fix articles 89583, ortega
Chavez forgives Nicaragua's debt to Venezuela (tags)
Chavez forgives Nicaraguas debt to Venezuela Lets see the rich first world behave as magnanimously! VIVA CHAVEZ
We ask that the community joins us in response to the continued disrespect and neglect of the historically racist and genocidal acts perpetrated by the church and western imperialism.
Witnesses Say U.S. Marines Fatally Shot Spanish Journalist in Haiti (tags)
We speak with Spanish journalist Jesus Martin who traveled to Haiti earlier this year to pay tribute to his slain friend and colleague, Ricardo Ortega, who was fatally shot in the chest while he was covering a street protest.
Protest Columbus Day in OC 10/12/03 (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission
Anti-Columbus Protest-10/12 (tags)
Protest "Columbus Day" at Mission San Juan Capistrano, Sunday October 12, 2003 at 10 AM.
UCLA Activists Lose Freedom Of Speech (tags)
University or Censorship?
"Columbus Day" Protest/Presentation (tags)
Protest "Columbus Day" at the San Juan Capistrano Mission Tomorrow!
see below
See below for details, please.
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission on October 12 from 10AM-12:30 PM, followed by a presentation about Columbus' and the Missionaries crimes!
Protest Columbus Day at the San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission on October 12 from 10AM-12:30 PM, followed by a presentation about Columbus' and the Missionaries crimes!
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at the San Juan Capistrano Mission on Saturday, October 12, from 10AM-12:30 PM.
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission (tags)
Protest Columbus Day at San Juan Capistrano Mission on Saturday, October 12, 2002, from 10AM-12:30 PM.
May 12 First Annual People's March for Economic Justice (tags)
1st Annual Santa Barbara People's March for Economic Justice: March through the streets of downtown Santa Barbara to celebrate the victories as well as bring public attention to the increasingly serious problems that SB county residents face trying to make ends meet. Hosted by a coalition of community groups. Individuals and groups welcome to join the coalition. May 12, Saturday, Noon to 4. Rally at Ortega Park--noon, march to SB County Courthouse, rally again. Live bands, drum circle, community and UCSB speakers.