fix articles 8959, when george w. bush
Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)
"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.
Some in the U.S. are fearful of speaking out against the wars and social injustice because of the surveillance state.
Health Care and the Supremes (tags)
When the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act in late March, the vicious hostility of their comments signaled their intent not only to rule so-called "Obamacare" unconstitutional but to fundamentally recast the Court's jurisprudence. It's clear from the health-care hearings and from previous decisions like Citizens United that the Court's five-member Right-wing majority wants to return to the days before and during the New Deal when the Court quite consciously saw its mission as protecting the 1 percent by ruling any meaningful attempt at regulating the economy unconstitutional.
“Severely Conservative” (tags)
Mitt Romney's remark last February that he was a "severely conservative" governor of Massachusetts highlighted the love of discipline that holds the radical Right in general and the Republican Party in particular and reconciles their rejection of a role for government in the economy with their insistence that government aggressively enforce "traditional moral values."
Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)
The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.
The Purpose of the Bush Administration (tags)
There is a mission to the madness.
Mexico Exports Corn and Impoverished Farmers (tags)
Food that Mexico could have easily produced itself must be purchased for ten billion dollars every year from the US. Today Mexico can offer ruined farmers as its most important export article. Prices for corn, wheat and rice soared 40-50 percent within eight months.
Chertoff and his Gestapo replace Gonzales? (tags)
William Rivers Pitt writes about the traitors in the evil US/UK junta, and it's one of the best articles I've read lately. There's something missing in the whole though: people in general - not only in the US - seem to land from the frying pan into the fire when Chertoff, the present 'Gestapo chief' of the US, replaces Gonzales.
Army Retaliation against Sgt. Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO (tags)
The US Army has done the only thing it could do in its attempt to undermine the "911 NCO," Sergeant Donald Buswell, who has become a central figure in the 911 Truth Movement by calling for a new 911 investigation -- and being attacked for it. Sergeant Buswell, it turns out, has powerful comrades in the State Department who present a big problem for a military bent on defaming him for his position of principle and his mission of conscience.
the suicide assassin fancies himself as a victim and as almighty because he knows God is on his side..Interdisciplinary non-political groups could develop common strategies for countering regression.
End Israeli Settlement Activity (tags)
'Blood, oil, and tears - and the 2004 Bush campaign strategy' (tags)
Campaign Strategy: Kill more people have the Media portray the Carnage and misery as a humanitarian effort.
Climate Change Endangers Growth of World Economy (tags)
"The solar architect Rolf Disch in Freiburg sold the first solar-energy-plus houses that produce more energy with the help of the sun than is consumed in these energy-houses. Every homeowner becomes an energy-seller. Economy and ecology harmonize.."
Former Vermont governor says American people should know the true intentions behind Bush administration's agenda (July 25, 2003)
Orwellian Poindexter IAO planed BEFORE 911 !! (tags)
Just like unPatriot Act -- set in motion before 9-11 ... get the word out so the brain-dead corporate media doesn't roll over
STAY FOCUSED: if the TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS part of HOMELAND SECURITY isn't amended then there will be no future dissent; it's "BIG BROTHER"! CONTACT YOUR SENATORS NOW! (they're voting on it THIS WEEK!)
ACTION! When Even Safire Is Afraid Of HOMELAND SECURITY Act, You Know It's BAD ! (tags)
When even right-wing fanatics like William Safire are afraid of the "Homeland Security Act", then you know it's scarey. Even though it doesn't have the gut appeal of the War On Iraq, CONTACT your senators NOW ! E-mail at or call NOW!
When Even Safire Is Afraid Of Homeland Security Act, You Know It's Bad ! (tags)
When even right-wing fanatics like William Safire are afraid of the "Homeland Security Act", then you know it's scarey. Even though it doesn't have the gut appeal of the War On Iraq, you should be contacting your senator NOW !
Introducing the Information Awareness Office (tags)
YOU ARE A SUSPECT: regarding the current homeland security act.