fix articles 8917, on wednesday Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : on wednesday

on wednesday

Cottage with a catastrophic view (tags)

According to various forecasts, between 300,000 and 1.9 million coastal properties in the USA will be affected by "regular flooding" in the coming decades. By 2100, the city center of Miami and large parts of Miami-Dade County are likely to be permanently below sea level - along with real estate currently worth 400 billion US dollars.

IMF Forecasts Lowest Growth in Decades as World Leaders Descend on Washington for Meetings (tags)

Debt Roundtable Meetings Attempt to Break Impasse on Debt Relief From China and Private Sector

For a free and sovereign Ukraine (tags)

We cannot accept the intervention and military repression of the population set in motion by Russia; it is equally unacceptable to open any space to the representatives of imperialism who are trying to expand their rule by means of wars that ensure profits & more power for capitalists.

Release Mumia (tags)

This letter from Prison Radio:

"We must look at the side-effects" (tags)

"Restricting basic rights is no small matter, and it is the duty of politics to restore their exercise as soon as the infection situation permits." (Lockdown consequences: daycare centers and schools to open) German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier

State pays Corona aid to tax tricksters (tags)

Thousands of companies want help from the state during the Corona crisis. The state of their tax morale is not under scrutiny. In the US, billionaires gained an additional $308 billion from 1990 to 2020 while their tax obligations decreased 79%.

President Trump Authorizes Somalia Debt Relief (tags)

President Trump signed a year-end spending bill which authorizes the first phase of debt relief for Somalia.

Congress Passes Somalia Debt Relief (tags)

As part of the Federal government's year-end spending package or "minibus," Congress passed the first phase of debt relief for Somalia.

IMF Warns of Global Financial Crisis Risk (tags)

For the second day in a row, the International Monetary Fund raised concerns of pending financial crisis. Ahead of the Spring IMF and World Bank meetings, the IMF released the Global Financial Stability Report, warning of "vulnerabilities" in corporate debt, house values and sovereign (country) debt.

Under the Gun in Ireland (tags)

A visit to the occupied North of Ireland in 1983. Happy Paddy's Day!

IMF and World Bank Meetings Begin With Growth Forecasts and Crisis Risk Warnings (tags)

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank begin their annual meetings which run between October 13th and 15th.

IG Leaflet: LET THEM IN! (tags)

No Ban, No Wall – Full Citizenship Rights for All! Smash Racist Ban on Muslims, Refugees

Husam El-Coolaq. : proof not all harvard students are smart (tags)

Last week, Harvard student Husam El-Qoulaq rudely disrupted a panel featuring Israeli politician Tzipi Livni to ask her why she was “so smelly.”

The Shortwave Report 04/15/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Peace and coexistence Intifada in Israel (tags)

Israeli and Arab teens party for coexistence in ISrael

Portrait of an Irish Republican (tags)

The author's visit to Occupied Ireland is recounted on the 30th anniversary of the event.

Israeli Forces Invade Palestinian Hospitals (tags)


NYT Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing (tags)


The Latest Presstitute Big Lie About Russia in Syria (tags)


Russia's Impressive First Week of Real War on Terror (tags)


Russia's Upper House Authorizes Aerial Operations in Syria (tags)


US Imperial Wars Responsible for Refugee Crisis (tags)


Israel Imprisons Muhammad Allan Again (tags)


Israel Protecting Killers of Immolated Palestinians (tags)


Fabricated Claims About Russian Troops in Syria (tags)


Anti-Netanyahu Rage (tags)


Guatemalan President Resigns: Faces Corruption Charges (tags)


Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Washington Intends Breaching Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Israeli High Court Frees Muhammad Allan (tags)


Muhammad Allan Suffered Brain Damage (tags)


Full-Scale War Looms in Donbass (tags)


Greece and Troika Agree on Bailout Deal in Principle (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria During Large-Scale War Games (tags)


Cruel and Unusual Punishment: An Israeli Specialty (tags)


US Joint Chiefs Chairman Nominee Irresponsibly Calls Russia America's "Greatest Threat" (tags)


Leaked US-Led Iranian Nuclear Deal Sweetners Less Than Meet the Eye (tags)


Yemen Peace Talks Deadlocked (tags)


Russia to Remain 2018 World Cup Host Nation (tags)

World Cup

Kiev Renounces Minsk Ceasefire (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: Raising the Bar (tags)


US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Obama's War on Yemen Rages (tags)


Kiev Heads Closer to Resuming Full-Scale War on Donbass (tags)


US/Iranian Relations: Back to Square One? (tags)


Saudis Violate Agreed On 5-Day Truce in Yemen (tags)


Washington and Saudis Plan Escalated Aggression on Yemen (tags)


US/Saudi Proposed 5-Day Ceasefire in Yemen: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Kiev's Poroshenko Vows Continued War (tags)


UN Accuses Saudi Arabia of Killing Yemeni Civilians (tags)


Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)


US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)


McCain Urges Preemptive Israeii Aggression on Iran (tags)


Netanyahu Apocalyptic over Treating Iran Fairly (tags)


Iran Nuke Deal Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)


America at War, Again (tags)


Secret US Intelligence on Yemen Compromised (tags)


More US-Sponsored Middle East Aggression (tags)


Heading for WW III (tags)


Model Venezuelan Democracy v. US Imperial Lawlessness (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Israeli Election Postmortems (tags)


Israeli Women Wage Peace (tags)


Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)


Kiev Surrenders Debaltsevo: A Key Strategic Victory for Rebel Forces (tags)


The Illusion of Peace in Ukraine (tags)


Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)


Baseless Accusations of Russian Troops in Ukraine (tags)


New Geo;olitical/Financial Bombshells (tags)


Oil Prices: What Goes Around Comes Around (tags)


Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

false flag

The Shortwave Report 12/19/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Torture in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? (tags)


EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Chickens Coming Home to Roost (tags)


Congress Authorizes Unlimited Spying on US Citizens (tags)

police state

Internal Israeli Wars (tags)


Over-the-Top Israeli Policies (tags)


Some LA Ferguson Protest Links (tags)

These are some links and photos copied from the usual places.

Kiev Plans Full-Scale War (tags)


US-Led NATO Risks Global War (tags)


NYT: Propaganda Bullhorn Rag Sheet (tags)


Recognizing Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Palestinian Solidarity Day of Rage (tags)


Blaming Victims: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Israel's War on Islam (tags)


Venezuela Poised to Win Security Council Seat (tags)


UCLA students accused of sexual battery (tags)

Omar Arce, 22, was arrested in April after a female student accused him of sexually assaulting her

Reactiions to Obama's UN Address (tags)


Vice News reporting from besieged Kobane in north Syria (tags)

Vice news reporting from besieged Kobani reports ISIS is terrifyingly close to conquering that bastion of democratic councils

Reactions to Obama's Naked Aggression Against Syria (tags)


Obama Declares Open-Ended Middle East War (tags)


Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Mocking Putin's Good Faith Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)


The Russians Are Coming Big Lies (tags)


Washington Sabotages Russian/Ukrainian Summit (tags)


Kiev's Dirty War (tags)


Blocking Russian Humanitarian Aid (tags)


Egypt's Illegitimate New President (tags)


Mercenary Extremists in Eastern Ukraine (tags)


War Without Mercy Continues (tags)


Obama in Afghanistan (tags)


Irresponsible Syria Bashing (tags)


Kiev Wages War on Free Expression (tags)

police state

Fake Ukrainian National Unity Talks (tags)


Lavrov on Washington's Dirty War (tags)


Putin's Diplomatic Gambit (tags)


US State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)

police state

Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)


Europe Targets Russia Irresponsibly (tags)


Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)


Duplicitous Mideast Peace Talks (tags)


BRICS: Support for Putin (tags)

Brazil, India, China and South Africa protested against Australia's proposal to exclude Putin from the upcoming G20 meeting. China was formally neutral in the vote on the Crimea resolution. India spoke of "legitimate Russian interests."

Obama Sells Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Cheerleading Potential Disaster (tags)


Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Israel Steals Palestinian Resources (tags)


Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Evidence Shows Kiev Putschists Recruited Euromaidan Snipers (tags)


Escalating East/West Tensions (tags)


Can Pope Francis End Forced Celibacy for Preists? (tags)

The recent report from the U.N. implicates the Catholic Church in enabling priests who abuse and sexually molest children to evade the law and consequences. Maybe Pope Francis can help repeal the dictate of forced celibacy in priests by recgnizing their natural human need for sexual relations with another adult human being. It is unnatural and a form of psychological torture to expect a human male to be celibate for their entire practiced profession. The need for sex that is suppressed can emerge in abberant forms like pedophilia.

US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine (tags)


Street Violence in Venezuela (tags)


The Ghost of Ariel Sharon (tags)


Peace Without Occupation (tags)


Hunger in America (tags)


No Breakthrough in Geneva (tags)


Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Sham Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Assad Fears US Aggression (tags)


Syrian Insurgents Battle Each Other (tags)


Global Opposition to Attacking Syria (tags)


Stop Obama's War on Humanity: A Personal Statement (tags)


Obama's Planned Lawless Aggression Based on Lies, Damn Lies and Big Lies (tags)


US State Terror Targets Syria (tags)


Imminent US War on Syria? (tags)


Egypt: Blood in the Streets (tags)


Filipinos in LA join global protest vs China (tags)

LOS ANGELES – On July 24, Filipinos in Los Angeles trooped to the Chinese Consulate offices in Shatto Place in Koreatown to protest the China’s aggression in the heated West Philippine Sea/South China Sea territorial dispute.

Demonstration Will Be Held Outside Costa Rican Consulate in L.A. Demanding Justice for Mur (tags)

Demonstration Will Be Held Outside Costa Rican Consulate in L.A. Demanding Justice for Murdered Sea Turtle Activist Petition With 137,000 Signatures From More Than 150 Nations Delivered to Costa Rica Consulate in Los Angeles

Hardwired Inequality in America (tags)

class war

America: Super-Bully Nation (tags)


US Courts Approve Indefinite Detention and Torture (tags)

police state

Obama's Berlin Moment (tags)


Murder, Inc: Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Russia Catches CIA Spy Red-Handed (tags)


Obama’s Still Shopping for a Grand Bargain (tags)

President Obama’s recent closed-door sessions with Republican congressmen to reach a “grand bargain” has roused suspiciously little attention in the mainstream media. What scant reporting has occurred presents the following narrative: President Obama is a “middle ground” politician attempting to breach political divides with erstwhile Republican opponents. In reality these meetings are not between political opposites, but kindred spirits; perfectly matched ideologies that differ only in implementation, and only by degrees.

Premeditated Aggression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)


Intifada Activism Needed (tags)


Targeting Chavismo (tags)


Solidarity with Villa Amalias Squat , Athens/Greece (tags)

Moscow Talks on Syria (tags)


Israel: Heading for a Political Cliff? (tags)


Palestine UN Vote Postmortems (tags)


Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo War (tags)

The last Congo war that ended in 2003 killed 5.4 million people, the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. The killing was directly enabled by international silence over the issue; the war was ignored and the causes obscured because governments were backing groups involved in the fighting. Now a new Congo war has begun and the silence is, again, deafening.

Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 8 (tags)


Greece: Profile of a Failed State (tags)


Memo: Researchers told to prepare for ALF break-in by making animals "presentable" (tags)

Newspaper obtains scandalous "eco-terrorism alert" memo, researchers call it a "hoax".

Kissing Under The Stars at Chic-Fil-A in Hollywood, California (tags)

Anti-Gay Chicken Franchise gets dressed down at Sunset and Highland. Photo Set 1 of Two

Unresolved Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Economic Policy, the Schwabian Housewife and Francois Hollande (tags)

"What is rational for individuals leads collectively into a cul-de-sac.. The fundamental error is that economic policy believes the crisis can be fought with the logic of a family budget. For that reason, the collapse of the euro zone threatens." France goes a different way than Italy and Spain.

Chicago Militarized for NATO (tags)


Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)

The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.

Terrorizing Palestinians Daily (tags)


Daily Israeli State Terror (tags)


The Great Refusal and The 99 Percent (tags)

The Great Unraveling provokes the Great Refusal (Paul Krugman). The mainstream media pursue their own political goals and only publish what pleases the advertisers. We need information, not indoctrination. Occupy could change the whole culture with a new media emerging.

L.A. council to debate whether to outlaw medical pot stores (tags)

Yes, these folks are evil government tyrants, but I don't think any of them are so bad that they couldn't be fixed with a gun. Of course the tyrants in the People's Republic of California have more or less flushed the 2nd Amendment down the toilet and banned guns in California.

New York Times Bashes Outspoken World Leaders (tags)


Israeli West Bank Annexation Bill (tags)


Data Doctors searchs customers computers for the cop (tags)

From this article it sounds like if you bring your computer to Data Doctors, they are more interested in searching it for the police then helping you fix your computer problems.

John Balian?s ?Novel Approach? Brings the Armenian Saga to the Masses (tags)

Armenians often wish for a tale about the Armenian Genocide and its aftermath that would make a blockbuster film and draw attention to their cause. John Balian?s new book, Gray Wolves and White Doves, may be that tale.

Important New Film “Bag It!” Playing on PBS this Week (tags)

This new documentary is pretty entertaining and well-made, but also very disturbing--and important.

Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Armageddon Scenario in Japan (tags)

nuclear disaster

Right-wing Democrat takes California governor’s office, demands “sacrifice (tags)

The inauguration speech of right-wing Democrat Jerry Brown, in which he callously boasted of the harshness of his austerity budget and demanded “sacrifice,” amounted to a declaration of war by the new governor of California against the state's working population.

Assange should be Person of Year: Time needs a pair (tags)

"Reaction, meanwhile, was swift by readers on Time's website, including Avijit Paul who wrote, "So I guess Time has chickened out by not making Julian Assange as the person of the year. It's a shame when [Assange] was not the top when the biggest chunk of readers say he is." Time reader Tony Castro pondered: "Wasn't Mark Zuckerberg in tenth place? I will spread this injustice like wildfire knocking your readership down to zero."

Important Eric McDavid Update (tags)

Eric's petition for a rehearing en banc has been denied

The persecution of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange (tags)

"The documents obtained by WikiLeaks—only a small fraction of which have been released so far—help expose what is a permanent conspiracy against the democratic rights of the world’s population: from covering up US bombings of civilians in Yemen, to working behind the scenes to obstruct the prosecution of CIA agents guilty of torture, to spying on UN officials in violation of international treaties. Those who are leading the campaign against WikiLeaks are themselves responsible for horrific atrocities. In the face of allegations from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that WikiLeaks had placed lives in danger, Assange gave an appropriate response in an interview with Time magazine. WikiLeaks, he noted, “has never caused an individual … to come to any sort of physical harm or to be wrongly imprisoned and so on. That is a record compared to the organizations that we are trying to expose who have literally been involved in the deaths of hundreds or thousands or, potentially over the course of many years, millions.”

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

Why won't the Pentagon help WikiLeaks redact documents? (tags)

"But yesterday, WikiLeaks the DoD itself released a letter -- dated August 16 (two days before the Newsweek article) -- which makes clear that WikiLeaks did exactly that which DoD officials denied they did: namely, they asked DoD for help redacting these remaining documents. That letter, written by DoD Legal Counsel Jeh Charles Johnson to WikiLeak's counsel, Timothy Matusheski, explicitly recounts -- contrary to the emphatic denials in Newsweek -- that WikiLeaks' lawyer had contacted the Pentagon and requested help in the "harm minimization" process. The DoD, however, is explicitly refusing to offer any help whatsoever."

Palestinian Detainee Abuse During Operation Cast Lead (tags)

clear evidence of Israeli war crimes

Report: Israel, US preparing for war with Iran (tags)

"At the same time, Iran’s Press TV reported that a very large contingent of US ground forces had massed in neighboring Azerbaijan. The independent Azerbaijani news website Trend confirmed the report."

Cinco de Mayo checkpoints / Retenes del 5 de Mayo (5-9/may/2010) (tags)

A little bit early because the forces of repression are coming out early to stomp on Cinco de Mayo revelers. Look for updates later on this week.

Un poco temprano esta semana porque salen temprano también las fuerzas de la represión para pisotear los derechos de los festejantes del 5 de Mayo.

May Day Checkpoints / Retenes del Día de Trabajo (30/apr-1/may/2010) (tags)

Como siempre cuando hay mobilizaciones de obreros y obreras, las fuerzas represivas del estado salen a suprimirlas. Les urgimos mucha precaución en lo que salen manejando, y aunque es necesario manifestar nuestro descontento, lo hay que hacer con cautela, siempre echando un ojo a las agencias del llamado "orden público."

As always when there are workers' mobilizations, the repressive forces of the state come out to supress them. We urge you caution as you drive, and although it is necessary to manifest our discontent, we must do it very carefully and always with an eye on so-called "law enforcement" agencies.

Greenspan and the Guilt of Others (tags)

Before the committee, Greenspan immediately went on the offensive (cf. Creole trick). The irresponsible loans of banks caused the crisis, not the low interest of the Fed. The Fed failed in regulating the banks because its employees were not neutral.

The Shortwave Report 04/02 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.



National Resistance Against the Coup d’Etat Announces Boycott of Elections (tags)

"So what conclusions can we draw from the US State Department visit? Considering the US Embassy’s media contacts list or following the mainstream media, one might be lead to believe that the State Department delegation truly was as historic as Secretary Clinton claimed it was. The walls of Tegucigalpa, though, shout a different message: “Solo el pueblo salva el pueblo,” (Only the people save the people). On the ground, most people never really trusted any of the diplomatic visits in the first place."

Sit-in at CIGNA insurance, 10am Wednesday, 10/28 (tags)

Citizens and health care providers participate in Sit-in, risk arrest at the CIGNA health insurance office in Glendale Sit-in is part of a national mobilization to end insurance abuse and win health care for all; Matt Hendrickson, MD MPH, will risk arrest for health care for all

Support Steve Murphy - Bail Hearing on Wednesday (tags)

Bail hearing on Wednesday, important food update

Defending Abortion Rights (tags)

Los Angeles Clinic Defense against anti-abortion bigots.


Deeply inspired by your promise of “Change We Could Believe In” during the last presidential campaign we would like to reiterate our support to your administration. We believed you would put a stop to the bankrupt policies espoused by your opponent, Senator John McCain and his fellow Republicans. With regard to the Philippines, our country of ancestry, we hoped that the “Change” you were talking about would mean a re-thinking of U.S. support for the administration of incumbent President Gloria Arroyo, whose record of corruption and violation of human rights has now surpassed that of the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos.

AFP in Honduras Hung By Its Own Photograph (tags)


On Wednesday, The Honorable Judge Manuel Real adjourned Alex's bail appeal hearing and ordered that the proceedings be continued Monday, August 17th, 2009

South Side Alderman Decides Not To Pursue Eminent Domain (tags)

City planned to take Latino family land to sell to neighboring business for their 5.7 million expansion

Iranian Blogger killed in prison (tags)

Omid Reza Misayafi Has Died in Prison

Argentinization of the US and Currency War (tags)

"After the great killing of the bison, the basic food of Indians, the great killing of the US dollar, the basic food of today's credit-junkie, could now be imminent.. A deficit amounting to 13% of the GDP is more than four times what was established as the convergence criterion of the European Union."

Hunger Strike Blog (tags)

Blog of teacher/hunger striker working to stop class size increases and teacher layoffs in LAUSD

ANTI - EFCA Group Plants False Story about Senator Feinstein Not Supporting EFCA (tags)

Feinstein Denies Report That She's Fully Opposed To EFCA after The business community trumpeted the news, with the Workforce Fairness Institute blasting the story out to a list of reporters.

Milwaukee Common Council Approves Near South Side Area Plan (tags)

Development plan considered discriminatory towards new immigrants, low-income residents, and Latino businesses along the Historic Mitchell, W. National and W. Lincoln Ave. corridors


LAPD is awarding its highest honor- the Medal of Valor- to 10 SWAT troops who killed 18 month old baby Susie Pena in Watts.

Southside Development Plan In Use Against Minority Business (tags)

District Bids were left out of advisory plan

Latinos Make Plea To State Committee (tags)

More than 198 Latinos want the State Legislative Finance Committee to include license certificates in state budget

L.A. Greens Host FUEL Director Josh Tickell (tags)

Josh Tickell, Director of "FUEL," Sundance Audience Award winning documentary film, and a leading expert on sustainable biofuels, will speak at the Los Angeles Greens March 18, 2009 meeting.

The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace Newest PR Lie about The Employee Free Choice Act (tags)

BEWARE OF UNION-BUSTING LIES about The Employee Free Choice Act by The Coalition for a Democratic Workplace and the Alliance for Worker Freedom (AWF)

Fascist Rule in Israel (tags)

Israel lurches to the right.

Homeowners' rallying cry: Produce the note (tags)

ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. (AP) — Kathy Lovelace lost her job and was about to lose her house, too. But then she made a seemingly simple request of the bank: Show me the original mortgage paperwork. And just like that, the foreclosure proceedings came to a standstill.

Obama Sworn In As The 44th U.S. President (tags)

More than 2 million people attend inaugural event in Washington D.C.

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

critical mass PRIDE (tags)

critical mass PRIDE

Human Rights Activist Recounts Path-Breaking Voyage to Break the Siege of Gaza (tags)

Paul Larudee, co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement, described the elaborate measures taken to certify that the first historic voyage to break the Israeli siege of Gaza was completely harmless, non-violent, and transparent. Speaking to supporters in Sunnyvale, California, he said, “We don’t preach non-violence, we practice it!”

Obama Sweeps Presidential Election (tags)

Barack Obama becomes the first black 44th U.S. President

Sale Of Licenses From Four Mexican States Cancelled (tags)

Casa de Esperanza threatens legal action against Voces de la Frontera

No Compromise Means No Compromise: A Surprise Anti-HLS Tour (tags)

Over a period of thirty days and thirty nights, from mid-August 2008 through mid-September 2008, Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) customers and profiteers across the United States were struck by a surprise anti-HLS tour of the country.

McCain- Palin campaign contradicted by statement & Gov. Palin's top aides duck hearing (tags)

"He's still bragging about it in my hometown and after another cop confessed to witnessing the kill, the trooper was 'investigated' for over a year and merely given a slap on the wrist," the e-mail said, according to the Post. That seems to contradict a background paper recently released by the McCain- Palin campaign that says the family never knew that Wooten had been disciplined, which is one reason Todd kept pressing the point.

9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)

Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Local Magazine, Paper, and Radio Promoting Alleged Scam Against Immigrants (tags)

Banco Amex Internacional is actually a mortgage company, and not a bank

Colombia: Pax Romana (tags)

I have honestly and strongly criticized the objectively cruel methods of kidnapping and retaining prisoners under the conditions of the jungle. But I am not suggesting that anyone laid down their arms, when everyone who did so in the last 50 years did not survive to see peace…

The Shortwave Report 6/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

US Released Footage of Airborne Drone Strike (tags)

The video shows the "anti-Afghan militants" moving to a position identified as inside Pakistan and the impact of a bomb which the voiceover says killed two of them.

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets (tags)

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets

Rep. Ron Paul Stands Alone (defying AIPAC) in Voting Against Gaza Bill (see the latest CNI (tags)

Rep. Ron Paul Stands Alone (defying AIPAC) in Voting Against Gaza Bill


After last week in Burkina Faso, it is Cameroon this week that has witnessed demonstrations and strikes against inflation and the high cost of living; and the bestial repression of these movements of protest.

No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)

The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added

No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)

The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added

Bolivia: Drastic action needed (tags)

In Bolivia, poverty and inequality are on the increase because the government has not been able to implement its National Development Plan. A report drawn up by the Planning Ministry in Bolivia and an arm of the United Nations, the UNFPA, came to the following conclusion: "There is social and economic inequality in the country due to a lack of government policies to bridge the gaps and these inequalities will increase as time passes." The figures say it all. Poverty affects 6 out of 10 Bolivians, while 4 out of 10 live in extreme poverty. The situation is getting worse each year because the annual growth rate of the population is 200,000, but 174,000 of these will live in poverty. While the bourgeoisie plays with hunger strikes to gain so-called Autonomy, some 15,000 children die each year from hunger or hunger related diseases. On the same day that the UN report appeared, it was announced that annual economic growth had fallen from 4.5% in 2006 to 3.8% in 2007. At the same time inflation has risen to 12% mainly due to the rising cost of foodstuffs. Here are two examples. In 6 months a kilo of rice in Santa Cruz had doubled in price from 4 Bolivianos to 8. Gas bottles used for cooking had risen from 25Bs to 50Bs, but it was still hard to find any because most are being exported to Peru where they will sell for up to 125Bs. So business does not worry if Bolivians have no gas to cook with as long as they make a profit.

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's Brothers (tags)

Every day, new revelations emerge in the mounting scandal rocking the Bush Administration and the mercenary company Blackwater Worldwide. Much of the attention focuses on the now infamous shooting spree in Baghdad's Nisour Square on September 16, in which seventeen Iraqi civilians were killed and twenty-four wounded. FBI investigators are now alleging that fourteen were victims of unjustified and unprovoked shooting--some were shot while they were fleeing. Investigators also say they found nothing to substantiate Blackwater's claims of being fired on by Iraqis. This comes a month after a US Army investigation determined there was "no enemy activity involved" and labeled the shootings a "criminal event." But while Blackwater gets hammered in the press, the behind-the-scenes actions of the company's paymaster, the State Department, grow more scandalous by the minute.

Expulsions Dropped for Illinois HS Antiwar Students (tags)

Berwyn, IL 11/13/07: In an abrupt turn-around, School District 201 Superintendent Nowakowski takes expulsions off the table and sends most student protestors back to school tomorrow.

Hidden Oasis Threatened by Development (tags)

A wildlife corridor in Echo Park is threatened by development. On Wednesday, November 14th, there will be a public hearing at City Hall concerning the developer's request for “a Small Lot Subdivision - from 3 into 16 lots and a zone change from R1 to RD6 rezoning.” It will take place in room 1020 at 10:30am. The issue will also be addressed at the Greater Echo Park Neighborhood Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 13th, 7pm at Logan Street School (1711 West Montana).

Focus The Nation: Global Warming Talk at CSULA (tags)

As part of the nationwide "Focus The Nation" effort, which will include over 800 high schools and colleges, Cal State L.A. will begin a series of events on Global Warming with a talk by plant biologist Dr. John Gamon.

Save Internet Radio ! (tags)

On Wednesday morning, the Senate Commerce Committee will meet to hold a hearing on the future of radio in the United States.

Katrina Documentary 'Desert Bayou' Picks Up Political Steam (tags)

Post-Katrina New Orleans documentary Desert Bayou fuels Discussion of Government Failure, Lingering Racial and Socio-Ecomomic Issues. Political commentator and Gore 2000 campaign manager Donna Brazile, along with the ACLU, Appleseed, and The Raben Group to host an advance screening in D.C. on October 24th. Film opens in LA on October 26th with Q&A sessions with director Alex LeMay after 7:30pm showings on the 26th and 27th at Laemmle Sunset 5 theaters.

"Does God Exist?" - Devil's Advocate Debate at CSULA (tags)

Not so much a religious war as a discussion between a former minister who no longer believes in God, and a scientist who argues against a purely materialist view of the universe.

DC pirate radio broadcasts call for Boycott of 2008 "Election" (tags)

On Wednesday, Oct 10, WSQT guerrilla Radio broadcast a call for boycotting the 2008 election. Why? Because elections are a hoax, and US democracy is a lie!

Iraq Occupation - $720 Million Per Day (tags)

hail satan and his servant jesus christ

Blackwater cancels planned expansion (tags)

RALEIGH, N.C. — In more fallout from the Sept. 16 shooting in Baghdad that left 11 Iraqis dead, Blackwater USA apparently has stopped its expansion projects.

Talk at CSULA: "Silence, memory and the Spanish Civil War", August 8 (tags)

Prof. Costa of CSULA will give a presentation on the Spanish Civil War, followed by music by the Xochisoneros.

Los Angeles Moves to Forefront of National Impeachment Movement (tags)

Leaders of the Westside Greens, the Progressive Democrats of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Greens, and the Santa Monica Democratic Club have established the Impeachment Center to provide a facility for phonebanking, letterwriting, and the distribution of lawn signs, bumper stickers and a full range of impeachment action items and related literature.

Tomorrow! Worldwide demonstrations against the terrorist Posada (tags)

The people's mobilization is important to expose not only the U.S. government's hypocrisy of its "war on terror" but its active role in backing the Miami terrorists like Posada for over 45 years. More important than ever is the need for us to raise high the demand of immediate freedom for the Cuban Five Heroes...

The Shortwave Report 4/20/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Politically Motivated and Retaliatory Evictions (tags)

Retaliation by the power brokers against activists results in homelessness

Marches Begin Against Racist "Immigration Raids" (tags)

Protesters peacefully marched downtown to the Federal Building. The group said "No more" to the recent ICE raids and arrests against the Mexican and Central American community.

The Shortwave Report 1/12/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Militant Lawmakers and Opposition Stalwarts Condemns Philippine Arroyo's Puppetry (tags)

President Arroyo’s public admission that her administration buckled before US pressure in the custody dispute over a convicted rapist makes her government an awkward host for an upcoming summit that includes many countries that have defied American might. Militant legislators called President Arroyo’s action as “downright improper, illegal and bordering on treason.” “This is perhaps the most scandalous crime and most unconstitutional act ever committed by Mrs. Arroyo that makes Proclamation 1017, the Calibrated Preemptive Response, Executive Order 464 and the fake people’s initiative pale in comparison,” House Deputy Minority Leader Satur Ocampo said. Ocampo called the President a “serial violator of the Constitution and the rule of law.” “The opportunist that she is, it is farfetched that she will find shame over this scandal and feel the urge to resign,” he said. “Those incensed by her corruption and cheating are now more determined to compel her ouster due to her sellout of Philippine national interests.” Party-list Rep. Crispin Beltran of Anakpawis said Smith’s transfer in exchange for resumption of Balikatan exercises makes Nicole a victim all over again. “Is there anything President Arroyo will not do to secure Washington’s approval? Her approval for the transfer of convicted rapist US Marine Lance Corporal Daniel Smith exposes how low she will go to make sure that she has the support of the US government: she is willing to throw aside Philippine law and ignore severe implications on national sovereignty. For the sake of her government’s one-sided relations with the US, she has abetted the eventual release of a convicted rapist.”

Recruitment Center Closed for Peace (tags)

Thursday, Dec 7th 8 AM - 11:50 AM Signs & Presence for Peace on Colorado Blvd. 12 PM - 1 PM Student Rally on Pasadena City College Campus Meet at Sculpture Garden 12:45 PM Press Conference @ Armed Forces Recruitment Station 1 PM - 8 PM Support Members Engaging in Direct Action And Candlelight Vigil @ Recruitment Center

Why are cops always right? They got guns and badges!! (tags)

Tempe cop Sgt. Chuck Schoville tells us why cops are always right on a Tempe government propaganda TV channel Tempe StreetBeat - “You know why you say I’m right? Because I’ve got a gun and a badge. I’m always right.” Finally the cops admit something most of us know!

Activists Call Out Auto Industry’s Empty Promises at LA Auto Show (tags)

*Watch this video of RAN and Global Exchange activists asking GM CEO Rick Wagoner to sign a pledge to make his company the most fuel efficient by 2010.

Convict them and then fry them the next day!!! (tags)

The good side of this is it will prove the cops never make mistakes, and prosecutors never make mistakes. Hell if Andrew Thomas had his way Ray Krone would have been executed and never had a chance to make the cops look bad when his DNA didn't match the DNA of the murderer.

Saddam Hussein will be found guilty tomorrow and sentenced to die (tags)

Tomorrow an American kangaroo court will find Saddam Hussein guilty and sentence him to death. (Thats not to say Saddam Hussein isn't a corrupt thug, just that he couln't possible get a fair trial from George W. Bush. Of course George W. Hitler couldn't possiblely get a fair trial in Baghdad for murdering thousands of Iraqi citizens in an illegal unconstitutiona war, but that doesn'nt mean George W. Bush isn't a serial murderer)

Iraqi Resistance Kill Over 100 American War Criminals In October (tags)

Iraqi Resistance Report for events of Wednesday, 25 October 2006. Translated and/or compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr, member, editorial board, the Free Arab Voice.

Twenty-eight Palestinians killed this week in OPT (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

Special Political Alert (tags)

Harris and Halpern are on Hillary’s ABC Mickey Mouse Disney Mossad payroll, just like Chris Matthews of MSNBC... It was duly elected US President Albert Gore Jr. that has given the dynamic speeches at the “Daughters of the American Revolution” and at that has fingered Bush for what he is a criminal fascist. Bill Clinton now attacks Al Gore in this ridiculous book written by these two in-the-closet misfits. Accordingly do not be fooled by Bill Clinton’s Fox News stunt. He remains Daddy Bush’s Bitch.

Back Breaking News: Special Emergency Political Alert (tags)

Susan Ralston, former aide to Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove resigned today. She has been subpoenaed to reappear in front of the Fitzgerald Grand Jury vis a vis the Valerie Plame leak case. Interpol Intelligence sources are now reporting that 9-11/Oklahoma City (Murrah Building Bombing) aka Project Bojinka/WMD Plant/Greenberg Taurig/Tyco International and the Florida-Gate 2000 Dots have been connected.

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina (tags)

Another Israeli false-flag "terror" plot is uncovered in Buenos Aires. This is the extreme zionists will go to to manipulate the world into supporting Israel. On a positive note, public awareness of their criminal insanity is growing geometrically

Chevron Fights Proposition 89 (tags)

Big Oil has begun funding the effort to prevent public financing of political campaigns in California.

Using smoke and mirrors to tweak the constitutiona and bill of rights (tags)

Bush administration and its allies in Congress are trying to strip federal courts of their authority to review the detentions of almost all suspected terrorists.

Bush wants a bloodbath in Baghdad (tags)

Increasingly desperate over the deteriorating situation in Iraq, the Bush administration is demanding that the US-installed government in Baghdad support a savage intensification of repression or give way to a dictatorial regime that will.

U.S.-led coalition losing Afghanistan (tags)

Time to "cut and run" - Almost five years after a U.S.-led coalition attacked Afghanistan in response to the 9/11 attacks, experts warn that the country is slipping away.

Prisons, Torture Set to Continue Under Bush Regime (tags)

The Bush administration wants to legalize its crimes of torture, illegal detention, secret prisons, and other human right’s abuses. It is backing Congressional legislation to do so. How can this be stopped?

UPDATE to RED ALERT 9/11/06 (NASA, Ft. Monroe and Houston) (tags)

With time running out on a Bush Administration that is itching for more war in the Middle East and more political control at home, a former Army intelligence and public affairs officer has a vital question for all Americans: Are this week's Al Qaeda news and secretive, suspicious government terror drills a set up for a new 9/11 5th anniversary attack, code-named 9/11-V?

Lieberman’s defeat and the state of American politics (tags)

The response of Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman and the Democratic Party leadership to Lieberman’s defeat in Tuesday’s Democratic primary election says a great deal about the politics of the Democratic Party and the state of American politics as a whole.

Katyusha rockets don't discriminate, but Israel does (tags)

As the world continues to watch Israeli atrocities in Lebanon and the occupied territories (West Bank and Gaza) unfold, it is important to keep in mind the violence that the state is committing within its own borders against its Arab citizens, who remain a minority that is unwanted and unprotected.

Lebanese defense minister: Army will fight ground invasion (tags)

"The Lebanese army - and I stress - the Lebanese army will resist and defend and will prove that it is an army that deserves respect," he said.

What's new about CUBA? (tags)

What's new about CUBA...

How the Mexican Election was Stolen (tags)

When Lopez Obrador addressed the press at 8:30, he condemned "the spectacle of the dance of numbers" and announced that the PRD and its political allies would impugn the election -- he had proof of anomalies in 40,000 polling places (a third of the total)

Audio: Farmers' Press Conference (tags)

Farmers' Press Conference on Wednesday, July 5th at 5:20 p.m.

Government as Hostage (tags)

In the Bundestag, only the leftist party PDS condemned the Israeli action. Wolfgang Gehrcke dedlared it was "an unparalleled act of political terrorism and adventurism" to abduct eight ministers and 20 delegates of a freely elected government.

URGENT: Take Action to Support US Military Officer Refusing Iraq War (tags)

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) 25 - 31 May 2006

FRSC: Interview with John Quigley at the South Central Farm (tags)

John Quigley is one of several people working to protect the South Central Farm in Los Angeles by occupying a large old walnut tree in the farm. On Wednesday night, May 31st, John was the guest of Ms M. on her Free Radio Santa Cruz show, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Listen to the interview for background information on the South Central Farm and the latest news in the struggle to save the farm. (22:05 minutes / 10.2 MB)



Until the Farm Is Secure (tags)

On living with Julia, John, Joan, and now Daryl

Weekly Summary of Israeli War Crimes (tags)

Strong community support at the farm (tags)

On Wednesday, May 24, over 200 people were at the Farm at Alameda and 41 Street to show their support to the farmers of the South Central Farm. When I got there at 8:30 PM, I couldn’t see any Police at all, but there were farmer vigilantes with walkie talkies at the 4 corners, some listening to

SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)

Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.

We Are America Alliance (tags)

Newly-Forming "We Are America Alliance" Announces Next Steps to Stop HR 4437 and Press for Real Comprehensive Immigration Reform

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · IOF shot dead a Palestinian woman the West Bank and extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip. · Two Palestinians were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Bethlehem. · 17 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were wounded by IOF gunfire. ·

May 1: Zapatistas/ La Otra 2 March on US Embassy in Solidarity with Migrants (tags)

"It was there that Marcos decided to drop an information bomb on two governmental powers: the Mexican federal government and 'the Yankee Embassy' of Washington and Wall Street:

CYNTHIA MCKINNEY: A Tale of Two Members of Congress & the Police – by Jeffrey Blankfort (tags)

The Democrat Party leadership was overjoyed when McKinney was defeated for re-election in 2002. After she had served five terms, AIPAC decided to make an example of her for having criticized Israel's treatment of the Palestinians. ...The Democrats were, in turn, mortified two years later when, without their help, the plucky McKinney ran and was re-elected to her seat. ...To show the party's displeasure, McKinney was denied the return of her seniority by a tight-lipped Nancy Pelosi, the San Francisco congresswoman who serves as the Democrats' minority House whip. ...McKinney, of course, is African-American, and one of the few members of the Congressional Black Caucus who has not been cowed into submission by the Democratic Party and the only one who has refused to genuflect to the Israel lobby. ...To make matters worse – for McKinney, not for the pursuit of truth and justice – she has refused to accept the official Bush administration explanation of the events of 9-11.

LA Greens Earth Day Speakers -Run Your Car on Biofuels, A19 (tags)

On Wednesday, April 19th, Los Angeles is invited to come learn how to run cars on alternative fuels and peek at cars with “Wessonality”… vegetable-oil-powered automobiles. Hosted by the Los Angeles Greens.


A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive!

One of Thousands of Crimes Against Humanity in Occupied Palestine (tags)

IOF killed two Palestinians. On Saturday, 17 December 2005, IOF shot dead a Palestinian civilian in the Gaza Strip as he attempted together with another civilian to enter Israel to search for jobs. On Wednesday, 21 December 2005, IOF extra-judicially executed a Palestinian in Jenin.

ITALIA Venaus - People win back the valley (tags)

On Wednesday night the Venaus post was cleared by the police. Between 3 and 4 a.m. the cops violently rushed against the demonstrators who were blocking the opening of the TAV yard. Several people have been injured, some of them have been bloodily hit.


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights


Anti-access legislation in Washington to be considered this week WITHOUT input from access community!

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

On Monday, Allan Espiritu , a longtime Oxnard resident and a man of deep religious faith, was killed by an improvised explosive device in Iraq.

Day of Remembrance (tags)

Day of Remembrance honors the transgender men and women who were murdered because of their "T". DOR is to say "NO!" to the "transpanic" defense, which allows murderers to blame their victims.

Call In Days to Stop the Budget Cuts (tags)

Use the toll free numbers to reach your Representatives 1-800-818-6641 or 1-800-828-0498 No tax cuts for the rich! Tell your Representatives that all Housing Programs must be fully funded and that you oppose budget cuts to SSI, Foster Care, Food Stamps

WED. 10/26: Events Marking 2,000 US Deaths in Iraq - LA and Orange County List (tags)

Call to Action: 2,000 Deaths Too Many! Community actions on Wednesday, October 26th U.S. 2,000 Deaths in Iraq! Called by: Peace No War Network, American Friends Service Committee, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out Nation-wide actions to mark the 2,000th U.S. soldier's death in Iraq by organizing actions on Wednesday, October 26th, that make visible their deaths and those of Iraqis who have died in this senseless war.

Bolivarian revolution takes steps against capitalism expropiating factories-landed states (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

British soldiers in terrorist attack? What is going on in Iraq? (tags)

"The article below points to the great likelihood that many of the bombings against civilians being blamed on the “terrorists” are actually the work of psychological warfare “specialists.” This comes as no surprise. After all that has transpired, is it not clear that this administration and the neocon cabal which drives it shares not one thread of the human decency so evident in DC today? We have no choice but to stop them."



People of the Dome (tags)

The U.S. Government had intentionally kept water and food from desperate people in New Orleans

While Bush prevaricates, Venezuela offers help to US poor (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Bush as God's Warrior (tags)

"The religious fundamentalist gave the American superpower's mission character to the megalomaniac worldview. its soldiers bring freedom everywhere as the gift of the almighty God, not as America's gift.."

Diverse Anti-Racist Coalition Confronts, Disrupts the MinuteMen in California (tags)

The California MinuteMen started their operations in Campo, California, one hour east of San Diego on July 16th. They were confronted, disrupted and chased away by a diverse coalition of organizations from San Diego, Los Angeles, Mexico, Portland and many other cities. The Anti-MinuteMen, No Border Camp continues and actions will continue day and night until the MinuteMen leave Campo. On Sunday night the corporate media reported that the MinuteMen had given up after only one day, but later corrected that statement. On Wednesday, the 2nd Virtual Sit-In against the MinuteMen begins. [Read more, complete action summary]

Reports: 150 March in Support of Human Rights | Snipers at campo protest | Physical Borders, psychological divisions | LA indymedia - Report from Campo - Anti-MM action | Minutemen Leave After Clash With Protesters | Original Campo sdimc feature

Photos: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Audio: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Sonic Attacks Disrupt Border Vigilante Patrol

Video: 1 | 2 | Minutemen Threaten to Shoot Protesters

Five US Marines Killed In Suicide Car Bombing In Fallujah (tags)

A short article about recent car bombings in Iraq.

Update on Self-Help Graphics protests & mass meetings (tags)

the following was pulled from Mark Vallen's weblog, an artist who has been covering that story and more.......

Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield sends me a message about Theresa Dang (tags)

After ignoring me for days, the Garden Grove Police Department had now decided they wanted to talk. Wanna bet something printed in The Los Angeles Times over the weekend spurred their newfound interest in communicating with me?

Local Sailor Killed in Iraq (tags)

A corpsman with a Marine patrol, Baez was killed by small- arms fire, said Navy spokeswoman on Friday. He had served 10 years in the Navy after serving four years in the Marine Corps.


CONTROVERSIAL VENICE BEACH “FREE EXPRESSION” LOTTERY REVIEW - On Wednesday, June 15 L.A. City Recreation & Parks Commissioners will get a chance to look back (in anger?) at the past 90 days of botched management by Cindy Miscikowski's office, Venice Recreation & Parks, the City Attorney's Office, and LAPD beach patrol

The People Went To The DA To Demand Justice (tags)

On Wednesday, June 1st, the people went to the DA's office to voice community demands.

D.A. Protest: Press Conference (tags)

The following video is the press conference given by the May 25th defense committee in response to the Garden Grove Arrests.

April 13: International Day of Action to Stop Caterpillar (tags)

Human rights groups to demand investigation of Israeli war crimes at Caterpillar's Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 13 - Simultaneous protests scheduled for dozens of cities around the world.

Even U.S. Corporations Like Canada's National Health Plan (tags)

Even as they lobby in Washington against any move towards socializing the health care system, U.S. companies are shifting production to Canada where they don’t have the cost of paying for employee health care, and once there, they are joining Canadian firms in calling for better funding for health care and more extensive services. What’s going on here?

MALDEF Ignored in Texas (tags)

Why are the Rich Districts Helping the State Rush to Appeal the School Funding Case?

Protest against Donovan Jackson verdict in Inglewood (tags)

Should cops beat up minority teens and become millionaires? Say no, by protesting the verdict at Inglewood City Hall

$9.11 IRAQ WITHDRAWAL! (tags)

(a messaged cash-flow boycott to bring all U.S. soldiers home from the illegal war on Iraq

Ohio Election Fraud Reports Mounting (tags)

author: Steve Rosenfeld, Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman The bitter battle over the stolen November 2 election in Ohio has turned into a rapidly escalating all-out multi-front war with the outcome of the real presidential vote count increasingly in doubt.

S. KOREA. 11.29/Last Week's Struggle Report (tags)

Now since exactly 381 days in sit-in strike on Myeong-dong cathedral’s compound, downtown Seoul, migrant workers are always in the first front line of the class struggle.

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..

S. KOREA. 11.08/Last Week's Struggle Report... (tags) Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective (MSSC), now since 358 days in strike against mass arrestings and deportation of migrant workers.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Netherlands, and Cuba.

S. KOREA. 9.27/Last week's struggle report... (tags) MSSC (Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective, now since 317 days in sit-in strike downtown Seoul)

Weekly Report On Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Territories (tags)

This week was the bloodiest week in the last two months, as 24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops. The difference between the suicide bomber and soldier(s) killing civilian population including children, is the IDF uniform and the US tax dollar in foreign aid .

S. KOREA. MSSC's Weekly Struggle Report (tags)

Now since more than 300 days migrant workers (MSSC/Myeong-dong Sit-in Struggle Collective) in S. Korea are in sit-in strike to get legalization, human and labor rights.

A Roadmap Of Recent Events (tags)

Rothschild Targets Putin & Bush-Cheney

August 29 Could Be a Very Slow Day, So Bring a Toothbrush (tags)

New York Cops Tax Forever to Write Up a Ticket, and Things Could Get Even Slower if They Decide to Go on Strike August 29

S. Korea, Migrant Workers... (tags)

...struggle, now the 245th day, continues. Latest report

June 24 04: Civil Liberties and Immigrant Rights News Updates (tags)

Last two weeks had been one of the dark moments in US civil liberties and immigrant rights, U.S. conducted several horrible raids against immigrants across the California, arrested and deported many people. Meanwhile, in Washington, DC, the House passed the so-called "Intelligence Bill". Lee Siu Hin National Immigrant Solidarity Network Peace No War Network United Students Against Sweatshops


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

War costs to Pentagon approach $5 billion a month (tags)

Senior members of Congress, including some Republicans, urged the administration to detail war costs before the election, arguing it appeared that the military was running out of funds.

Stop Baphomet - Stop Corporate Onslaught (tags)

Five important dates not to be forgotten. Time is money(for them) - stop the corporate onslaught. Electronic warfare against the criminal banking cartel - stop the corporate onslaught. On Thursday 22nd of April, on Wednesday 28th of April, on Tuesday 4th of May, on Wednesday 12th of May and on Tuesday 18th of May.

Today in Palestine the 31st of march (tags)


Lebanese student protesters clash with police over Syrian army presence (tags)

BEIRUT - Lebanese students clashed Friday with security forces during protests against Syria's military presence in their country which their hero, exiled general Michel Aoun, tried but failed to end 15 years ago.


Attorneys for Kevin Cooper report that an ex-reporter told them that an ex-SBSD deputy said that he and others were ordered to plant evidence in this case.

Drug Shoppers to be tracked by database (tags)

Rush Limbaugh isn't the only doctor shopper -- a Florida truck driver (political affiliation not given) was arrested for drug shopping in December. It's a problem so pervasive that the state legislature is considering a multi-million dollar prescription tracking database.

Pill woes land Limbaugh in Capitol debate (tags)

Jim McDonough, The director of Govnernor Jeb Bush's Office of Drug Control Policy, claimed that "the pharmacist in that (Limbaugh) case is a pharmacist who is no longer licensed" and that he sold Limbaugh and others thousands of pills "essentially out of the trunk of his car"

U.S. Helicopter shot down in Iraq, 9 Killed (tags)

Iraqi guerillas shot down a U.S. Black Hawk helicopter on Thursday in Fallujah, killing the 9 U.S. occupation troops aboard. On Wednesday anti-occupation guerillas fired mortars at a U.S. military base near Baghdad... killing one occupation soldier and wounding 33 others. Meanwhile... The New York Times reports that the bu$h regime has quietly withdraws it's "Joint Captured Materiel Exploitation Group" after finding NO WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION in Iraq!!!! (photo - REUTERS/Alexander Demianchuk)

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians

Iranian Quake Relief Update & more (tags)


Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 27th Updates (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Communique 2.Iraqi Resistance Report for events from Monday 22 December through Wednesday, 24 December 2003. 3.Boycott Coca- Cola.. Buy Quibla Cola 4.Appeal to UN/ Solidarity with the Fedayeen Attacks Sent to the Iraq Resistance Solidarity Network 5.German Stand with Efforts to Fund the Iraqi Resistance!!! 6. Resistance Committee in France Stand with the People of Iraq Against Occupation! 7.In Defense of the Intifada: Discussion in the Real Objectives of the International Solidarity Movement

G8 2004:War in Savannah? (tags)

$9.6 million for police overtime and ominous equipment like crowd-control fences, water cannons, bean-bag rifles and riot shields.

Amazing FTAA Article on (tags)

This article is now on the front page of It accurately descrbes the massive illegal police operation in Miami during the protests against the FTAA and the continued loss of our civil liberties and first amendment rights.

Resistance in Occupied Miami (tags)


Run for Freedom Prisoners of Conscience (tags)

Close the SOA and remember the Prisoners Of Conscience! Jim Toren and Jon Blickenstaff from FootPrints For Peace are leading the way to Ft. Benning to honor those who have volunteered to go to prison in order to bring public awareness to the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" formerly known as the "School Of Americas".

Israel's Chief of Staff Denounces Policies Against Palestinians (tags)

In the northern West Bank, Israeli troops shot and killed a 12-year-old Palestinian boy on Wednesday night during a confrontation in Nablus, Palestinian residents said. The military said troops fired when Palestinians began throwing rocks and firebombs at soldiers on patrol.

Israel's Chief of Staff Denounces Policies Against Palestinians (tags)

"In the northern West Bank, Israeli troops shot and killed a 12-year-old Palestinian boy on Wednesday night during a confrontation in Nablus, Palestinian residents said."

Intentionally Firing Into the Palestinian Crowds of People (tags)

WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE between the TERRORISM of suicide bombers and IDF/IOF firing at Palestinian Civilians ( including children) on purpose? ANSWER: The Uniform and the US Tax Dollars That Fund It

Sherman Austin: Counterpunch Article (tags)

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey The Case of Sherman Martin Austin By MERLIN CHOWKWANYUN

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey (tags)

A Strange and Tragic Legal Journey The Case of Sherman Martin Austin By MERLIN CHOWKWANYUN

More women accuse Governor Groper of sexual battery (tags)

Meanwhile, a new accusation surfaced from Escobar, a 41-year-old Los Angeles wife and mother and a waitress at a restaurant in the Fairmont Miramar hotel in Santa Monica. In an interview with The Times, she said Schwarzenegger had threatened to assault her when she was a teenager in the late 1970s.

Kleptocratic States of America (tags)

"Cronyism is an important factor in the Iraqi debacle. It's not just that reconstruction is much more expensive than it should be. The really important thing is that cronyism is warping policy: By treating contracts as prizes to be handed to their friends, administration officials are delaying Iraq's recovery, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

RIP Edward Said (tags)

The world is all the more emptier with the passing of Edward Said on Wednesday evening.

Man Claims Role in SUV Firebombings, Says Josh Connole is Innocent (tags)

Man Claims Role in SUV Firebombings A self-described member of the Earth Liberation Front says he took part in Hummer vandalism

Hate Attack on Black Student in Murrieta (tags)

Sam Farr got beat up at school by two white students because he's black. The Deep South? South Central LA? No, Murrieta Valley High School.

Annan sees World Order in Crisis (tags)

"The United Nations was forced to an outsider role by the Iraq war, Annan grieved. `What are the rules when we consider allowing preventive strikes or wars? Who makes the decision? Was Iraq only an exception or is it a precedent?'"

WED. AUGUST 6th KPFK/PACIFICA Hiroshima Special (tags)

Special Pacifica Radio Archives National Broadcast Marks 58th Anniversary of Bombing of Hiroshima Live Recording of New Radio Adaptation of John Hersey's Hiroshima at 2 PM on August 6th on KPFK Starring Tyne Daly, Ruby Dee and Roscoe Lee Brown

Capitalist Gangsters to Buy Russia (tags)

"In Russia, this is the equivalent of Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch coming to the defense of Bill Gates and Microsoft during the U.S. anti-trust trial in the 1990s."

From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 Cities to Protest or Celebrate Court Decision (tags)

THE U.S.A. WAITS WHILE CANADA CELEBRATES: From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 U.S. Cities to Protest or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Rights

Community Says WPFW LAB Gots Ta GO!!! (tags)

Furious over the firing of interim General Manager Tony Regusters, members of the WPFW community converged on the LAB meeting to demand justice. However, LAB asserts they had no influence in the firing.

Civil Liberties and the Real World (tags)

Perhaps in their haste to champion individual freedoms (regardless of consequence), libertarians have forgotten that the Constitution begins; "We the people..."

Airwaves abuzz with Hollywood blacklist; no secrets this time (tags)

"Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins, whose anti-war comments got a Baseball Hall of Fame event in honor of Bull Durham's 15th anniversary canceled. And please don't forget the Dixie Chicks. All of a sudden, making contrary or outre political comments isn't only not OK, it's a punishable offense."


On Wednesday April 30, 2003, hundreds of Iraqi demonstrators marched in the streets in Fallujah to protest against U.S. troops having killed 13 protestors the previous day at Fallujah's primary school. Up to 75 were wounded in the Tuesday assault.

Iraq "war" to last "3-5 years" (tags)

It ain't over yet, and even when it ends, it still won't be over ( see )

JUSTICE FOR GONZALO MARTINEZ (story and photos) (tags)

On Wednesday, April 16th, friends and family members of Gonzalo Martinez, the family attorney, representatives from the ACLU, October 22nd and anti-police brutality activists comprised a delegation to District Attorney Steve Cooley's offices to demand indictments of the Downey police responsible for shooting Gonzalo Martinez on the night of February 15, 2002.

Statement from Spokesperson for family of Injured Iraqi boy (tags)

Akbal Fithyab (Um Haider), the mother of Mostafa the 8-year-old Iraqi boy here in Los Angeles for medical care, wishes to thank those who have provided support and expressed interest in their story since their arrival. Both mother and son are resting from their travel and ask that no one disturb them for a few days.

Reports of airport assault premature (tags)



MORE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST COME TO LIGHT AMONG DEFENSE POLICY BOARD MEMBERS. A forthcoming report from the Center for Public Integrity, points out that board member and former CIA chief James Woolsey, is a senior executive at consultancy Booz Allen Hamilton Inc., which received $688 million in Pentagon contracts in 2002.

Jello Biafra!?!?!?! (tags)

Jello Biafra on Wednesday

Serbian puppet knocked out (tags)

Djindjic in Belgrade killed: Serbia Prime Minister shot. State of emergency imposed. Germany's important man on the Balkans dead. On Wednesday the Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Djindjic died into Belgrade with the second attempt within few weeks.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 2/21/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Russia, Netherlands, China, Germany, Spain, and Cuba .

Hour of Resistance: L.A. School Walkouts (tags)


Resistance Stiffens in Antwerp (tags)

‘Belgians should not be disturbed if they see Apache helicopters flying overhead this weekend,’ said [Defence] Minister [André] Flahaut. The Belgians are indeed disturbed, Mr Minister, and angry as well.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 1/24/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Germany, Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia, and Cuba.

Human Rights Activist Jennifer Harbury appeals for help (tags)

Retaliation in Guatemala: My Family is Under Attack by JENNIFER HARBURY As you read this I am heading for Guatemala. My family has been attacked there. We urgently need as many calls as you and your friends can possibly make to the Guatemalan embassy this week, starting Monday morning.

Anti-war Demo at Chapman University on Wednesday (tags)

On Wednesday, November 20th, an anti-war demonstration will take place at Chapman University

Up Against the Cops in Cabrini Green (tags)


Boy Scouts of America - Hitler Youth revisited? (tags)

"First they came for the trade unionists ..."

Mass Psychosis Strikes Nation - Congress feared effected (tags)

Weimar Syndrome was first detected here in the U.S. in the winter of 2000 when it was discovered that a growing number of citizens were under the mistaken impression that a little known governor from the state of Texas was actually the president of the United States

Pro-Democracy for China Rally O9 (tags)

Rally for Human Rights; Democracy; protesting Bush summit with Chinese dictator

'Steamed At China' Pro-Democracy Rally O9 (tags)

'Steamed At China' Pro-Democracy Rally Oct. 9 in Washington

Medical Marijuana Protest in Sacramento on Monday (tags)

Thousands of patients, caregivers, students and concerned citizens will march to the state capital this Monday, Sept 23 to decry the Ashcroft Justice Department’s accelerated war on state approved and licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in California which serve mostly terminally ill patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other ailments.


I am writing this early Tuesday morning (Sept.17) right after visiting the MOVE home on Kingsessing Ave. in West Philadelphia. I spoke with three MOVE members keeping watch at the front gate of their home while the rest of the family was inside trying to get some rest. The situation is very tense right now and MOVE must be on 24 hour watch. The windows of their house (facing the street) are boarded up in preparation for a police assault.

LA IMC TV 9.11 (tags)

The LA IMC TV collective's second show, featuring the documentary short "9.11", will be on public access cable TV on Wednesday, September 11. It will be on AT&T channel 43 at 5:00pm. It will be on Adelphia Channel 77 at 6:30pm.

Houses demolished in Tijuana (tags)

On Wednesday, August 7th, the city of Tijuana bulldozed the houses of the community of "Cerro Maravilla, Puerto al Futuro" (Magnificent Hill, Door to the Future). I have been with them 24/7, both at city hall and on their land, and seen first-hand the destruction wrought by the demolition. Below is an account of the past week's events, as well as a few still photos I grabbed from the video I shot.

Houses Demolished in Tijuana's Cerro Maravilla Community (tags)

The city government of Tijuana has demolished the 250 houses that make up the working class community of Cerro Maravilla, Puerto al Futuro (Magnificent Hill, Door to the Future).

Call for Humanitarian Aid for Tijuana's Cerro Maravilla Community (tags)

A call for humanitarian aid for a community in Tijuana that has had its homes bulldozed by the city government.

Aid agencies condemn Israel (tags)

More than 30 international aid agencies working in the West Bank and Gaza Strip have accused Israel of obstructing their operations to the point that they can no longer fulfil their mandates.

US Peacewalkers Arrive in Baghdad Amidst Bombings (tags)


Bolivar in Argentina (tags)

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (Reuters) - Protesters blocked highways, while many teachers and state workers stayed home on Wednesday as Argentina's third-largest union led a 24-hour strike in the latest protest over President Eduardo Duhalde's handling of a devastating four-year recession.

UNION BUSTING! In the Fund for Public Interest (tags)

One of the largest progressive non profits in the nation, is attempting to silence workers who tried to oganize a labor union!

EU-Summit Brussels - Repression takes Promising Start : 50 arrested judicially ! (tags)

Reposting from Indymedia UK

latest on antiwar teen katie sierra (tags)

Update on the case for 12-6-01. Click on link below for all links to stories about Katie Sierra

Robert Fisk: War Disturbs Most Dangerous Political Tectonic Plate in the World (tags)

The great unasked question: "The most powerful military force on earth has now begun its bombardment of the world's poorest, most ravaged Muslim nation. And no matter how many loaves of bread are dropped with our bombs, will there be a Muslim who will approve?"

U.S. propaganda attempts to justify military aid to Colombian terror state (tags)

Once again, the shameful U.S. propaganda newspaper the NY Times lies and attempts to deceive people with its disgusting news coverage. "Plan Colombia" is $7.5 billion mostly in military aid. It is well known that the Colombian military works hand in glove with the paramilitaries.

Amy Goodman and Edwin Johnston on Building Bridges over (tags)

On Wednesday, August 29th from 8-9 pm est Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report (In Exile) will broadcast a special one hour program on the crisis at WBAI and Pacifica

Guatemala Tax Protests Turn Violent, 83 Arrested (tags)

Guatemalan business men march during a national one-day work stoppage in Guatemala City August 1, 2001. Thousands of banner-waving students, workers and business leaders marched throughout Guatemala (Jorge Silva/Reuters)

Seeking Change in Genoa (tags)

G-8 nations have pledged to address poverty, disease and debt reform at this weekend’s meetings, but activists and campaigners don’t believe the G-8 has what it takes to make real change.

Virtual Sit-In for Vieques, Wed. June 13th! (tags)

On Wednesday, June 13th, 2001, beginning at 9am EST and continuing for 24 hours, join the Virtual Sit-In for Vieques at

Cruise,Travota analyse this. (tags)

Some explaining to

CNN Headline News: Give Them 30 Minutes and They'll Obscure the World... (tags)

Did anyone keep an eye on CNN Headline News during the DNC? I thought it was interesting what they chose to cover...

Minneapolis Council takes action on ISAG protest (tags)

Public Hearing held on police tactics at ISAG conference held July 24-26. Resolution to follow.

Wed Aug 16th MARCH FOR JUSTICE (tags)

On Wednesday, August 16, people from all walks of life will unite in a powerful and diverse Festival of Resistance/Dia de Resistencia against rampant police brutality, mass incarceration, and the death penalty, and against repression of dissidents and freedom fighters locked in prison. We call on all those under the gun of this repression, and all those who seek justice, to join an organized, spirited expression of our freedom of speech,

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