without health care, young pregnant women who will not receive counseling, working moms, students depending on state sponsored college scholarships, and people with disabilities, Alzheimer's, mental illness, and HIV/AIDS. And who is to too big to sacrifice? Exxon-Mobil, Chevron, Shell, Conoco-Pillips, and BP. The Governor and California Republicans adamantly insist that the oil and natural gas companies will pay no severance tax for the privilege of extracting oil and natural gas that belongs to Californians, even as the State goes $25 million deeper into high interest debt every day.

Big Brother's Cultural Roundup (tags)

War is peace, freedom is slavery and ignorance is strength. These are the slogans of Big Brother. With newspeak, the ministry for truth tries to stylize oppositional citizens as terrorists.. Activism must not be equated with terrorism.

big event in Bay Area of California (tags)

Let's Really Attack our Economic Problems (tags)

Let’s show the trickle down theory the door. If a goodly majority ever faces economic reality, we could fashion a better world. It is however the wealthy that will have to sacrifice.

The Big Lie of Schwarzenegger and Corporate Agribusiness: Fish Vs. Jobs (tags)

Bill Jennings, chairman of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance, has caught the Department of Water Resources, Governor Arnold Schwarznegger and Corporate Agribusiness in yet another "Big Lie."

Newsom for a Nuclear California (tags)

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom have come out for big renewables, and every other sort of big corporate power, but, renewables just aren't enough for really big guys. To be a really big guy, a really big nation, or a really big national and international power, you've gotta have nuclear power. And nuclear weapons, the invention that gave rise to nuclear power, and nuclear power politics. Schwarzenegger and Newsom both know it, and both support it.

2nd Renaissance (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support

Why I Broke Up With My Republican Boyfriend (tags)

It's just not worth it.

Scientology Cult Targets Haiti for Slave Labor (tags)

The Scientology organization has increasingly targeted poor countries such as Haiti in its recruitment efforts. Why would this money-hungry crime-cult be interested in one of the world's poorest countries? The answer: Because they want to bring Haitians in to the USA on "religious worker" visas to serve as unpaid laborers.

Barack Obama Pirate Captain of Derivative TARP TANIC and Nuclear Iran (tags)

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

NO vote for kingships here (tags)

Have you been to a local LAPL library lately? Have you noticed a big poster looking down at you smiling, of course, as Big Brother ? Have you turned on your TV and found the same aspiringpretender filling potholes,cutting green ribbons, shaking any hands out there, etc. etc. etc....yep....not doing his Mayoral job, just doing all self promotions, ever since he arrived here......

Politician urges killing wild animals (tags)

San Juan councilman asks residents to shoot crows

New Poll by The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace is Nothing but a Big SCAM (tags)

New Poll: Obama Voters Reject Big Labor's Card Check Agenda - PR Newswire (press release),From the Coalition for a Democratic Workplace NY - 15 minutes ago - 81% of Obama voters believe that Congress should focus on other issues like jobs and health care before dealing with EFCA. 68% of Obama voters believe the ...

Mitchell goes to Israel (tags)

With a big stick

Wednesday (12/24): Reports from Greece (tags)

Big demonstration in solidarity with the arrestees through the main shopping district. The occupations of the university buildings are ending and more actions are planned.

Friday (12/19): reports from Greece (tags)

Another day in the streets. Big solidarity concert in Athens and more protests, most of the peaceful.

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece (tags)

Tuesday (12/16): reports from Greece

The crisis hits the auto industry (tags)

A didactic drama about jobs

Unbelievable U.S. Gov. Action (tags)

They are giving (8) trillion dollars of our tax money to the very guys who ripped us off in the first place

GM, The NY Times, & Marxism 101 (tags)

As Socialists, we are consistently asked to present our ideas in a clearer, easier to understand manner. To achieve this goal, I’ll enlist the help of former Governor of Massachusetts and candidate for the Republican Presidential nomination, Mitt Romney, who appeared in the New York Times Op-Ed section on Nov. 19th. Romney’s piece, entitled “Let Detroit Go Broke,” laid bare the intent behind the angry rhetoric used by politicians against the proposed bailout for the “Big Three” automakers. Whereas the giant Wall Street banks received over 1 trillion dollars — so far— without barely having to ask, an industry that actually produces something has to beg for a handout. Why the difference?

LA antiwar projects- interviews and surveys (tags)

The new issue of LA based Journal of Aesthetics and Protest is now out. Subtled "Theory in Three Acts" it contains three editorial sections and has a bunch of articles on Los Angeles based activist and art projects. Section 2 focuses on Anti-war art and activist Projects

RIght Wingers Attacking Right to Organize (tags)

Jane Hamsher at Firedoglake writes that the right wing echo chamber is working hard to derail the Employee Free Choice Act, that will help workers join unions easier, and cheaper, than ever before.

It’s The Money, Stupid!: Over $1 Billion Raised for Prez Race! (tags)

The candidates for the White House have raised over $1 billion in their quest to win the election on Nov. 4, 2008. The Dems’ Sen. Barack Obama has racked in $639 million, while the GOP’s nominee, John McCain, has taken in $360 million. The four other Third Party candidates for the presidency have brought in about $5.5 million. The only thing we know for sure is this: When big money contributions dominate the electoral process, the people lose!


The fascist Fox News of Rupert Murdoch has been whipping up a mania and false fear against socialism, Marxism and “spreading the wealth” But it is protecting only its own tax evasion and the speculative profit, predatory lending and price-gouging of Wall Street and Big Oil.

Where's NADER ? (tags)

Independent means not being the same as all other media but indymedia here in LA seems to not be able to dissent from the 'ole 2 partied established system' either. Where's Nader on this website ?

Urgent! Sign Bernie Sander's bailout alternative petition! Let the wealthy pay! (tags)

Please sign this petition from Bernie Sanders which outlines an alternative proposal to the Wall Street financial bailout, which taxes the wealthy rather than ordinary working Americans! Please forward and tell your friends! Thank you!! :-)


The new Paulsen-Bernanke package to “rescue” Wall Street will only puff the speculative bubble and trap the working people’s money in it. It hopes to keep the addiction, greed and gluttony for speculative profits going. It’s time to beat down Wall Street capitalism! Time to put working people’s welfare first! Time for real, socialist change.


Aladdin Elaasar’s BARRACUDA is a must-read for all American voters and those following American elections and politics. The result of this year’s election will not only impact the USA, but many nations around the globe.

Chris Bricker: Organizing for Prop. 7 (tags)

San Diego activist Chris Bricker organizes for Proposition 7, on the ballot this November 4, to force utilities to purchase 50 percent of their power from renewable sources by 2025. He talks about the reasons he signed on the campaign — and why utilities like Pacific Gas & Electric and Southern California Edison are pumping millions of dollars into phony "grass-roots" campaigns to defeat it.

Venezuela: The nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Epilepsy Study Incriminates Aspartame in Medications (tags)

Aspartame is a seizure triggering drug which interacts with virtually all anti-seizure medication. Now the manufacturers are adding aspartame to anti-seizure medication. No wonder maybe 150 have died.

2nd renaissance (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

Oil's End! Honda's Hydrogen Car Decimates Big Oil! (tags)

The future is here and its Hydrogen and the Big Oil Companies know it! Thats why they're "Goouging" American motorists for every cent they can while the "Gouging" is good!!!

Revolutionary Justice for the Filipino Working Class Victims of Big Capitalists! (tags)

The Revolutionary Council of Trade Unions (RCTU) in Southern Mindanao, an underground group of revolutionary unions and an allied organization of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) expresses its strongest indignation of the systematic attack perpetrated by foreign and local comprador-capitalists against the Filipino working class.

Choice in November - Nader v. Twiddle Dee or Twiddle Dum (tags)

The criminal class in Washington is bipartisan.

Open Letter To My Fellow Apes Regarding Civilization (tags)

Are we condemning ourselves to never knowing who we really are?

The Big "Profits" Reason the Bush Regime "Dares Not" Invade Saudi Arab (tags)

But as long as American citizens are kept deluded that Saudi Arabia and OPEC maintain the "authority" and are solely responsible for jacking up the price of oil,then Bush and his corrupt oil industry pals will continue to profit off this blatant deception and make untold $Billions from this artificially inflated $100+Dollar-A-Barrel Oil Monopoly,which they alone are really responsible for! ……………………………………………………

America, Fight Back: Nationalize the Oil Industry! (tags)

Surging oil prices are sinking the U.S. economy, while Big Oil is raking in obscene profits. For example, ExxonMobil recorded profits in 2007 of $40.6 billion. Its CEO’s pay averaged out to $13,700 an hour. Today, gas is selling at $3.50 a gallon with no end in sight. Truckers are paying more for their diesel fuel and as a result food prices are rising. Globally, nationalization of the oil industry is the trend. It’s time for the U.S. to join that club.

Senate housing bill- more grief for homeowners (tags)

Socialists across the nation are rejecting a U.S. Senate housing bill that offers little help to struggling homeowners facing foreclosure, while providing tens of billions for banks, financial institutions and big corporations. The bill (Foreclosure Prevention Act) passed in the Senate this past week by a vote of 84-12 and has been sent to the House. The vote was clearly a major setback for millions of homeowners and a big win for banks and big businesses.

Global Casino Capitalism (tags)

What began with cheap money for American homebuyers has expanded to the greatest financial market crisis since the war. The whole extent of bad credits with banks is not yet known, let alone the effects on the world economy.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction (tags)

Agribusiness aims to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered

Smoking is Safe and Healthy!!! Honest!!! (tags)

Lies the big tobacco companies have told us for years to get us to smoke, and more important give them our money so we could die an early painful death from cigarettes

The BIG BIG Porno Scandal (tags)

Some of you might be aware of the big scandal currently rocking the porn industry, but since the media has decided that this is one scandal they don't want to touch, since it would piss off the multinational corporations, some of you may not be aware of the significance of this scandal, or why it would be kept on some back burner instead of becoming the latest lurid scandal served on a platter by a typically scandal mongering media system.

Greenspan's Dark Legacy Unmasked (tags)

Alan Greenspan's true record of public disservice.

Bizarre Persian Twists (tags)

War on Iran will be disastrous.

Bush administration's North American Union SPP plan reveals a totalitarian agenda (tags)

The SPP, is basically an ominous "merger" of the largest corporations in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico, with the governments of these societies, further backed with U.S. military and comprehensive police enforcement. The so-called Montebello summit of North American leaders, was a mere dress rehearsal of a clique of well-documented Neo-Nazi interests that seek to create a fascist state. In the Neo Nazi sponsored NAU, the people will have what American colonists referred to as "taxation without representation",with added oppression.

Nazis in the Military (tags)

Swastikas at Hunter Airfield, and a Rabbi on the Run

Big Green Weekend-11th Hour film and Green Party Workshops UCLA (tags)

Green Party Candidate Training and Strategy Sessions at UCLA, Aug. 25-26, Plus a Saturday evening event, starting with dinner at Monsoon Restaurant on the Third Street Promenade in Santa Monica, followed by a special viewing of new environmental blockbuster "The 11th Hour" with Q&A afterward.

CBS Promotes Misogynistic Verbal Abuse in the Big Brother House (tags)

This season, CBS’s reality show Big Brother 8 has reached a new low in misogyny. For weeks, the participants have been subjected to the constant angry tirades of one extremely abusive houseguest with anger management problems who calls himself "Evil Dick".

The 5:32 AM Train to Washington, D.C. (tags)

A lot has changed since 9/11, mostly all for the worse. When I took the commuter train from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., on the morning of Aug. 7, 2007, “Big Brother” knew I was on it, since an ID is needed to buy a ticket. When I got to D.C., “Big Brother’s’” cameras watched me get on and off the Metrorail. When I tried to videotape a demonstration at the DOE, a security guard threatened to confiscate my camcorder and to put me “in handcuffs!”

Intense and Unrelenting ENMOD Mind Control (tags)

Below are two separate pictures from the same day in 2006; the upper shows massive ENMOD manipulation across several states, Antennae and chemical plasma, electrified into a highly ordered formation, serving a purpose, you bet....

Compulsory Patronage of Private Business? (tags)

Forced Patronage of Private Businesses seems to violate Constitutional Protections against Compulsory Speech. It also forces people to give money to investments, by insurers, in what may be the very industry that caused one's illness!

Video: Hugo Chavez recommends reading Thierry Meyssan’s investigations (tags)

NOTE video in link The President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, has denounced in length the CIA-organized "velvet coups" attempts around the world, including against his own government, using techniques revealed by Thierry Meyssan.

Fabian Nunez 12-Day Posh Trip to Rio Paid for by Chevron Oil (tags)

Schwarzenegger's powerful chief of staff, Susan P. Kennedy, and her partner spent a legislative spring break in Rio de Janeiro at the posh Copacabana Palace with Democratic Assembly Speaker Fabian Nuñez and his wife — on the tab of a foundation largely financed by Chevron and other energy companies. During the 12-day conference, Chevron's lobbyist got an entire day on the official agenda, which the public knows about only because of our Public Records Act request. Nuñez, who last year was highly critical of oil companies, seems to have nothing to say this year.

New US Postal Rates Undermine Small Publications (tags)

US Postal Service duplicity to subvert First Amendment freedom

Blair goes 1984 (tags)

with his new Ministry of Justice

Washington No Match For Big Oil (tags)

Most of the Democratic and Republican presidential hopefuls are reluctant to challenge big oil, insurance companies, health care providers and many of the big corporations that are driving up inflation because these candidates for president will be relying on the same big corporations to contribute the hundreds of millions necessary for a successful campaign in 2007 and 2008. The Democrats and Republicans are selling America to the highest bidders.

Local Marine, Jared M. Landaker, Killed in Iraq Helicopter Crash (tags)

Jared Landaker was piloting a CH-46 helicopter and had picked up a wounded Marine in Karbala, Iraq, and was taking him to a hospital when a support helicopter crew saw fire in the back. The helicopter spun around twice and crashed on its left side. Everyone inside burned to death, the pilot's mother said.

The Shill Factor (tags)

Why we cannot trust a word we hear about so called 'AIDS'. The pundits are simply salesmen for the big drugs companies. AIDS is AID$.

Veteran And Bank Examiner Beat In Jail Needs Teeth Funds, Free Song In Exchange (tags)

Because I worked for the federal banking regulatory agency as a bank examiner at the FDIC, I was injected and jailed after informing on corruption. I am seeking funds for a tooth broken in LA jail. Free song

Greens to governor: You will fail because you won't take big money out of politics (tags)

Greens state-of-state reaction: Schwarzenegger plan can't succeed without taking big money out of state politics, Greens contend

Sorry, it was all a big mistake (tags)

and our country boys are dead.

Bush silenced Saddam fast (tags)

SEND THIS TO OTHERS President Bush and his handlers had their puppet Iraq regime suddenly hang (execute)Iraq President Saddam Hussein, after an unfair trial which made the verdict and sentence illegitimate, late Saturday night December 30 over the New Year's weekend when Congress was closed, to silence Saddam and kill him, before the new Democrat majority Congress starts on January 2 , to prevent the new Democrat controlled Congress from possibly delaying or entirely cancelling Saddam's death sentence - and possibly obtaining information from Saddam that might make the Bush regime look bad. But Bush and his PR agebts will never admit this. The Iraq constitutuion even prohibits executions on that day, which is the most sacred holiday of Islam, The Eid. Saddam carried the Quran (Koran) Muslim Holy Book to his hanging. If Saddam was a war criminal deserving of hanging, then why not also President Bush for his war crimes in Iraq , as Commander-in-Chief, killing many thousands of Iraqis who merely tried to repel the American invasion and occupation of their country...and the thousands of Iraqi civilians who did not fight, but were killed and wouinded by American artillery, American airplane bombings, American soldiers shooting them, etc...the vast majority of this not reported by the American news media, which is owned and controllled by very wealthy people who favor the Bush regime, because it serves them, the wealthy. This unjust, war of agression was started by the Bush regime based on lies, to steal Iraq's oil and for war profits of big corporations that fund Bush's Republican Party. But the Democrats went along with it, and even ow, some of them, such as Senator Hillary Clinton still support the war. Iraq was never behind 911, did not have weapons of mass destruction, was not building a nuclear bomb, was not a terrorist state, and posed no threat to America. Iraqi's did not start killing Americans until we invaded their country to try to conquer Iraq. It is their right to defentdheir own country from American invaders. THe American government gave Saddam a lot of military support for years when he was at war with Iran, but our government was then conveniently silent about his human rights abuses, The puppet Iraq government the Bush regime controls is a poice state, which has banned news media they don;t like (government censorship) and allows government death squads to roam Iraq killin whoever they want. THe standard of living and public safety are much worse than when Saddamw as in power. At least Iraq was stable then. American never really reconstructed Iraq after the horrible damage we did by massively bombing the country for days when we started the war. America is a rogue nation, a terrorist nation, run by politiicnas who are war criminals, for the profits of the military-industrial complex that funds these corrupt, dishonest politicians. Big corporations get these war profist and banks get big money from the interest on the $2 trillion war debt. December 28 Rolling Stone magazine has a big article documenting the $2 trillion war debt we taxpayers will have to pay. Money thta should be spent instead on universal health care. Not such wars of conquest. Like the VIetnam ar when we killed about a million peole in that part of Southeast Asia, after VIetnam defeated the French invaders in 1953, then we tried to take over Vietnam and Laos and cambodia. President JOhn F. Kennedy was assassianted (apparently by the CIA, just a few months after he said he was withdrawing from VIetnam, and said he would eliminate the CIA. His bother, senator Robert Kennedy was then assassinated by the CIA (Sirhan was under hypnosis at the time so Robert Kennedy, who wa srunning for President at the time, could not become President, as then he would have the power to bring to justice the killers of his brother John F. Kennedy. Martin Luther King was killed after he publicly turned against the Vietnam war. Apparently by U.S. Government assassin. Army snipers were later revealed to have been on rooftops at the time he was shot dead. So they must have done it. Both parties, Democrats and Republicans supported the Vietnam War. Many in Congress who are Democrats and also the Republicans support this iraq war, although some Democrats in Congress oppose it. All American politiicnas know that if they oppose the military-industrial complex war machine too strongly, they too can be assassinated by it too.

The CAFR Outrage (tags)

The CAFR Outrage - Qualify The Motive Over the last several decades, the public of the USA has griped about:

The "Patriots and 9/11" Trap (tags)

Morgan Reynolds and David Shayler are "former" government officials who say they believe that real planes didn't hit the WTC towers on 9/11 -- need we say anymore? People have tried to email the webmaster of the web site "Patriots Question 9/11," but get no response to the promotion on there of these individuals as Patriots who "Question" the official version of the events of 9/11. But how hard is that to figure out? Not all who describe themselves as "patriots" are really the type of patriots we think they are. The push by some in the so-called 9/11 truth movement to follow and spread the word of "celebs" has only been shown to tank credibility -- celebs and big names have been shown all too often to function as bait for the explicit promotion of "no planes" theories.

Big Brother and the Matrix (tags)

Without their will, people become instruments of the machine..The matrix does more than Big Brother.. the matrix is where Big Brother wants to be but cannot be - in the heads of people.

Solid Liberal Opposes 86 and 87? (tags)

Things I learned after exploring who funded a flyer that I received.

Stop Big Media. (tags)

After months of silence, the Federal Communications Commission announced that its first official public hearing on media ownership will be held in Los Angeles on Tuesday, October 3.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA - a human rights, environemtal and a peasant advocacy network based in Los Angeles, called the AFP assessment that they will destroy the New People’s Army (NPA) by 2010, at the end of the President Arroyo’s term “ A big bluff and an empty pipe dream!.”

The Big Lie about `Islamic Fascism' (tags)

Now the neoconservatives are busy whipping up war against Syria and Iran to keep themselves in power and maintain the political dynamics of this 21st century revival of fascism.

The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism' (tags)

he real modern fascists are not in the Muslim World, but Washington. The neocons screaming fascist the loudest, are the true fascists themselves. It’s a pity that communist and leftist propaganda so debased the term "neo-fascist" that it has become almost meaningless. Because that is what we should be calling the so-called neocons, for that is what they really are.

Troops grow disillusioned (tags)

"Think of what you hate most about your job. Then think of doing what you hate most for five straight hours, every single day, sometimes twice a day, in 120-degree heat," he said. "Then ask how morale is."

Villaraigosa's Greening of Los Angeles (tags)

My Vision for LA (Excerpted from Antonio 2005 website position statements) Los Angeles has always been a city of big dreams and bold possibilities. The men and women who helped build a dusty, desert town into our great city were never satisfied with the status quo. They understood that progress depends on people who see what can be rather than what merely is -- and who are willing to work to make it happen.

THE TRUTH ABOUT SPAM (Self Protecting American Measure) (tags)

Stop Spamming Me!

Lt. Governor Candidate Is Pro Small Business (tags)

California and America must focus on protecting small businesses; at stake are jobs and $100’s billions in earnings for millions of American families. Stewart Alexander wants to provide California small businesses State financial assistance ranging from $50 to $500 thousand, and marketing assistance from State, local governments and private organizations.



Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)

Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?


Sirota shows how corporate cash corrupts government at all levels

Ray McGovern & Cindy Sheehan to lead March on the White House (tags)

World Can’t Wait just announced their next major protest- October. Anyone else think that’s a little funny? Last year the Downing Street Memo came out on May 1st, soon after UFPJ announced the big rally for Sept 24th. Why do they always skip over the summer months? Because that’s when the weather is nice, and people might actually have the time to camp and stay.

Congressional Resolve: Oil Giants Too Big (tags)

The big oil companies have finally found the congress they have awaited for over one hundred years; in the 21st Century big oil appears to be beyond U.S. authority and is playing by their own rules. The oil giants appear to be too big for this new Democratic Republican Party.




This article looks at the upcoming elections in Israel and what Israel's leaders should say.

The Big Lie (tags)

Hitler and Bush have much in common...

One binary please, supersize (tags)

Many of us in the intersex community feel marginalized, ridiculed and excluded from groups which speak for us.


Stop S. 1003, "The Navajo Hopi Land Settlement Act Amendments of 2005"

New for Valentines: Love and Peace E-Greeting Cards (tags)

Greetings "give peace a chance" to be remembered at major holidays. PeaceWish.Com now soliciting artwork for Spring Holiday greetings.

Capital Punishment - Big Decision for Governor (tags)

Schwarzenegger has time to save the life of Michael Morales before his execution date which is scheduled for February 17, 2006.


US past and present policy using a broader definition of corruption

No War for Oil - Ride a Bike (tags)

What better way to demonstrate against the Bush regime's war for oil and against it's deception on climate change and environmental issues, than on a bike?

Catastrophe as Blueprint (tags)

"The majority of the electorate is now living outside the cities. The people there don't want to spend one cent for the cities. This rejection of all public spirit arose through America's suburbanization."


Governor Schwarzenegger is now preparing for the November 2006 election by side steping the death penalty issue.


The U.S. economy is being sold to the highest bidders in the world trade markets and our trade deficit is destroying our economy. Americans risk losing everything due to poor leadership in Washington D.C.

Big Idea Rag #2 - Toledo Welcomes Nazis + WTO Hong Kong (tags)


Religiously Organized Tooled for Brave New World Order (tags)

Was reading Bill Moyers' article ( about this stuff that Bush II has been supporting, and as I read, knowing what I know about statecraft, I couldn't help but to see how, as usual, people are being hyped-up and divided for interests that they're not aware of.

Size Didn't Matter; It was the Message, and it was Big (tags)

The Sept. 24 march on the White House brought a power of message and a unity of purpose to the antiwar movement that it has been missing until now. Bush, Cheney and Rove can try to hide and deny it, but the country is listening.

RFK, Jr. Blasts Big Oil & Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang gave the store away in the so-called “Energy Bill.” It granted $4 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil, despite the fact that ExxonMobil had profits of $24 billion last year! Now, environmentalists rallying in Washington, D.C., on 09/20/05, suspect that parts of the pristine Arctic Wildlife Refuge will soon be opened up to oil drilling. At the protest, RFK, Jr., labeled George Bush: “The worst environmental president in U.S. history!”

WTO/Codex to Ban Organic Food, Vitamins; force Irradiated GMO food down our throats... (tags)

December 31, 2009. The date that Codex Alimentarius will go into effect. "Codex Alimentarius" means "food rules" in Latin. The organization was born in 1962 when the UN established the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) as a "Trade Commission". It was created to regulate, and thus control, every aspect of how food and nutritional supplements are produced and sold to the consumer. It is solely about trade and the profits of multi-national corporations. Codex would effectively ban most organic food from being sold worldwide and force all food to be irradiated in the name of "safety." By using the World Trade Organization's economic sanctions against companies who do not comply with Codex rules, all animals raised for food will have to be fed antibiotics and hormones, and most nutritional vitmains and supplements will be banned. Visit for details.

War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)

Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists

Rumour Mongering - turning the tables on the Capitalist Media (tags)

Or how to create a media system which is a public utility, instead of a capitalist brain washing outfit, in really easy steps...

The Propaganda Message is the Context not the Content (tags)

After years of struggle, now it is time to turn the tables on the IMF, the World Bank, the G8, and the Capitalist Media System, et al, by pulling the same stunt on them that they have been pulling on everyone else for years...

The G8 conference - a simple primer (tags)

or How to Decode that Harvard and Yale Mumbo Jumbo

Who Shot Biggie Smalls? (tags)

A break in the Notorioous B.I.G. worngful death case.



FRI 6PM: Protest Outside Arnold's Corporate Fundraiser (tags)

CODEPINK, firefighters, nurses, teachers and others protest outside Arnold's latest big $$$ fundraiser WHEN: Friday June 24 at 6pm WHERE: Outside Arnold's latest big $$$ fundraiser at the Grand Havana Room (Private membership-only cigar lounge) 301 N. Canon Drive, at the corner of Dayton Way & Canon Drive in Beverly Hills

ENMOD + ENRON (tags)


Bush Fires (tags)

Play with fire and you'll get burned.

homeless people in osaka face the oppression by osaka city government. (tags)

saluton from osaka. recently, homeless people in osaka face the oppression by osaka city government. most of city officers illegally have gotten big wages from public-money for many years.

Call-out: JUNE 25 PACHANGA in BP (tags)

This is a call-out to activists, partiers, lowriders, and other revolutionists who could help to organize a social, celebratory, carnival event for June 25 in Baldwin Park.

The Myth of the Fiscal Crisis (tags)

The first step that must be taken if we are to reverse the cuts and prevent the destruction of the New Deal’s gains is to understand in our own minds that there is no fiscal crisis.

BTL:Big Oil Buys Influence in Washington, Crafting Legislation that... (tags)

...Adds to the Industry's Record Profits ~ Interview with Bob Williams, director of the Politics of Oil Project at the Center for Public Integrity, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

They have to admit it now: GULF STREAM SLOWING (tags)

author:(London) Times They have found that one of the engines driving the Gulf Stream the sinking of supercooled water in the Greenland Sea, has weakened to less than a quarter of its former strength.

New York Times Up Bush Down? - (Getting It Wrong Again) (tags)

No Summary

Commercialized Progressive Talk Radio Shows It's True Colors. (tags)

The progressive radio network, Air America Radio, just celebrated its first tumultuous year. Air America has an impressive line-up. I thoroughly enjoyed listening to my favorite program, Unfiltered. Unfiltered featured a co-creator of The Daily Show, Lizz Winstead, entertainer Chuck D, and activist and Rhodes scholar, Rachel Maddow. The chemistry between Winstead and Maddow often left me giggling along with their infectious laughter. Chuck D. had insights that are hard to find on the talk radio gamut that is dominated by white males.

The True Story of Modern Day Michelangelo (tags)

What happens when you find the Modern day Michelangelo in Hollywood, starving to death and needing exposure? Meet the Girls and follow their amazing true story.

Film: Why I Love Shoplifting from Big Corporations (tags)

subMedia completes second short film inspired by crimethinc's manifesto.

City Officials respond to my charges - NY Times (tags)

"Seems they will stop at nothing to keep the big bucks rolling in and the public in fear of sex. Shame on them. City officials reject the claim that they are trying to scare people into abstinence"

Why I'm A Freegan Woman! (tags)

Why I'm A Freegan Woman! and how you could be a Freegan also

Video:Testimony by the programmer claiming to have been asked to hack the US election vote (tags)

For the first time -- the FULL Video of Clint Curtis' Sworn Testimony!


Sick of the daily bombardment of polls showing Kerry running "neck-and-neck" with Bush? Feeling demoralized? Don't be! Most of the polls are a bunch of baloney. Here are seven reasons not to trust the polls -- along with some insights into why Big Media chieftains oppose and fear the Kerry/Edwards ticket. (Did you know that John Kerry and John Edwards OPPOSE media consolidation?)

Kerry Receives 100 Times More in Contributions from GOP Donors than Nader (tags)

The anti-Nader Democrats have spread their big lie to discredit Nader and silence his anti-war and progressive message that Kerry could not rebut.

Bush Haters Unite (tags)

(Our Sword of Damocles)

Wired W still lost to an Embedded Kerry (tags)

The consensus among pundits after the 2 "presidential debates" is that the White House squatter lost both rounds to an "embedded" Flip-flopper named John Kerry...

High-Tech Vote Means a Third-World Election (tags)

Get set for a wild ride when the polling booths close. With no paper record for 25 percent of the votes cast this year, the chances for a corrupted election are overwhelming.

Madonna, Mr. Big and Richard Gere (tags)

The Israeli Tourism Authority has taken to inviting Hollywood stars to Israel to boost tourism.

Confessions of an Anarchist Tech-Stock Speculator (tags)

The big tech-stock bubble of the 1990s was starting to sag just a little bit in the spring of 2000, when I sat down for lunch with a former coworker named Phil in a diner in midtown Manhattan. After a lot of catching up, we got onto what was still the big topic for all kinds of people who should have known better: the stock market.



Report from RNC protests in NYC (tags)

plainclothes police rush protesters with motocylces

Big media's big mistakes (tags)

Big Business Hurts Itself and Workers by Opposing Socialized Medicine (tags)

Ideological blindness makes U.S. corporate interests oppose socialized medicine, even though by having to pay health benefits themselves makes them wildly uncompetitive with similar companies in Europe or Canada.

Oil policies running on empty (tags)

"People here seem to have an inexplicably difficult time coming to terms with the idea that they don't have infinite access to a finite resource. Well, now it's wake-up time. Again."

Based on a true story (tags)

All of the individual events discussed below (except, of course, those in the epilogue) are documented. This article draws no conclusions about the origins of 9/11; indeed, no theory, either official or unofficial, has managed to expain fully the events of that day.

Sex pros get ready (tags)

With thousands of Republicans set to invade the city this summer, high-priced escorts and strippers are preparing for one grand old party.

Why we should all go to the movies this weekend (tags)

Dear friends of human survival, It's time for a night out at the movies in a big way. Please read the note below and pass it on and I bet we can cause a lot of extra popcorn to be consumed this weekend! We might not have ever had such an opportunity to have fun and support greater awareness for a saner world by going to the movies. Lots of love, jamie

Corporate Spin Doctors Cure Obesity With Well Funded Denial (tags)

I just saw Super Size Me, loved it, and found something funny and sad...



Abolish the welfare state (tags)

Pictures and story of Tortured people of Iraq (tags)


Southern California Supermarket Strike: A Missed Opportunity (tags)

Article written before the vote about the outcome of the grocery workers' strike.

BTL:2004 Presidential Election Campaign To Break All... (tags)

...Spending Records Big contributors get what they pay for. Interview with Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:Bush Avoids Accountability in Iraq-WMD Blame Game (tags)

Interview with Scott Ritter, former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Dean Dumps Debt On Iowa Deli (tags)

West Des Moines, Iowa, January 26, 2004 - They came to town, tried to get your vote and then left for New Hampshire. But one presidential candidate may have left a big bill for a small West Des Moines deli.

Using Fundamentals of US Foreign and Domestic Policy to Improve Your Life (tags)

Using Fundamentals of US Foreign and Domestic Policy to Improve Your Life (Satirical Commentary)

Why Do Republicans Lie So much (tags)

Truths and Half Truths

Why is the Pentagon ripping off the troops? (tags)

Explains WHY Pentagon penny-pinching budget cutters are betraying the men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces.

Civilzed People Don't Need Governments (tags)

The UN is nothing but more government, more force, more forced taxation, more force to compliance, more police beatings.


Why are they trying to stop the world from seeing the documentary “The Revolution Will Not Be Televised?”

Dump Daschle - a view of the corporate welfare energy bill (tags)

No, the energy legislation in the U.S. Senate is corporate welfare, plain and simple, and the man who should be leading the fight to change it has once again demonstrated his inability to do the right thing.

Stop big corporations from brainwashing more children! (tags)

No more big corporations peddling their junk food and other crap to our kids!

Smoking Out Big Tobacco (tags)

By means of their settlement with the States, the tobacco people have achieved something else that is absolutely invaluable to them -- complacent Americans think that the tobacco problem is solved.

Big Brother (tags)

. In the New York Times (October 14, 2002), Leslie Wayne described how a very old war praxis is revived in the pentagon with the war against terror: the hiring of mercenaries. Today they are called “private military contractors”. Some of these mercenary firms are sub-contractors of corporations from the Fortune 500 list (the 500 largest in assets). “The Pentagon cannot wage war without them… Private military contractors are the new business face of war.” These agencies have their people in Bosnia, Nigeria, Macedonia, Colombia and elsewhere. MPRI, one of the leading military firms, boasts of “more generals per square foot than the Pentagon”. In peace times, they can carry out secret missions with the exclusion of the public. Without any chain of command, they are not accountable to the US Congress, only to their clients, the Pentagon or the State Department.

Solidarity with the Strikers (tags)

The formation of a solidarity committee in support of the striking supermarkets.

I See Dumb People (tags)

YOU forgot to waive your flag vigorously!

Conservative-Libertarian Split: Liberals Get It, Conservatives Don't (tags)

The left is aware of the emerging conservative-libertarian schism while the right for the most part remains in denial.

UK Independent reports Republicans use E-voting systems to steal elections (tags)

If much of the worry about vote-tampering is directed at the Republicans, it is largely because the big three touchscreen companies are all big Republican donors, pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into party coffers in the past few years. The ownership issue is, of course, compounded by the lack of transparency. Or, as Dr Mercuri puts it: "If the machines were independently verifiable, who would give a crap who owns them?" As it is, fears that US democracy is being hijacked by corporate interests are being fuelled by links between the big three and broader business interests, as well as extremist organisations. Two of the early backers of American Information Systems, a company later merged into ES&S, are also prominent supporters of the Chalcedon Foundation, an organisation that espouses theocratic governance according to a literal reading of the Bible and advocates capital punishment for blasphemy and homosexuality.

Live Free or Die Trying (tags)

New Hampshire's new look will amount to "a green light for casinos, brothels, cocaine farms, and gun supermarkets." It sounds filthy, but therein lies the key: Free Staters must prove that people don't need Big Government to make them behave.

Sex, Lies and the Angry Left (tags)

It was OK for Clinton hit on young women recently, and to lie because that was 'only about sex.' But it's terrible for Arnold to have hit on young women 30 years ago, and to have been truthful about it.

"To Die in Iraq" (tags)

In a country run by and for millionaires, the surplus got spent. The rich got tax cuts, and the future got hocked. The environment got screwed.  Bechtel and Halliburton got contracts. Religious schools got public funds. Big CEOs robbed and ran free. Good jobs disappeared by the millions. Bankruptcies and child poverty set new records. Big Oil did just fine, thank you.

Al-Qaida Big Wig Confesses to 9/11 Attacks (tags)

Al-Qaida big shot Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has confessed to planning the 9/11 attacks. This is on, here...

Bush's Big Tent is torn on the Right (tags)

Young white men--the conservative Republican base since Nixon--are embracing Schwarzenegger's moderate politics in California. This can only strain the GOP coallition of the Christian Right, Libertarian Economics, Free Trade, and Conservative Main Street greed.

CHERYL SEAL WEEKEND UPDATE: Twisted Photos for Sept 12-14 plus WTO Pix (tags)

fractured photo captions plus a gallery of WTO protest images from around the world

Mr. Lee Kyung-Hae (tags)

In an article written for the periocical, Korea AgraFood (April 2003), Mr. Lee Kyung-hae talks about his own personal experiences and the reasons why he opposed the WTO.

Monopoly and Privilege Must Be Destroyed (tags)

From the book "Instead of a Book" by ben Tucker.

State Intervention in Markets Stops Humanity's Progress (tags)

Want a good economy? Get the State out of our lives. Then watch us fly without restrictions, authority and taxes stopping us and making us poor.

The Work of the Globalists/Monopolists/Orgaznied Crime? (tags)

The globalists are at it again. See Alex Jones (

Big Brother (tags)

"There is every reason today to refer the negative utopia of George Orwell to the only remaining superpower - the America of George W. Bush. This is true for that schizophrenic form of mental indoctrination called `double think'.' Translated fr German

Pentagon's Betting Parlor of Assassinations and Coups (tags)


If Big Business Runs the State.... (tags)

From "The Match" zine. Also, Alex Jones ( is good for government abuses.

Social Misery Increase In Direct Proportion to the Size of the State. (tags)

War is the health of the State. War centralizes the State.

9th July 2003 (18-Tir 1382): Iran Stands Up! (tags)

9th July 2003 is an exceptional day in Iran. University students plan on a demonstration and the government bans it. Iranians all over the world demonstrate in front of Iran embassies to support Iranian students.

Andy Rooney: Going Strong at 82 (tags)

Andy still has it going at 82. Great Stuff! 60 minutes a few weeks back

George, Would You PLEASE Shut Up! (tags)

Are you sick of the Wussy in Chief yet? I know I am. According to David here I am not the only fed up with Gee Duhbya's Testosterone filled fantasies. Read on McDuff.

WalMart and Big Brother (tags)

Where is this invasion of privacy going to end??? Well its not if action is not taken!!!

Russia after the War in Irag (tags)


Police Attack Biotech Activists; Maine Greens Sue to Prevent Resdistcting (tags)

Big Fish Being Wiped OutSenator Byrd: War Fought On False Pretenses Rescuing Private Lynch; Ignoring Rachel Corrie Greens vs Democrats 2004 Don't Let Computer Voting Destroy Democracy

Secrets galore (tags)

But calling stuff "SECRET" to cover up Pentagon screw-ups that cost soldiers' lives or to protect war racketeers' pet scams violates what our country is about. Ditto the Pentagon-employed spinmeisters and the big bucks they waste annually hiding the truth from U.S. citizens unknowingly footing the bill for their deceptions.

Consider a third alternative (tags)

Libertarians are just like those racist liberals who think that blacks deserve to go to school more than whites, simply by virtue of their blackness. Don’t give me that lifetime of oppression rubbish.

II Bush Nazi Propaganda by B. Meade (tags)

Can any good come of it?

Digging out Iraq (tags)

Contracts for reconstruction in Iraq are primarily being handled by the USAID. The US Agency for International Development is headed by Andrew Nastios.

Not all Australians are 'willing' subjects of the Pax Americana (tags)

An anti-war protestor in Australia talks about the situation downunder. Wants to know, when will you impeach Bush?

Coca-Cola (7) Last from series (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork(s) by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff. Boycott Coca-Cola and the rest of U.S. made products. Big corporations, big massacres.

Merry Shi'ites rejoice in front of reporters hotel - but what comes next? (tags)

The images of the statue being pulled down will probably become one of the iconic images of this war. Those destroying the statue were Shi'ites who had been kept in poverty and oppressed by Saddam. The protest took place, not coincidentally, right accross the street from the hotel where all the journalists were shacked up. Now we know that the extreme right wing in America has no love for the poor. How much did the CIA pay for that protest, and will it be enough for those impoverished Shi'ites to retire on (Uncle Sam, after all, doesn't do the charity thing)

War brings out the Purple People (tags)

These are the people who hate big government budgets and world-changing government programs, yet whose faces turn purple with excitement when that same government racks up huge debts to pay for world-changing programs that involve bombs, troops and missiles.

Bomb Seattle! - Letter to Bush from a Seattle Resident (tags)

Funny! yet revealing...

Unanswered questions for Diogenes (tags)

C'mon soothsayer. You always seem to vanish when any questions come up.

"Musicians United To Win Without War." (tags)

Dozens of Musicians and Music Industry Professionals have formed a new antiwar group... "Musicians United To Win Without War."

International Day of Action (tags)

On Febuary 4th, 2003 activists will gather at gas stations around the world to demonstrate the connection between the Bush Administration, Big Ol Companies & the growing threat of a US-led war against Iraq.

Re: yesterday's rally, Shawn is right! (tags)

How about a day of mass organizing?

I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters. (tags)

Take the pledge "I Will Not Subsidize Big Oil with the Blood of My Sons and Daughters" and e-mail it to all the parents you know, especially those that have son's and daughters being shipped to the Gulf as we speak

San Gabriel Valley Neighbors Peace Vigil Report (tags)

Weekly Peace Vigil in the SGV, every Friday, 5:30 to 7:00, Main and Garfield in Alhambra. Please go!

Bush Protects California Wildlands (tags)

Big Sur Wilderness and Conservation Act of 2002

Live from the Iranian protest @ the westwood federal building!! (tags)


Guilty until proven innocent - the new American way (tags)

The truth is getting around, people are waking up and they are not very amused...

Big Brother here? Look at these photos! (tags)

Do "Patriot" and "Homeland" look like BIG BROTHER to you? Then look at this! Compare the photos below by row (not column) to see what may have been the most monstrously criminal abuse of government during your lifetime. The American people weren't merely lied to; they were ripped off in a way that few ever suspected, victims of a fraud that would have allowed a select few complete impunity to arrange the assassinations and commit mass murder-- right here in the good old USA...

Red-baiting. "The Anti-War Movement and Its Critics. (tags)

"Do we have an antiwar movement? We're getting there. We must be, because we're catching flak from the anti-anti war movement, Light Infantry division, staffed by Marc Cooper, Todd Gitlin, David Corn, and Christopher Hitchens."

Rifkin article is lame (tags)

Is Big Oil Lubricating War

Ballots across the West promise Power to the people (tags)

Public ownership of electric power is an idea whose time has come – at least in San Francisco, Las Vegas and in the Big Sky state of Montana. Voters in these western locales have a chance to vote Nov. 5 for ballot questions that open the way for city or state takeover or buyout of private utility companies.

How Anti-Smoking HELPS the Cig Industry (tags)

The best way for corporate criminals AND Globalization forces to Limit Protest and to Control the Debate Pretend to Be Their Own Enemy. Working well, so far.

Report on the Massive London Demo from the Guardian (tags)

Old and new radicals joined forces to make the Stop the War coalition feel more like the start of something, says Euan Ferguson

Is life nothing but "the show"? (tags)

It is about the feelings I experienced in my recent visit to Ground Zero site at NY.

School Revolutionary Party (tags)

the creation of the school revolutionary party, a struggle for student rights and revolution of our school system

Sept 11: The Big Lie, a book, coming in English (tags)

Sept 11, the Big Lie by Thierry Meyssan, originally in French, will be in English and in the USA by the end of this month. We need many more books like this challenging the official story which is obviously a lie.

Consumers On Strike Against the War (tags)

Oklahoma activists have launched Consumers On Strike Against the War. They are advocating that people target an economic attack on the white collar big money psycopaths running our economy and government (collectively known as the War Party) by spending less money and shifting their remaining purchases to locally owned, independently operated, businesses and cooperatives or collectives.

Leftwing Defeatism (tags)

I am strong, and resolute, trying to find stratagems to beat the big guys at their own game, but guess what? It appears that only Republicans are allowed this sense of exhilaration these days! The attitude of my liberal minded friends? Expect nothing less than DEFEAT! They are generally angry, and whatever hostility that comes their way from others, the more they feel PERSECUTED. Enemies of the state. And when the FBI doesn't come knocking? They're a little miffed.

Big Mountain Urgent Call For Support (tags)

Big Mountain residents experience more harassment; ask for support

Paradoxes of injustice: war and crises (tags)

This leads to the last and greatest paradox: The Bush Administration's use of war to resolve the domestic crises might just exacerbate all the internal contradictions...

Phil Ochs - One More Parade (tags)

Phil Ochs. American Folksinger, Troubador, Activist, Brother, Comrade... the best this country ever produced. If you don't know his works, then seek them out. The songs of Phil Ochs are as timely as ever... they'll make you angry, make you laugh and cry, and give you strength to create a new world. Forget the corporate clowns like Bono, discover a true giant... Phil Ochs lives!

International boycott Israeli goods (BIG) day (tags)

Saturday May 11 is International Boycott Israeli Goods (BIG) day. This is a global initiative, which aims to bring pressure on the Israeli government to 1)end its illegal occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem 2)stop its human rights violations and 3)comply with UN resolutions

Big Story in Today's Wash. Post on Indymedia! (tags)

Check out dc.indymedia or today's washington post for big, long, rather favorable story about indymedia

Sherman the Mouse (tags)

I know this isn't news, but I hope you all don't mind! :->

''Three crocodiles and a fish'' (tags)

(YellowTimes.ORG) – I am not very good at drawing cartoons. Still, I have an image in my mind that I would like to share with you. Imagine a big crocodile with a fish in its mouth. The big crocodile is almost ready to swallow the fish, but a slightly smaller crocodile is pestering the big crocodile. Obviously, the smaller crocodile..

Boycott Fashion 21 Demonstration, Highland Park (tags)

After the Galleria, we hit up the ongoing demo at Fashion 21 in Highland Park. Fashion 21 is the first store in the Forever 21 empire. It's where it all started. Photo by Mike Snow.

DEA plans to ban Hemp FOODS!! Act NOW! (tags)

The Drug Enforcement Agency is turning itself into the Food Prohibition Agency...witout congressional or public authorization. Hemp is just not allowed to compete with petro-chemical-intensive products OR Genetically Engineered soy products, apparently. Corporate toxics, or nothing, in "the land of the free".

Rumsfeld & Tribune/LA Times History--Part I (tags)

Rumsfeld sat on Tribune media conglomerate board and Tribune's LA Times subsidiary has a history of being a pro-war propaganda instrument


Before the war mongers of the world tear it completely apart, I wish that they would take a look at THE BIG PICTURE...This is our home...By Lynda Carson

Jacob Levich:Bush's Orwellian Address: Happy New Year: It's 1984... (tags)

Seventeen years later than expected, 1984 has arrived.

Big Brother & the WTC Attack (tags)

Big Brother

Nostradamus Prediction Of WW3 (tags)

Nostradamus Prediction Of WW3

Why U.S. Medical "Science" Doesn't Work! (tags)

- I hope this rushed survey reaches you in time - and that Boing is telling them some-what the same thing inside! - The article doesn't begin to describe the far-reaching activities in this new field: even Livermores' big output this year was a new Hydrogen Storage Tank, based on this physics! The message? The ERA OF "BIG SCIENCE" is OVER!

BioTech History: San Diego is big part of a big gamble , Major companies bet... (tags)

San Diego is big part of a big gamble, Major companies bet millions that resistance won't kill market By Thomas Kupper  UNION-TRIBUNE STAFF WRITER

Hey Calfornian's lets give GWB the welcome he deserves! (tags)

Express your love for GWB and the spread the word about the scheduled meet and greets at the following locations and times.

New Lows at High Noon (tags)

They rode into Washington, DC last January on the Big Oil Express and took over the town. Instead of toting guns, however, they carried briefcases. A commentary.

Political Messages on Placards (CLAC March) (tags)


Fight Back Big Money Media (tags)

Put counter friction on the machine. Hit Big money Media where it hurts, MONEY

Challenging the Big Buck (tags)

Challenging the Big Buck

Sabotage the Bush Economy (tags)


J20 Big Picture (tags)

J20 Big Picture

NADER (tags)


Why Protest NAB? (tags)

NAB's agenda to abolish the FCC and grab the entire broadcasting spectrum is right on schedule. The people must act on S20-23 and afterward to stop the greatest theft in US history.

Big German drive for Australian Aboriginal support (tags)

Big German drive for Australian Aboriginal support Cologne, 29 August - - Fifty thousand Germans, more than a hundred of their Olympic athletes and one of their top Olympic officials will be getting mail in the coming days asking them to support the Australian Aborigines.

SAVE BIG MOUNTAIN (Puppet) (tags)

The theme of Monday's protest (8/13/2000), was "Human Need not Corporate Greed." An enormous crowd gathered at Pershing Square for a march to Staples Center. No fewer than 10,000 protestors participated in the mass demonstration, and many issues were addressed.

kInKy SEx MakES the WoRlD gO ROunD (tags)

how it really goes

Big Frank (tags)

Big Frank, a Los Angeles County worker with SEIU Local 660, says, "Let's rally the troops" as busloads of union members got ready to march to the Staple Center to demain a 'Fair Share'.

Soros, cigs, hemp and Shadow Convention (tags)

I'm lefter than you (tags)

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