fix articles 8928, getting Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : getting


Ehud Barak’s Napoleonic Complex Will Save Israeli Democracy? (tags)

Ehud Barak Will Turn Israel Into a Dictatorship!

Women I Know Get Raped - Too Many Times To Count! (tags)

It's the risk you take to be out there.

Joe Biden to Challenge Hillary? (tags)


Islamic State Recruiter Admits Getting Funds from America (tags)


Blasphemy (tags)

Blasphemy: a law to protect an all-powerful, supernatural deity from getting it's feelings hurt

Mormon Perspective on #BundyRanch, U.S. Federal Government, and Divinity of Constitution (tags)

In April 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to Bunkersville, NV to stand with the Bundy family against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview supporters about the stand-off.

Local Black Friday Protests at Walmart (tags)

A roundup of Black Friday protests at Walmart for the Walmart Strikers and a 25K wage.

Why the Search Feature is Off (tags)

We were getting hammered.

Obama Plans More War (tags)


Productivity is For Chumps: Don't Take a Piss Without Getting Paid (tags)

If you remember just one thing this Labor Day it should be this: Don't take a piss without getting paid for it. Larry Ellison gets paid for every dribble, every excretion, why should you be any different?

Heading for Economic Ruin (tags)

class war

Police choose new targets (tags)

Bill Rosendahl has brought a special squad of 21 LAPD officers into Venice, CA . Now that most of the Homeless Living in their cars and moterhomes have lost their vehicles... They now are forced to sleep on the sidewalk (not illegal) Having neutralized their targets, they are now targeting other groups of people to harass by intimidation and by impounding vehicles, Family Pets, or giving unwarranted parking tickets. I suspect these include Farmers, Raw foodists, Artists, Musicians, or any alternative or creative types.

Congressmen and their "Constituent services" (tags)

Congressmen use "Constituent services" to get 5 to 10 percent of their votes

Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! (tags)

"Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! Wikileaks Mirrors Find all the current Wikileaks Mirrors here. Helpful, if the main site - - is down."

Wealth Buys Health (tags)

Science Daily reports on a new study linking health with wealth.

It just keeps getting better.. (tags)

It just keeps getting better..

Trying To Bend Both Ways (tags)

There really isn’t any way to say you stand staunchly against a position if you hope to remain credible for long - not in the eyes of the public. It’s like a person claiming to be fasting from food for the greater good passionately and openly, but then getting caught feasting on barbeque spare ribs and lo mein at the Chinese restaurant on the opposite side of town. It’s like the person claiming to be against drugs getting videotaped selling crystal meth. It’s like the human rights activist businessman getting caught using child labor. Whether to the right or the left of the political spectrum no one likes it.

Global Cooling Is Coming -- and Beware the Big Chill, Scientist Warns (tags)

Contrary to the commonly held scientific conclusion that the Earth is getting warmer, a scientist who has written more than 150 peer-reviewed papers has unveiled evidence for his prediction that global cooling is coming soon

Cal Poly students protest credit card fees (tags)

Thursday, February 25, 2010 POMONA - A rally of about a hundred students and their supporters demanded an end to a 2.9% fee charged to them on all on-campus credit card transactions. In the quad of Cal Poly Pomona, students gave speeches and cheered as student leaders denounced the fee as another example of "decisions being made about us without us."

Enough is Enough (tags)

Enough is Enough

Pushing the Barriers: the Children of Immigrants in California (tags)

Yesenia Zamarripas is about to enter her sophomore year at Crenshaw High School. Her Mexican parents speak very little English, and so it's been hard for Yesenia to keep up with her peers. Now, the pressure is mounting, and there's no time to fall behind. But resources are slim in the Los Angeles Unified School District, and there are very few options for getting extra help. Getting through high school is going to be tough.

Corporate180: Trouble Getting Off The Ground? (tags)

This company, run by Bush sympathizers, is having trouble getting off the ground. They cannot perform in their key business area. They are plagued by lawsuits and management singlemindedly opposed to the First Amendment.


What Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) was saying all along was validated by ACFV leaders in Washington and the RP embassy itself. As of July only more than 2,000 veterans have received their claims out of the 35,000 who applied since February 2009 While the passage in February of the “equity compensation” legislation brought so much hope and rejoicing for thousands of Filipino World War II veterans who, for decades, had lobbied for recognition for their war-time services to the United States,six months later, most of these veterans, now in the late 80s are still waiting for the one-time, lump-sum compensation which went with the recognition of their military services.

Unbelievable U.S. Gov. Action (tags)

They are giving (8) trillion dollars of our tax money to the very guys who ripped us off in the first place


We all know the true story concerning the injustice inflicted on America's Middlle Class and Working Poor Americans when it comes to the Federal appeal Process juudicial Process.

Presidential Candidate Frank Moore’s “Web Work Of Caring” (tags)

2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore dialogs on Indymedia forum about taxes and a “Guaranteed Minimum Income”

What if a flu outbreak shut down the highway, airport, hospital? (tags)

The Chicago Tribune reports: The effects of the computer-simulated flu pandemic kept getting worse and worse: highways and airports shut down, hospitals filled to capacity, pharmacies running out of medicine.

Mary Robinson Spotlights Human Rights Abuses in Darfur (tags)

Before the word “Feminist” became fashionable, Mary Robinson, a Barrister, legislator and educator, was shaking up the “conservative” establishment in the Republic of Ireland. After serving a term as its first female President, she became the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. Today, human rights, on a global scale, is her cause. On Nov. 1, 2006, in a lecture at Adelphi, MD, she exposed human rights atrocities in Darfur and elsewhere.

CA Green Candidate May Win US House Seat (tags)

He used to help produce hits for Ace of Base and Miami Sound Machine, but now Byron De Lear, 40, has a US Congressional seat in California's San Fernando Valley within his reach. If he wins, he would become the first US House member representing the Green Party.

Getting the word out on NPR (tags)

Getting the word out has always been difficult for Palestinians. The major reason for this is that Israel often succeeds in framing the issues from its point of view, and the mainstream media in the West goes along with it. A favorite gambit that Israel uses to cloak its outrageous policies towards the Palestinian population is to cry "security", which then pretty much allows it to do anything. When "security" is too conspicuously untrue, it justifies itself by referring to its own policy. This can be questioned only through its own legal system, which is not exactly designed to safeguard Palestinian rights. It sets up the equation of "lawful" Israelis and "unlawful" or criminal Palestinians.

Saharan Writers for Fidel Recovery (tags)

The group of Saharan writers and poets "Generation of Friendship" joined their voices to thousands of others wishing a rapid recover to Cuban President Fidel Castro, who is getting over complicated intestinal surgery.

Nightmare Scenario (tags)

Is the badly outnumbered American expeditionary force in Iraq in trouble? Is it in danger of being trapped? With all our firepower, are we looking at the possibility of some kind of a military defeat?

Asheville Global Report interviews Sherman Austin (tags)

sherman austin served one year in federal prison after he was charged with "distribution" of explosives information. The website that he founded,, didn't contain any information on explosives — a link from his site to another website contained the information, the distribution of which austin was prosecuted for. Since his release in September 2004, he has been serving three years probation.

The Second American Revolution : Washington and Iran (tags)

A repeat of that Terri Schiavo business from a while back, as once again Washington takes on a great humanitarian cause to save the life of a vegetable.


two wheels = the only solution

Community support getting stronger at the farm (tags)

Photo: South Central Farm, Saturday, May 27, 2006

Dangerous Times Ahead (tags)

Bush is losing support even in his base. Impeachment is closing in. The danger is that he and Rove will react with another war, or another 9/11.

Change Who You Imagine You Are (tags)

"The roots of climate change lie not just in the technological infrastructrure but in the habits of mind and heart created by that infrastructure.. Getting over hyper-individualism is as crucial as getting over oil."

Karl Schroeder, scifi/fantasy writer (tags)

Interview with Karl Schroeder about scifi/fantasy, the end of the Modern/Postmodern age, Foresight Studies, health care, the world is getting better.

VIDEO > Housing Rights for New Orleans Hurricane Survivors (tags)

This video includes interviews from evacuees in NY and those who've returned to New Orleans. This issue is currently effecting the lives of thousands of people and it's still not too late to help put pressure where it needs to be put to force the goverenment to deal with these people properly.

Iraq: A Rush for the Exits (tags)

With the pressure building for the US to start retreating from Iraq, and our coalition “allies” abandoning ship, what’s a soldier in Iraq to think? Déjà vu. It’s 1970 Vietnam.

Pissed off by Scheer fireing (tags)

The Los Angeles Times fired long-time progressive journalist Robert Scheer, claiming he wasn't fired for ideologies because Scheer covered the Bush regime's treason and crimes against humanity.

Families to the Brink (tags)

Property taxes. No single campaign issue ignites such anger and confusion, especially among people living in the 6th District in Camden County, where they pay the highest school taxes in the state.

1970: Chicano Moratorium — 2005: Latinos for Peace (tags)

La Raza did its part in bringing an end to the war in Vietnam. Some of us activists of the Chicano Moratorium era are coming together with other Latino activists we have come to know around the country and with the newer generations and immigrants. We call ourselves Latinos For Peace.

Mass Rally vs. Arnold's Education Cuts (tags)

Thousands of teachers, school employees, and other citizens concerned about cuts to education held a mass rally in Pershing Square yesterday to demand that funding stolen from schools by Governor Schwarzenegger be restored immediately.

TUESDAY! "Cuba: The Dream and the Drama" - with music by Cumbeley and the Xochis (tags)

Follow two Latin bands to a talk about Cuba!

Cuba: The Dream and the Drama - CSULA, 5/17 (tags)

Not just another talk about Cuba's last 45 years of history, but also a musical salsa parade!

nihilism is ultimately meaningless (tags)

getting slandered by racist sociaists who can't TALK about people without detailing their race and religion and socialiial status is like getting a channukah card from jesus christ - it's a sign that you are on the GOOD side instead of the --

Nothing is going to be done over the stolen election until we go Ukranian (tags)

Instead of sitting around complaining,waiting for some group to do something, or hoping for heated buses to show up for a one day protest somewhere we need to get into the streets and stay there until we get justice.

Bulgegate: The President's Newest Lie About What He Wore to the Debates (tags)

First it was a faked photo, then it was a pucker in the jacket. Now it’s a badly fitting shirt, but doesn’t this usually nattily dressed commander-in-chief change his shirts?

Democrat: A Love Story (tags)

a short story...cause it's too obviou.s it's all to oobvious and democracy in the united States would be like, well Ghandi said something about western "civilization" herein for your sunday evening is a simple short story. yeah, it is about current events. if you read it and weep i did it right. Dedicated this sad October sunday to the late activist kathleen Chang. --bongo

Recalim the Parks in Modesto CA (tags)

Central Valley march and park occupations against police harassment of homeless, and lack of permenant shelter.


With the release of his autobiographical book, former prez Bill Clinton parades more of his disgusting post - presidential vanity in front of "adoring throngs" of "Slick Willie" sycophants. Much to his chagrin he will not be remembered for his political accomplishments, whatever those were. He will always bear the disgrace of getting caught getting head in the Oval Office by his quasi - intern bitch, Monica Lewinsky. Man this is one repulsive culture we live in.

"A Shadow on the Land" (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 24, 2004 ( -- They've brought America to its knees. They're a ruthless band of fundamentalist religious fanatics that respect no international laws and seem destined to cause only death, misery, and destruction.

Lord help activism!! (tags)

"Tonight we were able to finaly move. Tonight i stopped marching and started living. I really do feel alive, im no longer an activist sheep. I live at night and dance during the day..."

Nader calls for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq (tags)

Kerry favors an internationalized effort in Iraq, but said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that he supported sending in more U.S. troops, if necessary. "Now, he's got to out-Bush Bush," said Nader.

Passive statement on USA Iraq war & getting fast results in re-construction (tags)

Finnish Iraq Embassy official has given very negative statement on Iraq situation. Even so, there may be a possibility to make fast progress in re-construction.

It's Getting Ugly (tags)

Dear Friend- see how you like this.

A Deserter Speaks (tags)

The young man across the table looks sad, but not as stressed as one might expect from a US Army deserter. Camilo Mejia served with a unit that crossed into Iraq just after the invasion and then, for five months, fought in the counterinsurgency war in the Sunni Triangle, where he says he was in firefights, killed people, almost got killed, helped torture prisoners and finally had his life saved by a small-scale mutiny. Now he is a declared conscientious objector who spent five months absent without leave, facing the wrath of US military justice.

Using Fundamentals of US Foreign and Domestic Policy to Improve Your Life (tags)

Using Fundamentals of US Foreign and Domestic Policy to Improve Your Life (Satirical Commentary)

On the Ground, Straight From the Top (tags)

U.S. military commanders throughout Iraq have been saying for months -- almost unequivocally -- that they are winning the war against Iraqi insurgents, religious extremists and foreign terrorists in their sectors. This, even as attacks against U.S. forces increased across the country and a series of high-profile bombings and helicopter shoot-downs helped create the impression in the world media that the insurgents were gaining ground. Vernon Loeb, defense correspondent for The Post, asked commanders from the four major U.S. Army divisions in Iraq why they thought they were winning, and what they used as measures of success. Responding via e-mail, they had plenty to say. Excerpts:

Help the Free Software Foundation getting money from Microsoft (tags)

Help the Free Software Foundation getting money from Microsoft!

US Soldiers to America: ''Bring us home now; we’re dying for oil and corporate greed!'' (tags)

A powerful and moving description about what American Soldiers really think about the illegal and immoral conquest of Iraq brought about by the Kleptocrats in DC.

US Soldiers to America: “Bring Us Home Now! We’re dying for oil and corporate greed!” (tags)

I had the unique opportunity to interview five US military servicemen who just got back from Iraq, or in the case of two men, corresponded with their wives so that I could ask questions of these soldiers by mail. When the two I corresponded with came back just last week, I was able to complete the interviews I started several months ago with some new details on how the war is actually going.

Celebrity Is Just A Game (tags)

Media reporting from Iraq is one-sided and flawed (tags)

The vast majority of correspondents in prewar Iraq played ball with Saddam and downplayed the viciousness of the regime. That would include such notables as CNN's Christiane Amanapour, Pacifica Radio's Amy Goodman, and other left leaning reporters.

CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE!!! Shocking Entry From the Diary of Barney the White House Dog!!! (tags)

This diary entry was sneaked out of the White House by a mouse who prefers to be known only as "Deep Throat II". After some bartering (which involved an undisclosed amount of oatmeal and cheddar cheese), I obtained the diary pages. Here is the entry. The illustrations are my interpretations of first-hand descriptions of certain incidents told to me by Deep Throat II, who secretly taped Barneys conversations with Lulu, a mouse that lives in the White House kitchen.

Not Caretakers - But Prison Guards (tags)

Apartments are now run by the State. The caretakers are now prison guards. People always love their slavery so they put up with it. They give ttheir money to the politicians, through forced taxes, they give their money to the criminals, they promote evil this way. That's how backwards humanity still is.

9/11 inquiry alleges witness intimidation (tags)

But Steven Push, whose wife died on September 11 and who represents victims' families, said: "I believe that there is stonewalling going on here." He added: "It's beginning to look like some type of a cover-up."

George W. Bush getting DIRECT communication from GOD! (tags)

if only this was a joke...

Real Revolution = Entrepreneurship (tags)

The revolution is not about sex or drugs or rock and roll but about starting your own business and keeping your own money - without government messing things up.

BlackBloc Calling in Austin Tx. May 3rd! (tags)

It is time for anti-authoritarians,anti-imperialist, and like minded individuals to converge on the "Showdown in Texas" and show our solidarity against this capitalist machine.

Iraqi moms getting ready to greet U.S. and British troops (tags)

Iraqi moms getting ready to greet U.S. and British troops with bullets



How Safe is Safe Sex? (tags)


A Must Read Speech From January 10 (tags)

A bad-ass speech against the detentions, round-ups and disappearances of Musliim, South Asian, and Arab immigrants as well as an assault against the whole juggernaut of war and oppression that is being promoted in this country.

Good news (tags)

In know you hate it, but things are getting better. Once again, thank you Walter E. Williams. We are so lucky to have you around.

Raise the qestions that need to be asked with Sidewalk Chalk! (tags)

Because of corporate control of the media, and their reliance on info from the Pentagon and the White House, there are lots of questions, clues, hints, lots of information in general that is not getting all the way through to the majority of American people. We can change that!

Sam Bahour's Palestine update and some important reading material (tags)

Every Palestinian is getting edgy and uptight. Our cities, economy, projects, and lives are being destroyed as we helplessly watch from our front windows.

facts about Israelis and palestinians (tags)

zionazis have shot numerous international reporters to keep the truth from getting out!!!!

Another anti war flyer (tags)

another one

Greetings Terrorists (tags)

The following is a submission to the IMC-LA S11 art gallery

Safe Haven (tags)

It seems that most of the people who frequent IndyMedia are in agreement about issues regarding the war and civil liberties.

IPA: Food to Afghanistan: Analysts Available (tags)

Analysts: Roger Normand, the Center for Economic and Social Rights, Jim Jennings, Conscience International, Dominic Nutt, Christian Aid in Islamabad, Alina Labrada, CARE, Diderik Von Halsema, Doctors without Borders in Islamabad, Sam Barratt, Oxfam International in Islamabad. Barratt: "Our main concern is getting food into the heartland of Afghanistan before the winter sets in -- we only have four weeks."

"It's Getting Better All the Time" (tags)

book called "It's Getting Better All the Time"

Top Censored Stories ( in song ) (tags)

Who Will Tell the People by David Rovics

Is Dancing Terrorism?.... the FBI says so.... (tags)

FBI brands Reclaim the Streets as "terrorists" - what the fuck have they been smoking?! In another sign that the growing anti-capitalist, anarchist, anti-car movement is gaining effectiveness, the FBI recently listed Reclaim the Streets amongst the "Threats of Terrorism to the United States."

Tax Rebate? Give it Back! (tags)

Getting a tax rebate? The Monkeyfist Collective suggests you give it to those who should be getting it in the first place.

homeless cultural competency (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags