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north pole

Kurt Vonnegut's 7 Pieces of Advice (tags)

The mind of Kurt Vonnegut, like the protagonist of his best-known novel Slaughterhouse-Five, must have got “unstuck in time” somewhere along the line. How else could he have managed to write his distinctive brand of satirical but sincere fiction, hyper-aware of past, present, and future at once?

Thoughts Of John Clifford Lehman Jr (tags)

John Lehman (1955 to 1991) was a philosopher, a humorist, a comic.

Famous Vegetarians, Vegans, Fruitarians (tags)

Millions more become vegetarian or vegan every year adding their names to the book of life for all. Mary Shelley, Clara Barton, Leonardo, Van Gogh, Einstein, Jesus the Essene, Angela Davis, Carl Lewis, Roger Bannister, John Landy, and hundreds of millions of others on the planet are vegetarian

LeBron James And Advertising (tags)

an open letter to LeBron James.... thousands of champion vegan and vegetarian athletes ask you to join their ranks

2012 Magnetic Pole Reversal; Doom or Hoax? (tags)

The Mayan calendar predicts what scientists call a magnetic pole reversal every 800,000 years or so. Nobody really knows what will happen, from the doomsayers to the relaxsayers. The truth is usually in the middle. Get ready anyway, no harm in being prepared.

Jewish Voice for Peace Says: Standing Up for Darfur is "Hateful" (tags)

US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan (tags)

US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians (tags)

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians

The Antarctic Ice Sheet Is Growing? (tags)

The climate change deniers never miss a chance to tell us that research is showing the Antarctic ice sheet is actually growing. That sounds like the total amount of ice is increasing and things are just fine......the globe isn't heating up if it's not happening there......right?

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using out-dated data to form it's report. The deadline for data was over a year ago for info from scientific research. That means all of their predictions are too rosy. And yet, the politicians in the IPCC are softening the language of the report. That's just great. Keep the public stupid about the facts.......they can't handle the truth.

Nostradamus Third Anti Christ Name Revealed by Peru Meteorite Crash (tags)

The Peru meteorite crash was the awaited sign of the advent of Nostradamus’ third anti Christ. Learn his real name.

Here Is Where Al Gore Is Coming From - You Had Best Be Aware (tags)

An Update of Climate Science From Around the World This is a collection of articles from google alerts, and a few sites such as NOAA from the past year and a half. It is very compelling information mostly not published in the American corporate media, and shows why the energy giants are spending many millions on their massive dis-information campaign. Please pass this on and post it everywhere you can. And please sign the petition being promoted this weekend with the global environmental music festival.

Scientists are VERY WORRIED About Atmospheric Warming (tags)

Recent reports of climatologists from around the world are revealing that their projections of warming and CO2 levels have been too low. They are startled by what their data is showing and how fast the changes have been happening in the past few years.

Arctic Ice 50% as thick as 1960 (tags)

A British submarine just back from a cruise under the North Pole measured the ice. "They said there is now evidence that the polar ice cap could disappear in as little as 13 years if global warming continues at its current pace."

Why the recent Climate Report was so Harsh (tags)

Here is a collection of reports about the scientific studies being conducted around the world from just the past few months. These are the reports that went into the IPCC's data bank and where from they came to their latest estimates and projections. The first few have been published after the Feb. 2 IPCC release. The majority of them are from foriegn news agencies and were never published in the US media. Our corporate media wants you to know every detail of a woman who decides to fly to Vegas rather than get married. They don't care if you are aware of the facts regarding our changing climate. Please send this to eveywhere you can.

Your Grandchildren Will Despise You Immensely! (tags)

Expect to hear things like this:

Truth is being witheld from Americans on global warming (tags)

Just read the titles, if nothing else, of these articles from the past few months. Very few were printed in the US, and only a few were posted anywhere other than foriegn sites and the IMC Network.

The Pace Arctic Global Warming is Staggering (tags)

....the change "is happening so extremely fast, much much faster than we have seen in thousands and thousands of years. It could have an unpredictable result."

Climate News that YOU NEED TO KNOW! (tags)

Here are some recent reports that you may have missed because of the Holidays or the corporate media's censoring of this information.

Experts warn North Pole will be 'ice free' by 2040 (tags)

..."but our research suggests that the decrease over the next few decades could be far more dramatic than anything that has happened so far," .... "These changes are surprisingly rapid."

How Much Poverty Can a Society Endure? (tags)

Pretending that justice is possible with growing inequality is pure ideology. Distribu-tive justice is the key for a peaceful future.. Spending for the welfare state has not grown in Germany.

StrikeStar – Drones in Packs and Swarms (tags)

crashing somewhere near you!


The ones who read Wallpaper are going to love it. It's unique, very cutting edge modernist. MONSOON HERITAGE magical creations between art and design, decoration and sculpture, pop and fine, profane and sacred.

"Cut and Run": A Winning Slogan if Democrats are Serious about Wanting to Win (tags)

The problem of course is that the Democrats don’t seem to want to win, or are afraid of what might happen if they did win: that they’d actually have to run the place.


Australian Federal Police, Centrelink And Magistrates Courts Destroy Families And Prevent Employment of Father - Real Case From Canberra, Australia


Santa is a hoax.

Tony Kienitz Attends a Post Carbon Meet Up (tags)

". . . Over and and over again [Alan AtKisson, author of Believing Cassandra] repeated the same idea, which I love: 'make the revolution attractive. And once it's attractive, then people will want to jump on.' Most people don't want strain anything, or make any waves, or change in any way." -- Tony Kienitz

NOEXOTICWARFAREZONE -- A Resolution for Your City Council (tags)


What Constitutes Life? (tags)

For a long time now, millions of Homo sapien colonies have been very disappointed in the brain members of their colonies, especially in the last 8,000 years. They have been crying out, by way of stress and illnesses brought on by stress, "Why have you abandoned instinct, sight, sound, and smell, and placed so much more value on what is heard?"

Trashing Christmas (tags)

The last of the Halloween candy has been eaten. The harvest moon is a radiant memory. The family festival of Thanksgiving has drawn us closer together. All of these warm seasonal memories can mean only one thing: It’s time for the Christmas haters to shift into high gear.

US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?: (tags)

US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?:

Bush Resignation Hailed by World Leaders - Satire (tags)

Look, in my speech this past Sunday, I used the word "democracy" about 11 times when talking about Iraq. It's democracy Florida-style, I suppose. Except we're not fixing the vote this time we aren't letting these people vote at all. "Iraqis aren't prepared for democracy." That's what Dick Cheney and Saddam Hussein told me.

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