fix articles 8990, magnetic Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : magnetic


2012 Magnetic Pole Reversal; Doom or Hoax? (tags)

The Mayan calendar predicts what scientists call a magnetic pole reversal every 800,000 years or so. Nobody really knows what will happen, from the doomsayers to the relaxsayers. The truth is usually in the middle. Get ready anyway, no harm in being prepared.

Israel's Repressive Permit System (tags)


Is it just me or is it getting warmer? (tags)


Global Warming (tags)

A Weakening Magnetic Field is the REAL Cause of Global Warming and the REAL threat

We Are Our Biochemistry, Says George Riddle (tags)

George Riddle gave a lecture to the Humanist Fellowship of San Diego containing some provocative — and frightening — ideas about the human genome and the possibility of manipulating it. Drawing on the research of his uncle Oscar Riddle, a pioneering genetic scientist who made the cover of Time magazine in 1939 and died in 1952, as well as other, more recent scientists, George painted a picture of a brave new world in which diseases like cancer and diabetes have ceased to exist — and largely ignored the racist and classist applilcations of the knowledge he described so enthusiastically.

Atomic energy (tags)

Collective unity


THE FINAL THEORY, Rethinking our Scientific Legacy was apparently a best selling book indicating less understanding of physics than I do. Mark Mcrutchen is the author, the promotions are online, and supposedly has had good reviews by unreliable sources of information. The promotions for the book are internet virus bait including a free first chapter. Guess what I found without reading the whole book? Bullshit maybe?

The sciences of self-annihilation by the demagnetization of the magnetosphere (tags)

A document containing information on global warming and its effects on the earths magnetic field which will result in the extinctions of all species on this planet.

May 2003 pole shift warning (tags)

Earth is expected to be severely damaged by the magnetic field from the comet Niburu, news of which is being suppressed.

Democracy means voting on POLICIES not on politicians (tags)

Using magnetic cards for voting will make vote-counting almost immediate. When this happens people will be able to vote directly on POLICIES rather than on politicians. THIS - not Rule by Representatives - is genuine democracy.

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