fix articles 90102, s. enterprise
First hearing of (white wash) 9-11 commission set for Monday Morning in New York (tags)
The commission is conveniently timed to coincide with the Iraq war, when you Americans cannot question the pResident, the commander in chief of your armed forces, because now you have to be patriotic, right...
Impeachment as an anti-war strategy (tags)
After 9-11 Bush remarked, 'it looks like I hit the trifecta' and someone was so offended by his out of place remark that they leaked it to the media. Note that a 'trifecta' connotates something that you gamble on. Bush's August 6, 2001 briefing memo was titled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike U.S." Sometimes the mainstream media can really surprise a person, as the piece quoted here demonstrates...
Salo, or the 3 Days of Genoa (tags)
As the United States Navy’s Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. Enterprise and her battlegroup held their position off the coast of Italy to ”protect” The G8 Summit, the Italian secret police carried out a brutal attack on the journalists in the offices of IndyMedia Italy in Genoa. This brutal attack has propelled The IndyMedia Revolution into international fame. Read on to find out what the Italian secret police were really after and what this beckons for the future of The IndyMedia Revolution.